How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
...Occupying another nation's territory without their permission is an act of war.

That is not what happened.

That's exactly what happened.

Again, your insistence does not alter reality, loser.
Do you have any questions, little fella?

If I did, I wouldn't waste my time asking you, squirt. I want content, not a list of degrees.

Do some reading on Locke and consent of the governed and get back to me when you know what it is and how it pertains to legitimate government

Once again, if you take very good care of yourself, exercise and eat right, you will still never live long enough to study those topics to the extent I have. Even if you could, it would not justify your illogical attempt at misapplying the concepts involved here.

I'm not challenging your degrees. I find history and political science degree holders to be pretty worthless, you're right up there with them.

It's your utter lack of ability to grasp consent of the governed or what slavery had to do with consent of the governed since neither side believed blacks were equal and the north didn't invade over slavery

I don’t know what’s funnier, your repetition of terms you don’t understand or your desperate clinging to logical fallacy.

And another post just reeking of knowledge. The content just flows from you. What an excellent post full of pure content and intellect. Thank you, well done

Your limitations aren't my fault.
With state governments and a national governments there was bound to be clashes of governments and who controlled what. The first clash was with our second president, Adams, when the Bill of Rights was canceled. The clashes continue but on a low pitch since the Civil War, The framers anticipated the state v. federal clashes and put in the Supremacy clause Art, six.
Still waiting for you to explain why you believe I am a communist.....still waiting....still waiting...
See post #444. Read the whole thing this time.

Still waiting.....still waiting........

But I am guessing you are still cowering like you are below

a) What makes me a communist- specifically.
b) See (a) above as evidence that you have no principals
a) Do you believe government should have authority that individuals on their own (no government or society) would have?.

Do I believe in a Constitutional Democratically elected government? Why yes I do.

You mean like the governments the Union imposed on the Confederate states after the war?.

Yeah- you are still pissed off that Alabama and Texas have to follow the Constitution and are part of the United States and not their own slave supporting Constitutions.
Lincoln is the one who didn't follow the Constitution, you fucking douchebag. Since when did leftwingers ever give a damn about complying with it?

Ah my favorite little slavery loving douchebag.

Yeah- you are still pissed off that Alabama and Texas have to follow the Constitution and are part of the United States and not their own slave supporting Constitutions
Of course not- because oddly enough- you think a 'commie' believes in Capitalism and a a Constitutional Democratically elected government.

Do you also think that if someone says they believe in God that they are an Atheist?
You still have not answer the question that I asked.

I certainly have.

Let us review shall we?
a) you called me a commie- and yourself a 'principled person'
b) I challenged you to prove I was a 'commie'
c) You responded by asking a question.

You either have a reason for calling me a commie- or you are lying.

Personally I think you are doing both.

Just pointing out that besides Bootney's lack of principals.....

View attachment 197436
You're the one who just admitted that the end justifies the means.

I am the one who absolutely supported the end of slavery.

You......not so much.
Brippat admitted that he has no principals and loves slavery. He believes that nothing justifies the end of slavery and the loss of that slave property in the South.
War does justify the end of slavery. Too bad that wasn't the real purpose for Lincoln. His real purpose was government without consent.

You can't put aside your emotions regarding slavery long enough to see the wrongs committed on the other side. You really do support slavery, just not slavery based on race.

Am I wrong?
The lincoln cult will never admit the war was wrong because their whole welfare state empire is based on it.

The war was wrong. The traitorous confederate scum never should have started. Then they would not have had to be taught a lesson.

They didn't start it, turd. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

The rebels fired on troops of the United States Army.

Generally we call that an attack and Americans- real Americans- don't applaud attacks on the Army.
Brippat admitted that he has no principals and loves slavery. He believes that nothing justifies the end of slavery and the loss of that slave property in the South.
War does justify the end of slavery. Too bad that wasn't the real purpose for Lincoln. His real purpose was government without consent.

You can't put aside your emotions regarding slavery long enough to see the wrongs committed on the other side. You really do support slavery, just not slavery based on race.

Am I wrong?
The lincoln cult will never admit the war was wrong because their whole welfare state empire is based on it.

The Confederate Cult will never admit that secession was wrong because they still yearn for the days that white men could own black slaves.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus… Unforgivable
Because the motherfucker was a dictator... fuck him

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.
The war was wrong. The traitorous confederate scum never should have started. Then they would not have had to be taught a lesson.
So, why not just let them leave?

No scumbag slavers tear my country apart.
It was their country too, douchebag. Who put you in charge of telling them what they are allowed to do?

Ah yes- 'it was the 'slavers' country too.

Yeah- can't have anyone telling the slavers what they can do with their human property.......

No wonder you hate Lincoln so much.
Yup, the Union exercised its deed.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
Yes they are, turd. Occupying another nation's territory without their permission is an act of war.

Finally you will are admitting that the Rebel states started the war when they fired on American troops.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA
Lincoln suspended habeas corpus… Unforgivable
Because the motherfucker was a dictator... fuck him

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.....and saved the Union, which resulted in the United States being the strongest country on earth and his actions resulted in the end of slavery in America.

Of course you say 'fuck him'.

Those who despise America and yearn for good old days of slavery always do.
Dishonest Abe saved the Union by destroying half of it. To the ignorant Statist, this is what success looks like.
So because SC fired on Fort Sumter ....

