How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

The Catholic Church is a Pagen cult and should be treated as such. It's anti Biblical teachings validate it does not fall under the Christian umbrella any more than Mormanism or Scientology cults do.
All Catholic teachings are supported by the Bible. That you may or may not agree with the interpretations is a different matter.

Priests are not to be called Father,
Mat 23:9 says "Call no man your father on earth." Do you really take this literally that no child can call his/her male parent "Father?" Read it in context and Jesus is clearly talking in hyperbole, as He often did (or have you plucked out your eye if it offended you?). Paul calls both Timothy and Titus "son" and "child." Are you claiming they could not call him father? Jesus's point about calling no one teacher or master or father is that the Lord is above all and the final authority.

idol worship is forbidden,
Catholics don't worship idols or anyone but God.

purgatory does not exist
There is plenty of Biblical support for the idea of purging before entering Heaven, the possibility of forgiveness "in the next age", and references to prayers for the dead (which would be pointless without Purgatory).

and paying a Priest money doesn't get a loved one out of Purgatory faster,
No one claims it does.
man does not appoint Saints, etc etc.
Of course not. But man can recognize them.

499 years ago on Oct 31 Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door because of this perversion of the Bible.
And removed several books of Scripture that had been used by Christians since the early Church.

Thanks to his efforts and the recent invention of the printing press, the Bible was put into the common language so that all may read it.
The Catholic response? War on people and torture and execution because people wanted to read the Word of God.
Untrue. And the Church's fear that reading it in the vernacular people would subject the Bible to their individual interpretations instead of Apostolic teaching certainly proved correct.
Oh really!
Tell us the Scripture where it says to call men Father. Oh wait, it says NOT to do that.
Where does it say to keep idols? Oh wait, it says NOT to do that.
Where does it say man has the authority to proclaim someone is a Saint? Oh wait, it says ALL CHRISTIANS ARE SAINTS.
Where does it say there is a purgatory? Oh wait, NO WHERE.
Where does it say you get can someone out of purgatory if you pay the catholic cult money? Oh wait, NO WHERE.
The Catholic Church is a Pagen cult and should be treated as such. It's anti Biblical teachings validate it does not fall under the Christian umbrella any more than Mormanism or Scientology cults do.
All Catholic teachings are supported by the Bible. That you may or may not agree with the interpretations is a different matter.

Priests are not to be called Father,
Mat 23:9 says "Call no man your father on earth." Do you really take this literally that no child can call his/her male parent "Father?" Read it in context and Jesus is clearly talking in hyperbole, as He often did (or have you plucked out your eye if it offended you?). Paul calls both Timothy and Titus "son" and "child." Are you claiming they could not call him father? Jesus's point about calling no one teacher or master or father is that the Lord is above all and the final authority.

idol worship is forbidden,
Catholics don't worship idols or anyone but God.

purgatory does not exist
There is plenty of Biblical support for the idea of purging before entering Heaven, the possibility of forgiveness "in the next age", and references to prayers for the dead (which would be pointless without Purgatory).

and paying a Priest money doesn't get a loved one out of Purgatory faster,
No one claims it does.
man does not appoint Saints, etc etc.
Of course not. But man can recognize them.

499 years ago on Oct 31 Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door because of this perversion of the Bible.
And removed several books of Scripture that had been used by Christians since the early Church.

Thanks to his efforts and the recent invention of the printing press, the Bible was put into the common language so that all may read it.
The Catholic response? War on people and torture and execution because people wanted to read the Word of God.
Untrue. And the Church's fear that reading it in the vernacular people would subject the Bible to their individual interpretations instead of Apostolic teaching certainly proved correct.
Oh really!
Tell us the Scripture where it says to call men Father. Oh wait, it says NOT to do that.
You do not call your father your father?
Where does it say to keep idols? Oh wait, it says NOT to do that.
Catholics don't keep idols.
Where does it say man has the authority to proclaim someone is a Saint? Oh wait, it says ALL CHRISTIANS ARE SAINTS.
No it doesn't.
Where does it say there is a purgatory? Oh wait, NO WHERE.
Where does it say the Trinity exists? No where.
Where does it say you get can someone out of purgatory if you pay the catholic cult money? Oh wait, NO WHERE.
No one claims you can get someone out of purgatory by paying money.

So two of your claims are outright lies, one is a misreading of the Bible, one is not reading enough of the Bible, and one is claiming something is in the Bible which isn't.

That's a fail.

