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How could anyone NOT agree with Paul last night?

If Ron Paul gets more delegates than others in nomination; he'll win the nomination. Why do you all write him off so quickly?


His chances...zero.


Jeezus cacacorn, Make up your fucking mind bro. You flip flop more than your hero Obama, John Kerry and Al Gore put together. You weak minded yes man robot. :razz:


You seem to think that no matter how many votes he gets, he can't win due to international puppets or foreign masters or some mysterious "they" that controls what toothpaste you buy and if you part your nose hair to the left or the right

While I personally think he has no chance in hell, if he does, in fact, get more delegates than others who have their names in nomination at the convention; he does become the nominee.

That is a fact and you can look it up...you should do a bit of research instead of trying to find funny cartoons; your posts are funny enough.

So do yourself a favor get all of your friends together and vote for Ron Paul. He'll appreciate you both.

Sorry cacacorn, I needed to flip my corn on the grill. I am serious bro, that's not an insult. ;)

Excuse me Dick, I mean Rich? Even if he was to get the nomination, He would never win the election because of who decides the election, But back to the nomination question, The GOP doesn't want him. If you actually believe that the GOP doesn't have a say in who is nominated, and that they have no power or influence over who that will be (or won't be), then you're even more ignorant then I originally thought. Just like with the democrats. There were forces that be that desired Hillary Clinton, and there were international forces that be like George Soro's that desired the madman Obama. By the help of the same people, The internet helped Obama as well.

Look caca, I am not sitting here asking you to believe in black hellcopters, Planet X or FEMA camps because I don't post shit about that. However, Your head is very, very far up your ass when it comes to The Bankers and how they control World Wide politics. This subject is not related to Aliens or flouride in the water, it's the truth and you're in the minority concerning this subject. When we bailed out the banks, we bailed out most of the banks of the world. Do you understand that? If you do, then think about the power that it exposes. Think, just try and think outside your brainwashed box for just once.

Course you frequently are in the minority, but people can change. I really think that you should reconsider your position on the influence of the International Banks. Don't need to buy a foil hat, just pull your head atleast half way out of your ass, and I may be able to help you.

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Yeah, The international bankers who have raped this country. "They" are the one's with their cocks up your ass "son", but you're so blown out that you don't even feel it or know it.
I wondered whose cock that was trying to get in my anus. I just assumed it was yours since it was so small.

Hard to just say "oops, our bad" and leave the war zone. Doesn't go over too well with the families of the fallen.

Oh brother...masters of puppets...international bankers. I tell you what; you want to make some money...

I can put my hands on 5,000 black T-Shirts. Just tell me who the enemy du jour will be tomorrow and I'll have them printed up in white on the black T-shirts and I'll cut you in for 5% of the profits. I'll sell out in minutes to the bozos who blame everything on "them"

Ron Paul is the answer to this madness. But yes, You're correct about one thing, he will never get nominated or elected because he's not a yes man robot slave. Plus, You better have Goldman Sachs as your number one political contributor like the madman Obama did if you want to win. :cool: ~BH

If he gets more delegates to the convention, he'll get the nomination. Or are the foreign banker ninjas along with the masters of puppets controlling the delegates too?

Keep the faith nimrod.

Don't get too excited cacacorn, nobody is buying your bullshit tonight anymore than they did last night. :cuckoo:

Oh well, theres time still...lol.

What the fuck do you know about how people feel over there? I have friends and family over there, and they want to come fucking home! What exactly is the end game dicklip? Kill all the motherfuckers, and then let them come home, instead of tying their hands behind their backs for defense contractors and politically correct fought wars. Obviously you don't talk to those who are there, or have been there. What the fuck do you know about the military? = Absolutely nothing.
No...you seem to think what...that he should just issue a retreat tomorrow? Okay...thats one bizarre way of looking at it. I'd be happy if he did myself. I think that national pride is way over rated. You asked why he doesn't just pull the plug on Enduring Freedom...I told you why. You don't agree with it so you attack me. Thats fine...idiotic but fine. It's because we've lost so many lives so far. It was the same reason Nixon didn't just tell everybody to leave 'Nam. I think we should bring all of the troops home tomorrow myself and that our national credibility would be the same as it was last week if we did; we'd just have more whole families. I saw this brilliant video about the cost of the war in Iraq.

