how can the world’s richest country let children go hungry?


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
Dec 25, 2011 11:50am by karen todd in

6 tricks corporate elites use to hoard all the wealth-
and they are doing a fine job of not only this....but are running a campaign for your mind as well- which ends up stealing and turning your heart not against them- but against the very poor people their creative ponzi scheme business model is generating----
as the con continues- more people now especially those recently made poor- people who thought that this would- could NEVER happen to them!!! are seeing that the american dream only works for the few at the top- it was their dream - as more and more americans find themselves homeless- jobless with nowhere to turn now- to remedy their plight....well we face obstacles all of the time throughout life - this one is an ever growing hurdle- lets hope that knowledge of why these things are- the way that they are- gets out there- that creative minds can indeed flip this b*tch - and keep this from ever happening again-

How Can the World's Richest Country Let Children Go Hungry? 6 Tricks Corporate Elites Use to Hoard All the Wealth

“Squeezed by rising living costs, a record number of Americans, nearly 1 in 2, have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income."

“In 2010, 17.2 million households, 14.5 percent of households (approximately one in seven), were food insecure, the highest number ever recorded in the

What’s going on here? Aren't we the richest country on earth?

Day in and day out we are told that if the government doesn’t tighten its belt, we’re all headed for debtor’s prison. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are under attack. State budgets are in disarray. Teachers and firemen are getting canned. Public services are slashed. This is the new America and we'd better get used to it, the pundits proclaim. You would think we were a poor country.

But we’re not. We’re filthy rich, but the money is hidden away by the 1 percent while poverty rises all around. Here’s why.

1. Productivity continues to rise but the 99 percent doesn’t share in the benefits.

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Yet everyday in this country, another financially disadvantaged person becomes self made.

Go figure.
Here's the thing I don't understand: The "1 percent" have only 1 percent of the vote. So my question would be, if you're the 99%, why is there a republican house majority? Kinda seems like you've done this to yourselves....
Here's the thing I don't understand: The "1 percent" have only 1 percent of the vote. So my question would be, if you're the 99%, why is there a republican house majority? Kinda seems like you've done this to yourselves....

That's the wrong way of looking at it. It's not like the dems have done any better for the 99%. The problem is the 99% don't care enough to force their representatives and senators to act on their behalf. They're content with complaining about it at political rallies while they otherwise drown their sorrows in their distractions that keep them pacified, namely television, video games, and anything that they need to keep up with the Joneses.
The problem is the 99% don't care enough

actually most of the 99% realize that putting even more people on welfare, as simple minded liberals would do, only causes more poverty. You have a very nice bleeding heart though and I'm sure you feel morally superior as a result! Enjoy yourself!
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how can the world’s richest country let children go hungry?

Huh?...After nearly 50 years of LBJ's idiotic Great Society, the War on Poverty, AFDC, WIC, food stamps, well in excess of $5 trillion of expropriation and distribution, and the chiiiillllldrrreeeennnnn are still starving?

Is this supposed to point to the success of the socialistic welfare state?
I can only ask; What have you done for the homeless and/or hungry?

I know what I have done, and I'm not bitching about the Government not doing enough. Again what have you, as an individual done?
Here's the thing I don't understand: The "1 percent" have only 1 percent of the vote. So my question would be, if you're the 99%, why is there a republican house majority? Kinda seems like you've done this to yourselves....

Because your fantasy that 99% of the people will buy your stupid, transparent, communist propaganda bullshit has not, and never will come true.
how can the world’s richest country let children go hungry?

Huh?...After nearly 50 years of LBJ's idiotic Great Society, the War on Poverty, AFDC, WIC, food stamps, well in excess of $5 trillion of expropriation and distribution, and the chiiiillllldrrreeeennnnn are still starving?

Is this supposed to point to the success of the socialistic welfare state?

How can the poorest people in the world continue to have children they can't feed, in spite of our willingness to pay for their birth control????
Here's the thing I don't understand: The "1 percent" have only 1 percent of the vote. So my question would be, if you're the 99%, why is there a republican house majority? Kinda seems like you've done this to yourselves....

Their financial clout has a lot more influence than our measily little votes.
Here's the thing I don't understand: The "1 percent" have only 1 percent of the vote. So my question would be, if you're the 99%, why is there a republican house majority? Kinda seems like you've done this to yourselves....

Because your fantasy that 99% of the people will buy your stupid, transparent, communist propaganda bullshit has not, and never will come true. least not without the gulags.
Here's the thing I don't understand: The "1 percent" have only 1 percent of the vote. So my question would be, if you're the 99%, why is there a republican house majority? Kinda seems like you've done this to yourselves....

