How Dick Cheney views our policies with Iran.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
From three years ago.

“You and President Bush, the Bush-Cheney administration, dealt with Iran for eight years, and I think it was fair to say that there was never any real, serious military threat,” Wallace noted. “Iran went from zero known centrifuges in operation to more than 5,000.”

“So in fairness, didn’t you leave — the Bush-Cheney administration — leave President Obama with a mess?” the Fox News host asked.

Chris Wallace smacks down Dick Cheney: Iran's nuclear build-up happened on your watch
Yes, they did leaqve a mess, but I liked them as far as "people skills" go.

Trump may be onery and unpresidential but he is constantly working for the people.
Yes, they did leaqve a mess, but I liked them as far as "people skills" go.

Trump may be onery and unpresidential but he is constantly working for the people.
People skills ?
In other words;
bush (1).jpg

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