How did Biden get Covid?

Tell, me what the "lie" is. Covid jab will stop the spread of Covid?
Getting the 2nd dose of Covid jab will keep you from getting Covid?
Getting the booster Covid jab will keep you from getting Covid?

Yeah, all of them are lies.......
You sayimg Trump wasted all that money fast tracking a vaccine?
What if the president was the victim of a political coup and the media went along with it? Should Americans trust the covid diagnosis?
What if the president was the victim of a political coup and the media went along with it? Should Americans trust the covid diagnosis?
Glad you picked up on what I was going towards when I put this post up. What a simple way to set up 2024!
You clearly don't understand how vaccines work and why they are useless as a treatment AFTER infection.
LOL, Biden is mandating that people get what you describe as an effective preventative treatment (which may not be true for BA.5 or BA.275 which is expected to take over next).

Notice that quadruple-shot Biden is taking the rather experimental Paxlovid which also supposedly significantly lessens symptoms of the disease in unvaccinated people.

Everything they told you over time has proven to be false. Everything. Vaccines, masks, social distancing, etc. And surge after surge came, numbers growing and growing. And now you continue to believe their convoluted new story.

Ineffective measures which the government is forcing actually make the virus adapt ways to infect around such measures, and respiratory viruses tend to mutate quickly. Just like the influenza "vaccines" which we have had for decades, they are about 50% effective (likely lessened symptoms) in a good year, and influenza is tuned at least annually.

Leaky vaccines make viruses worsen, and they can also cause Antibody-Dependent Enhancement where your body tunes its immune response to the similar but different spike protein created by the vaccines and allow the mutated spike to have temporarily enhanced infection.

People who have already had COVID or those who are not worried or susceptible have no reason to get vaccines which only (as you say without data) lessen symptoms and not prevent infection in the individuals who get the shot.

All these people pushing vaccines are getting COVID, many of them multiple times, even after they got four shots, and they are praising the vaccines after they get symptomatic sickness from COVID, believing that somehow things would have been worse if they had not gotten vaccinated. It's lunacy, and you are welcome to fall for it. I don't.

Biden WH announced he's tested positive for Covid and has some mild symptoms.
How did he get it?
Must be a side effect of the Cancer..........things like this happen when the single brain cell you have "left" (pun intended) is under attack from the many previous brain aneurysms. DO I HAVE CANCER? Mr. WHO? I'M PRESIDENT? WHERE THE HELL AM I?..................................I HAVE COVID? WHERE'S MY MASK? Oh........I'M WEARING A MASK? DOES IT TASTE LIKE THE HAIR OF A YOUNG FEMALE?

Medical Conculsion: Bat Shit Crazy Senility

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LOL, Biden is mandating that people get what you describe as an effective preventative treatment (which may not be true for BA.5 or BA.275 which is expected to take over next).

Notice that quadruple-shot Biden is taking the rather experimental Paxlovid which also supposedly significantly lessens symptoms of the disease in unvaccinated people.

Everything they told you over time has proven to be false. Everything. Vaccines, masks, social distancing, etc. And surge after surge came, numbers growing and growing. And now you continue to believe their convoluted new story.

Ineffective measures which the government is forcing actually make the virus adapt ways to infect around such measures, and respiratory viruses tend to mutate quickly. Just like the influenza "vaccines" which we have had for decades, they are about 50% effective (likely lessened symptoms) in a good year, and influenza is tuned at least annually.

Leaky vaccines make viruses worsen, and they can also cause Antibody-Dependent Enhancement where your body tunes its immune response to the similar but different spike protein created by the vaccines and allow the mutated spike to have temporarily enhanced infection.

People who have already had COVID or those who are not worried or susceptible have no reason to get vaccines which only (as you say without data) lessen symptoms and not prevent infection in the individuals who get the shot.

All these people pushing vaccines are getting COVID, many of them multiple times, even after they got four shots, and they are praising the vaccines after they get symptomatic sickness from COVID, believing that somehow things would have been worse if they had not gotten vaccinated. It's lunacy, and you are welcome to fall for it. I don't.

How many did Brandon infect?
This is "one" president I hope makes it all 4 years..........look who is standing in the wings. Mrs. Wille Brown and MISS INSIDER TRADER, miday cocktail drinker Pelosi that claims she does not make a profit from her husbands insider stock trades.....even though she filled out the paper work to purchase the stock for her husband, she has no idea what the big deal is.......when she controls the factors that drive the market.

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