How did the Universe get here?

The one thing of which I am certain is, we on this thread all live in one world. The second thing we all know is, we don't agree. But in the final analysis, I am not here to placate anyone, just to point out the one fact that is obvious to all but the oblivious, THERE HAS NOT BEEN AN IOTA OF PHYSICAL PROOF AS TO WHETHER OR NOT GOD EXISTS.

To clarify I would say even though we don't agree we can align what we do believe as true.

I AGREE there has not been proof and also AGREE God can never be proven because of the scope. To prove there is one source of all the truth life and laws of the universe
is faith based and beyond man's finite perception which is going to be biased/limited.

That's why I ask us to focus on proving a consensus can be reached by aligning what we do call the same or similar concepts/principles in life, and using that as a framework.
Proving a consensus on meanings/concepts is NOT the same as trying to prove those things exist which we are both saying cannot be done.

No, we cannot prove this system of alignment "proves anything exist" that it seeks to represent.

but we can agree what things do have MEANING or relevance for each of us, then these are the laws/variables we use to define it, and they align as universally inclusive of all people participating that we could represent. and anything conflicting we agreed how to resolve those things so it does not introduce contradictions.

Since we can do that, but can never prove the actual things like God exist,
why not just prove the process of how consensus is reached and apply that system.

There IS one way for proof of God to be found. :cool: One and only one...

God could prove Himself.​

I think I'd go with pillars of fire blocking all of the abortion clinics and gay bars, but I'm probably more cynical than God. Ass-U-Me-ing God IS, that is.

I'm partial to walking on water, but an oenophile friend of mine would like water turned into wine. :D
To clarify I would say even though we don't agree we can align what we do believe as true.

I AGREE there has not been proof and also AGREE God can never be proven because of the scope. To prove there is one source of all the truth life and laws of the universe
is faith based and beyond man's finite perception which is going to be biased/limited.

That's why I ask us to focus on proving a consensus can be reached by aligning what we do call the same or similar concepts/principles in life, and using that as a framework.
Proving a consensus on meanings/concepts is NOT the same as trying to prove those things exist which we are both saying cannot be done.

No, we cannot prove this system of alignment "proves anything exist" that it seeks to represent.

but we can agree what things do have MEANING or relevance for each of us, then these are the laws/variables we use to define it, and they align as universally inclusive of all people participating that we could represent. and anything conflicting we agreed how to resolve those things so it does not introduce contradictions.

Since we can do that, but can never prove the actual things like God exist,
why not just prove the process of how consensus is reached and apply that system.

There IS one way for proof of God to be found. :cool: One and only one...

God could prove Himself.​

I think I'd go with pillars of fire blocking all of the abortion clinics and gay bars, but I'm probably more cynical than God. Ass-U-Me-ing God IS, that is.

I'm partial to walking on water, but an oenophile friend of mine would like water turned into wine. :D

It depends on what kind of wine. Last time it was at a Jewish wedding, so I envision Mogen-David Concord Grape - in which case I'd prefer it be turned back into water....

I'm just sayin...
No operational definition of "spiritual"?

I certainly provided enough question to start with.

No operational definition means it doesn't exist.

It is impossible to have an operational definition of an unprovable subject. Only varying opinions of it, and the inevitable and dynamic popularity contests that surround such opinions.

Without empirical proof (repeatability and/or overwhelming evidence and documentation), there ain't no defining anything.

For example: Pictures, or it didn't happen! :wink_2:

that would be correct for all those who perish after their physiology has expired, not so for a Spirit that has accomplished the goal of sustainability without physiology - by defining what is a provable subject and used as a map for one of life's true endeavors.

The one thing of which I am certain is, we on this thread all live in one world. The second thing we all know is, we don't agree. But in the final analysis, I am not here to placate anyone, just to point out the one fact that is obvious to all but the oblivious, THERE HAS NOT BEEN AN IOTA OF PHYSICAL PROOF AS TO WHETHER OR NOT GOD EXISTS.

Again, let's evaluate the terms of the statement. There is no physical proof of a physical God. However, most people don't believe in a physical God. So the fact there is no physical proof of a physical God is not very impressive or useful. Proof is an interesting word because of ambiguity. Some would argue the only thing truly "proven" is mathematics, but even that is questionable when dealing with quantum physics at the subatomic level. Essentially, there is nothing than can be proven. Proof becomes something that is subjective to the individual evaluation and acceptance of (or faith in) evidence. While we've established there is no physical proof of a physical God, there could be physical evidence of a spiritual God. However, this requires an individual to objectively accept (have faith in) the possibility of spiritual nature. There is no such thing as evidence of a UFO unless you accept the possibility UFOs exist.

