How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

There is also the fact that the RC church was responsible for the torture, rape, and murder of countless Christians. That, by itself, tells me it has nothing to do with true Christianity.

What about first to learn something about real history before to try to sell hateful idiotic opinions as if it would be a religious truth? To be an Anticatholic makes no one to a Christian.

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The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

It would probably be a good idea for your "reference" to actually support what you claim.

The closest you can come is "Christian denominations", which constitute different elements of the same religion, with variance not in belief, but in practice. For you to try to conflate different methodologies of celebration with some prevaricated split in fundamental theology is, in a word, silly.

Pretty much would seem you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
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..., Also the first NT is Latin and from Rome, Rome is the center of Christianity.

It's in Greek. But this is not a difference. In the roman empire was mostly used the greek language. Cesar for example wrote in Latin but spoke with his soldiers from all nations in Greek.
Antisemitism is not belief in god. Anticatholicism is also not belief in god. And when Moses and the Israelites left Egypt to have not to be any longer slaves of the most gigantic and very impressive culture of death they passed on their way a reed sea and not the red sea. So who's on the way to the allmighty light of love and life needs no senseless empty gigantism and mountains full of lies. Sometimes it's maybe better to throw the bible in the next waste paper basket instead not to do what's written in.

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The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

There's only one truth, so there's only one church - one common spiritual body of the bride of Christ. But are Christians able to agree? What you describe here is a kind of explosion or erosion. It started about 1000 years ago with the break into orthodox and catholic church - Orient and Occident, Constantinople and Rome, East and West. This had happened under the hammer of the Islam. The next explosion was about 500 years ago, when the hammer of the Islam transformed Constaninople into Instanbul and Catholics had to replace the main church of the Christendom, the Hagia Sofia, with St. Peters Basilica in Rome. For your world one of the most important persons in this context is Henry VIII. Since this days the catholic church - although it has the most members - is nearly completly unimportant and without a big influence in the english speaking world. Within the protestants this process of erosion continued. 43000/34000 is about 5/4. So in the last 4 years grew the number of the denominations in the USA around 25%. I guess this decomposition means the christian religion in the USA dies and this process accelerates.

Why is it bad if I have 15 Churches I can choose from within a 20 minute drive?
Everyone has their own way of reaching out to God. If a few of those 15 were my only choice, I would not attend. The choices are a positive sign.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

My opinion on why. MONEY!
You've never seen a Church budget.
99% of Churches are trying to keep their lights on because their budget is doing Gods work as it is supposed to.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

People create what they want and then call it what they want. Whatever feels good and fits the lifestyle they already want to live.
That's called Athiesm or Spiritulism.
The Bible is the one and only rule book in Christianity.
There is also the fact that the RC church was responsible for the torture, rape, and murder of countless Christians. That, by itself, tells me it has nothing to do with true Christianity.

What about first to learn something about real history before to try to sell hateful idiotic opinions as if it would be a religious truth? To be an Anticatholic makes no one to a Christian.

The Catholic Church is a Pagen cult and should be treated as such. It's anti Biblical teachings validate it does not fall under the Christian umbrella any more than Mormanism or Scientology cults do.
Priests are not to be called Father, idol worship is forbidden, purgatory does not exist and paying a Priest money doesn't get a loved one out of Purgatory faster, man does not appoint Saints, etc etc.

499 years ago on Oct 31 Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door because of this perversion of the Bible. Thanks to his efforts and the recent invention of the printing press, the Bible was put into the common language so that all may read it.
The Catholic response? War on people and torture and execution because people wanted to read the Word of God.

Yes, Cathoclism is a cult.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

There's only one truth, so there's only one church - one common spiritual body of the bride of Christ. But are Christians able to agree? What you describe here is a kind of explosion or erosion. It started about 1000 years ago with the break into orthodox and catholic church - Orient and Occident, Constantinople and Rome, East and West. This had happened under the hammer of the Islam. The next explosion was about 500 years ago, when the hammer of the Islam transformed Constaninople into Instanbul and Catholics had to replace the main church of the Christendom, the Hagia Sofia, with St. Peters Basilica in Rome. For your world one of the most important persons in this context is Henry VIII. Since this days the catholic church - although it has the most members - is nearly completly unimportant and without a big influence in the english speaking world. Within the protestants this process of erosion continued. 43000/34000 is about 5/4. So in the last 4 years grew the number of the denominations in the USA around 25%. I guess this decomposition means the christian religion in the USA dies and this process accelerates.

