How did Biden get Covid?

Why do you lie?

Is this a lie?

He lied about being vaccinated.

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....well you might get Covid but it will be mild
.....well you might get a bad case of Covid but you won't be hospitalized
......well you might get hospitalized but you won't be in ICU
......well you might be in ICU but you won't need a ventilator
.....well you might need a ventilator but you won't die
.....well you might die but you'll know you did the right thing.
Whether he actually has the bug or not is irrelevant. It's an opportunity for the establishment (which includes both sides of the party-of-one, not just Democrats) to bring covid front and center again. Which they will absolutely do. An opportunity to promote masking and all of those other societal control mechanisms all over again.

Personally, I don't really care if he has it. Doesn't affect my day in any way.

About the only thing mainstream media is good for, though, is to monitor how they're framing things, what narrative they use this to promote, so I imagine that if anyone turns the idiot box on, the fear mongering is likely already being raised ten fold. So therein lies the benefit. For someone...
If the American people fall for the government/media fear mongering AGAIN, they’re dumber than even I thought.
Biden WH announced he's tested positive for Covid and has some mild symptoms.
How did he get it?

Well,.. umm,.. you see,.. he got the thing from the thing you know,.. come on man!

Finally some good political news!

Well, I wouldn't say it's actually good news since I don't wish anything bad on anybody, but it isn't bad news for us,.. it's bad news for him though.

That's one way of keeping him spreading from even more lies.

True lol

I would never wish anybody would die from Covid. But........


I didn't wish it on are a snake.

I actually respect you for that and this is probably the one and only time that you'll ever earn my respect.

Its good to be the president.

Yeah, but Biden never was to begin with.

Biden, by his own standards, should not remain as President of the United States:

See my above statement.

Question: When is a vaccination not a vaccination?
Answer: When the government forces a jab on you and you still get the damn virus.

Exactly! I was vaccinated and I never had it, but it shouldn't be a vaccine when all it does is lessen the symptoms if I ever do get it.

When somebody is referred to as a pussy it is not a reference to genitals, it is reference to courage. Get it?

Yeah, but Trump isn't a pussy though. That would be Biden and miss more concerned about the design of her office than the border.

God knows that I hate saying this (and I can't emphasis that enough as He really knows) but good, I'm glad. :)

And have Kamala "the giggling maniac" Harris become president?
NONE of us MAGA snakes want Biden to die.


COVID cancer. The latest variant.

Lol you know what? You're actually starting to grow on me. :badgrin:
Biden promised he'd get rid of Covid.

That's why whenever Biden's lips are moving you can already tell that he's lying.

If he looses his sense of smell it will be devastating.
View attachment 672944

For him. Not for us and innocent children.

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