How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists


You missed the first lesson.

Agreed. You're a useless academic who worships your own shadow, I'm a bottom line business guy

Lesson one, listen more than you speak. That way, it’s easy to figure out who the biggest fool in the room is. Speak more than you listen, and it almost always turns out to be you.

You still have nothing, huh?

Do you have any questions, little fella?

If I did, I wouldn't waste my time asking you, squirt. I want content, not a list of degrees.

Do some reading on Locke and consent of the governed and get back to me when you know what it is and how it pertains to legitimate government

Once again, if you take very good care of yourself, exercise and eat right, you will still never live long enough to study those topics to the extent I have. Even if you could, it would not justify your illogical attempt at misapplying the concepts involved here.
I wonder what lame ass confederidiot excuse you have for the attack on Fort Sumter.

The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.

Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Agreed. You're a useless academic who worships your own shadow, I'm a bottom line business guy

Lesson one, listen more than you speak. That way, it’s easy to figure out who the biggest fool in the room is. Speak more than you listen, and it almost always turns out to be you.

You still have nothing, huh?

Do you have any questions, little fella?

If I did, I wouldn't waste my time asking you, squirt. I want content, not a list of degrees.

Do some reading on Locke and consent of the governed and get back to me when you know what it is and how it pertains to legitimate government

Once again, if you take very good care of yourself, exercise and eat right, you will still never live long enough to study those topics to the extent I have. Even if you could, it would not justify your illogical attempt at misapplying the concepts involved here.

I'm not challenging your degrees. I find history and political science degree holders to be pretty worthless, you're right up there with them.

It's your utter lack of ability to grasp consent of the governed or what slavery had to do with consent of the governed since neither side believed blacks were equal and the north didn't invade over slavery
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA
Same thing in WWI and's called suspending Habeas Corpus, etc. while in a state of war. Are we in a state of war right now?
The federal government never declared war in 1860, dumbass.
The Yankees were tresspassing on the territory of South Carolina, moron. They refused to leave when asked. Does evicting a tenant who doesn't pay his rent from your property give him a license to shoot you?

The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.

Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.
The US government doesn't pay rent to treasonous bastards.

We usually send General Sherman to straighten things out.

So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.

Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
If it had only been about slavery. I am so disappointed that it was NOT about slavery., because then I could justify it too.

If slavery wasn’t an issue, then why was the south so worried about losing slavery, and why did the Union pass the thirteenth amendment banning slavery immediately after the war?

South Carolina declaration of secession:
Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union
Mentions of slavery = 19

Texas declaration of secession:
DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC
Mentions of slavery = 17

Mississippi declaration of secession:
Why Did Mississippi Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 7

Georgia declaration of secession:
The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States
Mentions of slavery = 35

Governor of Florida message to the Florida Secession Convention:
Florida Declaration
Mentions of slavery = 14

Alabama declaration of secession:
Alabama Ordinance of Secession - CivilWarWiki
Mentions of slavery = 9

Virginia declaration of secession:
The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States
Mentions of slavery = 1

Governor of Arkansas message to the Arkansas Secession Convention:
Why Did Arkansas Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 12

Louisiana secession commissioner message:
Why Did Louisiana Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 12

Governor of Tennessee message calling for secession:
Mentions of slavery = 57

I barely see a word about tariffs in those; here’s historian Shelby Foote’s take:
The Split Personality of Ken Burns’s “The Civil War”
“Southerners saw the election of Lincoln as a sign that the Union was about to radicalized, and that they were about to be taken in directions they did not care to go. The abolitionist aspect of it was very strong, and they figured they were about to lose what they called their property and faced ruin.”
If it had only been about slavery. I am so disappointed that it was NOT about slavery., because then I could justify it too.

If slavery wasn’t an issue, then why was the south so worried about losing slavery, and why did the Union pass the thirteenth amendment banning slavery immediately after the war?

South Carolina declaration of secession:
Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union
Mentions of slavery = 19

Texas declaration of secession:
DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC
Mentions of slavery = 17

Mississippi declaration of secession:
Why Did Mississippi Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 7

Georgia declaration of secession:
The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States
Mentions of slavery = 35

Governor of Florida message to the Florida Secession Convention:
Florida Declaration
Mentions of slavery = 14

Alabama declaration of secession:
Alabama Ordinance of Secession - CivilWarWiki
Mentions of slavery = 9

Virginia declaration of secession:
The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States
Mentions of slavery = 1

Governor of Arkansas message to the Arkansas Secession Convention:
Why Did Arkansas Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 12

Louisiana secession commissioner message:
Why Did Louisiana Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 12

Governor of Tennessee message calling for secession:
Mentions of slavery = 57

I barely see a word about tariffs in those; here’s historian Shelby Foote’s take:
The Split Personality of Ken Burns’s “The Civil War”
“Southerners saw the election of Lincoln as a sign that the Union was about to radicalized, and that they were about to be taken in directions they did not care to go. The abolitionist aspect of it was very strong, and they figured they were about to lose what they called their property and faced ruin.”
Did you even bother to read lincoln’s speech?

