How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

I'll wish each of you (R & W) a goodnight, then.

It is one thing to have a discussion on different perspectives and perceptions of faith and doctrine. However, when it cannot be done without sneers and insults, it's time to call it. It serves no purpose, and it ceases to be informative.
Luther liked what Paul was saying, faith only, and well yes it was wrong to pay for those souls in purgatory, and well Luther wanted to get married to so he has a problem with that.

RC believe in good works, when the Baptist come to my door and tell me "all I need to do is accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I will be saved", well lets just say they don't come around any more.
Are you claiming that good works are required for salvation?

Why yes I am. By good works I mean treating your fellow man good, and giving and sharing. Do no harm to anyone. I do not mean go to daily mass, confession or praying the rosary. I'd like to add the Clinton Foundation did many good works.
Do you believe what the Bible says?

"For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Read that very carefully. Notice how it says that Salvation is a GIFT. It is not something that can be earned. Jesus either paid the price for sin, or He didn't. If you say that He didn't, then you are negating the sacrifice that He made. You are saying that what Jesus did on the Cross is not enough for salvation.

The good works you mention are not required for salvation. They are simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If one is a child of God, then they will do good works. That is what the verse really means.
You can quote Scripture all day to these catholic lemmings. Unless their master in the funny hat tells them to follow Scripture they will continue to do the opposite of what the Bible says.
Be nice. We shouldn't denigrate them. We should reach out in love and compassion. To my everlasting shame, I don't always do this. Anyway, no amount of persuasion will ever change a hardened heart. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can do that.
Doesn't that seem like something that should be said before gas gets poured on the fire instead of after?
Are you claiming that good works are required for salvation?

Why yes I am. By good works I mean treating your fellow man good, and giving and sharing. Do no harm to anyone. I do not mean go to daily mass, confession or praying the rosary. I'd like to add the Clinton Foundation did many good works.
Do you believe what the Bible says?

"For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Read that very carefully. Notice how it says that Salvation is a GIFT. It is not something that can be earned. Jesus either paid the price for sin, or He didn't. If you say that He didn't, then you are negating the sacrifice that He made. You are saying that what Jesus did on the Cross is not enough for salvation.

The good works you mention are not required for salvation. They are simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If one is a child of God, then they will do good works. That is what the verse really means.
You can quote Scripture all day to these catholic lemmings. Unless their master in the funny hat tells them to follow Scripture they will continue to do the opposite of what the Bible says.
You sure do have a poor opinion of Catholics, brother.
Not all Catholics, I think. Just the leadership of the Church, who are leading others astray.
It's a generalization. It's like talking about Germans in WW2. Some good people were in the mix but the lot was rotten.
Are you claiming that good works are required for salvation?

Why yes I am. By good works I mean treating your fellow man good, and giving and sharing. Do no harm to anyone. I do not mean go to daily mass, confession or praying the rosary. I'd like to add the Clinton Foundation did many good works.
Do you believe what the Bible says?

"For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Read that very carefully. Notice how it says that Salvation is a GIFT. It is not something that can be earned. Jesus either paid the price for sin, or He didn't. If you say that He didn't, then you are negating the sacrifice that He made. You are saying that what Jesus did on the Cross is not enough for salvation.

The good works you mention are not required for salvation. They are simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If one is a child of God, then they will do good works. That is what the verse really means.
You can quote Scripture all day to these catholic lemmings. Unless their master in the funny hat tells them to follow Scripture they will continue to do the opposite of what the Bible says.
You sure do have a poor opinion of Catholics, brother.
Not all Catholics, I think. Just the leadership of the Church, who are leading others astray.
Probably just most though, right?
Why yes I am. By good works I mean treating your fellow man good, and giving and sharing. Do no harm to anyone. I do not mean go to daily mass, confession or praying the rosary. I'd like to add the Clinton Foundation did many good works.
Do you believe what the Bible says?

"For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Read that very carefully. Notice how it says that Salvation is a GIFT. It is not something that can be earned. Jesus either paid the price for sin, or He didn't. If you say that He didn't, then you are negating the sacrifice that He made. You are saying that what Jesus did on the Cross is not enough for salvation.

