How Did the U.S. Become One of the Top Child Sex Consumers?

OP seems to think that kids didn't used to get molested. When I was a kid it seemed like everyone got messed with at some point but no one talked about it. It must have been a pedophile paradise back in the seventies.

That was a long time ago. Now, it's an underground child trafficking sex slavery system.
how did US become one of the top child sex consumers??

With the help of Biden's open border policy and many politicians seemingly on both sides helping it along.

You should see the thousands of chinese men coming in from the south. It's staggering. I have to go through checkpoints quite often and I see them detained. Border patrol told me for every one they catch, a hundred come through undetected.

How Did the U.S. Become One of the Top Child Sex Consumers?

6 July 2023 ~~ By Catherine Salgado

At the end of the powerful new movie Sound of Freedom, which delves into the hellish world of child trafficking, the moviemakers say the United States is among the biggest consumers of child sex in the world. How did the land of the free and the home of the brave become the home of the depraved?
It is a deep question with a complex answer, and it would probably take years of research to understand exactly how America went from being a country with moral and religious fervor—willing to fight and die for liberty and justice—to our current corrupt state. But several factors obviously contribute to the reality Sound of Freedom stated: “Human trafficking is a $150 billion a year business. The United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the larger consumers of child sex.” The movie even asserted, “There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in history.”
One glaringly obvious factor, which is also relevant to Sound of Freedom (the hero was originally a Homeland Security agent), is the border crisis. For many years, the Democrat Party has encouraged and facilitated illegal immigration, ignoring that it has allowed criminal cartels and human traffickers to control the border.
There are thousands of sex offenders and other criminals among the constant waves of illegal migrants. As of 2014, 80% of Central American illegal migrants were reportedly raped on their way to the U.S. In 2016, Breitbart reported on how migrant women and girls are often raped again and again on their way to the border by traffickers.

To be sure, few if any Republicans are involved before we point our bony finger of indignation at one party.
Please note, I didn’t say no Republicans. But open borders is largely a Democrat-caused problem for decades, which is at the root of the problem here.
In 2022, The Washington Times reported that many migrant children are being claimed by “families” who actually just want to use, abuse, and rape them. Obama/Biden open border policies fuel a rape culture.
Obviously, Woke Democrats have no problem at all with “minor attracted people”.

The truth is that Obama/Biden and the Maoist Democrat followers have allowed over 2 Million illegals with a high numbers being children enter the country and every one of them is indebted to the Cartels.
The only way for most of the child migrants to pay off their indebtedness is as a sex slave.
The Biden administration hasn't given a damn, as long as their policy undermines America and its sovereignty.
Meanwhile, we have radical groups in America clamoring for reparations for slavery of their great grandparents, and Maoist Democrats are encouraging and abiding pedophilia and Child Slavery in the year of our Lord 2023. .
When you have a president that fondles, sniffs, caresses, and kiss kids infront of the camera, there's the example for others to follow.
You should see the thousands of chinese men coming in from the south. It's staggering. I have to go through checkpoints quite often and I see them detained. Border patrol told me for every one they catch, a hundred come through undetected.
I don't have fond memories of the Border patrol..

How Did the U.S. Become One of the Top Child Sex Consumers?

6 July 2023 ~~ By Catherine Salgado

At the end of the powerful new movie Sound of Freedom, which delves into the hellish world of child trafficking, the moviemakers say the United States is among the biggest consumers of child sex in the world. How did the land of the free and the home of the brave become the home of the depraved?
It is a deep question with a complex answer, and it would probably take years of research to understand exactly how America went from being a country with moral and religious fervor—willing to fight and die for liberty and justice—to our current corrupt state. But several factors obviously contribute to the reality Sound of Freedom stated: “Human trafficking is a $150 billion a year business. The United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the larger consumers of child sex.” The movie even asserted, “There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in history.”
One glaringly obvious factor, which is also relevant to Sound of Freedom (the hero was originally a Homeland Security agent), is the border crisis. For many years, the Democrat Party has encouraged and facilitated illegal immigration, ignoring that it has allowed criminal cartels and human traffickers to control the border.
There are thousands of sex offenders and other criminals among the constant waves of illegal migrants. As of 2014, 80% of Central American illegal migrants were reportedly raped on their way to the U.S. In 2016, Breitbart reported on how migrant women and girls are often raped again and again on their way to the border by traffickers.

