How Crazies Are Destroying Your Party


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
How Crazies Are Destroying Your Party
New poll underscores public's mad-as-hell attitude toward Republicans and Democrats.


Partisans in both parties will never admit it, but the public is putting a pox on both houses.
1. 74 percent of Americans believe Congress is contributing to problems in Washington rather than solving them.
2. Only 22 percent think the nation is headed in the right direction. Two-thirds believe that the nation is in a "state of decline."
3. Just two of every 10 Americans think the economy will get better in the next year.
4. Only three of 10 Americans are optimistic about the future of the U.S. political system.
5. A majority of Americans don't identify with either party.
How Crazies Are Destroying Your Party -

We have discovered the problem and the problem is us

We are $16 trillion in debt because 535 people have been giving away the store to stay employed. They have bribed each and every one of us to keep them in their jobs. And we gladly took the money.
We are $16 trillion in debt because 535 people have been giving away the store to stay employed. They have bribed each and every one of us to keep them in their jobs. And we gladly took the money.

I must have missed that.
I believe you're missing they point. I hear y'all saying "THEY" when it is really all of us. We quickly blame the other side, when we don't look at ourselves. We are all to blame. If our representatives didn't do the job...why did we put them in office again?

Quite honestly, the only section of representatives who were seriously taking the problems at hand and vowing to change things were the tea party members. Were there any representatives on the Democratic side that vowed to change things in Washington if elected? I'm not aware of any, so tell me if there were.

Everyone agrees we're on the wrong path, but who is stepping up to the plate saying they will Really work to change it?
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Vote against every incumbent, whether in the primary or the general election, regardless of party.
Vote against every incumbent, whether in the primary or the general election, regardless of party.

I would tend to agree with you, Jake, but what if by a stroke of luck, there are a couple of people that are straight shooters and are willing to work for the people rather than themselves? We really should take it upon ourselves to be informative voters and not be snookered.

I wish there was a way of making them take lie detector tests or personality tests to find patterns of deceit.
I wish there was a way of making them take lie detector tests or personality tests to find patterns of deceit.

There in lies the problem, none of us are good at prognosticating what a person will do once in the system.
I wish there was a way of making them take lie detector tests or personality tests to find patterns of deceit.

There in lies the problem, none of us are good at prognosticating what a person will do once in the system.

You're right, Moonglow, and even when they are proven to be crooks, they have the name recognition so they get the damn votes! Shame on the uninformed electorate. You would think, with the information age, we would be better at following the actions of our elected officials than we are.
Republicans and ....democrats? The left leaning media has isolated and attacked the alleged "crazies" in the republican party a long time ago. Surprise, surprise it's the Tea Party. So who are the "crazies" in the democrat party? The leadership? Maybe Americans consider Barry Hussein and Harry Reid to be among the crazy faction. Who else?
Republicans and ....democrats? The left leaning media has isolated and attacked the alleged "crazies" in the republican party a long time ago. Surprise, surprise it's the Tea Party. So who are the "crazies" in the democrat party? The leadership? Maybe Americans consider Barry Hussein and Harry Reid to be among the crazy faction. Who else?

My first answer was, of course, PELOSI! :eusa_angel: I am a fiscal conservative, and try as I might, my answer may be tainted in that direction although I am trying to be objective.

The Crazies would naturally be the radicals of each party. To go further, it would be those who cannot at anytime be objective and discuss politics on a reasonable level without emotionally name calling derogatory remarks, etc, IOW, low EQ.

The Republican Party had their avid supporters and unyielding representatives for many years before the Tea Party came along. There's a difference between the Tea Party Members and the radicals in the GOP. The Tea Party Members expect scrutiny from their constituents. They expect their constituents to be informed and most likely supportive.

The radicals of the Democratic party include the president, Reid and Pelosi which doesn't often occur in an administration. The lack of transparency, and the number of scandals has troubled this administration for years while dealing with the most enormous economic crisis in recent history. Historians will have to answer if the economy, and jobs, foreign and domestic policy could have been better dealt with a less extreme liberal approach.

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