The good works you mention are not required for salvation. They are simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If one is a child of God, then they will do good works. That is what the verse really means.
You can quote Scripture all day to these catholic lemmings. Unless their master in the funny hat tells them to follow Scripture they will continue to do the opposite of what the Bible says.
You sure do have a poor opinion of Catholics, brother.
Not all Catholics, I think. Just the leadership of the Church, who are leading others astray.
It's a generalization. It's like talking about Germans in WW2. Some good people were in the mix but the lot was rotten.
Yeah, there might be one or two, right?
Most Catholics have no concept as to what the Bible says. Anti-Semetic Penelope being one of them.
That hasn't been my experience. What do you base your observation on?
The person I was talking about is what most Catholics are - unBiblical anti Semitic cult members.
Is that so? And you know this how?
Anti Biblical practices of the catholic cult.
I see. And you know this how?
Most Catholics have no concept as to what the Bible says. Anti-Semetic Penelope being one of them.
That hasn't been my experience. What do you base your observation on?
The person I was talking about is what most Catholics are - unBiblical anti Semitic cult members.
Is that so? And you know this how?
Anti Biblical practices of the catholic cult.
I see. And you know this how?
Read the thread, I'm not your mommy.
Are you claiming that good works are required for salvation?

Why yes I am. By good works I mean treating your fellow man good, and giving and sharing. Do no harm to anyone. I do not mean go to daily mass, confession or praying the rosary. I'd like to add the Clinton Foundation did many good works.
Do you believe what the Bible says?

"For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Read that very carefully. Notice how it says that Salvation is a GIFT. It is not something that can be earned. Jesus either paid the price for sin, or He didn't. If you say that He didn't, then you are negating the sacrifice that He made. You are saying that what Jesus did on the Cross is not enough for salvation.

The good works you mention are not required for salvation. They are simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If one is a child of God, then they will do good works. That is what the verse really means.
You can quote Scripture all day to these catholic lemmings. Unless their master in the funny hat tells them to follow Scripture they will continue to do the opposite of what the Bible says.
You sure do have a poor opinion of Catholics, brother.
Well earned opinion.
Then it shouldn't be too hard for you to explain how you arrived at your poor opinion of Catholics since it was so well earned, right?
That hasn't been my experience. What do you base your observation on?
The person I was talking about is what most Catholics are - unBiblical anti Semitic cult members.
Is that so? And you know this how?
Anti Biblical practices of the catholic cult.
I see. And you know this how?
Read the thread, I'm not your mommy.
I am asking you what your basis is for that belief? Can you not explain it to me?
Most Catholics have no concept as to what the Bible says. Anti-Semetic Penelope being one of them.
That hasn't been my experience. What do you base your observation on?
The person I was talking about is what most Catholics are - unBiblical anti Semitic cult members.
Is that so? And you know this how?
Anti Biblical practices of the catholic cult.
Like what exactly?
The person I was talking about is what most Catholics are - unBiblical anti Semitic cult members.
Is that so? And you know this how?
Anti Biblical practices of the catholic cult.
I see. And you know this how?
Read the thread, I'm not your mommy.
I am asking you what your basis is for that belief? Can you not explain it to me?
I'm not your Pastor. Go learn the Bible and get back to me next year.
Is that so? And you know this how?
Anti Biblical practices of the catholic cult.
I see. And you know this how?
Read the thread, I'm not your mommy.
I am asking you what your basis is for that belief? Can you not explain it to me?
I'm not your Pastor. Go learn the Bible and get back to me next year.
So you are saying that my pastor will be able to tell me what you believe are the anti-bible practices of the catholic cult? Do you think he is a mind reader or something. This is pretty basic stuff here. You have an opinion that the Catholic Church practices anti-bible practices (whatever that means), right? Surely you have some basis for believing that, right? I don't believe my pastor will know what you think, but you should, right? After all it is your opinion, right? All I am asking you is for you to share with me why you believe that. Is that really asking too much?
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Is that so? And you know this how?
Anti Biblical practices of the catholic cult.
I see. And you know this how?
Read the thread, I'm not your mommy.
I am asking you what your basis is for that belief? Can you not explain it to me?
I'm not your Pastor. Go learn the Bible and get back to me next year.
Tell you what, why don't you tell me what the significance was of Adam and Eve hiding when they heard God calling and what the significance was of the answers they gave Him when He asked them if they ate the apple? How's that? That shouldn't be too hard for someone with your extensive knowledge of the Bible, right?
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

There's only one truth, so there's only one church - one common spiritual body of the bride of Christ. But are Christians able to agree? What you describe here is a kind of explosion or erosion. It started about 1000 years ago with the break into orthodox and catholic church - Orient and Occident, Constantinople and Rome, East and West. This had happened under the hammer of the Islam. The next explosion was about 500 years ago, when the hammer of the Islam transformed Constaninople into Instanbul and Catholics had to replace the main church of the Christendom, the Hagia Sofia, with St. Peters Basilica in Rome. For your world one of the most important persons in this context is Henry VIII. Since this days the catholic church - although it has the most members - is nearly completly unimportant and without a big influence in the english speaking world. Within the protestants this process of erosion continued. 43000/34000 is about 5/4. So in the last 4 years grew the number of the denominations in the USA around 25%. I guess this decomposition means the christian religion in the USA dies and this process accelerates.

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