Oh, and where did Luther get the authority to decide which books were Scripture and which not?
Oh really!
Tell us the Scripture where it says to call men Father. Oh wait, it says NOT to do that.
You do not call your father your father?Catholics don't keep idols.
Where does it say man has the authority to proclaim someone is a Saint? Oh wait, it says ALL CHRISTIANS ARE SAINTS. No it doesn't.
Where does it say there is a purgatory? Oh wait, NO WHERE.Where does it say the Trinity exists? No where.
Where does it say you get can someone out of purgatory if you pay the catholic cult money? Oh wait, NO WHERE. No one claims you can get someone out of purgatory by paying money.

So two of your claims are outright lies, one is a misreading of the Bible, one is not reading enough of the Bible, and one is claiming something is in the Bible which isn't.

That's a fail.

Oh, and where did Luther get the authority to decide which books were Scripture and which not?

I have never understood why some non-Catholics have to make up things about Catholicism in order to disagree with it. Instead of being thrilled non-Catholics and Catholics have many, many common beliefs and scripturally legitimate positions they bring out insults. Instead of being happy that history has proven many accusations against the Catholic Church exaggerated or completely untrue, some continue to announce that which is not true. What is up with that? Does truth and unity matter so little to them?
Oh really!
Tell us the Scripture where it says to call men Father. Oh wait, it says NOT to do that.
You do not call your father your father?Catholics don't keep idols.
Where does it say man has the authority to proclaim someone is a Saint? Oh wait, it says ALL CHRISTIANS ARE SAINTS. No it doesn't.
Where does it say there is a purgatory? Oh wait, NO WHERE.Where does it say the Trinity exists? No where.
Where does it say you get can someone out of purgatory if you pay the catholic cult money? Oh wait, NO WHERE. No one claims you can get someone out of purgatory by paying money.

So two of your claims are outright lies, one is a misreading of the Bible, one is not reading enough of the Bible, and one is claiming something is in the Bible which isn't.

That's a fail.

Oh, and where did Luther get the authority to decide which books were Scripture and which not?

I have never understood why some non-Catholics have to make up things about Catholicism in order to disagree with it. Instead of being thrilled non-Catholics and Catholics have many, many common beliefs and scripturally legitimate positions they bring out insults. Instead of being happy that history has proven many accusations against the Catholic Church exaggerated or completely untrue, some continue to announce that which is not true. What is up with that? Does truth and unity matter so little to them?
Well, they're not making it up...they're getting it from other people and then pass it on without actually checking it themselves and then only reading anti-Catholic writings that reinforce their prejudices.
Are you claiming that good works are required for salvation?

Why yes I am. By good works I mean treating your fellow man good, and giving and sharing. Do no harm to anyone. I do not mean go to daily mass, confession or praying the rosary. I'd like to add the Clinton Foundation did many good works.
Do you believe what the Bible says?

"For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Read that very carefully. Notice how it says that Salvation is a GIFT. It is not something that can be earned. Jesus either paid the price for sin, or He didn't. If you say that He didn't, then you are negating the sacrifice that He made. You are saying that what Jesus did on the Cross is not enough for salvation.

The good works you mention are not required for salvation. They are simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If one is a child of God, then they will do good works. That is what the verse really means.
You can quote Scripture all day to these catholic lemmings. Unless their master in the funny hat tells them to follow Scripture they will continue to do the opposite of what the Bible says.
Be nice. We shouldn't denigrate them. We should reach out in love and compassion. To my everlasting shame, I don't always do this. Anyway, no amount of persuasion will ever change a hardened heart. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can do that.
Doesn't that seem like something that should be said before gas gets poured on the fire instead of after?
Well. In my own defense, I never claimed to be perfect. ;)
Why yes I am. By good works I mean treating your fellow man good, and giving and sharing. Do no harm to anyone. I do not mean go to daily mass, confession or praying the rosary. I'd like to add the Clinton Foundation did many good works.
Do you believe what the Bible says?

"For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Read that very carefully. Notice how it says that Salvation is a GIFT. It is not something that can be earned. Jesus either paid the price for sin, or He didn't. If you say that He didn't, then you are negating the sacrifice that He made. You are saying that what Jesus did on the Cross is not enough for salvation.

The good works you mention are not required for salvation. They are simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If one is a child of God, then they will do good works. That is what the verse really means.
You can quote Scripture all day to these catholic lemmings. Unless their master in the funny hat tells them to follow Scripture they will continue to do the opposite of what the Bible says.
You sure do have a poor opinion of Catholics, brother.
Well earned opinion.
Then it shouldn't be too hard for you to explain how you arrived at your poor opinion of Catholics since it was so well earned, right?

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?
Well, they're not making it up...they're getting it from other people and then pass it on without actually checking it themselves and then only reading anti-Catholic writings that reinforce their prejudices.

