How Can There Be Multiple Gods and Multiple Truths?

Are all species related?

Yes. Just as the tree of life illustrates, all organisms, both living and extinct, are related.

This is bullshit. No evidence to support it... NONE!
DNA proves it...Humans' closest DNA relative is a pig..98% similarity...
Are all species related?

Yes. Just as the tree of life illustrates, all organisms, both living and extinct, are related.

This is bullshit. No evidence to support it... NONE!
Why does her informed opinion bother you so much?

Because that little piece of data supports the theory of evolution. ;)

I don't understand why someone would get so upset over your point of view.
Sure it is. It's the best theory we got at the moment.

Any evidence debunking evolution would be welcome.

Well, like I said, there is plenty of evidence that sometimes life can evolve in order to adapt.. 95% of the time it has failed to do so... but the DNA does allow the organism to modify itself in order to remain viable. But there is no evidence supporting macro-evolution across genus taxa... EVER.

The "best theory we (sic) got" has ZERO scientific basis for support.

Wouldn't it be fair to teach evolution and "creation science" and/or "intelligent design" in public schools?

The Federal courts have ruled that creation science is not science at all, but a religious concept. Therefore it is not appropriate content for a science classroom. More to the point, evolution studies, like other sciences, are founded on a growing body of observable, reproducible evidence in the natural world, whereas "creation science" is based on accounts written in the Bible and "intelligent design" is not yet supported by scientific evidence. Teaching evolution alongside these other approaches would imply that creation science and intelligent design theory are as rigorously tested as evolution, and they are not.

Talk about the courts being biased.
There is scientific evidence but they don't want it brought out.
Are all species related?

Yes. Just as the tree of life illustrates, all organisms, both living and extinct, are related.

This is bullshit. No evidence to support it... NONE!
Why does her informed opinion bother you so much?

Because that little piece of data supports the theory of evolution. ;)

I don't understand why someone would get so upset over your point of view.

People always seem to get upset with my views. :D Lol.
Are all species related?

Yes. Just as the tree of life illustrates, all organisms, both living and extinct, are related.

This is bullshit. No evidence to support it... NONE!
Why does her informed opinion bother you so much?

Because that little piece of data supports the theory of evolution. ;)

I don't understand why someone would get so upset over your point of view.

People always seem to get upset with my views. :D Lol.
I have a nice vista..
Are all species related?

Yes. Just as the tree of life illustrates, all organisms, both living and extinct, are related.

This is bullshit. No evidence to support it... NONE!
Why does her informed opinion bother you so much?

Because it's bullshit.

One person's fact is another person's bullshit when it comes to a lot of things.
Don't let it drive you mad.

Or one person is in denial about reality and that life is harsh and there is no "kingdom" awaiting us after we die. This is it. We are just one of many, many to live, pass on genes and then die and be absorbed into the earth in one way or another.
Are all species related?

Yes. Just as the tree of life illustrates, all organisms, both living and extinct, are related.

This is bullshit. No evidence to support it... NONE!
Why does her informed opinion bother you so much?

Because it's bullshit.

One person's fact is another person's bullshit when it comes to a lot of things.
Don't let it drive you mad.

Or one person is in denial about reality and that life is harsh and there is no "kingdom" awaiting us after we die. This is it. We are just one of many, many to live, pass on genes and then die and be absorbed into the earth in one way or another.

Jews are buried in simple boxes with a pre-drilled hole and our bodies become part of the cycle of life.
A Christian may have more difficulty dealing with your POV.
Moses. One of the ridiculous characters I think of when I think what a farce the Bible really is. Lol. :D He was just a crazy man. Nothing more.
Just wondering...What do you know about him?

What's to know? There isn't even any solid evidence the man ever even existed for goodness sakes! That is Old Testament!!! Yikes!
We know for a fact he existed...sometime between 9000 and 15000 years ago give or take.

How do we know that?

There is evidence in papyrus scrolls
BIBLICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Galit Dayan: "Jews" Lived in Dynastic Egypt
It describes the plagues;
In each of the Egyptian manuscripts Dayan discussed, the same familiar characters are mentioned: Moses (“an Egyptian name”), Pharoah, the Red Sea/Sea of Reeds (“Yam Suf” in Hebrew), Hebrews, Israelites and the presence of slaves in Egypt.

