How Completely Loopy

and people who had nothing to do with it....not even alive now have to pay some, financial or legal...that is preposterous.
Nearly every country on this planet was created on land stolen from someone else.
Survival of the "fittest".
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, POWER will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.
Nearly every country on this planet was created on land stolen from someone else.
Survival of the "fittest".
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, power will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.
You are talking character defects that will be here until the end of time
Nearly every country on this planet was created on land stolen from someone else.
Survival of the "fittest".
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, POWER will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.

How come we never hear the UN complaining about Spain taking Mexico from the Aztecs?
very strange article in the OP. Never said where this great arbitrator of Human Rights came from. He's from Kenya. Which according to Amnesty Intl is breeding Human Rights violations faster than a field of bunnies.

Middle of a bloody ethnic war. A couple govt overthrows and allegations of mistreatment of refugees living in camps.

Yup -- He's got the cred..
Blacks went from Democrat Party slavery and abuse to Democratic Party inner city ghetto's and economic slavery, it's a shame Blacks as a group are so damn gullible and predictable.
Nearly every country on this planet was created on land stolen from someone else.
Survival of the "fittest".
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, POWER will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.

How come we never hear the UN complaining about Spain taking Mexico from the Aztecs?

Those Catholics sure were a hoot back then eh?
Nearly every country on this planet was created on land stolen from someone else.
Survival of the "fittest".
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, POWER will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.

How come we never hear the UN complaining about Spain taking Mexico from the Aztecs?

Those Catholics sure were a hoot back then eh?

The spread of civilization is a wonder to behold.
Survival of the "fittest".
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, POWER will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.

How come we never hear the UN complaining about Spain taking Mexico from the Aztecs?

Those Catholics sure were a hoot back then eh?

The spread of civilization is a wonder to behold.

Yup! If we have ever been visited by aliens is it a wonder why they have not made contact?
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, POWER will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.

How come we never hear the UN complaining about Spain taking Mexico from the Aztecs?

Those Catholics sure were a hoot back then eh?

The spread of civilization is a wonder to behold.

Yup! If we have ever been visited by aliens is it a wonder why they have not made contact?

There is no evidence that we have ever been visited by aliens, and the chances of such an event occurring are beyond astronomical.
Survival of the "fittest".
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, POWER will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.
How come we never hear the UN complaining about Spain taking Mexico from the Aztecs?
Those Catholics sure were a hoot back then eh?
The spread of civilization is a wonder to behold.
Civilization? Depends on one's definition, but a wonder nevertheless.
Some may not think it's "civil" to force another culture to adopt one's religious beliefs or any beliefs that are not adaptive to that population's cultural or physical geography.
Is it "civil" to use superior power to satisfy greed?
Survival of the biggest con artists and murderers. It's too late to change anything but calling stealing murderous scum "fit" is a bit of a stretch.
Unless people/culture can somehow learn WIN-WIN compromises and avoid greed, POWER will win & continue transforming the planet's landscape.
How come we never hear the UN complaining about Spain taking Mexico from the Aztecs?
Those Catholics sure were a hoot back then eh?
The spread of civilization is a wonder to behold.
Civilization? Depends on one's definition, but a wonder nevertheless.
Some may not think it's "civil" to force another culture to adopt one's religious beliefs or any beliefs that are not adaptive to that population's cultural or physical geography.
Is it "civil" to use superior power to satisfy greed?

You better run that one by Trump.
The "rapporteur" is just that, a reporter. Technically, he's not an official of any specific government.
As to his claims, they are in fact mostly true. Some lands were purchased from the native-American tribes. However, much land across this small blue planet was conquered by various tribes or governments militaries. North Africa and the Middle-East consists of land that is currently occupied by Islamic forces that "conquered" that region and in essence, stole it from its original inhabitants who fled to other regions, or became absorbed by the Islamic culture by force. As for slavery, point to any nation that didn't have slaves of differing races at some point in their history. Actually, per the Koran, slavery is advocated and is still practiced in some areas.
Nearly every country on this planet was created on land stolen from someone else.

U.N. Official: U.S. Founded on Land Stolen From Indians, Built on Race-Based Slavery, BLM Movement Is Result

Why a respectable institution like the UN should not have their H.Q. on stolen land.. Deport them immediately. To Canada maybe.. Nope -- stolen land also. Oh well -- THEIR problem.
Are they not in Manhattan, where the land was bought with 23 dollars worth of junk jewelry by Peter Minuit?

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