I'm not saying people posting here are the people making things up, but people are making these things up, and people here are passing along made-up theologies and histories without checking their facts. When an error is pointed out that they are in error, there is no pause--it goes on and on and on. It's not the Father of Truth at work here, but the Father of Lies. I would think everyone would be in favor of stopping that.
Do you believe what the Bible says?

"For by GRACE you are saved through FAITH, and this not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Read that very carefully. Notice how it says that Salvation is a GIFT. It is not something that can be earned. Jesus either paid the price for sin, or He didn't. If you say that He didn't, then you are negating the sacrifice that He made. You are saying that what Jesus did on the Cross is not enough for salvation.

The good works you mention are not required for salvation. They are simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If one is a child of God, then they will do good works. That is what the verse really means.
You can quote Scripture all day to these catholic lemmings. Unless their master in the funny hat tells them to follow Scripture they will continue to do the opposite of what the Bible says.
You sure do have a poor opinion of Catholics, brother.
Well earned opinion.
Then it shouldn't be too hard for you to explain how you arrived at your poor opinion of Catholics since it was so well earned, right?

Roman Catholicism -Christian or Pagan?
Wow. Pretty much everything on that page is wrong. Most of it outright lies.
The Catholic Church is a Pagen cult and should be treated as such. It's anti Biblical teachings validate it does not fall under the Christian umbrella any more than Mormanism or Scientology cults do.
All Catholic teachings are supported by the Bible. That you may or may not agree with the interpretations is a different matter.

Priests are not to be called Father,
Mat 23:9 says "Call no man your father on earth." Do you really take this literally that no child can call his/her male parent "Father?" Read it in context and Jesus is clearly talking in hyperbole, as He often did (or have you plucked out your eye if it offended you?). Paul calls both Timothy and Titus "son" and "child." Are you claiming they could not call him father? Jesus's point about calling no one teacher or master or father is that the Lord is above all and the final authority.

idol worship is forbidden,
Catholics don't worship idols or anyone but God.

purgatory does not exist
There is plenty of Biblical support for the idea of purging before entering Heaven, the possibility of forgiveness "in the next age", and references to prayers for the dead (which would be pointless without Purgatory).

and paying a Priest money doesn't get a loved one out of Purgatory faster,
No one claims it does.
man does not appoint Saints, etc etc.
Of course not. But man can recognize them.

499 years ago on Oct 31 Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door because of this perversion of the Bible.
And removed several books of Scripture that had been used by Christians since the early Church.

Thanks to his efforts and the recent invention of the printing press, the Bible was put into the common language so that all may read it.
The Catholic response? War on people and torture and execution because people wanted to read the Word of God.
Untrue. And the Church's fear that reading it in the vernacular people would subject the Bible to their individual interpretations instead of Apostolic teaching certainly proved correct.
Oh really!
Tell us the Scripture where it says to call men Father. Oh wait, it says NOT to do that.
You do not call your father your father?
Where does it say to keep idols? Oh wait, it says NOT to do that.
Catholics don't keep idols.
Where does it say man has the authority to proclaim someone is a Saint? Oh wait, it says ALL CHRISTIANS ARE SAINTS.
No it doesn't.
Where does it say there is a purgatory? Oh wait, NO WHERE.
Where does it say the Trinity exists? No where.
Where does it say you get can someone out of purgatory if you pay the catholic cult money? Oh wait, NO WHERE.
No one claims you can get someone out of purgatory by paying money.

So two of your claims are outright lies, one is a misreading of the Bible, one is not reading enough of the Bible, and one is claiming something is in the Bible which isn't.

That's a fail.

Oh, and where did Luther get the authority to decide which books were Scripture and which not?
You do not call your father your father?
You have one biological father - as in small case. God specifically directs to not call men Father, yet your cult defies God and does it. Matthew 23:9

Catholics don't keep idols.
How many of these idols do own? How many do you pray to?

No it doesn't.
Catholics believe Saints are in heaven. The Bible says they are on earth.
There are three references referring to Godly character of saints: "that you receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints …" Romans 16:2. "For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ" Ephesians 4:12. "But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints" Ephesians 5:3.
Therefore, scripturally speaking, the “saints” are the body of Christ, Christians, the church. All Christians are considered saints. All Christian are saints—and at the same time are called to be saints. 1 Corinthians 1:2 states it clearly: “To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy…” The words “sanctified” and “holy” come from the same Greek root as the word that is commonly translated “saints.” Christians are saints by virtue of their connection with Jesus Christ.