In one manuscript, known as the Ipuwer papyrus, there is an eerie description of chaos in Egypt: “Plague is throughout the land,” Dayan’s translation reads, “blood is everywhere — the river is blood ... and the hail smote every herd of the field ... the land is without light and there is a thick darkness throughout the land ... the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt — from the firstborn of Pharoah that sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison. ...”
Moses. One of the ridiculous characters I think of when I think what a farce the Bible really is. Lol. :D He was just a crazy man. Nothing more.
Just wondering...What do you know about him?

What's to know? There isn't even any solid evidence the man ever even existed for goodness sakes! That is Old Testament!!! Yikes!
We know for a fact he existed...sometime between 9000 and 15000 years ago give or take.

How do we know that?

There is evidence in papyrus scrolls
BIBLICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Galit Dayan: "Jews" Lived in Dynastic Egypt
It describes the plagues;
In each of the Egyptian manuscripts Dayan discussed, the same familiar characters are mentioned: Moses (“an Egyptian name”), Pharoah, the Red Sea/Sea of Reeds (“Yam Suf” in Hebrew), Hebrews, Israelites and the presence of slaves in Egypt.

In one manuscript, known as the Ipuwer papyrus, there is an eerie description of chaos in Egypt: “Plague is throughout the land,” Dayan’s translation reads, “blood is everywhere — the river is blood ... and the hail smote every herd of the field ... the land is without light and there is a thick darkness throughout the land ... the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt — from the firstborn of Pharoah that sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison. ...”

That is not scientific evidence of the existence of any gods though. It is just some written words by men . . . ??? It is well known that there is no scientific evidence for the theory of creationism. I didn't make that up.
One person's fact is another person's bullshit when it comes to a lot of things.
Don't let it drive you mad.

Well not when it comes to Science. She did good when she posted the definition of theories but there is no evidence to support the theory all life is related. Now.... I supposed you could say that we are related in the sense we are all comprised of the same stuff... carbon, oxygen, potassium, calcium, etc. And we are related in that we're living organisms. We're all made of atoms... We all have DNA... but related in the sense that we all came from the same original single cell? Nope... no evidence to support that.
Just wondering...What do you know about him?

What's to know? There isn't even any solid evidence the man ever even existed for goodness sakes! That is Old Testament!!! Yikes!
We know for a fact he existed...sometime between 9000 and 15000 years ago give or take.

How do we know that?

There is evidence in papyrus scrolls
BIBLICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Galit Dayan: "Jews" Lived in Dynastic Egypt
It describes the plagues;
In each of the Egyptian manuscripts Dayan discussed, the same familiar characters are mentioned: Moses (“an Egyptian name”), Pharoah, the Red Sea/Sea of Reeds (“Yam Suf” in Hebrew), Hebrews, Israelites and the presence of slaves in Egypt.

In one manuscript, known as the Ipuwer papyrus, there is an eerie description of chaos in Egypt: “Plague is throughout the land,” Dayan’s translation reads, “blood is everywhere — the river is blood ... and the hail smote every herd of the field ... the land is without light and there is a thick darkness throughout the land ... the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt — from the firstborn of Pharoah that sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison. ...”

That is not scientific evidence of the existence of any gods though. It is just some written words by men . . . ??? It is well known that there is no scientific evidence for the theory of creationism. I didn't make that up.

I was talking about if Moses really existed.
There is now evidence outside of the bible for the exodus, then there must have been Moses.
What's to know? There isn't even any solid evidence the man ever even existed for goodness sakes! That is Old Testament!!! Yikes!
We know for a fact he existed...sometime between 9000 and 15000 years ago give or take.

How do we know that?

There is evidence in papyrus scrolls
BIBLICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Galit Dayan: "Jews" Lived in Dynastic Egypt
It describes the plagues;
In each of the Egyptian manuscripts Dayan discussed, the same familiar characters are mentioned: Moses (“an Egyptian name”), Pharoah, the Red Sea/Sea of Reeds (“Yam Suf” in Hebrew), Hebrews, Israelites and the presence of slaves in Egypt.

In one manuscript, known as the Ipuwer papyrus, there is an eerie description of chaos in Egypt: “Plague is throughout the land,” Dayan’s translation reads, “blood is everywhere — the river is blood ... and the hail smote every herd of the field ... the land is without light and there is a thick darkness throughout the land ... the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt — from the firstborn of Pharoah that sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison. ...”

That is not scientific evidence of the existence of any gods though. It is just some written words by men . . . ??? It is well known that there is no scientific evidence for the theory of creationism. I didn't make that up.

I was talking about if Moses really existed.
There is now evidence outside of the bible for the exodus, then there must have been Moses.

I think scientists would probably disagree that it qualifies as evidence other than superstitious belief system. :)

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