Their financial clout has a lot more influence than our measily little votes.

that would mean that a majority doesn't vote for more and more idiotic welfare programs, when in reality they do and so the programs keep growing while the need to work shrinks. Soon enough we will have a soviet standard of living that the liberals will be so proud of.
Here's the thing I don't understand: The "1 percent" have only 1 percent of the vote. So my question would be, if you're the 99%, why is there a republican house majority? Kinda seems like you've done this to yourselves....

That's the wrong way of looking at it. It's not like the dems have done any better for the 99%. The problem is the 99% don't care enough to force their representatives and senators to act on their behalf. They're content with complaining about it at political rallies while they otherwise drown their sorrows in their distractions that keep them pacified, namely television, video games, and anything that they need to keep up with the Joneses.

Yes and no.

They've been slowly lulled into this belief that they are all millionaires, deferred..

Only one Lotto away.

But some are waking up.
Here's the thing I don't understand: The "1 percent" have only 1 percent of the vote. So my question would be, if you're the 99%, why is there a republican house majority? Kinda seems like you've done this to yourselves....

Their financial clout has a lot more influence than our measily little votes.

that would mean that a majority doesn't vote for more and more idiotic welfare programs, when in reality they do and so the programs keep growing while the need to work shrinks. Soon enough we will have a soviet standard of living that the liberals will be so proud of.

Except that is not what is happening.
Dec 25, 2011 11:50am by karen todd in

6 tricks corporate elites use to hoard all the wealth-
and they are doing a fine job of not only this....but are running a campaign for your mind as well- which ends up stealing and turning your heart not against them- but against the very poor people their creative ponzi scheme business model is generating----
as the con continues- more people now especially those recently made poor- people who thought that this would- could NEVER happen to them!!! are seeing that the american dream only works for the few at the top- it was their dream - as more and more americans find themselves homeless- jobless with nowhere to turn now- to remedy their plight....well we face obstacles all of the time throughout life - this one is an ever growing hurdle- lets hope that knowledge of why these things are- the way that they are- gets out there- that creative minds can indeed flip this b*tch - and keep this from ever happening again-

How Can the World's Richest Country Let Children Go Hungry? 6 Tricks Corporate Elites Use to Hoard All the Wealth

“Squeezed by rising living costs, a record number of Americans, nearly 1 in 2, have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income."

“In 2010, 17.2 million households, 14.5 percent of households (approximately one in seven), were food insecure, the highest number ever recorded in the

What’s going on here? Aren't we the richest country on earth?

Day in and day out we are told that if the government doesn’t tighten its belt, we’re all headed for debtor’s prison. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are under attack. State budgets are in disarray. Teachers and firemen are getting canned. Public services are slashed. This is the new America and we'd better get used to it, the pundits proclaim. You would think we were a poor country.

But we’re not. We’re filthy rich, but the money is hidden away by the 1 percent while poverty rises all around. Here’s why.

1. Productivity continues to rise but the 99 percent doesn’t share in the benefits.

read more
You're blaming the wrong people. It's not the rich who want to keep people poor and make more of them (poor people aren't very good customers...they don't have a lot of money to buy products and services).

It's Democrats who have a vested interest in keeping people poor and dependent on government, so they vote for Democrats who callously tell the poor they'll make their lives better, but do nothing to actually improve their situations.

Dec 25, 2011 11:50am by karen todd in

6 tricks corporate elites use to hoard all the wealth-
and they are doing a fine job of not only this....but are running a campaign for your mind as well- which ends up stealing and turning your heart not against them- but against the very poor people their creative ponzi scheme business model is generating----
as the con continues- more people now especially those recently made poor- people who thought that this would- could NEVER happen to them!!! are seeing that the american dream only works for the few at the top- it was their dream - as more and more americans find themselves homeless- jobless with nowhere to turn now- to remedy their plight....well we face obstacles all of the time throughout life - this one is an ever growing hurdle- lets hope that knowledge of why these things are- the way that they are- gets out there- that creative minds can indeed flip this b*tch - and keep this from ever happening again-

How Can the World's Richest Country Let Children Go Hungry? 6 Tricks Corporate Elites Use to Hoard All the Wealth

“Squeezed by rising living costs, a record number of Americans, nearly 1 in 2, have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income."

“In 2010, 17.2 million households, 14.5 percent of households (approximately one in seven), were food insecure, the highest number ever recorded in the

What’s going on here? Aren't we the richest country on earth?

Day in and day out we are told that if the government doesn’t tighten its belt, we’re all headed for debtor’s prison. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are under attack. State budgets are in disarray. Teachers and firemen are getting canned. Public services are slashed. This is the new America and we'd better get used to it, the pundits proclaim. You would think we were a poor country.

But we’re not. We’re filthy rich, but the money is hidden away by the 1 percent while poverty rises all around. Here’s why.

1. Productivity continues to rise but the 99 percent doesn’t share in the benefits.

read more

How can the worlds riches country let children starve?

I guess you need to ask the sultan of Dubai that question.

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