How college students think they are more special than EVER

rrrrrr...dean, did that commotion in the rubber room get you all wee weed up...:lol:

Not so sure. When you ask what Republican policies are and the thread immediately gets sent to the "Rubber Room" is it because of the question or the fact everyone knows that Republican Policies are ridiculous so even asking the question is ridiculous?

rrrrrr...dean, that's pretty good spin ya got there, you should get an salunsky award. I like to use #5, 8, 13 and I enjoy # 6. I love to use liberal tools on liberal tools...:eusa_angel:
Dear American Jihad, why did you hijack your own fucking thread?

Who gives a fuck about Wikipedia's GWB page?
Two-Thirds of College Students Think They’re Going to Change the World

But they’re cynical about the priorities of others at the same time.

September 9, 2013 • By Lisa Wade •


This data rings true to this college professor. Despite the recession, the students at my (rather elite, private, liberal arts) school surprise me with their high professional expectations (thinking that they should be wildly successful, even if they’re worried they won’t be) and their desire to change the world (many strongly identify as progressives who are concerned with social inequalities and political corruption).

Some call this entitlement, but I think it’s at least as true to say that today’s college youth (the self-esteem generation) have been promised these things. They’ve always been told to dream big, and so they do. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that we’ve sold our young people a bill of goods. Their high expectations sound like a recipe for disappointment, even for my privileged population, especially if they expect it to happen before they exit their twenties!

Alternatively, what we’re seeing is the idealism of youth. It will be interesting to see if they downshift their expectations once they get into the workforce. Net Impact doesn’t address whether these are largely generational or age differences. It’s probably a combination of both.


Two-Thirds of College Kids Think They?re Going to Change the World
This is the second generation that has been raised to believe that "everyone gets a trophy," even if you suck.

Although obviously a lot of them are willing to work hard at what they are interested in, I think the idea that you OWE your employer (a) hard work, (b) loyalty, and (c) ethical conduct, will be totally absent. It will be interesting, but I probably won't live long enough to see the country implode.

Important online: Trends like social media, celebrity culture, and easy credit contribute to students feeling as if they're more successful than they really are

How college students think they are more special than EVER: Study reveals rocketing sense of entitlement on U.S. campuses

By Daily Mail Reporter
5 January 2013


'Our culture used to encourage modesty and humility and not bragging about yourself,' Twenge told BBC News. 'It was considered a bad thing to be seen as conceited or full of yourself.'

Just because someone has high self-esteem doesn't mean they're a narcissist. Positive self-assessments can not only be harmless but completely true.

However, one in four recent students responded to a questionnaire called the Narcissistic Personality Inventory with results pointing towards narcissistic self-assessments.
Narcissism is defined as excessive self-love or vanity; self-admiration, or being self-centered.

Twenge said that's a trait that is often negative and destructive, and blames its boom on several trends - including parenting styles, celebrity culture, social media, and easy credit - for allowing people to seem more successful than they really are.


Read more: Study shows college students think they're more special than ever...even those that can't read or write and barely study | Mail Online
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By God, as a college student at the grand young age of 70, I know I am more special than ever!:lol:

Guess what? The young people I have met at the university that I attend have made a very favorable impression on me. Most are very hard working and intelligent. In fact, there intellect has impressed me far more than that of people like you.
It isn't just college students. If anything the most ill educated have the most inflated view of themselves. They are so smart and so wonderful they don't even need to go to college.

My, you are living proof of that.:lol:

Important online: Trends like social media, celebrity culture, and easy credit contribute to students feeling as if they're more successful than they really are

How college students think they are more special than EVER: Study reveals rocketing sense of entitlement on U.S. campuses

By Daily Mail Reporter
5 January 2013


'Our culture used to encourage modesty and humility and not bragging about yourself,' Twenge told BBC News. 'It was considered a bad thing to be seen as conceited or full of yourself.'

Just because someone has high self-esteem doesn't mean they're a narcissist. Positive self-assessments can not only be harmless but completely true.

