How come no one cares about Obama's surge in Iraq?

And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.
There's never going to be peace in the Middle East… Fact.... so quit talking out of your ass. LOL

Lacking any kind of coherent comment, you just attack the messenger, troll. I have no idea what it's like to live in your myopic world, and I'm so grateful.

He is the textbook example of a modern American conservative.
You do realize Islam will never want any peace, it is not in their cult to do so. They never have been a peaceful cult never will be. Only a fool would think there will be peace in the Middle East. It's best if you stay in your moms basement in seclusion
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.
Beating the war drums, are you, Pocahontas?

This is why those of us who want a better, less militaristic role in the world don't believe Democrats. You're driving down the same road as Republicans. You just want to be behind the steering wheel
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.

Ohhhhhhhh, such bravery with almost ZERO Americans involved!!!!!

See? The nuts are beside themselves that more Americans aren't dying in IRAQ's fight against ISIS.
The anti-American bastards. That's why they'll get their far rightwing A$$es handed to them come November.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

The Republicans of 2016 are the Democrats of 2008. Wait a minute, but you won in 2008 ...
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.
There's never going to be peace in the Middle East… Fact.... so quit talking out of your ass. LOL
So walk away and let ISIS have its way? Continue spreading its terrorist tactics? Let them keep their little caliphate with its oil fields and millions of civilians to carry on the work of their twisted government that has declared war on America and its allies?
The battle is lost, Barry is a fuck up
The wingers are sucked up into the next move by Kim Karda...I mean, Donald Trump. I guess if it was a Republican president who was kicking ISIS out of Iraq they might be more interested.

They don't care about our military personnel there and the dangers they are in:

U.S. expects Islamic State to wield chemical weapons in Mosul fight

You didn't care about our military personnel there and the dangers they are in ... until ... a Democrat was in the White House.

Funny how the military overwhelmingly thinks that Republicans care about them and you don't. They see what a liar you are, you're just playing politics with our military's lives. No wonder they don't trust you.

Let's see what side you're on if Trump wins ...
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.

If he hadn't stupidly pulled out when he did, there would be no need for him to put on a phony supercape and risk American lives all over again, wasting the lives of the troops who took Mosul in the first place.

I just have to laugh at idiots who are so stupid they don't remember that the SOFA treaty to remove all troops from Iraq was signed by Bush and Obama COMPLIED with that treaty and met it for the December 2011 deadline.

I have to laugh at following an arbitrary deadline if conditions do not warrant the removal.

Then you get the Obama blessed cluster that we have now.
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.
There's never going to be peace in the Middle East… Fact.... so quit talking out of your ass. LOL
So walk away and let ISIS have its way? Continue spreading its terrorist tactics? Let them keep their little caliphate with its oil fields and millions of civilians to carry on the work of their twisted government that has declared war on America and its allies?
The battle is lost, Barry is a fuck up
That would be too bad, and no, he's not.
Obama is their "Black God" they will support him no matter what he does.

Obama is measured in his words and actions, something bigots, racists and all around ne'er-do-wells can't or won't understand.

Funny how he's only "measured" when he talks about America's enemies. He's not measured at all in talking about half his own country
Obama is their "Black God" they will support him no matter what he does.

Obama is measured in his words and actions, something bigots, racists and all around ne'er-do-wells can't or won't understand.

Funny how he's only "measured" when he talks about America's enemies. He's not measured at all in talking about half his own country

Don't be vague, explain with an example of how he is "not measured at all in talking about half his own country". Granted, he has exposed Trump for what Trump is, a charlatan and a dangerous demagogue. Who can argue rationally with that claim?
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.

Because then the liberal media would have to talk about how Hillary and Obama left a big hole there to begin with for ISIS. He's cleaning up his own mess.

Don't even try it, clown. You conveniently forget Bush's vanity war of death and destruction was 6 years in before Obama's inauguration. Oh, that's right....You think American history started in 2009.
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.
There's never going to be peace in the Middle East… Fact.... so quit talking out of your ass. LOL
So walk away and let ISIS have its way? Continue spreading its terrorist tactics? Let them keep their little caliphate with its oil fields and millions of civilians to carry on the work of their twisted government that has declared war on America and its allies?
The battle is lost, Barry is a fuck up
That would be too bad, and no, he's not.
100,000 Iraqi troops in the offensive into Mosul. 500 Americans, mostly not directly engaged.

If conservatives had had their way, those numbers would be reversed. Thank you, President Obama.

So isn't Obama, it is Iraq that is stepping up to push back ISIS. Thanks for clarifying.
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.

Ohhhhhhhh, such bravery with almost ZERO Americans involved!!!!!

See? The nuts are beside themselves that more Americans aren't dying in IRAQ's fight against ISIS.
The anti-American bastards. That's why they'll get their far rightwing A$$es handed to them come November.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

And sizable, couch-contoured asses at that.
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused wit
Because obie fucked it up. He made a political decision to get out quick and the SOFA timeline came about because of him in the first place. He got out too quickly and created a vacuum for ISIS to thrive in now eight years later right before the elections he's going to do something about it? Are you blind?
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.
There's never going to be peace in the Middle East… Fact.... so quit talking out of your ass. LOL
So walk away and let ISIS have its way? Continue spreading its terrorist tactics? Let them keep their little caliphate with its oil fields and millions of civilians to carry on the work of their twisted government that has declared war on America and its allies?
The battle is lost, Barry is a fuck up
That would be too bad, and no, he's not.

Memes when you can't refute with the facts.
Obama is their "Black God" they will support him no matter what he does.

Obama is measured in his words and actions, something bigots, racists and all around ne'er-do-wells can't or won't understand.
obama talks down to his political enemies all the time. It doesn't penetrate your filters because you are a left wing political fundamentalist.
And here everybody thought Obama didn't care...
So he's been careful, strategic and focused with the Iraqi military and our military in order to kick ISIS ass and what? Righties wanted "shock and awe" instead.
There's never going to be peace in the Middle East… Fact.... so quit talking out of your ass. LOL

Lacking any kind of coherent comment, you just attack the messenger, troll. I have no idea what it's like to live in your myopic world, and I'm so grateful.

He is the textbook example of a modern American conservative.
You do realize Islam will never want any peace, it is not in their cult to do so. They never have been a peaceful cult never will be. Only a fool would think there will be peace in the Middle East. It's best if you stay in your moms basement in seclusion

Uh-huh. But before now all we heard was that Obama was doing nothing, that he must be a Muslim himself, yadda, yadda, yadda. So when he does show that he's obviously been planning and now implementing a force to combat ISIS, the little right wing weenies say shit like this.
Obama is their "Black God" they will support him no matter what he does.

Obama is measured in his words and actions, something bigots, racists and all around ne'er-do-wells can't or won't understand.
obama talks down to his political enemies all the time. It doesn't penetrate your filters because you are a left wing political fundamentalist.

He should kiss their ass like Trump does? Oh! (Stepped in that one, didn't you Sparky?)

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