Now, the most logical and objective reasoning should lead us to the consideration, the best way to evaluate the existence of something spiritual is to evaluate spiritual evidence. Again, this requires the individual accept a possibility of spiritual existence, otherwise there is no such thing as evidence. Those who accept the possibility of spiritual nature have found a great deal of spiritual evidence to support their belief in a spiritual God. The evidence for this is human spiritual connection spanning the entirety of the species existence.

As I said earlier, physical evidence may exist as well, but if you don't accept the possibility of the spiritual it can't be recognized. It simply becomes something unexplained and we develop various theories to possibly explain it. Or sometimes we explain the "how" but not the "why" and leave it at that. Perhaps energy and gravity have physical/spiritual duality? Physical science doesn't know how to evaluate the spiritual, so how would we know? Some people believe if it doesn't conform to physical principles and understanding, it isn't possible. However, we know through observation that electrons and subatomic particles defy physics all the time. They pop in and out of existence or appear at two places at the same time, physical impossibilities, but it happens. Light is both a wave and a particle at the same time, a physical impossibility, but it happens.

The Dual Slit Experiment is the cornerstone of quantum physics. This is quite a fascinating quandary. Particles of matter appear to behave differently depending on whether they are being observed. Fired through a double slit onto a background, the particles, when not examined, behave like waves and form an interference pattern. When we observe the particles to determine how they do this, they suddenly begin to act like particles again and produce a dual pattern. How do the particles know we are watching them? Strange stuff, but science "explains" this by saying they have "duality" and can be both waves and particles at the same time. Suffice it to say, we sometimes don't have explanations for the physical nature we find, much less the spiritual.

We are like tiny infants in a crib located in a dark room. Barely able to comprehend our blanket, the mattress, the dangling mobile above, the bars around us that keep us in. We have no concept beyond that. Some of us have faith in a higher power, something greater than us. Some have lost faith in that power and believe we know everything and all things are explained.
Essentially, there is nothing than can be proven.

Now, the most logical and objective reasoning should lead us to the consideration, the best way to evaluate the existence of something spiritual is to evaluate spiritual evidence. Again, this requires the individual accept a possibility of spiritual existence, otherwise there is no such thing as evidence. Those who accept the possibility of spiritual nature have found a great deal of spiritual evidence to support their belief in a spiritual God. The evidence for this is human spiritual connection spanning the entirety of the species existence.

It could be argued that it can be proven that you are a pompous BS artist. :D

But seriously, regarding spirituality, you seem to require spiritual evidence to conform to your pontification. Very few people will deny the existence of the spiritual, as a musician I know the spirit of the composer lives after their physical existence ends. The argument is whether the physical creates the spiritual, as with the composer, or the spiritual creates the physical, which has no proof.
There IS one way for proof of God to be found. One and only one...
God could prove Himself.

I think I'd go with pillars of fire blocking all of the abortion clinics and gay bars, but I'm probably more cynical than God. Ass-U-Me-ing God IS, that is.

Yes, you are cynical. I think energy and gravity should reveal themselves to us and let us know they are not spiritually inspired. They could start by not being immortal, by being creatable and destroyable... like other physical things. Why can't they just do that and then we could put this whole argument to rest?

I mean... If gravity is SO great, why does it have to kill so many innocent people. They fall off a building or ladder, and gravity just kills them for no reason. It should be like a giant marshmallow, when they hit the ground it could change it's characteristics to break the fall! And energy, it mercilessly kills people too! Electricity, for instance, should be more benevolent and caring, give us a little warning before it unleashes it's power on an unsuspecting individual. We should be able to stick our tongue in a light socket and maybe get a really sour taste or bitter... yeah, bitter would be best... then we'd know it was present and wouldn't die trying to taste it!

So here is what I propose... I will have a talk with God about proving Himself to you, and you have a talk with energy and gravity! Maybe we can even get emily involved as a mediator? Together, we can all be happy in a perfect little world!!

