How can we protect ourselves from terror attacks?

I think the only way we can realistically cut down on terrorist attacks is to make the consequences for carrying one out so horrible that continued terrorism becomes just too terrifying to contemplate.
Something on the order of bombing a building begets bombing a city.
The terrorists are targeting civilians, yet we refuse to. Bullshit!

Sooooo, what city should we have bombed after Timothy McVeigh?

Your answer is to make us worse than the terrorist?
Not worthy of the effort. The subject was terror attacks by Muslim fanatics.

My answer is to make terrorists think twice about attacking the US.

Look war id horrible and it should be. It should be the last resort, so feared that it almost never happens. BUT when someone engages in warlike acts against the US, I would appreciate it if my leaders fought to win.

We have not won a war since 1945. We only won that one because we inflicted unspeakable damage on a country as a whole, not just their armies. We demoralized millions of people who realized they had lost all hope for victory.

Terrorism is by definition a dangerous game. When you're willing to die for your cause, however perverse it is, intimidation is just not a factor any more; you've already been trumped.

Again, you don't wipe a social/political problem out of existence -- whether it's terrorism or anything else -- by overpowering it and escalating against the symptom. You eliminate the disease whence it comes.

Exactly the same reason I keep saying the answer to guns is not more guns, and that you don't calm gun violence by throwing gun laws at it.

Every action has a motivation behind it. If you have a habit of, say, throwing garbage on the floor, you can kill the rats that come for it individually; guess what, they just send more. Stop tossing the garbage on the floor and you eliminate their reason for coming. No more rats -- because their motivation is gone. And in the long run it's a lot less work.

Taoist thought for the day.
Rats will go where they will find food. Terrorists will kill as long as they think they will be effective. I am not willing to acquiesce to their demands, so it seems the only way I have to demotivate them is to bomb the shit out of them.
If they kill ten, we kill 1,000 if they kill 1,000 we kill 100,000. Pretty some, they will either run out of motivation or Muslims.

I see another one of my astute points has sailed over your head. Might want to duck less.
Again your point was pointless an so disregarded and dismissed.

Look at the last war we won. We demoralized our enemies and crushed their millitaries. We then helped them rebuild their economies. Germany, Japan and Italy our our allies and friends.
We left Korea as a stalemate and did worse in Viet Nam and what do we have to show for it? We have a tin pot dictator and a trading partner where we could have had one large trading partner and a fairly strong ally in East Asia. And we have another Communist dictatorship where people are almost as bad off as the North Koreans.

We're all but out of Iraq. What do we have to show for it? My son spent a tour there disarming IED's He asks why? Why did his compatriots go there and get killed or maimed only to end up with a spineless C in C who allowed their efforts, sacrifices and progress slip away?

War should be avoided at all costs, but when waged, should be fought to win by totally demoralizing the enemy and making continued hostilities unthinkable.
I didn't fail to get your point son. I disregarded it.

Then you've contradicted your own statement which was, and I quote, "multiculturalism is bullshit".

Again, reiterating the point I made twice that you actually did disregard, Paris has been multicultural for centuries. Trying to pin that on as a causal factor for recent events -- therein lieth said bullshit.
BULLSHIT! I said multiculturalism is bullshit
Multicultural societies are fine. We have always had a multicultural mix of ethnicities here. We have Jews that don't work and go to Temple on Saturday. We have Catholics that eat fish on Friday and attend Mass on Sunday.
We have Italians who roll out their own pasta and sing opera and we have Germans who have fantastic beer parties. (attended mostly by the Irish)
Many tend to segregate themselves in enclaves in our cities. and socialize among themselves.


Come Monday, they're all out there trying to earn a living. They want to save and buy a house in the suburbs and send their kids to college.

What we've been seeing since the advent of "Multiculturalism" Is an acceptance of ethnicity without the desire to be part of American culture as well.
Thug culture, Sharia, 2 and 3 generations of Hispanics still unable to speak English.... THAT's what Multiculturalism is, Possum.
3 generations of Hispanics still unable to speak English

not where i am at.....just sayin.....
And neither alien nor citizen can be 'automatically' sentenced to anything without first being found guilty of a crime in a court of law.

Are you truly this ignorant, hateful, and stupid; or are you a liberal troll trying to make conservatives look bad.

Got your hackles up, did I?

Bit of a tender spot there.
And neither alien nor citizen can be 'automatically' sentenced to anything without first being found guilty of a crime in a court of law.

Are you truly this ignorant, hateful, and stupid; or are you a liberal troll trying to make conservatives look bad.

Got your hackles up, did I?

Bit of a tender spot there.

So, your answer is b) "liberal troll trying to make conservatives look bad"?
So, your answer is b) "liberal troll trying to make conservatives look bad"?

Do we really need to lower ourselves to personal attacks.

If you bother to read any of my posts, you would readily discover that I am about as liberal as you are.
And neither alien nor citizen can be 'automatically' sentenced to anything without first being found guilty of a crime in a court of law.