I am so damn tired of having to repeat shit.
So you have boiled the argument down to who owned South Carolina; the United States or South Carolina. That's pretty easy one.

Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
Yes they are, turd. Occupying another nation's territory without their permission is an act of war.
Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
Yes they are, turd. Occupying another nation's territory without their permission is an act of war.

He'd suddenly get that if the United States did it
If it had only been about slavery. I am so disappointed that it was NOT about slavery., because then I could justify it too.

If slavery wasn’t an issue, then why was the south so worried about losing slavery, and why did the Union pass the thirteenth amendment banning slavery immediately after the war?

South Carolina declaration of secession:
Avalon Project - Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union
Mentions of slavery = 19

Texas declaration of secession:
DECLARATION OF CAUSES: February 2, 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. | TSLAC
Mentions of slavery = 17

Mississippi declaration of secession:
Why Did Mississippi Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 7

Georgia declaration of secession:
The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States
Mentions of slavery = 35

Governor of Florida message to the Florida Secession Convention:
Florida Declaration
Mentions of slavery = 14

Alabama declaration of secession:
Alabama Ordinance of Secession - CivilWarWiki
Mentions of slavery = 9

Virginia declaration of secession:
The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States
Mentions of slavery = 1

Governor of Arkansas message to the Arkansas Secession Convention:
Why Did Arkansas Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 12

Louisiana secession commissioner message:
Why Did Louisiana Secede?
Mentions of slavery = 12

Governor of Tennessee message calling for secession:
Mentions of slavery = 57

I barely see a word about tariffs in those; here’s historian Shelby Foote’s take:
The Split Personality of Ken Burns’s “The Civil War”
“Southerners saw the election of Lincoln as a sign that the Union was about to radicalized, and that they were about to be taken in directions they did not care to go. The abolitionist aspect of it was very strong, and they figured they were about to lose what they called their property and faced ruin.”
Did you even bother to read lincoln’s speech?

I am so damn tired of having to repeat shit.
Get used to it. You'll have to repeat the same thing over and over and over. I've been repeating this stuff for 15 years.
Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
...Occupying another nation's territory without their permission is an act of war.

That is not what happened.
Lesson one, listen more than you speak. That way, it’s easy to figure out who the biggest fool in the room is. Speak more than you listen, and it almost always turns out to be you.

You still have nothing, huh?

Do you have any questions, little fella?

If I did, I wouldn't waste my time asking you, squirt. I want content, not a list of degrees.

Do some reading on Locke and consent of the governed and get back to me when you know what it is and how it pertains to legitimate government

Once again, if you take very good care of yourself, exercise and eat right, you will still never live long enough to study those topics to the extent I have. Even if you could, it would not justify your illogical attempt at misapplying the concepts involved here.

I'm not challenging your degrees. I find history and political science degree holders to be pretty worthless, you're right up there with them.

It's your utter lack of ability to grasp consent of the governed or what slavery had to do with consent of the governed since neither side believed blacks were equal and the north didn't invade over slavery

I don’t know what’s funnier, your repetition of terms you don’t understand or your desperate clinging to logical fallacy.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
...Occupying another nation's territory without their permission is an act of war.

That is not what happened.

OMG, you are an intellectual! Thanks for all that content explaining your point!

What a joke. That's what your students say when they ask you a question and your answer is ...

... do you see those fucking degrees on my wall!!! You think I don't know????
You still have nothing, huh?

Do you have any questions, little fella?

If I did, I wouldn't waste my time asking you, squirt. I want content, not a list of degrees.

Do some reading on Locke and consent of the governed and get back to me when you know what it is and how it pertains to legitimate government

Once again, if you take very good care of yourself, exercise and eat right, you will still never live long enough to study those topics to the extent I have. Even if you could, it would not justify your illogical attempt at misapplying the concepts involved here.

I'm not challenging your degrees. I find history and political science degree holders to be pretty worthless, you're right up there with them.

It's your utter lack of ability to grasp consent of the governed or what slavery had to do with consent of the governed since neither side believed blacks were equal and the north didn't invade over slavery

I don’t know what’s funnier, your repetition of terms you don’t understand or your desperate clinging to logical fallacy.

And another post just reeking of knowledge. The content just flows from you. What an excellent post full of pure content and intellect. Thank you, well done
Again, just your raw love of the tyranny of the majority. Oh, and rule of the courts when the majority is wrong to fix it ...

You guys haven't won an honest majority since 1988.... That's what tyranny looks like.

If we didn't let the rich buy our elections, some of these inbreds in the Red States might even figure out how much they are being scammed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
...Occupying another nation's territory without their permission is an act of war.

That is not what happened.

That's exactly what happened.

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