However, one in four recent students responded to a questionnaire called the Narcissistic Personality Inventory with results pointing towards narcissistic self-assessments.
Narcissism is defined as excessive self-love or vanity; self-admiration, or being self-centered.

Twenge said that's a trait that is often negative and destructive, and blames its boom on several trends - including parenting styles, celebrity culture, social media, and easy credit - for allowing people to seem more successful than they really are.


Read more: Study shows college students think they're more special than ever...even those that can't read or write and barely study | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

By God, as a college student at the grand young age of 70, I know I am more special than ever!:lol:

Guess what? The young people I have met at the university that I attend have made a very favorable impression on me. Most are very hard working and intelligent. In fact, there intellect has impressed me far more than that of people like you.

Old balls, That's because you did not out grow your liberalism and are in tune with the young punks...:lol:
For some reason, the news media always seem to focus on the college kids who are the privileged progeny of the upper middle class. The ones who graduate from private colleges with no debt.

It was the same when I was college-age; the kids who were smoking dope, attending all the anti-war rallies, throwing up out the windows of their frat house bedrooms, and so on.

These kids have always considered themselves special and entitled, and always been sure of their eventual success. And I hate to say it, but they usually ARE successful, because their parents have the resources to get them into the companies and jobs (or family businesses) that will pave the path to riches.

But I don't think they were, or are, representative of typical college students. The legitimate studies of current students find that most of them are pursuing career-oriented majors (though too many are targeting government employment of one kind or another), and working reasonably hard to get through it as quickly as possible, with as little debt as they can manage.

The spoiled upper-middle class twits are very visible on campus, as they have always been, and they reflect all the odious characteristics that we older folks tend to lay on them. Hopefully, they will grow up at some point.
At my high school, 97% graduate.

I'm among only a handful who could name a single US Senator, understand calculus, and understand Lewis dot structure/VSEPR chemistry models. This is the #6 high school in the state. I'm not sure if it's much worse than before, but it's not a good starting point.
Just look at the shelves of the self-help section of book stores. All of them are promoting self-esteem as we are led to believe that students with high self-esteem score better grades. However, could it be students who score better grades build up their self-esteem? This point is argued in the book titled Willpower by Baumeister.
University Students Demanding $15/Hour for Part-Time Work
What do we want? Everything! When do we want it? Right now!
Trey Sanchez


Students at nearly 20 universities in America have been inspired by fast-food workers and other low-pay laborers demanding a raise in minimum wage. Many have stood alongside the protesters in kindred spirit asking for $15 an hour on their behalf. And now the students want a piece of the pie, too, even for part-time work, according to The Washington Post.

These students attend some of the most prestigious, and of course liberal, universities in the nation, including Columbia in New York and Northeastern in Boston. That explains why their logic is so off base. One Columbia University student who helped form a wage protest group told the Post:

Students don’t think of themselves as workers, even when they’re working two part-time jobs to stave off mounting debt. So, I think that’s part of the campaign, making students realize the value of their labor.


University Students Demanding $15/Hour for Part-Time Work
Hell, the fucking tea party working with the super rich probably wants them to get pennies.

Kind of like the sweat shops of china.
Angry White Leftists Target a Black Conservative Woman
Fighting oppression at Vanderbilt U.
November 13, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

Dr. Carol Swain was born in segregated Virginia. The second of twelve children, she grew up sharing a bed with her sisters in a shack that had no running water. Her family was so poor that she had no shoes and had to stay home from school when the weather was bad. She never did make it to high school.

And now 1,400 leftist fascists have signed a petition to Vanderbilt University demanding that one of the most respected African-American scholars in this country take diversity training or be “terminated.”

The petition to force a conservative black woman to undergo diversity training comes from Nick Goldbach, a white hipster student and self-described “urban enthusiast” who claims that working as a waiter at a “sustainable” luxury urban resort in Connecticut taught him about “common humanity.”

Nick cares about “civil rights and social action,” “chic and unassuming” dining experiences and getting a black woman whose writings about race and racism were cited by Supreme Court justices fired.

