How did they build it

Sherlock Holmes

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Jul 1, 2024
Inca walls in Cusco built without power tools, steel or stone cutting tools. The pieces often fit together so well that the stones are so closely spaced that a single piece of paper will not fit between many of the stones.


Inca walls in Cusco built without power tools, steel or stone cutting tools. The pieces often fit together so well that the stones are so closely spaced that a single piece of paper will not fit between many of the stones.

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That wall is child's play in comparison to other ancient prehistoric structures that defy explanation

In fact, there are about 1200 pyramids in China alone

The government has tried to hide them telling local farmers to grow crops on top of them.

They are all over the world, like this wall in Montana of all places

Inca walls in Cusco built without power tools, steel or stone cutting tools. The pieces often fit together so well that the stones are so closely spaced that a single piece of paper will not fit between many of the stones.

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Patience and determination. They were no less intelligent than we are and they didn't have USMB to distract them.
Inca walls in Cusco built without power tools, steel or stone cutting tools. The pieces often fit together so well that the stones are so closely spaced that a single piece of paper will not fit between many of the stones.

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I'm sure you can find it on the net. I have seen so many sci/history show on it. They just used stones to beat/pulverize the larger other stones until, they fit snuggly. No need to be philosophical on this wordy guy.
100s of millions of Slaves I would bet were involved. Black, Arab, Asian, European…. They did not get any choice. Work till death or we kill you today.
Inca walls in Cusco built without power tools, steel or stone cutting tools. The pieces often fit together so well that the stones are so closely spaced that a single piece of paper will not fit between many of the stones.

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The exact methods used to build Inca walls are still a subject of study and debate among architects and historians. However, based on archaeological evidence and historical accounts, we do have some ideas about how the Inca people built their stone walls. Here are some of the key techniques that are believed to have been used:

1. Stone selection and shaping: The Inca builders carefully selected stones of different shapes and sizes to fit together like a puzzle. They used stone tools, such as hammers and chisels, to shape the stones to fit together perfectly.
2. Trial and error: The builders would place the stones in their desired location and then shape them further as needed to ensure a snug fit. This process was repeated until the stones fit together perfectly.
3. Levels and plumb lines: The Inca builders used simple tools, such as wooden levels and plumb lines, to ensure that the walls were straight and level.
4. Gravity and friction: The Inca builders used the weight of the stones and the force of gravity to hold the walls together. They also used friction between the stones to keep them in place.
5. No mortar: The Inca builders did not use mortar to hold the stones together. Instead, they relied on the precise fit of the stones to keep the walls intact.
6. Inclined surfaces: The Inca builders often built walls with inclined surfaces, which helped to distribute the weight of the stones more evenly and reduce the risk of collapse.

These are just a few of the techniques that are believed to have been used in the construction of Inca walls. The exact methods may have varied depending on the location, the availability of materials, and the specific needs of the structure being built.

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that extraterrestrial beings or "green aliens" had anything to do with the construction of Inca walls or any other ancient structures. The idea that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in the past and helped to build ancient monuments is a popular myth, but it is not supported by archaeological or historical evidence. The construction of Inca walls and other ancient structures can be explained by the ingenuity, skill, and knowledge of the people who built them, using the tools and resources available to them at the time.


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DuckDuckGo AI model, Mistral 8x7B
I'm sure you can find it on the net. I have seen so many sci/history show on it. They just used stones to beat/pulverize the larger other stones until, they fit snuggly. No need to be philosophical on this wordy guy.
Well this begs the question, how does one check whether a 100 ton stone block, fits snugly or not? The only way to do this is to pick it up and try to seat it and note the deviations from snugness. Then remove it and remove those deviations and repeat the check.

I do not see how that process can be practicable on this scale, even with a powerful crane it would be mind numbingly tedious.

Even with a crane it would be hard, one could not suspend the block with chains because those chains would prevent the stone being seated to check it. One would have to drill into the top of the stone to insert some kind of steel hook that could be used for lifting it.
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