How Can There Be Multiple Gods and Multiple Truths?

Are all species related?

Yes. Just as the tree of life illustrates, all organisms, both living and extinct, are related. Every branch of the tree represents a species, and every fork separating one species from another represents the common ancestor shared by these species. While the tree's countless forks and far-reaching branches clearly show that relatedness among species varies greatly, it is also easy to see that every pair of species share a common ancestor from some point in evolutionary history. For example, scientists estimate that the common ancestor shared by humans and chimpanzees lived some 5 to 8 million years ago. Humans and bacteria obviously share a much more distant common ancestor, but our relationship to these single-celled organisms is no less real. Indeed, DNA analyses show that although humans share far more genetic material with our fellow primates than we do with single-celled organisms, we still have more than 200 genes in common with bacteria.

It is important to realize that describing organisms as relatives does not mean that one of those organisms is an ancestor of the other, or, for that matter, that any living species is the ancestor of any other living species. A person may be related to blood relatives, such as cousins, aunts, and uncles, because she shares with them one or more common ancestors, such as a grandparent, or great-grandparent. But those cousins, aunts, and uncles are not her ancestors. In the same way, humans and other living primates are related, but none of these living relatives is a human ancestor.
God communicated with Moshe when Moshe was 80 years old.
It took Moshe 60 years of meditation to attain such a state of tranquility where God's communication wouldn't cause Moshe to go insane or have his nervous system destroyed.
Notice at Mount Sinai where the Children of Israel cannot handle the communication and tell Moshe to tell God to communicate with them through Moshe and not directly with them.

Who is Moshe and how do you know this Moshe wasn't just a nut? :D

Moses; He attributed everything to God and never asked anybody for anything.

Lol. Oh, that means a lot. :D He was just another ignorant human. So you believe that a god spoke to a man through a bush?
It's funny how they quote their holy books and assume it's as meaningful to us as it is to them.
Not at all; I'm just trying to get a handle on your outlook on different subjects.
For example, I don't think everyone 1,000 years ago was stupid.
Not everyone was dumb back then and not everyone today is smart.

The masses back then didn't have the same knowledge we have today. Imagine how much more people in 1000 years will know. They'll think we were dumb too. Probably superstitious too
Sure it is. It's the best theory we got at the moment.

Any evidence debunking evolution would be welcome.

Well, like I said, there is plenty of evidence that sometimes life can evolve in order to adapt.. 95% of the time it has failed to do so... but the DNA does allow the organism to modify itself in order to remain viable. But there is no evidence supporting macro-evolution across genus taxa... EVER.

The "best theory we (sic) got" has ZERO scientific basis for support.
I have learned that we are made of the same essential materials as are all other animals, that ultimately, indeed, we are constructed of the same stuff as is our world
Sure it is. It's the best theory we got at the moment.

Any evidence debunking evolution would be welcome.

Well, like I said, there is plenty of evidence that sometimes life can evolve in order to adapt.. 95% of the time it has failed to do so... but the DNA does allow the organism to modify itself in order to remain viable. But there is no evidence supporting macro-evolution across genus taxa... EVER.

The "best theory we (sic) got" has ZERO scientific basis for support.
Scientists disagree but hey, they're no boss.

By the way, no evidence for God either but you passionately believe that
Who is Moshe and how do you know this Moshe wasn't just a nut? :D

Moses; He attributed everything to God and never asked anybody for anything.

Lol. Oh, that means a lot. :D He was just another ignorant human. So you believe that a god spoke to a man through a bush?
It's funny how they quote their holy books and assume it's as meaningful to us as it is to them.
Not at all; I'm just trying to get a handle on your outlook on different subjects.
For example, I don't think everyone 1,000 years ago was stupid.
Not everyone was dumb back then and not everyone today is smart.

The masses back then didn't have the same knowledge we have today. Imagine how much more people in 1000 years will know. They'll think we were dumb too. Probably superstitious too
I can't wait till 5 years from now when I'm laughing at how clunky my iPhone 6 looks.
Sure it is. It's the best theory we got at the moment.

Any evidence debunking evolution would be welcome.

Well, like I said, there is plenty of evidence that sometimes life can evolve in order to adapt.. 95% of the time it has failed to do so... but the DNA does allow the organism to modify itself in order to remain viable. But there is no evidence supporting macro-evolution across genus taxa... EVER.

The "best theory we (sic) got" has ZERO scientific basis for support.

Wouldn't it be fair to teach evolution and "creation science" and/or "intelligent design" in public schools?

The Federal courts have ruled that creation science is not science at all, but a religious concept. Therefore it is not appropriate content for a science classroom. More to the point, evolution studies, like other sciences, are founded on a growing body of observable, reproducible evidence in the natural world, whereas "creation science" is based on accounts written in the Bible and "intelligent design" is not yet supported by scientific evidence. Teaching evolution alongside these other approaches would imply that creation science and intelligent design theory are as rigorously tested as evolution, and they are not.
What's that God? Okay, I'll tell them. God says send money. :D
Along with lawyers and guns...

And Bibles too. Don't forget the Bibles.
The Chinese say no(Méiyǒu),
to Bibles, but send the rest...

Fuck the Chinese. God said so.
I have, along with all the other nationalities, my penis told me that I can't be picky...To take all comers....
Sure it is. It's the best theory we got at the moment.

Any evidence debunking evolution would be welcome.

Well, like I said, there is plenty of evidence that sometimes life can evolve in order to adapt.. 95% of the time it has failed to do so... but the DNA does allow the organism to modify itself in order to remain viable. But there is no evidence supporting macro-evolution across genus taxa... EVER.

The "best theory we (sic) got" has ZERO scientific basis for support.
Scientists disagree but hey, they're no boss.

By the way, no evidence for God either but you passionately believe that

Scientists can disagree all the like. They have no evidence to support cross-genus evolution.

As for "no evidence for god either" ...thank you for just admitting that your faith-based belief is equivalent.
Wouldn't it be fair to teach evolution and "creation science" and/or "intelligent design" in public schools?

The Federal courts have ruled that....

The federal courts have ruled that....
slaves are property.
women can be beaten by their husbands with a stick no wider than the thumb (rule of thumb)
native americans have no constitutional rights
japanese americans can be interned
blacks can't attend white schools
women can't vote

With the internet and modern technology... smart phones, social media... I think our kids are going to learn about creationism whether or not we teach it in schools. I don't think it's ever wise for us to censor what is taught.
Wouldn't it be fair to teach evolution and "creation science" and/or "intelligent design" in public schools?

The Federal courts have ruled that....

The federal courts have ruled that....
slaves are property.
women can be beaten by their husbands with a stick no wider than the thumb (rule of thumb)
native americans have no constitutional rights
japanese americans can be interned
blacks can't attend white schools
women can't vote

With the internet and modern technology... smart phones, social media... I think our kids are going to learn about creationism whether or not we teach it in schools. I don't think it's ever wise for us to censor what is taught.

The point remains that the theory of creationism is something that is based purely on religious and superstitious beliefs and there is no way to scientifically test the theory. The physical evidence all points to the theory of evolution. Sorry that it bothers you but there it is.

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