How deniers view Global Warming...

Let's just amplify a part of that for any handicapped in the hall..

.......the gross misrepresentation of the findings of a recent scientific paper via press release which appears to skirt awfully close to crossing the line into research misconduct,

Marcott just decided to slap up an attempt at a GLOBAL average temp from cruddy data. HE was HONEST about the limitations. It's the Circus of MORONS that made all kind of UNFOUNDED claims about what all that means --- that was disrespectful and dishonest with science..

Those Citing garbage as a foundation for their work are working on quicksand... and they are fools.... Marcott Et Al did away with the MEW and other warm periods that were inconvenient for the CAGW alarmists.. it was a train wreck from the word go.

It was a train wreck because the Church of GW HAD to have a GLOBAL average -- not just the sparse individual proxy studies that exist. Basically, a scientific suicide mission. Without GLOBAL averaged proxy data -- fools like our warmer zealots here couldn't follow the scriptures..

Unfortunately, the act of attempting to cover the Globe in 1000s of years with a G-string's worth of data -- resulted in no meaningful data at all..
Let's just amplify a part of that for any handicapped in the hall..

.......the gross misrepresentation of the findings of a recent scientific paper via press release which appears to skirt awfully close to crossing the line into research misconduct,

Marcott just decided to slap up an attempt at a GLOBAL average temp from cruddy data. HE was HONEST about the limitations. It's the Circus of MORONS that made all kind of UNFOUNDED claims about what all that means --- that was disrespectful and dishonest with science..

Those Citing garbage as a foundation for their work are working on quicksand... and they are fools.... Marcott Et Al did away with the MEW and other warm periods that were inconvenient for the CAGW alarmists.. it was a train wreck from the word go.

It was a train wreck because the Church of GW HAD to have a GLOBAL average -- not just the sparse individual proxy studies that exist. Basically, a scientific suicide mission. Without GLOBAL averaged proxy data -- fools like our warmer zealots here couldn't follow the scriptures..

Unfortunately, the act of attempting to cover the Globe in 1000s of years with a G-string's worth of data -- resulted in no meaningful data at all..

Akin to a beginner heart surgeon being told to take an artery and replace the clogged one and having the teacher walk away as they are cutting open the chest. The method is beyond nefarious.
Marcott Et Al did away with the MEW and other warm periods that were inconvenient for the CAGW alarmists.. it was a train wreck from the word go.

Jesus, you two are completely lost. I think you've lost track of your denier memes. Mann's hockeystick was supposed to have made the MEW disappear, not Marcott.
I'm sure a fellow as smart as you noticed that the long term graph was labeled "Greenland Dome". It was not global temperatures as were Cook and Nuccitelli's well known escalator graph. Here's a graph of global temperatures throughout the Holocene to the present. These data are from Shaun Marcott's work. I'm sure your familiar with Shaun Marcott.


Note that the HadCRU data to 1990 is well above any prior temperature in the Holocene.

If CO2 is driving today's temperature trends what was the CO2 level 8000 years ago?
Does anyone actually give two cents worth of credence to warmy "science" any longer? They've been caught cooking the books so many times you need asbestos gloves just to pick them up. As I've stated previously in this forum, Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace and one of the world's most high profile environmental scientists, is addressing the US Senate in about a month. He hopes to educate our legislators as to just what a mountain of bullshit "global warming" hyperbole actually is, a scam he calls "global fooling", and one he attributes to radical left politicizing having nothing to do with empirical science.

He's noted in previous speeches that the loudest mouths advocating warmy portents, are people with zero academic background in earth sciences, idiots like Al Gore for instance, and the entire gaggle of international snake-oil thieves otherwise known as the United Nations. They're all after money of course, American money. Hundreds of billions of dollars in American money. That's their motivation. They could give a fuck about healing the planet.
Marcott Et Al did away with the MEW and other warm periods that were inconvenient for the CAGW alarmists.. it was a train wreck from the word go.

Jesus, you two are completely lost. I think you've lost track of your denier memes. Mann's hockeystick was supposed to have made the MEW disappear, not Marcott.

I am not the one who is lost. One of the reasons Mann's Hokey Schtick was supposed to be so dire is the fact he tried to do away with those periods. Marcott Et Al was an attempt to bolster the Hokey Schtick and affirm the lack of the MEWP.

Gawd alarmists cant remember what their talking points are..
I'm sure a fellow as smart as you noticed that the long term graph was labeled "Greenland Dome". It was not global temperatures as were Cook and Nuccitelli's well known escalator graph. Here's a graph of global temperatures throughout the Holocene to the present. These data are from Shaun Marcott's work. I'm sure your familiar with Shaun Marcott.


Note that the HadCRU data to 1990 is well above any prior temperature in the Holocene.

If CO2 is driving today's temperature trends what was the CO2 level 8000 years ago?