Where does it say the Trinity exists? No where.
There are over 2 dozen references to the Trinity. Mathew 28:19: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

No one claims you can get someone out of purgatory by paying money.
Purgatory is an unbiblical cult concept driven by greed.
Catholic author raises Two million to get souls out of purgatory

Oh, and where did Luther get the authority to decide which books were Scripture and which not?
The books the catholic cult has are not recognized by the Jews and they are filled with errors. They are unbiblical and any scholar worth their salt rejects them as being anything of importance.

Now that I have shown catholic practices and teachings to be anti-Scripture I expect you to not have any Scripture to rebut - because there is none.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

The figure is misleading as what matters is not the number of denominations but the distribution of population on those denominations.

That said, multiple denomination is to maximize the number of humans saved. We have 7 billion humans with 7 billion unique mind working differently. Thus the more denominations means that more people (unique brains) are attracted by one of them when a denomination fits their mind.

Roughly the Bible can be divided into 2 main parts, namely, salvation part and knowledge part. Denominations divide on the knowledge part but sharing the same message of salvation which is relatively simply. When a denomination goes beyond this to have a deviation in the message of salvation, it becomes a heresy. The framework of defining whether a church possesses the power of salvation can be found in the Apostle's Creed. So 9 of 10 of the denominations share the same thought as said in Apostle's Creed, they possess the power of salvation.
Well, they're not making it up...they're getting it from other people and then pass it on without actually checking it themselves and then only reading anti-Catholic writings that reinforce their prejudices.

I'm not saying people posting here are the people making things up, but people are making these things up, and people here are passing along made-up theologies and histories without checking their facts. When an error is pointed out that they are in error, there is no pause--it goes on and on and on. It's not the Father of Truth at work here, but the Father of Lies. I would think everyone would be in favor of stopping that.
And the other side could say that Catholics ignore them when they point out the problems with the RCC. Catholics DO bow down to idols. I've seen them do it. I'm not making that up. They also pray to Mary. Where, in the Bible, does it instruct us to do that. Mary was a sinner, just like everyone else who ever lived. There is nothing special about her. The RCC also maintains, to this day, that the pope is infallible. Do you deny this?
Purgatory is taken from Maccabees, something the Protestants do not read anymore or have in their OT, but at one time did.
Well, they're not making it up...they're getting it from other people and then pass it on without actually checking it themselves and then only reading anti-Catholic writings that reinforce their prejudices.

I'm not saying people posting here are the people making things up, but people are making these things up, and people here are passing along made-up theologies and histories without checking their facts. When an error is pointed out that they are in error, there is no pause--it goes on and on and on. It's not the Father of Truth at work here, but the Father of Lies. I would think everyone would be in favor of stopping that.
And the other side could say that Catholics ignore them when they point out the problems with the RCC. Catholics DO bow down to idols. I've seen them do it. I'm not making that up. They also pray to Mary. Where, in the Bible, does it instruct us to do that. Mary was a sinner, just like everyone else who ever lived. There is nothing special about her. The RCC also maintains, to this day, that the pope is infallible. Do you deny this?

Is that why a picture of Minerva is on the seal of CA and medal of honor, Mary or Minerva, same thing. The statue of Liberty is named after a roman goddess Libertas. Rome is Christianity and Greek Orthodox.
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Purgatory is taken from Maccabees, something the Protestants do not read anymore or have in their OT, but at one time did.
Maccabees is rejected by the Jews and is filled with errors.

Its historical, and who cares what Jews like, the NT is rejected by Jews. They sure love Hanukah though don't they?
Plato is historical too.
And the fact you discount Jewish knowledge of the Old Testament is yet another validation the Catholic Church is a cult.
Oh look, paying to get out of purgatory. You cultists don't even know your own cult practices.

2 Maccabbees 12:43, "And making a gathering, he sent twelve thousand drachms of silver to Jerusalem for sacrifice to be offered for the sins of the dead, thinking well and religiously concerning the resurrection."
Purgatory is taken from Maccabees, something the Protestants do not read anymore or have in their OT, but at one time did.
Maccabees is rejected by the Jews and is filled with errors.

Its historical, and who cares what Jews like, the NT is rejected by Jews. They sure love Hanukah though don't they?
Plato is historical too.
And the fact you discount Jewish knowledge of the Old Testament is yet another validation the Catholic Church is a cult.

WE are not Jews, but we are more Jewish than Protestants. See our leaders wear fancy clothes, and the RCC continued the practice of confessing your sins, like the OT use to do and with payment for levels of sin, we use prayers not animals though. There is also an altar in RC Churches.

So tell me what do Protestants do, you have nothing but a preacher who tells you what he thinks the bible says, week after week. We actually relive the last supper in Mass.

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