Are you truly this ignorant, hateful, and stupid; or are you a liberal troll trying to make conservatives look bad.

Got your hackles up, did I?

Bit of a tender spot there.
jones dont do questions..........cant handle them....


  1. How can we protect ourselves from terror attacks?

    Wipe the bastards off the face of the earth.

And who and where would that be?

Islamic terrorists, wherever they be.

You wouldn't know an Islamic terrorist if one slapped you in the face. Do you see how that might be a problem?

No, I wouldn't. Good thing military and intelligence is doing the dirty work.

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

And how has that been working out? (eye roll)

Hasn't obama droned dead lots of terrorists these past several years? Didn't he get binladen? Inch by inch, one by one. These things take time, it's not like they're sitting on a battlefield somewhere. Didn't you know that?

I didn't fail to get your point son. I disregarded it.

Then you've contradicted your own statement which was, and I quote, "multiculturalism is bullshit".

Again, reiterating the point I made twice that you actually did disregard, Paris has been multicultural for centuries. Trying to pin that on as a causal factor for recent events -- therein lieth said bullshit.
BULLSHIT! I said multiculturalism is bullshit
Multicultural societies are fine. We have always had a multicultural mix of ethnicities here. We have Jews that don't work and go to Temple on Saturday. We have Catholics that eat fish on Friday and attend Mass on Sunday.
We have Italians who roll out their own pasta and sing opera and we have Germans who have fantastic beer parties. (attended mostly by the Irish)
Many tend to segregate themselves in enclaves in our cities. and socialize among themselves.


Come Monday, they're all out there trying to earn a living. They want to save and buy a house in the suburbs and send their kids to college.

What we've been seeing since the advent of "Multiculturalism" Is an acceptance of ethnicity without the desire to be part of American culture as well.
Thug culture, Sharia, 2 and 3 generations of Hispanics still unable to speak English.... THAT's what Multiculturalism is, Possum.
3 generations of Hispanics still unable to speak English

not where i am at.....just sayin.....
Never been to Washington Heights, I take it.
I didn't fail to get your point son. I disregarded it.

Then you've contradicted your own statement which was, and I quote, "multiculturalism is bullshit".

Again, reiterating the point I made twice that you actually did disregard, Paris has been multicultural for centuries. Trying to pin that on as a causal factor for recent events -- therein lieth said bullshit.
BULLSHIT! I said multiculturalism is bullshit
Multicultural societies are fine. We have always had a multicultural mix of ethnicities here. We have Jews that don't work and go to Temple on Saturday. We have Catholics that eat fish on Friday and attend Mass on Sunday.
We have Italians who roll out their own pasta and sing opera and we have Germans who have fantastic beer parties. (attended mostly by the Irish)
Many tend to segregate themselves in enclaves in our cities. and socialize among themselves.


Come Monday, they're all out there trying to earn a living. They want to save and buy a house in the suburbs and send their kids to college.

What we've been seeing since the advent of "Multiculturalism" Is an acceptance of ethnicity without the desire to be part of American culture as well.
Thug culture, Sharia, 2 and 3 generations of Hispanics still unable to speak English.... THAT's what Multiculturalism is, Possum.
3 generations of Hispanics still unable to speak English

not where i am at.....just sayin.....
Never been to Washington Heights, I take it.
there aint no Washington heights around me.....and i live in at least a 70% Hispanic Neighborhood with lots of illegals.....the kids around here all speak English....
I don't think we can. To be brutally honest, having a free and open society limits our ability to curtail people who are determined to attack us.

We enjoy our freedom, but also want to be safe. I think that we have to acknowledge that we can be either free or we can be safe, but we probably can't be both. We have to give up some degree of one for the other, whichever we choose.

Personally, I'd rather be free. If I end up dying like the journalists from Charlie Hebdo, so be it. I'd rather have real freedom with all the risks it entails than the illusion of safety without the freedom to go where I want to go, and be who I want to be.

Further, the average American's risk of being a victim of terrorism is microscopic. We are much more likely to die of hypertension or in a car accident. We have already focused trillions of dollars on protecting ourselves from terrorism, and in my opinion, it has largely been a waste of money. Put in proper perspective, terrorism in the U.S. is a flea bite on an elephant. The vast majority of us have never and will never be affected. So, using up the majority of resources on that one threat while ignoring much greater risks in other areas is an emotionally-driven response that is destined to ultimately fail to keep us safe from all harm.
I second this. I hate when the whole picture is not taken into consideration at least. The powers that be should know by now that terrorism isn't the only way that a person can be taken out.

God bless you always!!!

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Now we can see what has happened in Paris with theirs opened multicultural country. There are a lot of blacks and muslims inside. I`m not against blacks and muslim, I`m against radicals in general. Nevermind. What can we do to prevent similar cases in the US? This question rises because we cannot completely rely on the government

Experiencely speaking, each individual should not stay in a place or a situation that gives them a bad vibe. if you see something suspicious, report it or just walk away from the incident, even if it changes your plans. It sounds stupid, but that saves lives in my neighborhood many times.

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