Marrcot did the same thing Mann did with his graph.. The majority of the graph is 300 year plots and right on the end a host of 10 year plots... had they average the last 300 years there would be no vertical line..
Marcott Et Al did away with the MEW and other warm periods that were inconvenient for the CAGW alarmists.. it was a train wreck from the word go.

Jesus, you two are completely lost. I think you've lost track of your denier memes. Mann's hockeystick was supposed to have made the MEW disappear, not Marcott.

I am not the one who is lost. One of the reasons Mann's Hokey Schtick was supposed to be so dire is the fact he tried to do away with those periods. Marcott Et Al was an attempt to bolster the Hokey Schtick and affirm the lack of the MEWP.

Gawd alarmists cant remember what their talking points are..

Have you ever run across this gem @BillieBob ? Interview with Marcott.

RealClimate Response by Marcott et al.

Q: Is the rate of global temperature rise over the last 100 years faster than at any time during the past 11,300 years?

A: Our study did not directly address this question because the paleotemperature records used in our study have a temporal resolution of ~120 years on average, which precludes us from examining variations in rates of change occurring within a century. Other factors also contribute to smoothing the proxy temperature signals contained in many of the records we used, such as organisms burrowing through deep-sea mud, and chronological uncertainties in the proxy records that tend to smooth the signals when compositing them into a globally averaged reconstruction. We showed that no temperature variability is preserved in our reconstruction at cycles shorter than 300 years, 50% is preserved at 1000-year time scales, and nearly all is preserved at 2000-year periods and longer. Our Monte-Carlo analysis accounts for these sources of uncertainty to yield a robust (albeit smoothed) global record. Any small “upticks” or “downticks” in temperature that last less than several hundred years in our compilation of paleoclimate data are probably not robust, as stated in the paper.

Marcott ADMITS there's not a PRAYER of ever seeing (or comparing) the MWP in his data result... THAT'S why I don't fault him personally...
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Marcott Et Al did away with the MEW and other warm periods that were inconvenient for the CAGW alarmists.. it was a train wreck from the word go.

Jesus, you two are completely lost. I think you've lost track of your denier memes. Mann's hockeystick was supposed to have made the MEW disappear, not Marcott.

I am not the one who is lost. One of the reasons Mann's Hokey Schtick was supposed to be so dire is the fact he tried to do away with those periods. Marcott Et Al was an attempt to bolster the Hokey Schtick and affirm the lack of the MEWP.

Gawd alarmists cant remember what their talking points are..

Have you ever run across this gem @BillieBob ? Interview with Marcott.

RealClimate Response by Marcott et al.

Q: Is the rate of global temperature rise over the last 100 years faster than at any time during the past 11,300 years?

A: Our study did not directly address this question because the paleotemperature records used in our study have a temporal resolution of ~120 years on average, which precludes us from examining variations in rates of change occurring within a century. Other factors also contribute to smoothing the proxy temperature signals contained in many of the records we used, such as organisms burrowing through deep-sea mud, and chronological uncertainties in the proxy records that tend to smooth the signals when compositing them into a globally averaged reconstruction. We showed that no temperature variability is preserved in our reconstruction at cycles shorter than 300 years, 50% is preserved at 1000-year time scales, and nearly all is preserved at 2000-year periods and longer. Our Monte-Carlo analysis accounts for these sources of uncertainty to yield a robust (albeit smoothed) global record. Any small “upticks” or “downticks” in temperature that last less than several hundred years in our compilation of paleoclimate data are probably not robust, as stated in the paper.

Marcott ADMITS there's not a PRAYER of ever seeing (or comparing) the MWP in his data result... THAT'S why I don't fault him personally...

But he continued and played the Mann school of deception with his graphing.. It is what it is...
The fact the guy deletes comments shows he disingenuous. And he needs to learn video 101.
Show us a reliable source that says Marcott is discredited. His paper below is cited by 136 related articles. And, coming from a man who doesn't seem to have a single link to anything, it's a bit hard to take.

And you continue to describe the causes of the error cascade that climate science is a victim think allows discredited material to continue to be used as if it were good a result, the whole field of science is going to topple and have to be rebuilt....if the original raw data still exists that is.
Bullshit. The data is good. The people are good. The logic is good. The processing is good. You - oh believer in needless magic - saying otherwise, doesn't mean diddly-squat.
Bullshit. The data is good. The people are good. The logic is good. The processing is good. You - oh believer in needless magic - saying otherwise, doesn't mean diddly-squat.

Yet STILL TODAY -- You believe that Marcotts work demonstrates that the current era RATE of warming has never been seen whilst man walked the planet. You've even posted the graph and MADE that stupid comment. And you will probably do so again tomorrow. Because (I suppose) you are a brainwashed dupe. I have no other explanation..

Your form of denial ranks right up there with anything other form of science denial that I've met in the general public..
Bullshit. The data is good. The people are good. The logic is good. The processing is good. You - oh believer in needless magic - saying otherwise, doesn't mean diddly-squat.
The blind leading the blind.... Alarmist drivel.. Homogenized crap is still crap..
Does anyone actually give two cents worth of credence to warmy "science" any longer? They've been caught cooking the books so many times you need asbestos gloves just to pick them up.