I heard the perfect thing this weekend on one of those Sunday morning animal shows. They took one monkey away and the others knew something was up so they started freaking out. The zoologist said "like all animals they have a healthy fear of the unknown" And that is why you believe in a god.

Just a few more chromizones and those apes would believe in god(s) too. Maybe they do. Maybe they think we're gods. And we must be since they have always thought we were. Maybe they are right, right?

Oh, and I saw another story where 5 different religions clashed in Yugoslavia and the historian giving the guy a tour was explaining now the politicians riled them up. I reject your premise that every society that has abandoned god has been fucked up. That doesn't have to be the way it is.

I also watched a religious show on how man's law isn't as good as gods law because of abortion. But in the next sentence he acknowledged how we are destroying this planet with pollution. So I say thank GOD we have aborted those billion people. This planet can't afford them.

Anyways, my point is, god is a silly reason to ban abortion when we clearly need population control. And some people just can't/shouldn't/don't want to raise children. So I say we will do just fine without god's laws as long as we have laws.

We may still have to fight the ISIS/Muslim religion still thought.

P.S. Did you think about the number of young people that say they believe in god? Went from 80 to 70 to 60 today in just a few years. Are you sure religion is here to stay? I say it's a dieing thing. Sure we'll always have cults yes but it won't be 80% of the population.

And seriously, I don't buy it that less religion equals higher crime. I think higher unemployment and desperation cause those things. I'm living proof you don't have to believe there is an invisible man watching you and you can still be a good person. No god necessary. Maybe for you but you're the past. Already too far brainwashed.
There IS one way for proof of God to be found. :cool: One and only one...

God could prove Himself.​

OK but it will take a lot of corn popping for this show.

The Christian way of saying it is if two or three witnesses to God's truth agree and pray in Jesus name, then it is done by the Father in Heaven.

So if two or three groups (independent sources, such as atheist scientists using science, and Christian believers using Christian prayer) were to form an agreement on Jesus and God, then the collective effect would follow from that agreement.

This is like invoking God's will by having an agreement on what God's will is.

Or enforcing a law by agreeing on the spirit of it and invoking authority to act on it.

So what I propose
can we agree that the meaning of Christ Jesus is "Restorative Justice"

So all groups who believe in "Restorative Justice" come together and announce an agreement to the public that Christ Jesus is going to be taught as meaning this.

And then agree on what is and what is not for or against this spirit
that is supposed to bring peace and justice to all mankind for salvation of humanity.

Can we start with just the agreement between a few groups coming together as witnesses to universal truth, establish that privately and then share it publicly to see the effect?
OK [MENTION=11281]sealybobo[/MENTION]

1. then how do you explain Buddhism that doesn't worship any God but sees wisdom and compassion as inherent in each person by Nature

2. how do you explain my beliefs in Isonomy that all religions are languages for natural laws or universal spiritual laws, and you don't have to believe in any personified God to reach agreement on truth and justice for peace as long as we agree to FORGIVE differences and conflicts so we can work through them to find answers/solutions that DON'T require anyone to change their beliefs

is "FORGIVENESS" a God to believe in? It does explain a lot in life, about why some people are happy and heal from wrongs done to them,
and others have angry minds and destructive relations with others.

3. do you believe in NATURE? is that a God? NATURE explains a lot about the world, and what goes on with the weather.
do you believe in science as a body of laws that explains how the world works.

You don't have to believe in God to describe and explain the things in the world.
Not all religions or beliefs require this, so you are making an overly BROAD generalization.

4. sealybobo are you just against religions that teach "false things," or require "false faith," or are "unforgiving or exclusive" in rejecting of other people of other views?

if so, come out and SAY THAT. it's the FALSENESS you oppose. Just like people hate the fraud in politics that is cultish and manipulating the masses for votes and power.
That's coming from people being selfish, whether they abuse politics or religious groups to do it. Some people blame all corporations but it's the "Abuse of Collective Influence" that is wrongful.

Don't blame all religions for causing this; blame people for causing their own problems by unforgiven conflicts causing REJECTION of other views. That's just human selfishness, and it is in politics as well as in religious groups

ANY LARGE collective group is going to get CLIQUISH and start imposing rules to exclude people outside their group. that is just collective social behavior, it is not just religion!

I heard the perfect thing this weekend on one of those Sunday morning animal shows. They took one monkey away and the others knew something was up so they started freaking out. The zoologist said "like all animals they have a healthy fear of the unknown" And that is why you believe in a god.

