How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

Let’s assume there was no slavery.

Let’s assume the Southern States left the union because the union decided that free speech was no longer protected and started passing laws punishing criticism of the federal government or any fed gov official.

Would Lincoln be justified in forcing those states to remain via full-blown war?

If there had been no slavery, there never would’ve been a civil war.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.
Let’s assume there was no slavery.

Let’s assume the Southern States left the union because the union decided that free speech was no longer protected and started passing laws punishing criticism of the federal government or any fed gov official.

Would Lincoln be justified in forcing those states to remain via full-blown war?

If there had been no slavery, there never would’ve been a civil war.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?
Let’s assume there was no slavery.

Let’s assume the Southern States left the union because the union decided that free speech was no longer protected and started passing laws punishing criticism of the federal government or any fed gov official.

Would Lincoln be justified in forcing those states to remain via full-blown war?

If there had been no slavery, there never would’ve been a civil war.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.
Let’s assume there was no slavery.

Let’s assume the Southern States left the union because the union decided that free speech was no longer protected and started passing laws punishing criticism of the federal government or any fed gov official.

Would Lincoln be justified in forcing those states to remain via full-blown war?

If there had been no slavery, there never would’ve been a civil war.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

Your answer is that the tenant has the right to shoot his landlord.

Thanks for playing.
Let’s assume there was no slavery.

Let’s assume the Southern States left the union because the union decided that free speech was no longer protected and started passing laws punishing criticism of the federal government or any fed gov official.

Would Lincoln be justified in forcing those states to remain via full-blown war?

If there had been no slavery, there never would’ve been a civil war.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.
If there had been no slavery, there never would’ve been a civil war.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

Your answer is that the tenant has the right to shoot his landlord.

Thanks for playing.

Nice simpleton answer.

The tenant doesn't have the right to opt out of a contract because he wants to own another human being.
If there had been no slavery, there never would’ve been a civil war.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.

Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.

Yup, the Union exercised its deed.

It has no right to step foot in Ft Sumter, you lying asshole.
If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

Your answer is that the tenant has the right to shoot his landlord.

Thanks for playing.

Nice simpleton answer.

The tenant doesn't have the right to opt out of a contract because he wants to own another human being.
The Federal Government was the tenant, moron. When a host nation tells you to get the fuck out, then you are obligated to comply.
If there had been no slavery, there never would’ve been a civil war.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.
Let me get this straight: you believe the Union government owned South Carolina?
True mastery of a subject is the ability to boil it down to simple, powerful points. That you can't go beyond you've read more history books than I've seen (which you obviously have no way of knowing) and your response to consent of the governed and Locke was you have philosophy and political science degrees says you are NOT a master.

I have masters degrees in business and computer science, and my job is to make difficult concepts simple for management, the business and IT teams to understand, and I'm good at it. If I responded with your ridiculous crap about my degrees or that I've read books, I'd be escorted to the door


You missed the first lesson.

Agreed. You're a useless academic who worships your own shadow, I'm a bottom line business guy

Lesson one, listen more than you speak. That way, it’s easy to figure out who the biggest fool in the room is. Speak more than you listen, and it almost always turns out to be you.

You still have nothing, huh?

Do you have any questions, little fella?

If I did, I wouldn't waste my time asking you, squirt. I want content, not a list of degrees.

Do some reading on Locke and consent of the governed and get back to me when you know what it is and how it pertains to legitimate government
If Lincoln hadn't invaded Viirginia, there would have been no Civil War. You're like the abusive husband who says to his wife after he beats her "see what you made me do?"

I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.

Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter in which no one was killed or injured, Lincoln was right to start the war that caused 850k deaths and destroyed half the nation. Clearly you haven’t thought this through.

Lincoln was the traitor not the South. He killed fellow Americans. The exact definition of treason.
The analogy of tenant-landlord is incorrect. Perhaps a better one might be enlisting in the military, where the enlistee is subject to the military rules and the enlistment is forever, Even Jefferson and Madison tried to nullify the Alien and Sedition act. In any case the framers put into the Constitution the supremacy clause, and the Court became the decider.
This has become THE stupidest thread of the week. It was okay until we started arguing about the civil war, though.
The analogy of tenant-landlord is incorrect. Perhaps a better one might be enlisting in the military, where the enlistee is subject to the military rules and the enlistment is forever, Even Jefferson and Madison tried to nullify the Alien and Sedition act. In any case the framers put into the Constitution the supremacy clause, and the Court became the decider.

The supremecy clause applies only to states that are still in the union. If you secede, it no longer applies. What does the alien and sedition act have to do with anything? The court didn't decide anything until after the war when it was packed with Lincoln appointees.
These threads are great at exposing the Statists (commies). There are a shit ton.

We need another fucking war.

Freedom or Valhalla
Lincoln suspended the Bill of Rights. He was like a dictator. Radical Republicans were even worse for America.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA
Same thing in WWI and's called suspending Habeas Corpus, etc. while in a state of war. Are we in a state of war right now?

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