Why is it bad if I have 15 Churches I can choose from within a 20 minute drive?
Everyone has their own way of reaching out to God. If a few of those 15 were my only choice, I would not attend. The choices are a positive sign.

Nothing is bad and nothing is good in such case except your idea the belief in god is a kind of trademark. The hyperuniversality of commercial ideas is for me a very strange theology. But what's the real choice between true and truth of different churches and pseudochurches? The unablity of human beings not to be able to understand the world including the transcendent world and to communicate with each other?

The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

There's only one truth, so there's only one church - one common spiritual body of the bride of Christ. But are Christians able to agree? What you describe here is a kind of explosion or erosion. It started about 1000 years ago with the break into orthodox and catholic church - Orient and Occident, Constantinople and Rome, East and West. This had happened under the hammer of the Islam. The next explosion was about 500 years ago, when the hammer of the Islam transformed Constaninople into Instanbul and Catholics had to replace the main church of the Christendom, the Hagia Sofia, with St. Peters Basilica in Rome. For your world one of the most important persons in this context is Henry VIII. Since this days the catholic church - although it has the most members - is nearly completly unimportant and without a big influence in the english speaking world. Within the protestants this process of erosion continued. 43000/34000 is about 5/4. So in the last 4 years grew the number of the denominations in the USA around 25%. I guess this decomposition means the christian religion in the USA dies and this process accelerates.

Why is it bad if I have 15 Churches I can choose from within a 20 minute drive?
Everyone has their own way of reaching out to God. If a few of those 15 were my only choice, I would not attend. The choices are a positive sign.

Nothing is bad and nothing is good in such case except your idea the belief in god is a kind of trademark. The hyperuniversality of commercial ideas is for me a very strange theology. But what's the real choice between true and truth of different churches and pseudochurches? The unablity of human beings not to be able to understand the world including the transcendent world and to communicate with each other?

Scripture instructs the removal of the unrepentant from the Church.
But you wouldn't know that, because you are a member of the Catholic cult.
There is also the fact that the RC church was responsible for the torture, rape, and murder of countless Christians. That, by itself, tells me it has nothing to do with true Christianity.

What about first to learn something about real history before to try to sell hateful idiotic opinions as if it would be a religious truth? To be an Anticatholic makes no one to a Christian.

The Catholic Church is a Pagen cult and should be treated as such. [/UQote]}

Buy a new brain. They are cheap today.

[Qote]It's anti Biblical teachings

Ah - you read our book. Nice.

validate it does not fall under the Christian umbrella any more than Mormanism or Scientology cults do.

Scientology is a criminal organisation, nothing else, and I know not very much about Mormons.

Priests are not to be called Father, idol worship is forbidden, purgatory does not exist and paying a Priest money doesn't get a loved one out of Purgatory faster, man does not appoint Saints, etc etc.

499 years ago on Oct 31 Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door because of this perversion of the Bible.

Did you ever read what he wrote? I tried to read it - no idea what he said. Perhaps the english translation is better.

Thanks to his efforts and the recent invention of the printing press, the Bible was put into the common language so that all may read it.
The Catholic response? War on people and torture and execution because people wanted to read the Word of God.

Yes, Cathoclism is a cult.

A what? A sect? You are really strange. If all Catholics make a little jump then we'll shoot you in an orbit round the Earth and the orthodox Russians have to bring you back. I'm by the way married with a Lutheran. I guess she would laugh a lot about your ideas.

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On Oct 31, 1517 Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door and billions of people became Christians that would not have otherwise.[/QUOTE]
Luther liked what Paul was saying, faith only, and well yes it was wrong to pay for those souls in purgatory, and well Luther wanted to get married to so he has a problem with that.