Just a few more chromizones and those apes would believe in god(s) too. Maybe they do. Maybe they think we're gods. And we must be since they have always thought we were. Maybe they are right, right?

Oh, and I saw another story where 5 different religions clashed in Yugoslavia and the historian giving the guy a tour was explaining now the politicians riled them up. I reject your premise that every society that has abandoned god has been fucked up. That doesn't have to be the way it is.

I also watched a religious show on how man's law isn't as good as gods law because of abortion. But in the next sentence he acknowledged how we are destroying this planet with pollution. So I say thank GOD we have aborted those billion people. This planet can't afford them.

Anyways, my point is, god is a silly reason to ban abortion when we clearly need population control. And some people just can't/shouldn't/don't want to raise children. So I say we will do just fine without god's laws as long as we have laws.

We may still have to fight the ISIS/Muslim religion still thought.

P.S. Did you think about the number of young people that say they believe in god? Went from 80 to 70 to 60 today in just a few years. Are you sure religion is here to stay? I say it's a dieing thing. Sure we'll always have cults yes but it won't be 80% of the population.

And seriously, I don't buy it that less religion equals higher crime. I think higher unemployment and desperation cause those things. I'm living proof you don't have to believe there is an invisible man watching you and you can still be a good person. No god necessary. Maybe for you but you're the past. Already too far brainwashed.
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No [MENTION=36773]Boss[/MENTION] sorry that wasn't clear

1. it is to distinguish which things we should focus on correcting and clarifying
and which things to either leave alone, correct later or just not focus on first
that are otherwise in the way of the productive points.

2. I believe issues with itfitzme statement can be resolved by a different angle,
not this one -- and not your words or mine if that has no relevance to itfitzme
that is a dead end, and better to drop it than waste time on a dead end

3. I interpreted itfitzme REAL meaning as "that language/concept doesn't exist in my world" which means to start with something that DOES and work just with the parts that we agree are consistent with ours so we can communicate in a common framework

Boss if this process is done right, then what you were trying to say, and what itfitzme was trying to express will be resolved as a result, or in the process, of focusing on things we can make sense of and address the key issues we were really after.

You basically want all people including these scientific atheist or nontheists types
to agree there is some spiritual level, and to quit assuming there isn't just because it isn't proven.

I am saying the most natural way to arrive at an agreement on these levels of the world,
is to start with each of our natural systems and align the levels that we already know are there.

I am saying we just call them different things, so if we agree they align, then we do believe these things exist; what you are calling spiritual laws, someone else calls the collective universe with all its laws in place.

Now Boss if you are not OK with that being the same thing,
that is very much like my atheist friend who believes in Nature but is not OK with God being equated with Nature. he has a hatred of religions so he does not agree to align that way.

if sealybobo cannot forgive religions and does not want to be associated, he will not agree to align the laws in religion with the laws in science as different cultural expressions and ATTEMPTS to reflect universal laws that exist on their own.

So it is mutual, Boss. if you are willing to stretch and align, then others will be more willing to meet us halfway.

but if you have such reservations and judgments of secular scientist for rejecting anything spiritual, and they in turn avoid religion for rejecting science, they two stay separated.

we just have to find the people willing to bridge the gap and not fear each other rejection.
as for others who don't want to watch this process or participate in the work it takes,
they can wait until after the movie is produced, and enjoy the show when it's done.

let's just call for the people who see the vision and would like to help this happen.
and not judge those who want to wait for the finished proof to believe consensus can be reached. my guess is even those watching it are part of the process.

like the principle you cannot observe things without changing it because even our attention to matter applies energy and that effects change. let's focus first on what people agree to, and the harder conflicts to resolve will get addressed in turn as the process progresses on.

thanks Boss keep praying and meditating on this and the right people/focus will come forth to be more clear. or in symbolic terms, God's face will appear from the clouds of chaos.

Hi [MENTION=36773]Boss[/MENTION]
1. If we all agree to drop imperfect statements we don't agree with, this is already considered itfitzme's statement and not something to be proven or disproven by others.
people could say the same of you, that your statement unless it's proven that energy is not spiritual, how can you say it isn't, etc.
and dns has make a blanket complaint that all our statements are subject to "not proven/nobody knows" as a disclaimer on all that we are saying anyway. it's all relative and opinion from our own perspective.

if we stick to where we agree, that's faster and fewer points than disproving or proving all the other points we already don't agree on so let those go.

