How can you vote for Obama when he supports anti-American platforms....?

Pubs won't raise ANY taxes or pass ANYTHING Obama wants, or compromise on ANYTHING.

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME). AND a disgraceful fear mongering BS propaganda machine never seen before, and MINDLESS dupes.
Military does need reduced. If the US would stop terrorizing other countries we wouldn't need such a large military.All that other stuff isn't a right but would be nice to have it.Like housing,healthcare etc.But that's what we have private charity for.

you support Obama slashing our military while at the same time supporting communists and the muslim brotherhood....? is this what you consider to be pro-American....?

What communists is he supporting? Yes I believe the military budget needs scaled back a lot. Closure of all bases overseas,bring all soldiers home.
How can we let a man like Ryan, who hates at least 1/4 of the American people be VP?
"Forcible" added to the definition of sexual battery; proposed massive cuts to SS benefits for the disabled, AND he believes that life begins at conception. That makes those who use birth control pills sinners but he can explain why the POPE is wrong about the death penalty! JERK. Those who believe life begins at conception have no business stating the Pope is wrong on the death penalty.
no comments.....?

either you Obama supporters agree with the anti-American agenda or are in denial...

...or just in shock realizing the truth....?

I have a comment

You are a lying to refute?

of course i'll refute you.....anybody with half a brain knows the agendas are virtually the same....

in fact..... the commies are hopping mad that the Dims stole their platform and they are suing......:D

Editor, Manteca Bulletin,
Even the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has now objected to the Democrat Party, suing the Democrats and its leadership for “stealing” their party platform and relabeling it as “progressive”.

According to political hotwire and many other sources, CPUSA claims that the entire so-called “new” Democratic agenda is, in fact, the product of a decades-long, painstaking campaign by CPUSA theorists, agitators, and underground subversive cells - which makes it the intellectual property of the Communist Party USA, protected by American copyright laws. “They stole our entire platform, rebranded it ‘progressive’, and claimed it as their own,” declared a CPUSA spokesperson at a press conference in San Francisco. “And we communists say, not so fast! Not in this country anyway, where we still have property rights and the rule of law, thank God! Actually, let me rephrase that...”, which was a comment to undermine God as both the Democrats and Communists have done. The Communist Party representative further explained that government ownership of the auto and financial industries, redistribution of wealth, and free rationed health care have always been among the glorious CPUSA objectives: “We held on to these goals through all the difficult years of factional infighting, purges, denunciations, and heroic espionage on behalf of the Soviet intelligence services.”

According to the article, CPUSA lawyers presented documents to the press showing that the Democratic platform of 2010, almost line-for-line, reiterates the CPUSA platform of 1963. In other words, the Democrats of today are the Communists of yesterday.

Communist Party sues Democrats on platform theft
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

•Obama believes every person has a “right” to health care. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama believes labor unions should be allowed to organize workers without approval being subject to secret ballots. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama believes there is an inherent “right” to housing. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama has promoted an open-borders agenda. The Communist Party and Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

•Obama has radically reduced the size and power of the U.S. military. The Communist Party and Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

•Obama has steadfastly promoted a “steeply graduated” income tax. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

I could go on and on. In fact, it would be much easier to find the very few, if any, areas of disagreement between Obama and the radical socialist parties of the U.S. or Europe or Latin America.

Why I turned down spot on ‘The Daily Show’

You're a screamer all right.

Healthcare? I can't really agree with Republicans on that issue:

[ame=]Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube[/ame]

But my position on unions is the same as Reagan. Is yours?

[ame=]Reagan Says Being In A Union Is A Basic Right - YouTube[/ame]
Slashing the military doesn't make you anti-american. It's how and where you slash the military that really shows your priorities.

Closing domestic bases and kicking out service members, bad.

Closing foreign bases and ending financial black hole projects that we don't need, good.

yes...however the cuts are indiscriminately across the board....which Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said would negatively impact our military's ability to keep us safe....this is directly a result of Obama's refusal to cut spending without also increasing taxes on the rich (another point of the Communist/Socialist party platform)

The cuts should never be indiscriminate. All that does is allow for the numb-nuts in washington to stage a fight over it, which the party hacks then eat up and regurgitate ad nauseam. It creates strife that politicians then use to keep themselves in power. Don't fall for it.

As for your second point, that's a two way street. It's because democrats wouldn't cut spending without raising taxes, and because republicans wouldn't raise taxes without cutting spending. Both need to be done, however I will agree that the cuts need to come first so washington proves they won't just use increased revenue for more useless spending.

But that's how the cuts were set up initially as the fallback position so awful that nobody thought we would go there.....everybody thought the "super" committee was going to resolve the log jam...... but they didn't and so we get the slashing cuts.....which imo is what Obama wanted just as much as tax increases.....he won either way.....

increasing taxes for more spending just flies in the face of spending shows the dems are not serious about resolving our economic problems....just a redistribution of wealth which is the communist/socialist agenda....
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

During the postwar years, the USA had a network of tax, regulatory, and labor policies along with a host of government programs that were aimed at creating a strong middle class. Many of the veterans who defended this nation in WWII benefited from the policies which the OP misdescribes and demonizes.