RC believe in good works, when the Baptist come to my door and tell me "all I need to do is accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I will be saved", well lets just say they don't come around any more.
Are you claiming that good works are required for salvation?

Why yes I am. By good works I mean treating your fellow man good, and giving and sharing. Do no harm to anyone. I do not mean go to daily mass, confession or praying the rosary. I'd like to add the Clinton Foundation did many good works.
Most Catholics have no concept as to what the Bible says. Anti-Semetic Penelope being one of them.

I'm not most Catholics, but I do agree, and most Protestants do not as well or they have a very warped view of content.
Yeah, you claiming works saves you pretty much sums up your knowledge of the Word of God

Which part, can you quote some verses for me, that Jesus said all you had to do was believ
There is also the fact that the RC church was responsible for the torture, rape, and murder of countless Christians. That, by itself, tells me it has nothing to do with true Christianity.

What about first to learn something about real history before to try to sell hateful idiotic opinions as if it would be a religious truth? To be an Anticatholic makes no one to a Christian.

The Catholic Church is a Pagen cult and should be treated as such. It's anti Biblical teachings validate it does not fall under the Christian umbrella any more than Mormanism or Scientology cults do.
Priests are not to be called Father, idol worship is forbidden, purgatory does not exist and paying a Priest money doesn't get a loved one out of Purgatory faster, man does not appoint Saints, etc etc.

499 years ago on Oct 31 Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door because of this perversion of the Bible. Thanks to his efforts and the recent invention of the printing press, the Bible was put into the common language so that all may read it.
The Catholic response? War on people and torture and execution because people wanted to read the Word of God.

Yes, Cathoclism is a cult.

Poor Luther. He got married to that nun hey.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

There's only one truth, so there's only one church - one common spiritual body of the bride of Christ. But are Christians able to agree? What you describe here is a kind of explosion or erosion. It started about 1000 years ago with the break into orthodox and catholic church - Orient and Occident, Constantinople and Rome, East and West. This had happened under the hammer of the Islam. The next explosion was about 500 years ago, when the hammer of the Islam transformed Constaninople into Instanbul and Catholics had to replace the main church of the Christendom, the Hagia Sofia, with St. Peters Basilica in Rome. For your world one of the most important persons in this context is Henry VIII. Since this days the catholic church - although it has the most members - is nearly completly unimportant and without a big influence in the english speaking world. Within the protestants this process of erosion continued. 43000/34000 is about 5/4. So in the last 4 years grew the number of the denominations in the USA around 25%. I guess this decomposition means the christian religion in the USA dies and this process accelerates.

Why is it bad if I have 15 Churches I can choose from within a 20 minute drive?
Everyone has their own way of reaching out to God. If a few of those 15 were my only choice, I would not attend. The choices are a positive sign.

Nothing is bad and nothing is good in such case except your idea the belief in god is a kind of trademark. The hyperuniversality of commercial ideas is for me a very strange theology. But what's the real choice between true and truth of different churches and pseudochurches? The unablity of human beings not to be able to understand the world including the transcendent world and to communicate with each other?

Scripture instructs the removal of the unrepentant from the Church.
But you wouldn't know that, because you are a member of the Catholic cult.

Exactly. I understand the words but I do not know what you like to say with this sentence - and much more worse: I do not even like to know. If someone tells me "I'm a Catholic" then I think "Aha - a Catholic".

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Must be hard deciding which church to belong to. There is a huge difference between being a Christian and being a RC. One believes on can sin as long as one believes, and the RC belief is being a Christian is a way of life.
Must be hard deciding which church to belong to. There is a huge difference between being a Christian and being a RC. One believes on can sin as long as one believes, and the RC belief is being a Christian is a way of life.
Thanks for again displaying your total ignorance.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

There's only one truth, so there's only one church - one common spiritual body of the bride of Christ. But are Christians able to agree? What you describe here is a kind of explosion or erosion. It started about 1000 years ago with the break into orthodox and catholic church - Orient and Occident, Constantinople and Rome, East and West. This had happened under the hammer of the Islam. The next explosion was about 500 years ago, when the hammer of the Islam transformed Constaninople into Instanbul and Catholics had to replace the main church of the Christendom, the Hagia Sofia, with St. Peters Basilica in Rome. For your world one of the most important persons in this context is Henry VIII. Since this days the catholic church - although it has the most members - is nearly completly unimportant and without a big influence in the english speaking world. Within the protestants this process of erosion continued. 43000/34000 is about 5/4. So in the last 4 years grew the number of the denominations in the USA around 25%. I guess this decomposition means the christian religion in the USA dies and this process accelerates.

