How did the left become the "party of science"?

They are anti science because their Bible isn't up to snuff
More drivel, from the oracles of "science".

Actually, the poker rooms are rigged too....Most of the money ends up inside the table.

You have to be really good to keep from feeding the house...And if there are a lot of good players at the table, all will be doing more buy-ins.

As long as you know the rake rate, you can make $$ at poker if you know what you are doing.

Just as you people believed FOX News could be trusted, you people follow social media bs like it was the word from god.

Al Gore did not ‘predict’ ice caps melting by 2013​

A 2009 comment by former U.S. vice president Al Gore that the North Pole would be ice-free by summer 2013 has gone viral in tandem with COP26 climate talks in Glasgow. The quote has been used to claim he made bogus predictions. While he did say something similar, the claim misrepresents his statement, which was attributed to researchers. Gore has also since cited other predictions of Arctic ice melting at a later date.

"The North Pole will be ice-free in the summer by 2013 because of man-made global warming,” a quote attributed to Gore in a social media post reads (here). A photo below the quote shows a man standing in a snowy landscape with ice in his hair and beard. Text over the image says: "2018 nope it's still cold!"

Social media users have shared the claim widely, with some discrediting climate science more generally.

“The left has been spreading ‘climate misinformation’ for 50 years!” one user wrote (here). “2008: Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013,” they added.

Gore didn’t make this prediction himself but was citing findings from a climate researcher. He did, however, appear to misrepresent the data.


Just as you people believed FOX News could be trusted, you people follow social media bs like it was the word from god.

Al Gore did not ‘predict’ ice caps melting by 2013​

A 2009 comment by former U.S. vice president Al Gore that the North Pole would be ice-free by summer 2013 has gone viral in tandem with COP26 climate talks in Glasgow. The quote has been used to claim he made bogus predictions. While he did say something similar, the claim misrepresents his statement, which was attributed to researchers. Gore has also since cited other predictions of Arctic ice melting at a later date.

"The North Pole will be ice-free in the summer by 2013 because of man-made global warming,” a quote attributed to Gore in a social media post reads (here). A photo below the quote shows a man standing in a snowy landscape with ice in his hair and beard. Text over the image says: "2018 nope it's still cold!"

Social media users have shared the claim widely, with some discrediting climate science more generally.

“The left has been spreading ‘climate misinformation’ for 50 years!” one user wrote (here). “2008: Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013,” they added.

Gore didn’t make this prediction himself but was citing findings from a climate researcher. He did, however, appear to misrepresent the data.

Al Gore isn't a climate scientist but he got the big picture right
I did not realize that the Dems were the party of science. I concluded that such sentiment was void on its face, especially after the Covid-19 fiasco. Climate change is political science based upon non-science claims, which are based on cooked modeling. They fail to not only demonstrate causation, but degree of alleged causation. The variable structure input in these computer models are intended to produce certain results. The underlying political science is related to facilitating a neo-Marxist revolution in the western world.
Like everyone has available counter space for things like that.

My issue is with forcing change via government action due to the AGW cult or other lefty bullshit.
I got attacked by so many for questioning the air fryer crowd. Reminds me of the bread baking machine crowd.

If one day the world was sure to end because of climate change, most everyone would be screaming about how the governments failed societies. If climate change is indeed an existential threat, it is the duty of government to battle it.
I got attacked by so many for questioning the air fryer crowd. Reminds me of the bread baking machine crowd.

If one day the world was sure to end because of climate change, most everyone would be screaming about how the governments failed societies. If climate change is indeed an existential threat, it is the duty of government to battle it.

But it isn't. It's a boogeyman the left gets to feel all warm and fuzzy about "fighting" that actually offers no real harm to them.

A far bigger threat is the collapsing reproduction rates in the west, but that one's actually a scary concept so the left wants nothing to do with it.

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