I can't vouch for the accuracy of all of the stats but here it is:

YouTube - ‪The Hidden Cost of War [animation]‬‏

I don't know how anybody can look at that and think we should spend one moment longer there than we need to be.

Of course, I've posted this 20 times nobody has said a word about it; it pretty much sums up how I feel about the military spending we have:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9kXPTwIO08]YouTube - ‪Oreo Demonstration‬‏[/ame]

Black t-shirts and wanting a certain posters cock up your ass has nothing to do with the fact that Bankers and corporations (it's called money) decide elections you dumb shit you.
Voters decide elections.

Hey? Just because you have your head stuck so far up your own ass that you can taste your own breakfast, that doesn't mean the rest of us have to fall in line like a good little sheople like yourself.

And what has your lifelong campaign against all things mainsteam done? You look and sound like an idiot who can't post without using profanity or cute little cartoons. I bet as a boy you were adorable. Now you're just pathetic.

Actualy, It's kind of funny because whatever the question is, you can bet that your weak minded ass won't believe it. No matter what it is whatsoever, you will argue for it because you can't think for yourself, you need others to tell you how to think. You're a joke bro, and everyone here know's it. Now go bow down to your masters you slave. :razz: ~BH

Blah blah blah...vote for Paul if you like his policies. Use your wonderful cult of personality to get your friends to do the same. Gee, you just might amount to something. The odds are against you but don't worry, you can always blame "them" for the problems you create for yourself.
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Which candidate is crazier than a shit house rat?

Nobody except for Ron Paul.

I will admit though, he has a better chance of getting elected President than Obama has of getting re-elected. However, in both cases, it just isn't going to happen.
If Ron Paul gets more delegates than others in nomination; he'll win the nomination. Why do you all write him off so quickly?

Well I researched my own question to rebut yours. Even if RP won enough delegates to become the nominee the still have the choice at the convention to use their votes to nominate someone else. And were he to have enough to win I could see that happening.

Although I don't like to quote this site they are right in this instance.
Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Delegates And Superdelegates
If Ron Paul gets more delegates than others in nomination; he'll win the nomination. Why do you all write him off so quickly?

Well I researched my own question to rebut yours. Even if RP won enough delegates to become the nominee the still have the choice at the convention to use their votes to nominate someone else. And were he to have enough to win I could see that happening.

Although I don't like to quote this site they are right in this instance.
Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Delegates And Superdelegates

Well, there could be faithless delegates in any convention...has it happened en mass and toppled the people's choice in GOP politics? I don't think so. I could be wrong.

Usually; the most delegates=victory; foreign super banker ninja types be damned.
I wondered whose cock that was trying to get in my anus. I just assumed it was yours since it was so small.

Hard to just say "oops, our bad" and leave the war zone. Doesn't go over too well with the families of the fallen.

Oh brother...masters of puppets...international bankers. I tell you what; you want to make some money...

I can put my hands on 5,000 black T-Shirts. Just tell me who the enemy du jour will be tomorrow and I'll have them printed up in white on the black T-shirts and I'll cut you in for 5% of the profits. I'll sell out in minutes to the bozos who blame everything on "them"

If he gets more delegates to the convention, he'll get the nomination. Or are the foreign banker ninjas along with the masters of puppets controlling the delegates too?

Keep the faith nimrod.

Don't get too excited cacacorn, nobody is buying your bullshit tonight anymore than they did last night. :cuckoo:

Oh well, theres time still...lol.

No...you seem to think what...that he should just issue a retreat tomorrow? Okay...thats one bizarre way of looking at it. I'd be happy if he did myself. I think that national pride is way over rated. You asked why he doesn't just pull the plug on Enduring Freedom...I told you why. You don't agree with it so you attack me. Thats fine...idiotic but fine. It's because we've lost so many lives so far. It was the same reason Nixon didn't just tell everybody to leave 'Nam. I think we should bring all of the troops home tomorrow myself and that our national credibility would be the same as it was last week if we did; we'd just have more whole families. I saw this brilliant video about the cost of the war in Iraq.