The OP should stop reciting talking points and take a more in depth look at the postwar economy. With its pro Labor policies, the owners of capital were forced to make a compact with American workers. Rather than seeking Asian sweatshop labor, capital had to pay a living wage and generous benefits to the America middle class. The result was that the American consumer had tremendous buying power. This incentivized the creation of even more jobs (and innovation) to capture those consumer dollars. (That's what capital does. It goes wherever consumers have money)

The result of the high wage structure created by the pro labor postwar government was this: the father could support the entire family on just his wage. But it wasn't just the high wages and benefits that created the most powerful consumption class in history. Government used tax dollars to fund world class public universities which became the envy of the world. Those universities were made affordable to the middle class. This was the golden era of upward mobility. It resulted in a more skilled workforce (that is, the public investment in education paid massive dividends). Unfortunately, now only the wealthy can afford the growing expense of college. Indeed, because the government no longer funnels tax dollars to public universities, they have no choice but to price themselves out of range for the dying middle class.

There was another positive effect of the high wage Liberal postwar economy. Because the father could support the entire family, the mother didn't need to work. She could stay home and raise this kids (rather than have them be raised by television or gangs). Families could afford to spend more time together. This is why the fifties was heyday of Conservatism.

And then came Reagan, who was paid by business to unburden capital from high American labor costs. As a result, every president since has freed capital to get labor from freedom-hating nations like China. Take Walmart for instance. They get 100% of their manufacturing from Communist China, and they don't pay their workers a livable salary. Reagan has an answer for this: credit. Starting in 1980, America shipped jobs to China, and handed American workers credit cards instead of wages to survive. [Don't take my word for it. Research what happened to household debt starting in 1980. This is when we all started receiving 3 credit card offers a week]. The result of using credit/debt to make up for the loss of high wages resulted in a very fragile economy - one that required massive amounts of debt-based-consumption to stay afloat. The problem with this kind of economy is that eventually consumers get so much in debt that they cannot afford to consume as much. And when consumers can't buy as much, the capitalist has to fire more and more workers. Problem is: workers are consumers - so when a worker is fired, we lose a consumer, which leads to even more workers being fired. It's a toxic cycle. (Don't try to explain this to a talk radio republican like the OP).

Welcome to the main structural flaw of capitalism. The drive for cheap labor eventually undercuts the need for robust consumption (-when you pay your workers less, it makes it harder for them to buy your stuff). The supply siders who drove down labor costs in America tried to fix the problem by financializing the economy and thereby loaning workers enough money to buy what they produce. This eventually resulted in so much debt that nobody could afford to consume enough to sustain the needed job growth. Then the system imploded.

The OP is naive. He doesn't realize that the most robust consumer culture on earth was created by the very policies he detests. The free market doesn't create powerful demand. It creates cheap labor . . . which leads to unsustainable patterns of borrowing which leads to the death of the economy, which devolves into special interest monopolies. liberals can't defend FDRs stinking socialist policies anymore so now you claim the post war success as all yours.....:rolleyes:
How can we let a man like Ryan, who hates at least 1/4 of the American people be VP?
"Forcible" added to the definition of sexual battery; proposed massive cuts to SS benefits for the disabled, AND he believes that life begins at conception. That makes those who use birth control pills sinners but he can explain why the POPE is wrong about the death penalty! JERK. Those who believe life begins at conception have no business stating the Pope is wrong on the death penalty.

are you saying he hates the approximate 20% or so hard-line leftists of the Dimwit party who want to bring down America?.....probably so......he's just like the rest of us in that way...
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

Needless to say none of the positions above are ‘anti-American,’ thus the idiocy of the OP’s premise fails. In addition, being a ‘communist’ is in no way ‘anti-American,’ communism is not treason, a communist can be a loyal citizen.

Consequently, one may vote for Obama without compromising his loyalty to his country.

Obama crossed the street once when he was 19. So did Stalin.

Enough said.

My GOD! liberals are BRILLIANT!!:cuckoo:
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

•Obama believes every person has a “right” to health care. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama believes labor unions should be allowed to organize workers without approval being subject to secret ballots. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama believes there is an inherent “right” to housing. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s part of their platforms.

•Obama has promoted an open-borders agenda. The Communist Party and Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

•Obama has radically reduced the size and power of the U.S. military. The Communist Party and Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

•Obama has steadfastly promoted a “steeply graduated” income tax. The Communist Party and the Socialist Party agree. In fact, it’s in their platforms.

I could go on and on. In fact, it would be much easier to find the very few, if any, areas of disagreement between Obama and the radical socialist parties of the U.S. or Europe or Latin America.

Why I turned down spot on ‘The Daily Show’

You're a screamer all right.