Thereby starting the war.
Lincoln started it when he refused to comply with the request to have his troops vacate the premises. He also sent a resupply boat that intruded on the the SC territorial waters.


Not acts of war, idiot.
Yes they are, turd. Occupying another nation's territory without their permission is an act of war.

Finally you will are admitting that the Rebel states started the war when they fired on American troops.

The Poles fired on German troops in 1939. So according to you they started WW II.

Claims like yours are how we know that you're an imbecile.
Last edited:
Brippat admitted that he has no principals and loves slavery. He believes that nothing justifies the end of slavery and the loss of that slave property in the South.
War does justify the end of slavery. Too bad that wasn't the real purpose for Lincoln. His real purpose was government without consent.

You can't put aside your emotions regarding slavery long enough to see the wrongs committed on the other side. You really do support slavery, just not slavery based on race.

Am I wrong?
The lincoln cult will never admit the war was wrong because their whole welfare state empire is based on it.

The Confederate Cult will never admit that secession was wrong because they still yearn for the days that white men could own black slaves.
Making stuff up doesn't help your case. There isn't the slightest thing wrong with secession. The threat of secession is what kept the federal government in check. I realize you find the prospect to be a horror, but rational people don't find anything good in the prospect of unlimited government power.

Your arguments are pathetic and all are fundamentally grounded on accusing your critics of supporting slavery.

You're a dumbass douchebag, in other words.
Brippat admitted that he has no principals and loves slavery. He believes that nothing justifies the end of slavery and the loss of that slave property in the South.
War does justify the end of slavery. Too bad that wasn't the real purpose for Lincoln. His real purpose was government without consent.

You can't put aside your emotions regarding slavery long enough to see the wrongs committed on the other side. You really do support slavery, just not slavery based on race.

Am I wrong?
The lincoln cult will never admit the war was wrong because their whole welfare state empire is based on it.

The war was wrong. The traitorous confederate scum never should have started. Then they would not have had to be taught a lesson.

They didn't start it, turd. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

The rebels fired on troops of the United States Army.

Generally we call that an attack and Americans- real Americans- don't applaud attacks on the Army.
Of course they don't, and Germans didn't approve of attacks on the Nazi war machine.
Of course not- because oddly enough- you think a 'commie' believes in Capitalism and a a Constitutional Democratically elected government.

Do you also think that if someone says they believe in God that they are an Atheist?
You still have not answer the question that I asked.

I certainly have.

Let us review shall we?
a) you called me a commie- and yourself a 'principled person'
b) I challenged you to prove I was a 'commie'
c) You responded by asking a question.

You either have a reason for calling me a commie- or you are lying.

Personally I think you are doing both.

Just pointing out that besides Bootney's lack of principals.....

View attachment 197436
You're the one who just admitted that the end justifies the means.

I am the one who absolutely supported the end of slavery.

You......not so much.
You support slaughtering 850,000 Americans, ripping up the Constitution and the imposition of the police state.
a) Do you believe government should have authority that individuals on their own (no government or society) would have?.

Do I believe in a Constitutional Democratically elected government? Why yes I do.

You mean like the governments the Union imposed on the Confederate states after the war?.

Yeah- you are still pissed off that Alabama and Texas have to follow the Constitution and are part of the United States and not their own slave supporting Constitutions.
Lincoln is the one who didn't follow the Constitution, you fucking douchebag. Since when did leftwingers ever give a damn about complying with it?

Ah my favorite little slavery loving douchebag.

Yeah- you are still pissed off that Alabama and Texas have to follow the Constitution and are part of the United States and not their own slave supporting Constitutions
Making stuff up doesn't help your case. It only proves that you're a shameless douchebag.
Again, just your raw love of the tyranny of the majority. Oh, and rule of the courts when the majority is wrong to fix it ...

You guys haven't won an honest majority since 1988.... That's what tyranny looks like.

If we didn't let the rich buy our elections, some of these inbreds in the Red States might even figure out how much they are being scammed.

Libertarians won a majority in 1988? Wow, I did not know that. I thought that douche HW won.

And as for the rich buying elections, that's an interesting one. You're right, but you're lying. You're lying because you believe the rich don't own the Democrat party. Hillary and Barry proved you wrong. When they both left office, they both went on gravy train speaking tours of corporate America and Wall Street to collect on their bill for services rendered.

If you were smarter and recognized that, you'd be a libertarian. Government is corrupt. The best way to protect ourselves is to make is smaller. That's the only way
If I did, I wouldn't waste my time asking you, squirt. I want content, not a list of degrees.

Do some reading on Locke and consent of the governed and get back to me when you know what it is and how it pertains to legitimate government

Once again, if you take very good care of yourself, exercise and eat right, you will still never live long enough to study those topics to the extent I have. Even if you could, it would not justify your illogical attempt at misapplying the concepts involved here.

I'm not challenging your degrees. I find history and political science degree holders to be pretty worthless, you're right up there with them.

It's your utter lack of ability to grasp consent of the governed or what slavery had to do with consent of the governed since neither side believed blacks were equal and the north didn't invade over slavery

I don’t know what’s funnier, your repetition of terms you don’t understand or your desperate clinging to logical fallacy.

And another post just reeking of knowledge. The content just flows from you. What an excellent post full of pure content and intellect. Thank you, well done

Your limitations aren't my fault.

And the professor goes playground!


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