I can't vouch for the accuracy of all of the stats but here it is:

YouTube - ‪The Hidden Cost of War [animation]‬‏

I don't know how anybody can look at that and think we should spend one moment longer there than we need to be.

Of course, I've posted this 20 times nobody has said a word about it; it pretty much sums up how I feel about the military spending we have:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9kXPTwIO08]YouTube - ‪Oreo Demonstration‬‏[/ame]

Voters decide elections.

Hey? Just because you have your head stuck so far up your own ass that you can taste your own breakfast, that doesn't mean the rest of us have to fall in line like a good little sheople like yourself.

And what has your lifelong campaign against all things mainsteam done? You look and sound like an idiot who can't post without using profanity or cute little cartoons. I bet as a boy you were adorable. Now you're just pathetic.

Actualy, It's kind of funny because whatever the question is, you can bet that your weak minded ass won't believe it. No matter what it is whatsoever, you will argue for it because you can't think for yourself, you need others to tell you how to think. You're a joke bro, and everyone here know's it. Now go bow down to your masters you slave. :razz: ~BH

Blah blah blah...vote for Paul if you like his policies. Use your wonderful cult of personality to get your friends to do the same. Gee, you just might amount to something. The odds are against you but don't worry, you can always blame "them" for the problems you create for yourself.

You like to switch the arguement because you're so easily owned. Show me a post where I have ever been against the troops, because you can't. You have never did any time in the service, so you have no idea how the people who do and who have feel. You're a puppet sitting on the sidelines. You're a good little sheoplized robot. You repeat yourself post after post after post while actually believing that anyone believes your bullshit. Your muscles are soft and you are weak. I would still defend your dumb ass though, because dumb shits deserve to be free too.

Actually no, Votes don't decide elections you weak minded android. Attorneys, Judicial activist Judges, International bankers, Corporations and fraud does. Oh so what now? Are you saying that there is no fraud in this fucked up system? LMAO! Let's see how many hand jobs you get here from that one slave boy.

Hey fuckO? This isn't about me, It's about how blind you are to not see what's right in front of your dumb ass face. You are the perfect Obamabot. Are you sure you didn't vote for change, or did you vote for more open borders with McCain (who I respect for serving)? Oh ok, The borders are not open, and there is no danger of a terrorist with a dirty bomb coming over it eh? LMAO!

Hey check this out folks! candycorn (cacacorn if you prefer like me) just sent me a PM with his pitcure in it.................


^ cacacorn ^

Now it all makes sense. He's on dope. I feared this might be the case.

Don't get too excited cacacorn, nobody is buying your bullshit tonight anymore than they did last night. :cuckoo:

Oh well, theres time still...lol.

No...you seem to think what...that he should just issue a retreat tomorrow? Okay...thats one bizarre way of looking at it. I'd be happy if he did myself. I think that national pride is way over rated. You asked why he doesn't just pull the plug on Enduring Freedom...I told you why. You don't agree with it so you attack me. Thats fine...idiotic but fine. It's because we've lost so many lives so far. It was the same reason Nixon didn't just tell everybody to leave 'Nam. I think we should bring all of the troops home tomorrow myself and that our national credibility would be the same as it was last week if we did; we'd just have more whole families. I saw this brilliant video about the cost of the war in Iraq.

I can't vouch for the accuracy of all of the stats but here it is:

YouTube - ‪The Hidden Cost of War [animation]‬‏

I don't know how anybody can look at that and think we should spend one moment longer there than we need to be.

Of course, I've posted this 20 times nobody has said a word about it; it pretty much sums up how I feel about the military spending we have:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9kXPTwIO08]YouTube - ‪Oreo Demonstration‬‏[/ame]

Voters decide elections.

And what has your lifelong campaign against all things mainsteam done? You look and sound like an idiot who can't post without using profanity or cute little cartoons. I bet as a boy you were adorable. Now you're just pathetic.

Actualy, It's kind of funny because whatever the question is, you can bet that your weak minded ass won't believe it. No matter what it is whatsoever, you will argue for it because you can't think for yourself, you need others to tell you how to think. You're a joke bro, and everyone here know's it. Now go bow down to your masters you slave. :razz: ~BH

Blah blah blah...vote for Paul if you like his policies. Use your wonderful cult of personality to get your friends to do the same. Gee, you just might amount to something. The odds are against you but don't worry, you can always blame "them" for the problems you create for yourself.