Why is it bad if I have 15 Churches I can choose from within a 20 minute drive?
Everyone has their own way of reaching out to God. If a few of those 15 were my only choice, I would not attend. The choices are a positive sign.

Nothing is bad and nothing is good in such case except your idea the belief in god is a kind of trademark. The hyperuniversality of commercial ideas is for me a very strange theology. But what's the real choice between true and truth of different churches and pseudochurches? The unablity of human beings not to be able to understand the world including the transcendent world and to communicate with each other?

Scripture instructs the removal of the unrepentant from the Church.
But you wouldn't know that, because you are a member of the Catholic cult.

Exactly. I understand the words but I do not know what you like to say with this sentence - and much more worse: I do not even like to know. If someone tells me "I'm a Catholic" then I think "Aha - a Catholic".

Your inability to address the anti Biblical cult practices of the Catholic Church is noted.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

My opinion on why. MONEY!
You've never seen a Church budget.
99% of Churches are trying to keep their lights on because their budget is doing Gods work as it is supposed to.

Right, so it must be the other 1% that gets the trillions of dollars being tithed each year.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

My opinion on why. MONEY!
You've never seen a Church budget.
99% of Churches are trying to keep their lights on because their budget is doing Gods work as it is supposed to.

Right, so it must be the other 1% that gets the trillions of dollars being tithed each year.
One of the charities I work for grosses almost $1B a year. Almost all of that is distributed to areas of the world to get kids educated so they can get out of the cycle of poverty. The small % of the money that does not reach them are low paying salaries because like it or not, people have bills.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

My opinion on why. MONEY!
You've never seen a Church budget.
99% of Churches are trying to keep their lights on because their budget is doing Gods work as it is supposed to.

Right, so it must be the other 1% that gets the trillions of dollars being tithed each year.
One of the charities I work for grosses almost $1B a year. Almost all of that is distributed to areas of the world to get kids educated so they can get out of the cycle of poverty. The small % of the money that does not reach them are low paying salaries because like it or not, people have bills.

I sincerely applaud your work, and thank you for making the world a better place through it, sincerely.
The Catholic Church is a Pagen cult and should be treated as such. It's anti Biblical teachings validate it does not fall under the Christian umbrella any more than Mormanism or Scientology cults do.
All Catholic teachings are supported by the Bible. That you may or may not agree with the interpretations is a different matter.

Priests are not to be called Father,
Mat 23:9 says "Call no man your father on earth." Do you really take this literally that no child can call his/her male parent "Father?" Read it in context and Jesus is clearly talking in hyperbole, as He often did (or have you plucked out your eye if it offended you?). Paul calls both Timothy and Titus "son" and "child." Are you claiming they could not call him father? Jesus's point about calling no one teacher or master or father is that the Lord is above all and the final authority.

idol worship is forbidden,
Catholics don't worship idols or anyone but God.

purgatory does not exist
There is plenty of Biblical support for the idea of purging before entering Heaven, the possibility of forgiveness "in the next age", and references to prayers for the dead (which would be pointless without Purgatory).

and paying a Priest money doesn't get a loved one out of Purgatory faster,
No one claims it does.
man does not appoint Saints, etc etc.
Of course not. But man can recognize them.

499 years ago on Oct 31 Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door because of this perversion of the Bible.
And removed several books of Scripture that had been used by Christians since the early Church.

Thanks to his efforts and the recent invention of the printing press, the Bible was put into the common language so that all may read it.
The Catholic response? War on people and torture and execution because people wanted to read the Word of God.
Untrue. And the Church's fear that reading it in the vernacular people would subject the Bible to their individual interpretations instead of Apostolic teaching certainly proved correct.

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