How did Robert O’Brien get to be our new national security advisor?

because trump did in a year what your vaunted "experts" have failed to do in 30.
Yep, things like: attempt to weaken NATO, alienate our allies, cozy up to foreign, adversarial dictators, restart the nuclear arms race, appoint a foreign agent as head of our national security, have open nepotism in his administration, not divesting, and writing threatening notes to foreign leaders with a sharpie, ....

How proud you cultists must be.

How is making NATO countries pay their fair share "weakening" them? Seems to me that they would have more skin in the game if they're paying, and not relying on Uncle Sam to foot the bill.

Like welfare, for instance. What kind of incentive does someone have to get a job if the government is supporting them?

Point number two: How is President Trump "cozying up" to foreign adversarial dictators? What has he given them? Anything?

It's called "negotiating". That's what got three American citizens released from North Korea,and the remains of 200 or more US soldiers returned.

So what did Trump give them? Billions of dollars stacked up on pallets, ready to be airlifted to them?

Point number three: Why not upgrade our nuclear stockpile? You do know that the only reason that you're not a smouldering pile of cinders right now, is because of our nuclear deterrent capability. The Russians sure as hell haven't honored their part of the bargain, so why should we?

Are you trying to say that it's ok with you if we are weaker than Russia, and that they don't fear and respect us?

Point number four: There is no proof that the former head of our national security agency was a "foreign agent." That is your paranoia speaking.

I won't even bother to address the rest of what you wrote. It's pretty obvious that you're a brainwashed simpleton who spends too much time either watching the sock-puppet propaganda news channels, or reading Russian propaganda on leftist social media sites.

You're pretty much hopeless.

BTW: Yes, I"m pretty gawddamned proud. I look forward to the next five years of this President.
How is making NATO countries pay their fair share "weakening" them?
Not what I said.

Damn, dummies... read left to right, top to bottom...

Quit trying to bullshit people because nobody is buying the crap you're selling. You said that Trump is "attempting to weaken NATO", ya blooming idiot.

Thanks to this President which you obviously despise so much, NATO is now stronger than ever. The goddamned NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg himself, said that President Trump’s pressure on European allies to meet their military funding commitments has had “real results.”

Read his own words for your damned self, if you can read:

“President Donald Trump is having an impact,” Stoltenberg told Fox News in a Sunday morning interview. In all, Stoltenberg continued, “by the end of next year, NATO allies will add $100 billion extra toward defense. So we see some real money and some real results. And we see that the clear message from President Donald Trump is having an impact.”

When asked if he was concerned that President Trump’s tough rhetoric might be “helping Putin splinter NATO,” Stoltenberg said the exact opposite is happening.

“What I see is that actually NATO is united because we are able to adapt to deliver,” he explained. “North America and Europe are doing more together now than before.”

NATO Is Now Stronger Than Ever

President Trump Is Making NATO Stronger Than Ever
How is making NATO countries pay their fair share "weakening" them?
Not what I said.

Damn, dummies... read left to right, top to bottom...

Piss off clown boi, your claims, in order...No, NATO is not weaker, dumbass. Name an ally that has been alienated, and how they have been harmed. How has he cozied up to foreign dictators? Name a single sanction that has been lifted, dumbass. Name the foreign agents that obummer had, dumbass. Yeah, nepotism sucks. Name a politician who doesn't do it. Why should he divest? Being POTUS is costing him tons of cash. Threatening foreign leaders? Get real, clown boi
No, NATO is not weaker,
Yes, because our institutions held against the mentally ill old fat man, despite his attempts.

Name an ally that has been alienated,
If you can't name one, you are a fucking moron.

How has he cozied up to foreign dictators?
Same for this,if you can't puzzle it out.

Name a single sanction that has been lifted, dumbass.
I didnt say anything about sanctions, dummy. But, for the most part, he hasnt succeeded,
because our institutions have held against the dotard's efforts. Well, except for when he lifted sanctions on a Russian oligarch's oil company. They dont teach you that one on AM radio.

Name the foreign agents that obummer had,
Embarrassing, toddlerish whataboutism.

Name a politician who doesn't do it.
Every president in modern history since JFK. And even then, the Congress had to confirm RFK. What a stupid fucking question. Goddamn you are a moron.
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Trump names Robert C. O'Brien as next national security adviser


Wait a minute! Could it really be that easy?
He was next in line to fellate tRump.
Well let's see: President Trump got North Korea to release 3 American hostages and to repatriate the remains of over 200 Americans killed in the Korean War. In return, Trump gave the North Koreans nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

President Obama negotiated with terrorists, freeing 5 top Taliban leaders in exchange for one deserter, and paid Iran $400 million in cash for the release of four American hostages. Of course, there's no doubt that Iran used some of that $400 million to kill American soldiers in the Middle East, but we won't bring that up.

So who is the "greatest hostage negotiator in history"?
Pretty much every recent president has gotten hostages released from NK. Usually without brain damage.

Also without giving Kim the one thing he and his father want more than anything else. To be recognized as equals by the USA.
Anybody remember the name of Hussein's NSA? Probably not. Why does the left continue to remain in a constant state of hysteria over President Trump's appointments?
They enjoy shitting their pants in incoherent rage.
Well let's see: President Trump got North Korea to release 3 American hostages and to repatriate the remains of over 200 Americans killed in the Korean War. In return, Trump gave the North Koreans nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

President Obama negotiated with terrorists, freeing 5 top Taliban leaders in exchange for one deserter, and paid Iran $400 million in cash for the release of four American hostages. Of course, there's no doubt that Iran used some of that $400 million to kill American soldiers in the Middle East, but we won't bring that up.

So who is the "greatest hostage negotiator in history"?
Pretty much every recent president has gotten hostages released from NK. Usually without brain damage.

Also without giving Kim the one thing he and his father want more than anything else. To be recognized as equals by the USA.

Bill Clinton didn't get any hostages back. But he did give North Korea 500,000 tons of heavy fuel oil per year, while the NORKS continued to build their reactors. He also eased trade restrictions against them. Jimmy Carter was also involved in that.

What a deal, eh?
He was next in line to fellate tRump.

You guys and girls just can't handle losing, can you? :21:
I notice you cannot refute the truth of my statement.

I also noticed that you can't refute the truth of my statement that you radical leftists are so full of hate and rage, all because your girl lost.
Bill Clinton didn't get any hostages back.
Trump got one back. He was all but brain dead. And trump was nice enough to exonerate his fat little boyfriend of any wrongdoing.

Dork. Trump got three American citizens released, and the return of the remains of over 200 dead American soldiers.

Try to keep up with what's happening in this world, if at all possible.
Bill Clinton didn't get any hostages back.
Trump got one back. He was all but brain dead. And trump was nice enough to exonerate his fat little boyfriend of any wrongdoing.

Dork. Trump got three American citizens released, and the return of the remains of over 200 dead American soldiers.

Try to keep up with what's happening in this world, if at all possible.
Well, first of all, i didn't say trump only got one american citizen back. Second of all , your comment about Clinton was ass backwards wrong, but you dont see me foaming at the mouth in a toddlerish little fit over it.

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