You like to switch the arguement because you're so easily owned. Show me a post where I have ever been against the troops, because you can't.
I never said you were against the troops.

You have never did any time in the service, so you have no idea how the people who do and who have feel. You're a puppet sitting on the sidelines. You're a good little sheoplized robot. You repeat yourself post after post after post while actually believing that anyone believes your bullshit. Your muscles are soft and you are weak. I would still defend your dumb ass though, because dumb shits deserve to be free too.
You repeat yourself every post too..insult after insult. Whatever you think works for you. You're too angry to be any sort of success so I'd change tactics if I were you.

Actually no, Votes don't decide elections you weak minded android.
Okay...well theres the first signs of mental illness.

Attorneys, Judicial activist Judges, International bankers, Corporations and fraud does.

Oh so what now? Are you saying that there is no fraud in this fucked up system?
You want some cheese with that whine? Wow...because there is fraud you think no election is legitimate and that some sort of ninja banker contingent is picking the President. Too damn funny. While we're on the subject of elections though...

I would most assuredly change the redistricting system from the one where State houses draw boundaries to a zip code lottery system thereby eliminating the safe districts both parties draw for themselves.

I would amend the Constitution to make debates mandatory (I'd say no less than 6) between those who can petition to be on the stage in Presidential contests. Two of which would be on Foreign Policy, 2 of which would be on fiscal policies, and two of which would be on domestic programs. The first of each series would have a question panel made up of journalists who win lotteries to get on stage. The readership/viewership/hit rate of each person's organization would be the cut off line to join the lottery so you don't get a person from the Yuma Greensheet to sit there. The second of each series would be where each candidate would get a chance to ask the others on stage questions.

I would move the election from one day to a week long system by which 1/4 of the states vote on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and the following Monday (the math doesn't work out perfectly but as close to that as possible). Thereby eliminating acts of God such as bad weather, voting irregularities can be investigated and solved while the election is still going.

I'd get rid of all party identification on the ballot; no straight tickets any longer. If you want to vote for every Democrat or Republican, you have to know the names of every Democrat or Republican on the ballot. Is that too much to ask?

Hey fuckO? This isn't about me, It's about how blind you are to not see what's right in front of your dumb ass face. You are the perfect Obamabot. Are you sure you didn't vote for change, or did you vote for more open borders with McCain (who I respect for serving)? Oh ok, The borders are not open, and there is no danger of a terrorist with a dirty bomb coming over it eh? LMAO!
Borders? Okay...uh, I think we should seal the borders, use the National Guard to defend the borders on the north and the south. How'd we get on border security?

I will say this though; if I had enough money to be set for life and I had guarantees of safety and security (far fetched ideas I know), I'd set up an outpost somewhere in the southern deserts and supply water to those crossing; and a place to stay. Right before I signaled the authorities to come and pick them up.
Say what you want about the illegals but there is something noble about those who come here looking for merely a better lot in life. Because there isn't any guarantee that there are no people crossing with sinister intent, we can't have any. I understand that. But still, I see some nobility in waning to simply elevate one's self and crossing a border into a country where every body hates you and doing so in a very inhospitable desert to do it seems like a brave gesture. I'd give someone like that some water any day.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll be back real soon with more insults to try to make your life less miserable. It won't ever work until you realize you're the cause of all of your endless list of problems but whatever, I'm here to help. :lol:
Oh well, theres time still...lol.

No...you seem to think what...that he should just issue a retreat tomorrow? Okay...thats one bizarre way of looking at it. I'd be happy if he did myself. I think that national pride is way over rated. You asked why he doesn't just pull the plug on Enduring Freedom...I told you why. You don't agree with it so you attack me. Thats fine...idiotic but fine. It's because we've lost so many lives so far. It was the same reason Nixon didn't just tell everybody to leave 'Nam. I think we should bring all of the troops home tomorrow myself and that our national credibility would be the same as it was last week if we did; we'd just have more whole families. I saw this brilliant video about the cost of the war in Iraq.

