How close is the Comrade to becoming a Dictator

dance little sister dance ..

No thinking person is scared of Trump.

His dicktatorship will fail before it gets off the ground.

Impeachment or Amendment XXV is on course.

You should be on ignore for all of your false predictions from 2015 onwards? warning: For entertainment purposes only is your label.
Then put me on ignore if that helps you with your understanding of the world.
You have to understand just how arrogant the Washington DC establishment is. Politicians, donors and special interest own government not the people. Their attitude is fuck the people, they largely have the elections rigged so fuck the people they can't do shit about it.

Then Trump comes along and TAKES control of the White House and holy crap the shit is hitting the fan in DC my friends.
Threads like this are as retarded as the ones who claimed Obama wouldn't leave office.

They are however great threads for singling out the retards of the forum for ridicule
Correction, it should read, Chosen by Putin, not by Voters.
Exactly how did Putin get Trump elected?

The left keeps claiming that, but have never provided any evidence. ..... :cool:

So 17 intelligence agencies saying that Russian lied and published fake news to get the Comrade elected means nothing? Putin wanted his Comrade in the White House and he got him,

Bannon through the clueless, mindless, Trump is aiming to bring down the US government. Bannon, the Leninist has said so.
they largely have the elections rigged so fuck the people they can't do shit about it

agreed. Just saw the "DNC" crap go by on TV. They are holding an "election", LOL!!
They don't elect. They "rig". Follow the "the chosen one". Ask commie Bernie.

If I had to bet, I would bet the Latino. But CNN just made a big deal about Ellision "the first muslim congressperson" or whatever. Black and muslim, hard to beat that.
I give it six months before he is wearing bedazzled military style outfits .

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