So your idea is for us to abandon our positions on this because we can't prove them empirically, but at the same time, accept ifitzme's position because we can't disprove it? And by doing this, we are going to somehow reach a universal consensus? No... what that is called is conceding your argument and accepting an idiotic point for the sake of getting along. I'm not interested in that. Good luck to you, if that is the strategy you want to try.

2. I am trying to find out what itfitzme was really trying to say.

Well let me help you out with that. He is trying to say that science has disproved God. He sees 400+ years of physical science not being able to examine, evaluate or falsify that which is spiritual, as empirical evidence the spiritual doesn't exist. You want to accept that premise so we can all hold hands and sing kumbaya. Again... Good luck, I am not interested in such a strategy.
Essentially, there is nothing than can be proven.

Now, the most logical and objective reasoning should lead us to the consideration, the best way to evaluate the existence of something spiritual is to evaluate spiritual evidence. Again, this requires the individual accept a possibility of spiritual existence, otherwise there is no such thing as evidence. Those who accept the possibility of spiritual nature have found a great deal of spiritual evidence to support their belief in a spiritual God. The evidence for this is human spiritual connection spanning the entirety of the species existence.

It could be argued that it can be proven that you are a pompous BS artist. :D

But seriously, regarding spirituality, you seem to require spiritual evidence to conform to your pontification. Very few people will deny the existence of the spiritual, as a musician I know the spirit of the composer lives after their physical existence ends. The argument is whether the physical creates the spiritual, as with the composer, or the spiritual creates the physical, which has no proof.

I like your mention of music to make this point. That is very beautiful.
If I may add to your analogy/parable using music

1. If we can agree that "spiritual things" are like music in all cultures,
that what one culture calls music another will say is not music.

Then we don't have to agree what is music or not
to agree that it is generally universal to all cultures even if some people have no interest.

2. Within a group or culture that is fighting over control of the music
a. we can agree to separate and not compete to drown out the others
b. we can organize sections within the orchestra for like instruments
to practice with each other, and "get their parts right," instead of
* disrupting the rest of the section where everyone blames the whole section
* disrupting the entire group where people want to kick that group out
It does not help to get rid of whole instruments we blame or else we are
missing a vital voice/part and the symphony will not be complete
It is better to make sure each person is in the right section and playing
the right part for their instrument in tune and in harmony with the rest

It is NOT about trying to take our part or our key and make the others the same
If someone's part is different, we need to make sure they play it right, not play ours

3. When the parts are played correctly, the symphony is complete
some parts ARE in different keys, and will clash if taken out of context
and played at the same time as something else.
if each part and note is kept in its correct context, there is no discord

So I'm saying to organize the orchestra by sections, and even subsections,
respect the soloists and the First Violin/Concert Master,
and help each other to play in tune, respecting each other's parts as unique
and necessary to the whole. the more people who play in tune it is easier
to catch and correct notes that are out of place.

what we have now is people playing whatever they want when they want it
so we can't hear above the noise. the internet is filled with noise like that.

who are the Section leaders who can organize their sections? where are the people who know what the parts are supposed to sound like?

do we throw the band together with the people who show up and say: hey i can play this part, but not good at that one.

do we put a call out for auditions for who wants to join and get this symphony started?
But seriously, regarding spirituality, you seem to require spiritual evidence to conform to your pontification. Very few people will deny the existence of the spiritual, as a musician I know the spirit of the composer lives after their physical existence ends. The argument is whether the physical creates the spiritual, as with the composer, or the spiritual creates the physical, which has no proof.

What is your proof that the physical created the spiritual in the composer? Seems if that were true, we'd all be like Beethoven and Davinci. Same physical make up, same brain and physical attributes, same chemistry and composition. How do you know their creativity wasn't inspired by spiritual nature?

I don't require anything. That's the mistake you and others continue to make here. I don't care what you choose to believe, that's up to you. I am simply making a philosophical and logical point about objective evaluation. If we examine physical evidence to prove the physical, we have to examine spiritual evidence to prove the spiritual. So, no pontification, just logic and reason.
But seriously, regarding spirituality, you seem to require spiritual evidence to conform to your pontification. Very few people will deny the existence of the spiritual, as a musician I know the spirit of the composer lives after their physical existence ends. The argument is whether the physical creates the spiritual, as with the composer, or the spiritual creates the physical, which has no proof.