I can't vouch for the accuracy of all of the stats but here it is:

YouTube - ‪The Hidden Cost of War [animation]‬‏

I don't know how anybody can look at that and think we should spend one moment longer there than we need to be.

Of course, I've posted this 20 times nobody has said a word about it; it pretty much sums up how I feel about the military spending we have:

YouTube - ‪Oreo Demonstration‬‏

Voters decide elections.

And what has your lifelong campaign against all things mainsteam done? You look and sound like an idiot who can't post without using profanity or cute little cartoons. I bet as a boy you were adorable. Now you're just pathetic.

Blah blah blah...vote for Paul if you like his policies. Use your wonderful cult of personality to get your friends to do the same. Gee, you just might amount to something. The odds are against you but don't worry, you can always blame "them" for the problems you create for yourself.

You like to switch the arguement because you're so easily owned. Show me a post where I have ever been against the troops, because you can't.
I never said you were against the troops.

You repeat yourself every post too..insult after insult. Whatever you think works for you. You're too angry to be any sort of success so I'd change tactics if I were you.

Okay...well theres the first signs of mental illness.


Oh so what now? Are you saying that there is no fraud in this fucked up system?
You want some cheese with that whine? Wow...because there is fraud you think no election is legitimate and that some sort of ninja banker contingent is picking the President. Too damn funny. While we're on the subject of elections though...

I would most assuredly change the redistricting system from the one where State houses draw boundaries to a zip code lottery system thereby eliminating the safe districts both parties draw for themselves.

I would amend the Constitution to make debates mandatory (I'd say no less than 6) between those who can petition to be on the stage in Presidential contests. Two of which would be on Foreign Policy, 2 of which would be on fiscal policies, and two of which would be on domestic programs. The first of each series would have a question panel made up of journalists who win lotteries to get on stage. The readership/viewership/hit rate of each person's organization would be the cut off line to join the lottery so you don't get a person from the Yuma Greensheet to sit there. The second of each series would be where each candidate would get a chance to ask the others on stage questions.

I would move the election from one day to a week long system by which 1/4 of the states vote on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and the following Monday (the math doesn't work out perfectly but as close to that as possible). Thereby eliminating acts of God such as bad weather, voting irregularities can be investigated and solved while the election is still going.

I'd get rid of all party identification on the ballot; no straight tickets any longer. If you want to vote for every Democrat or Republican, you have to know the names of every Democrat or Republican on the ballot. Is that too much to ask?

Hey fuckO? This isn't about me, It's about how blind you are to not see what's right in front of your dumb ass face. You are the perfect Obamabot. Are you sure you didn't vote for change, or did you vote for more open borders with McCain (who I respect for serving)? Oh ok, The borders are not open, and there is no danger of a terrorist with a dirty bomb coming over it eh? LMAO!
Borders? Okay...uh, I think we should seal the borders, use the National Guard to defend the borders on the north and the south. How'd we get on border security?

I will say this though; if I had enough money to be set for life and I had guarantees of safety and security (far fetched ideas I know), I'd set up an outpost somewhere in the southern deserts and supply water to those crossing; and a place to stay. Right before I signaled the authorities to come and pick them up.
Say what you want about the illegals but there is something noble about those who come here looking for merely a better lot in life. Because there isn't any guarantee that there are no people crossing with sinister intent, we can't have any. I understand that. But still, I see some nobility in waning to simply elevate one's self and crossing a border into a country where every body hates you and doing so in a very inhospitable desert to do it seems like a brave gesture. I'd give someone like that some water any day.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll be back real soon with more insults to try to make your life less miserable. It won't ever work until you realize you're the cause of all of your endless list of problems but whatever, I'm here to help. :lol:

Well, I already finished dinner, I live on the west coast and work from home, so I got all night if you wish? :cool:

Actually no not at all, why? Because I was waiting for you to meet me half way, and now that you have, I will show honor and do the same. I agree with alot of what you said about elections in this post. Nice, real nice. How did we get on immigration? I threw that in there in case I decided to tell you that I voted for Paul in the last election. Yeah, It was a throw away vote, but I too many times voted for the lessor of two evils. The madman Obama might have proved me wrong though. ;)

Immigration again though? Now we can agree again. Listen, I have spent over 13 years on the internet fighting against it. You know what conclusion I have come to though? I agree with you. I would give them water too. Of course I would send them back just as quick. I know the mexican people because I travel down there alot. I know those here legal and illegal as well. You're correct, they are hard working very good humanbeings, atleast most, but not all. Once a person has spent time down in Mexico and talked to the people there and gotten to know them, if you have a heart you get it. I too would do anything to provide for my family. Nevertheless, something has to be done.