To be sure, few if any Republicans are involved before we point our bony finger of indignation at one party.
Please note, I didn’t say no Republicans. But open borders is largely a Democrat-caused problem for decades, which is at the root of the problem here.
In 2022, The Washington Times reported that many migrant children are being claimed by “families” who actually just want to use, abuse, and rape them. Obama/Biden open border policies fuel a rape culture.
Obviously, Woke Democrats have no problem at all with “minor attracted people”.

The truth is that Obama/Biden and the Maoist Democrat followers have allowed over 2 Million illegals with a high numbers being children enter the country and every one of them is indebted to the Cartels.
The only way for most of the child migrants to pay off their indebtedness is as a sex slave.
The Biden administration hasn't given a damn, as long as their policy undermines America and its sovereignty.
Meanwhile, we have radical groups in America clamoring for reparations for slavery of their great grandparents, and Maoist Democrats are encouraging and abiding pedophilia and Child Slavery in the year of our Lord 2023. .
Part of the demoralization process of the marxists and started long ago. They deeply penetrated our country....heck back to Woodrow Wilson.

Here is an example. By the 1930s they pretty much owned the entertainment industry and started then.

Watch this if you can stomach it.

It's childish to point out our nation is the third most populous? ...

Most Presidents lie ... Trump brags ... about paying hundreds of thousands of dollars on ugly broke down whores ... is that your idol? ... no wonder you think I'm childish ...
More whataboutism from people like you, especially when we see that the majority of Maoist Democrat Commies are well behind this abomination in America.
Part of the demoralization process of the marxists and started long ago. They deeply penetrated our country....heck back to Woodrow Wilson.

Here is an example. By the 1930s they pretty much owned the entertainment industry and started then.

Watch this if you can stomach it.

I agree! Hollywood has been a den of pedophilia and homosexuality for decades.

I agree! Hollywood has been a den of pedophilia and homosexuality for decades.


Watch that....

How Did the U.S. Become One of the Top Child Sex Consumers?

6 July 2023 ~~ By Catherine Salgado

At the end of the powerful new movie Sound of Freedom, which delves into the hellish world of child trafficking, the moviemakers say the United States is among the biggest consumers of child sex in the world. How did the land of the free and the home of the brave become the home of the depraved?
It is a deep question with a complex answer, and it would probably take years of research to understand exactly how America went from being a country with moral and religious fervor—willing to fight and die for liberty and justice—to our current corrupt state. But several factors obviously contribute to the reality Sound of Freedom stated: “Human trafficking is a $150 billion a year business. The United States is one of the top destinations for human trafficking and is among the larger consumers of child sex.” The movie even asserted, “There are more humans trapped in slavery today than any other time in history.”
One glaringly obvious factor, which is also relevant to Sound of Freedom (the hero was originally a Homeland Security agent), is the border crisis. For many years, the Democrat Party has encouraged and facilitated illegal immigration, ignoring that it has allowed criminal cartels and human traffickers to control the border.
There are thousands of sex offenders and other criminals among the constant waves of illegal migrants. As of 2014, 80% of Central American illegal migrants were reportedly raped on their way to the U.S. In 2016, Breitbart reported on how migrant women and girls are often raped again and again on their way to the border by traffickers.

To be sure, few if any Republicans are involved before we point our bony finger of indignation at one party.
Please note, I didn’t say no Republicans. But open borders is largely a Democrat-caused problem for decades, which is at the root of the problem here.
In 2022, The Washington Times reported that many migrant children are being claimed by “families” who actually just want to use, abuse, and rape them. Obama/Biden open border policies fuel a rape culture.
Obviously, Woke Democrats have no problem at all with “minor attracted people”.

The truth is that Obama/Biden and the Maoist Democrat followers have allowed over 2 Million illegals with a high numbers being children enter the country and every one of them is indebted to the Cartels.
The only way for most of the child migrants to pay off their indebtedness is as a sex slave.
The Biden administration hasn't given a damn, as long as their policy undermines America and its sovereignty.
Meanwhile, we have radical groups in America clamoring for reparations for slavery of their great grandparents, and Maoist Democrats are encouraging and abiding pedophilia and Child Slavery in the year of our Lord 2023. .

In the simplest terms, over sixty years of ever increasing leftism and its moral decay of society.
I meant the whole idea that some sex ring was being run the basement of a pizza parlor was a myth. Republicans are programmable idiots.

Sorry, the programmable idiots thing is already taken and proven over and over again. Please report to the nearest talking points location and repost.
Pizzagate was a myth.
Funny John Podesta and is brother Tony disappeared from Washington and the political scene soon after and didn't reappear until after 2021.


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