Healthcare? I can't really agree with Republicans on that issue:

[ame=]Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube[/ame]

But my position on unions is the same as Reagan. Is yours?

[ame=]Reagan Says Being In A Union Is A Basic Right - YouTube[/ame]

there will always be slackers who depend on others.....the idea is to reduce the number of slackers not increase them...socialized medicine will only increase the numbers of slackers, increase costs, and lead to rationing for a whole lot more people than just the few slackers in a free market system....

nothing wrong with unions forming to resolve labor's when they become bloated and useless except as arms of political parties i have a problem with them....and especially when they are government unions since all they do is take advantage of the taxpayer...

the Democrat party has adopted the Communist idea that union workers should not have the ability to vote in you agree with that idea....?
Last edited:
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

Needless to say none of the positions above are ‘anti-American,’ thus the idiocy of the OP’s premise fails. In addition, being a ‘communist’ is in no way ‘anti-American,’ communism is not treason, a communist can be a loyal citizen.

Consequently, one may vote for Obama without compromising his loyalty to his country.

you can "believe" what you want to in this country....hence the freedom of commies and nazis...

however putting those beliefs into force can certainly be considered anti-American...

...needless to say only idiots cannot tell the difference...

You shouldnt call yourself names then.

fucking retarded thread by a fucking retard.
no comments.....?

either you Obama supporters agree with the anti-American agenda or are in denial...

...or just in shock realizing the truth....?

No, we agree that you're a fucking rightwing zealot quoting WND as a reliable source of information.

You'll need to find someone else to tickle your balls while you masturbate.

Shazaam! You liberals come up with catchy adolescent gibberish. It's really hard to argue with that.

It is quite understandable why you can't win a legitimate debate concerning Obama. You're too busy thinking up ways to display you utter childishness.
This forum needs some new nutters. least some of the sane ones could contribute a bit more. The crazies are very prolific posters.
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

Needless to say none of the positions above are ‘anti-American,’ thus the idiocy of the OP’s premise fails. In addition, being a ‘communist’ is in no way ‘anti-American,’ communism is not treason, a communist can be a loyal citizen.

Consequently, one may vote for Obama without compromising his loyalty to his country.

Obama crossed the street once when he was 19. So did Stalin.

Enough said.

Really. Shocking but true.
Obama agrees with Communist and Socialist party platforms...

You're a screamer all right.

Healthcare? I can't really agree with Republicans on that issue:

[ame=]Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube[/ame]

But my position on unions is the same as Reagan. Is yours?

[ame=]Reagan Says Being In A Union Is A Basic Right - YouTube[/ame]

there will always be slackers who depend on others.....the idea is to reduce the number of slackers not increase them...socialized medicine will only increase the numbers of slackers, increase costs, and lead to rationing for a whole lot more people than just the few slackers in a free market system....

nothing wrong with unions forming to resolve labor's when they become bloated and useless except as arms of political parties i have a problem with them....and especially when they are government unions since all they do is take advantage of the taxpayer...

the Democrat party has adopted the Communist idea that union workers should not have the ability to vote in you agree with that idea....?

Just to be clear. You agree with "Let him die", right? That's what you're saying?
Needless to say none of the positions above are ‘anti-American,’ thus the idiocy of the OP’s premise fails. In addition, being a ‘communist’ is in no way ‘anti-American,’ communism is not treason, a communist can be a loyal citizen.

Consequently, one may vote for Obama without compromising his loyalty to his country.

you can "believe" what you want to in this country....hence the freedom of commies and nazis...

however putting those beliefs into force can certainly be considered anti-American...

...needless to say only idiots cannot tell the difference...

You shouldnt call yourself names then.

fucking retarded thread by a fucking retard.

nothing retarded about this thread.....except for those who still support in the anti-American Democrat/Communist/Socialist platform.....
You're a screamer all right.

Healthcare? I can't really agree with Republicans on that issue:

Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube

But my position on unions is the same as Reagan. Is yours?

Reagan Says Being In A Union Is A Basic Right - YouTube

there will always be slackers who depend on others.....the idea is to reduce the number of slackers not increase them...socialized medicine will only increase the numbers of slackers, increase costs, and lead to rationing for a whole lot more people than just the few slackers in a free market system....

nothing wrong with unions forming to resolve labor's when they become bloated and useless except as arms of political parties i have a problem with them....and especially when they are government unions since all they do is take advantage of the taxpayer...

the Democrat party has adopted the Communist idea that union workers should not have the ability to vote in you agree with that idea....?

Just to be clear. You agree with "Let him die", right? That's what you're saying?

No i never said that.....there will always be charitable organizations within a free market society who will take pity upon the guy and help him....even though he didn't take the responsibility to help himself....we are still a charitable Christian nation of people who care about others....

However if we adopt the secular socialized medicine system you realize the practice of helping others will be severely limited to what the faceless bureacrats say can or can't be done....rationing of health care will probably let that guy in the coma just die...

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