So now we are getting somewhere bro. Now, let me ask you this? Do you blame our government whatsoever for illegal immigration? You say you understand these peoples struggle, well then you finally must believe that our government is hypocritical about the joke on terra concerning this? Or is it all the government of Mexico's fault, which yeah they are half the blame atleast. Let's see where this goes. This is a good chance for you to be a stand up guy and admit that our Government doesn't always do the right thing. Seems to me, we only disagree on the banker question, but what else? I am meeting you half way without any insults, let's see what happens now? :razz: ~BH
YouTube - ‪Ron Paul - New Hampshire Debate Highlights‬‏

this man makes a lot of sense...much more than anyone else. in your face, to the point, no bullshit. Why are these not good qualities? Why is no-nonsense not electable?

I completely and totally disagree.

I like politicians who keep me well supplied with food stamps , who feeds and clothes my children and is willing to invade any country on the face of mother earth using any pretext.

Long live fascism. Long Live Socialism.

I know who doesn't agree with Ron Paul. Only people who love global fascist dictatorships disagree with Ron Paul.

Which candidate opposes the Patriot Act?
Which candidate opposes the U.N.?
Which candidate opposes international banks like the IMF?
Which candidate opposes the Federal Reserve?
Which candidate wants to free all non-violent drug users from prison?
Which candidate opposes the New World Order?
Which candidate opposes the military industrial complex?

The answer is obvious. NOBODY except Ron Paul.

They all support global fascist dictstorship policies bottom line.


Opposes the Patriot Act. wants to free all non-violent drug users from prison, opposes the military industrial complex - good enough for me.

Do you know what the New World Order is? Are you in favor of such? Wiki says of the New World Order:

a conspiracy theory in which a secret elite is conspiring to rule the world via world government and globalization

New World Order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doesn't sound too good to me.
YouTube - ‪Ron Paul - New Hampshire Debate Highlights‬‏

this man makes a lot of sense...much more than anyone else. in your face, to the point, no bullshit. Why are these not good qualities? Why is no-nonsense not electable?

He makes good points, but he is a fucking horrendously terrible speaker. Often speaking in long rants that don't always make much sense with some good points here and there lol.

Funny, I've followed the man for years now and he makes perfect sense to me.

Maybe you don't understand the issues deeply enough for his points to make sense to you.

But I'll give you the speaker part. He hasn't honed his abilities since 2008 AT ALL.

It's a shame that has to matter, but sadly in the world of politics it's not what you say but how you say it that counts. That's why we keep getting shit on. Because voters are mindless morons.
If Ron Paul gets more delegates than others in nomination; he'll win the nomination. Why do you all write him off so quickly?

YOU did, when you said his chances were zero. :rolleyes:

I, personally, think his chances are zero because of his silly policies such as near total isolationism, legalization of pot, and many others.

But I come here and it looks like 8 out of 10 or so think he's right on the money.

If he gets more delegates to the RNC next Summer than those who placed their name in nomination for the Presidency, he will win the nomination. There isn't some shadowy foreign banker super ninja type that is going to rub out his delegates to make sure someone more "acceptable" gets the nod.

It's fucking hilarious to hear people that love the guy's policies be the first ones to dismiss him because "they" won't let him win. There is no "they"....there are only other voters who, in my view, like the other candidates better.

Let me put it another way; If I don't think the Phillies are going to win the NL East this year, should you stop rooting for them based on my opinion? I don't have that much juice. Wish I did.

But my point is this; there is no "they" to keep Paul out of the White House unless you are referring to the other candidates. So if you want him, vote for him; don't listen to "they" or me for that matter. It takes a very small group of determined people to change the world. If you really look at it; thats the only thing that has ever changed the world in the past.

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