What is your proof that the physical created the spiritual in the composer? Seems if that were true, we'd all be like Beethoven and Davinci. Same physical make up, same brain and physical attributes, same chemistry and composition. How do you know their creativity wasn't inspired by spiritual nature?

I don't require anything. That's the mistake you and others continue to make here. I don't care what you choose to believe, that's up to you. I am simply making a philosophical and logical point about objective evaluation. If we examine physical evidence to prove the physical, we have to examine spiritual evidence to prove the spiritual. So, no pontification, just logic and reason.

Except that, as usual, you provide no clear definition for what the spiritual is nor how you or anyone else can objectively observe it. This is further complicated by your vague descriptions of the interaction between the spiritual and the physical, the questions of whether and how one can effect the other, etc. Your logic only holds up if one begins by accepting a premise with no evidence; that the spiritual exists and does so in a way described by you.

You also have yet to clearly explain just how you come by your knowledge of the spiritual, nor have you explained why the rest of the world is unable to see the evidence that you do. You generally start talking about religious belief when this is brought up, despite your own stated belief that religions are merely poor interpretations of the spiritual connection which you, and quite possibly you alone, understand.
But seriously, regarding spirituality, you seem to require spiritual evidence to conform to your pontification. Very few people will deny the existence of the spiritual, as a musician I know the spirit of the composer lives after their physical existence ends. The argument is whether the physical creates the spiritual, as with the composer, or the spiritual creates the physical, which has no proof.

What is your proof that the physical created the spiritual in the composer? Seems if that were true, we'd all be like Beethoven and Davinci. Same physical make up, same brain and physical attributes, same chemistry and composition. How do you know their creativity wasn't inspired by spiritual nature?

I don't require anything. That's the mistake you and others continue to make here. I don't care what you choose to believe, that's up to you. I am simply making a philosophical and logical point about objective evaluation. If we examine physical evidence to prove the physical, we have to examine spiritual evidence to prove the spiritual. So, no pontification, just logic and reason.

By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed. How you get from there to we all should be like Beethoven simply because having common physical attributes like a brain and fingers somehow must make us all exactly the same, even though we can be a different height and weight for example, is a bit of a stretch.
By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed. How you get from there to we all should be like Beethoven simply because having common physical attributes like a brain and fingers somehow must make us all exactly the same, even though we can be a different height and weight for example, is a bit of a stretch.

By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed.

We both agree that is spiritual. The question is whether the physical alone created it or the spiritual working through the physical?

...even though we can be a different height and weight for example...

Do you think the composer's height and weight are relative to their composition? I would argue that no two great artists physical characteristics are exactly the same. Also, there are many humans with their exact physical attributes but not a bone of 'creativity' in them. So what I am not seeing is where physical attributes have anything to do with what they produce.

But hey... as emily says, we're at a starting point here where we both agree, you do comprehend something we can experience is 'spiritual' because of how it effects you. I actually think you've taken a step out of the darkness here. The other day you proved immortality exists, today you've proven spirituality exists. Congratulations! :eusa_clap:
Except that, as usual, you provide no clear definition for what the spiritual is nor how you or anyone else can objectively observe it. This is further complicated by your vague descriptions of the interaction between the spiritual and the physical, the questions of whether and how one can effect the other, etc. Your logic only holds up if one begins by accepting a premise with no evidence; that the spiritual exists and does so in a way described by you.

You also have yet to clearly explain just how you come by your knowledge of the spiritual, nor have you explained why the rest of the world is unable to see the evidence that you do. You generally start talking about religious belief when this is brought up, despite your own stated belief that religions are merely poor interpretations of the spiritual connection which you, and quite possibly you alone, understand.

Well you can't objectively observe the spiritual in a physical sense. You can observe it in a spiritual sense, but you have to first be willing to recognize 'spiritual' can exist. As long as your conception of "exist" only includes physical existing, and "objective observation" is confined to the physical, it's not possible. It doesn't matter how much you demand it or how much I try to explain it to you, if you don't accept that 'spiritual' is real, we're at a dead end.