Just another of your cult's many lies. That's why nearly the entire planet correctly considers you to be an acolyte of a liars' cult. Of course, you probably don't realize you're repeating lies, given the thoroughness of your brainwashing. And at this point, you're too emotionally invested in all the lies you've been fed, so you'll react with venom at anyone who points out the lies.

To start your recovery, you should try looking at actual science, instead of restricting yourself exclusively to your cult's websites. Baby steps.

As I've stated previously in this forum, Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace

A fine example of a lie that you've been fed. Moore is not a founder of Greenpeace.

idiots like Al Gore for instance,

Gore Rule invoked. Anyone bringing up Gore forfeits the thread for their side. Better luck in the next thread. Those who can discuss the science, do. Those who can't, they rave about political figures.
The fact the guy deletes comments shows he disingenuous.

So you're upset because a science blog won't let you come in and shit on the carpet. Don't expect any sympathy.

It's not a discussion blog. It's a science website. Dishonest deniers trying to stink up the place with outright fabrications and temper tantrums get their comments deleted. The grownups won't put up with it. If you crybabies have to throw your tantrums somewhere, you can do it here.
Does anyone actually give two cents worth of credence to warmy "science" any longer? They've been caught cooking the books so many times you need asbestos gloves just to pick them up.

Just another of your cult's many lies. That's why nearly the entire planet correctly considers you to be an acolyte of a liars' cult. Of course, you probably don't realize you're repeating lies, given the thoroughness of your brainwashing. And at this point, you're too emotionally invested in all the lies you've been fed, so you'll react with venom at anyone who points out the lies.

To start your recovery, you should try looking at actual science, instead of restricting yourself exclusively to your cult's websites. Baby steps.

As I've stated previously in this forum, Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace

A fine example of a lie that you've been fed. Moore is not a founder of Greenpeace.

idiots like Al Gore for instance,

Gore Rule invoked. Anyone bringing up Gore forfeits the thread for their side. Better luck in the next thread. Those who can discuss the science, do. Those who can't, they rave about political figures.

WOW... total ignorance of Patrick Moore's founding participation in Greenpeace. You must be a rabid reader of SKS or Media Splatters.. They like to mislead people. As for science, you really need to stop playing with models and get back into observational science and facts..

For the record I grew up during the time Greenpeace was getting started and Patrick Moore was an integral part of it. Its rather interesting the scrubbing they have done to both the Greenpeace web site and Wikipedia.. Not totally unexpected however. They can not have one of the founders of that movement show them frauds..
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The fact the guy deletes comments shows he disingenuous.

So you're upset because a science blog won't let you come in and shit on the carpet. Don't expect any sympathy.

It's not a discussion blog. It's a science website. Dishonest deniers trying to stink up the place with outright fabrications and temper tantrums get their comments deleted. The grownups won't put up with it. If you crybabies have to throw your tantrums somewhere, you can do it here.
IT is not a science website.. it is a propaganda website and he is not any form of scientist. WUWT allows both assenting and dissenting opinions as long as they are civil. The fact that Cook deletes all posts not praising his point of view tells the story..
Skeptical Science is obviously a science website. Just because your crybaby cult says it's not doesn't change that fact. Piss and moan all you want, it's still a science website. And you fail hard at refuting any of the science there. Anytime someone brings it up, you run screaming from the science and rant about Cook, obviously because you suck hard at the science and can't debate it.

WUWT? Watts bans almost all contrary opinions, civil or not. He only allows token opinions from Nick Stokes, when he's not being temp banned. Of course, Watts allows and encourags all his howler monkeys to be vile, profane and insulting towards Nick Stokes. Watts claiming he values "civility" is bullshit, since he takes no action against people on his own side being uncivil, and since Watts himself is regularly such a rude asshole.
WOW... total ignorance of Patrick Moore's founding participation in Greenpeace. You must be a rabid reader of SKS or Media Splatters.. They like to mislead people. As for science, you really need to stop playing with models and get back into observational science and facts..

Unlike you, I examine the actual evidence. The evidence shows Patrick Moore asking in 1971 if he could join the Don't Make A Wave Committee, which was the name of Greenpeace at the time.

Who Founded Greenpeace Not Patrick Moore. 8211 Greg Laden s Blog

Being that Don't Make a Wave Committee/Greenpeace was founded a year earlier, it's rather hard for Moore to have been a founder.

So, you've been lied to. You can take to task the people who lied to you, or you can rage at me, the messenger. Make your choice.

Unlike you, I also examine the logic. Patrick Moore left Greenpeace and became a paid industry shill in 1986. He shows no ability to think critically. Founder or not, why should anyone value the unsupported opinions of someone who has been a paid shill for polluters for the last 28 years?

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