How Can you Tell Radical Christians from Moderate Christians?


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
Is there a way to know if you're safe from radical Christians before they come proselytizing at your door (or maybe bombing your local abortion clinic or condemning people who don't believe like they do) from the ones who just go to Church (and donate the charity and help their communities)?
Is there a way to know if you're safe from radical Christians before they come proselytizing at your door (or maybe bombing your local abortion clinic or condemning people who don't believe like they do) from the ones who just go to Church (and donate the charity and help their communities)?

You seem to have a good grasp on what a radical christian is. If they are about violence to achieve their ends then they are radical. If they think killing and death is alright in the "cause" then they are radical.
Is there a way to know if you're safe from radical Christians before they come proselytizing at your door (or maybe bombing your local abortion clinic or condemning people who don't believe like they do) from the ones who just go to Church (and donate the charity and help their communities)?

Yep, here's how I do it............

Whenever someone comes and knocks on my door and ask if I know Jesus, or if I've heard the Good News, I say yeah, I have.

Then I tell them that Jesus' real name is actually Yeshua and that he was a good Jewish man, and that I am a Taoist who studies Judaic theology.

The radicals give me a hairy eyeball or leave really quick with a scared look on their face. The moderate Christians generally will stay and talk for a couple of minutes without trying to convert me.

The difference is how open you are to belief systems other than your own.
Is there a way to know if you're safe from radical Christians before they come proselytizing at your door (or maybe bombing your local abortion clinic or condemning people who don't believe like they do) from the ones who just go to Church (and donate the charity and help their communities)?

You seem to have a good grasp on what a radical christian is. If they are about violence to achieve their ends then they are radical. If they think killing and death is alright in the "cause" then they are radical.

That's because I try NOT to paint groups of people with a broad brush.

Around here they don't hide it too much. Upon first meeting them, it depends on the situation. If you work with them, or any situation where you might have contact with them on a regular basis, probably.
Radical Christians send their kids to Jesus Camp.

Just sayin'..........

I went to a christian summer camp one year, and I went to a basketball camp for a week that was put on by a christian group. That one was a little weird. I had no idea, all I knew it was a good camp to go to. There is a difference between summer camp, and some of ultra religious camps.
I went to one in junior high, and just say I didn't mention the fact my dad was a democrat. :lol: It was a fun camp, but it had some republican under tones.
I haven't been to one where they pray for the projector.
You can't make this shit up. :lol:
[ame=]YouTube - Jesus Camp Bush Worship[/ame]

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