There is PLENTY of evidence for the spiritual, I've never said there wasn't. YOU argue there isn't because there isn't physical evidence for the spiritual, and I agree. But there is mountains of spiritual evidence. In fact, much of what you consider to be physical is spiritually manifested. Like energy and gravity. Can't prove it to you because you don't accept 'spiritual' as being real.

It's not just me alone, we've covered this over and over. It's billions and billions of humans spanning the entirety of the species existence. It's 88% of the current population of the planet. You are among the vast minority who doesn't acknowledge the 'spiritual' as real. The rest of us do realize it and connect with it. That's what motivates people to create all of these various religions.
By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed. How you get from there to we all should be like Beethoven simply because having common physical attributes like a brain and fingers somehow must make us all exactly the same, even though we can be a different height and weight for example, is a bit of a stretch.

By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed.

We both agree that is spiritual. The question is whether the physical alone created it or the spiritual working through the physical?

Well there is no denying that until the physical composer existed there was no composition. The physical composer clearly came first and then the composition, there is no denying that, as to the spiritual working through the physical is pure speculation. We know without a doubt that the physical composer is essential for the composition, but there is doubt as to whether the spiritual is essential for the composer. Like the existence of God, it can't be ruled out but there is a question about whether it is needed.
By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed. How you get from there to we all should be like Beethoven simply because having common physical attributes like a brain and fingers somehow must make us all exactly the same, even though we can be a different height and weight for example, is a bit of a stretch.

By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed.

We both agree that is spiritual. The question is whether the physical alone created it or the spiritual working through the physical?

...even though we can be a different height and weight for example...

Do you think the composer's height and weight are relative to their composition? I would argue that no two great artists physical characteristics are exactly the same. Also, there are many humans with their exact physical attributes but not a bone of 'creativity' in them. So what I am not seeing is where physical attributes have anything to do with what they produce.

But hey... as emily says, we're at a starting point here where we both agree, you do comprehend something we can experience is 'spiritual' because of how it effects you. I actually think you've taken a step out of the darkness here. The other day you proved immortality exists, today you've proven spirituality exists. Congratulations! :eusa_clap:

1. RE: Step out of the darkness

this sounds like what I was trying to explain about "God not hiding from us"
but us "not recognizing" what is already there

Boss: to edthecynic, this was "already there" and not some new realization

If YOUR perception changed that is YOU seeing God in someone else that YOU didn't see before; maybe it is a new realization for your relationship, so that is a beautiful thing.

I hope you were being sarcastic and silly, otherwise if I read that wrong, it sounds
insulting and I don't think you meant that, except if you are playing a bit hardball?

2. No, I do not believe it is necessary to prove or agree "immortality exists"
in order to prove or agree "spirituality exists." Spirituality may mean different things to some people, and can exist in the present without necessarily believing in immortality.

All that is necessary to reach an agreement is to accept that "parallel" terms align.
(Not to try to force one person's terms or conditions on someone else and vice versa.)

And yes it is a pleasant surprise to find when our parallel equivalents are not the same at all, so the relationship between them is not "monotone/the same note" as we thought,
but artful in the harmony between them, like naturally occurring music in the universe
In fact, much of what you consider to be physical is spiritually manifested. Like energy and gravity.

You are way off base there, they are purely physical and can be measured physically.


God is a spiritual form of energy, it can't be measured physically, if it could be, it wouldn't be spiritual in nature.
Hi [MENTION=13101]edthecynic[/MENTION]
This reminds me of trying to compare people who write by physically writing down their thoughts linearly, and think of it as that came from them and their writing process.

Versus me and other poet friends who have a "channeling" process of writing. We can feel an inspiration come to us from a higher source, and then we edit and transcribe it.

To other people, I wrote that poem or song.

To me, I was taking dictation and trying to interpret and fine tune the signal so I could capture the message in the most clarified words or format.

If this isn't coming from "some God" or some "person in the past connected by conscience or karma" it could be me "tapping into" the future printed form of a letter or song,
and I am writing/editing it in my head in advance of the final finished form.

So I compare it to hearing someone talk in the distance, and writing down the words I can discern. and the closer the person gets to coming into my immediate presence, the closer the words are to that sound signal.

With writing letters I have published in the newspaper, I felt I was tapping into the mind of the editor picking which letters would be revised and printed, or tapping into my own future mind when I read my printed letter,
but I am in the past beforehand, trying to write the draft of that letter.