And once that’s done, Nick and a few of his closest social justice warrior pals can celebrate with another “chic and unassuming” dining experience. Dr. Swain had worked her way up from a GED to a PhD by taking a job at McDonald’s where the dining experiences are unassuming, if not especially chic.

Dr. Swain’s fiercest critics have always been hypocritical white leftists who claim to speak for minorities. She was targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization whose white leftist bosses have made a fortune from exploiting black people. Now she has run afoul of angry white social justice hipsters who claim that she “espouse(s) hate towards minorities” and that a black woman who grew up under segregation needs “diversity training.”

Joining the campaign against Dr. Swain is Emmie Arnold, a grad student, running a letter writing campaign to get the most prominent African-American scholar at Vanderbilt fired because poor, dear Emmie feels an “obligation to advocate with and for people who are being oppressed.”

Emmie Arnold is white, feminist, gluten-free and encourages followers on Tumblr to “pay for the convenience of upscale grocery stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joes.” She was a member of two sororities. When she isn’t shopping at upscale grocery stores, she’s fighting “oppression” by oppressing an African-American scholar who grew up experiencing real oppression and is still being oppressed by the likes of Emmie and Nick and a few hundred of their closest Facebook friends.


The students targeting Dr. Swain claim to be “fighting oppression.” But true resistance to oppression is in fighting oppressors. Fighting oppression by destroying free speech and silencing dissent is just oppression no matter how much hypocritical self-righteous makeup it wears to the dance.

The left is taking off its masks. It has given up pretending that it believes in rights and freedoms. Now, in its final stage, it imposes oppression in the name of tolerance and sensitivity. It claims that eliminating the opposition is the only way to make its oppressed oppressors feel safe and welcomed.

The fight for Dr. Swain’s academic freedom and her freedom of speech is the true fight against oppression.

Dr. Swain has been fighting against real oppression generations before her attackers were even old enough to complain that gluten in their light beers is oppression. She lived under segregation. She rose up from crushing poverty. And she is still standing strong against her oppressors today.

Angry White Leftists Target a Black Conservative Woman
College students ARE special. College students will pay more than anyone's mortgage or credit card spree, and for absolutely nothing. Have you ever met anyone who has sold out his entire future for nothing and is happy to get indentured for life? College students are special. HEHE
University Students Demanding $15/Hour for Part-Time Work
What do we want? Everything! When do we want it? Right now!
Trey Sanchez


Students at nearly 20 universities in America have been inspired by fast-food workers and other low-pay laborers demanding a raise in minimum wage. Many have stood alongside the protesters in kindred spirit asking for $15 an hour on their behalf. And now the students want a piece of the pie, too, even for part-time work, according to The Washington Post.

These students attend some of the most prestigious, and of course liberal, universities in the nation, including Columbia in New York and Northeastern in Boston. That explains why their logic is so off base. One Columbia University student who helped form a wage protest group told the Post:

Students don’t think of themselves as workers, even when they’re working two part-time jobs to stave off mounting debt. So, I think that’s part of the campaign, making students realize the value of their labor.


University Students Demanding $15/Hour for Part-Time Work

But this is logical. When the government undersigns unpayable student loans on their heads, then obligates them for it for life, the only thing students can do is demand inflation, such as this $15/hr. If I was them, I would demand $20/hr.
College students ARE special. College students will pay more than anyone's mortgage or credit card spree, and for absolutely nothing. .....


Nothing indeed, because even if you major a subject that does have good market conditions, e.g. maths or medicine, you still get nothing for your degree. This is because the lifetime income advantage is pre-empted by the even higher student loan.
College students ARE special. College students will pay more than anyone's mortgage or credit card spree, and for absolutely nothing. .....


Nothing indeed, because even if you major a subject that does have good market conditions, e.g. maths or medicine, you still get nothing for your degree. This is because the lifetime income advantage is pre-empted by the even higher student loan.

You suck at math, logic, and common sense. Stop being so bitter.

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