How capitalism destroys abusive industries: Real Life Examples from hobbies/entertainment


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
So...assuming there is competition in a field, businesses and industries that abuse their customers end up ... going out of business.

And if there is a monopoly in an industry/service, but that industry/service, is not critical to the functioning of modern society, it too will collapse from a lack of paying customers (if it abuses its customers).

I've personally observed this trend in gaming and sports over the past 3-4 years.

Gaming companies have strove to please their stock holders with ever increasing revenues by micro transactions within a game that is supposed to already have been paid for in full; they reduce their development costs and often release products early (before they are bug free) without any intention of fixing their product unless there is great interest in it (in other words they sell people a BETA version and see if people are interested in the concepts of the game, thereby USING the customer as their own research guinea pig before advancing any more money/time towards the development and polish of a game).

Likewise, the Sports Industry has been pushing a SJW narrative that does not resonate with a possible majority of the audience...and since sports is not necessary for people to live, people have stopped watching and canceling their channels.

Likewise, people have wizened up in the gaming industry too, and are now more careful before making a purchase from these charletons.

Sadly, the gaming companies target a child audience and get parents to pay for things, including thousands of dollars of hidden micro transaction fees and loot boxes (declared to be gambling in EU!!!) before their parents catch on.

However, such child predatory processes are in violation of the law (gambling laws), and the market has reacted violent as of late to these court proceedings...investors looking elsewhere now.

Anyway, if these companies were based in China, the government would just subsidize them and keep them alive,so long as their games/athletes pushed the party line...oh right...that's exactly how it is over
Anecdotal evidence is simply that, special pleading and overly simplistic.

The metal mining industry accounts for the vast majority of toxic heavy metals and metalloids released such as
  • arsenic (96% / 280 million pounds),
  • mercury (92% of mercury / 4.4 million pounds) and
  • lead (86% / 538 million pounds), among others.

How many people who invest in mining are investing for environmentally responsible operations?

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