With some letters I "felt" in advance WHICH would be printed entirely as is,
and WHICH lines would be cut, so I didn't need to edit those as they weren't going to keep them anyway, and I just focused on the words that I knew exactly what the finished version would be. The signal was clear on those. The words I felt would be cut were fleeting and did not carry the same weight as the words that were going to stay on the page.

I felt I was channeling the future. But other people would say I wrote that.
The funniest irony is that I have trouble editing my own writing to be that short.
So I have trouble seeing how the heck I wrote these myself, to come out that short.
here are examples:

I joke that I must have karma with Thomas Jefferson or some Founding Father who keeps wanting to get the last word in about Constitutional laws and church-state issues.
I feel like I am used as a "human typewriter" for some muse or spirit who still has a lot to say about politics!

By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed. How you get from there to we all should be like Beethoven simply because having common physical attributes like a brain and fingers somehow must make us all exactly the same, even though we can be a different height and weight for example, is a bit of a stretch.

By how the composition can move me to joy or tears when I play it long after the physical composer has passed.

We both agree that is spiritual. The question is whether the physical alone created it or the spiritual working through the physical?

Well there is no denying that until the physical composer existed there was no composition. The physical composer clearly came first and then the composition, there is no denying that, as to the spiritual working through the physical is pure speculation. We know without a doubt that the physical composer is essential for the composition, but there is doubt as to whether the spiritual is essential for the composer. Like the existence of God, it can't be ruled out but there is a question about whether it is needed.

Here is a poem that people will say sounds like I channeled Emily Dickinson:

A Message from the Universe

Behind the Iron Curtain,
Beyond the Fall of Rome,
There's Hope in the uncertain,
And Truth in the unknown.

Beneath the stars and planets,
Along the coral reef,
A method calms the madness,
And war gives in to peace.

Fear not my changing surface
For what may lie below,
But trust a higher Purpose
That you already know.

(I think I wrote this before I heard that all of Emily Dickinson's poems
can be sung to the Yellow Rose of Texas. If this was her voice or spirit
channeling through my head to write this down, it fits the tune!)

The most disturbing "channeling process" happened when I was in the middle of an ongoing debate with a Catholic teacher at our school over the relationship between sexuality and spirituality. He was saying material lust was bad; and I felt that even though some bad karma incarnates in romantic relations, this is to motivate us to grow and resolve those issues, so of course the most intense karma is going to land in family and romantic relations where we can find them and work on them, instead of letting them pass down to the next generation. In my frustration to find him so closeminded and judgmental, I started to write a poem from the voice of a woman lecturing a man.

to my shock, a TIME magazine mailed to the school about that time contained a reference to Heloise and Abelard I never heard of before. When I looked them up online, I found quotes and arguments of her words, that sounded just like the "voice in my head" dictating the poem as a rebuttal and sharp rebuke against this man. So I felt it matched teh "spirit" of Heloise scolding Abelard. But I never heard of them before, and I had already started writing the draft of the poem. The same voice/message in my head finished the poem:

I wonder if clever Aristotle
Ever fumbled a baby bottle
In the dark of night, while the infant cried,
Only to hear those cries subside
At the breast of a mother nursing her child
To the tune of a runic lullaby.

I ask the world's astrologers
Who map the heavens above:
How many of your philosophers
Have ever been in love?

I also wonder if Thomas Aquinas
Ever pondered or stopped to define as
Simple a concept as "cuddly" or "cute"
Beyond what scholars could refute!

Go ask the great astronomers
Who count the stars and such:
How many Saints could quantify
The impact of a woman's touch?

Some critics pick on feminists,
Saying they need a "good night kiss."
When I read books as dry as this,
I wonder whose point is being missed!

If, after Einstein, mass is proved
Energy more slowly moved,
There is no need to separate
Thought from motion, Church from State,
Jew from Gentile, God from truth,
Earth from Heaven, faith from proof.
Natural laws and fate are one,
And that's my "Summa Contra None."

If my words you understand,
You're worthy to be called a man;
Or, better yet, profess my fault
To prove you're worth your Mass in salt!

[I still hear this in my head as a British accent, so maybe I am channeling it being recited in the future in that "lyrical beautiful voice" -- poetic but clearly scolding this dry theologian
claiming to teach God's love but missing the whole point of love and beauty in life.]
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