How did you meet your SO?

I was driving a school bus...she was an assistant. My wife died the same summer her dad died. When school resumed...we talked about our loss. We had! That was 1991...
1994. The Internet existed, but was not available to the general public. Hardcore computer geeks communicated via something called a BBS. Basically, a BBS was a computer set up to answer calls with its modem. You could call a BBS with your modem, and once logged in, you could leave messages,and read messages that had been left by others. Often, these were divided up by topic into forums.

The more sophisticated BBSes were organized into loose networks. During certain times of the day, instead of taking calls from users, they would call each other in an organized manner, and pass the messages around. Thus, if you posted a message in one forum, on one networked BBS that carried it, within a few days, that message would appear in the same forum on every other BBS that carried it. Think of it as a very primitive form of the type of forum on which you are reading this now. The biggest and best-known of these networks was FidoNet.

Now, think of the stereotype of a nerd—very intelligent, but socially inept and awkward. Male, and very desperate for female companionship, and unable to obtain it. The stereotype was real. There were many of us like that, and we were the sort who mostly inhabited these BBSes. I was probably, at the time, one of the most extreme examples you'd ever meet of such a nerd.

So, you can imagine that when a user on one of these forums identified herself as female, and expressed dissatisfaction with the dating prospects in her home area, she attracted a lot of attention to herself.

I consider it miraculous that of all the nerds that infested that forum, I was the one who succeeded in attracting this woman's attention to me, and convincing her to consider me as a romantic prospect. After several weeks of corresponding over this medium, we made arrangements for her to make the trip from Reedsport, Oregon, where she lived at the time, to Santa Barbara, California, where I was at the time, to meet me in person. We hadn't really given much thought as to how to proceed after that; I guess we just figured that she'd spend a few days down in Santa Barbara with me, and that if it looked like anything was going to come of it, we'd make similar trips, her to Santa Barbara or me to Reedsport.

She arrived in Santa Barbara on 08 April 1994. By 13 April 1994, we were engaged, and we married a year later. We've now been married for 22 years.
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I met mine at work. She asked me out after overhearing her coworker say she was scheduled to work that weekend. :)

Let's reminisce a bit.

Fencing club
Are there really fencing clubs?

The last time I heard about fencing was from an episode of Columbo. :)

I felt the same way when my Canadian relatives told me they were members of a badminton club. :wtf:
We learn something new every day. :)
I met mine at work. She asked me out after overhearing her coworker say she was scheduled to work that weekend. :)

Let's reminisce a bit.

Fencing club
Are there really fencing clubs?

The last time I heard about fencing was from an episode of Columbo. :)

I felt the same way when my Canadian relatives told me they were members of a badminton club. :wtf:
We learn something new every day.

I can kinda see the reason.
WTF else are you going to do when there's snow up to your ass cheeks half the year?
I met mine at work. She asked me out after overhearing her coworker say she was scheduled to work that weekend. :)

Let's reminisce a bit.

Fencing club
Are there really fencing clubs?

The last time I heard about fencing was from an episode of Columbo. :)

I felt the same way when my Canadian relatives told me they were members of a badminton club. :wtf:
We learn something new every day.

I can kinda see the reason.
WTF else are you going to do when there's snow up to your ass cheeks half the year?
Or when an attractive girl, who is considered off limits, suddenly makes herself available. :)
I was a college junior, living in the dorm. He was not a student, but using my friend's computer (1993, not everyone had a computer) to write a play. I was returning a book to my friend, he was there.
1994. The Internet existed, but was not available to the general public. Hardcore computer geeks communicated via something called a BBS. Basically, a BBS was a computer set up to answer calls with its modem. You could call a BBS with your modem, and once logged in, you could leave messages,and read messages that had been left by others. Often, these were divided up by topic into forums.

The more sophisticated BBSes were organized into loose networks. During certain times of the day, instead of taking calls from users, they would call each other in an organized manner, and pass the messages around. Thus, if you posted a message in one forum, on one networked BBS that carried it, within a few days, that message would appear in the same forum on every other BBS that carried it. Think of it as a very primitive form of the type of forum on which you are reading this now. The biggest and best-known of these networks was FidoNet.

Now, think of the stereotype of a nerd—very intelligent, but socially inept and awkward. Male, and very desperate for female companionship, and unable to obtain it. The stereotype was real. There were many of us like that, and we were the sort who mostly inhabited these BBSes. I was probably, at the time, one of the most extreme examples you'd ever meet of such a nerd.

So, you can imagine that when a user on one of these forums identified herself as female, and expressed dissatisfaction with the dating prospects in her home area, she attracted a lot of attention to herself.

I consider it miraculous that of all the nerds that infested that forum, I was the one who succeeded in attracting this woman's attention to me, and convincing her to consider me as a romantic prospect. After several weeks of corresponding over this medium, we made arrangements for her to make the trip from Reedsport, Oregon, where she lived at the time, to Santa Barbara, California, where I was at the time, to meet me in person. We hadn't really given much thought as to how to proceed after that; I guess we just figured that she'd spend a few days down in Santa Barbara with me, and that if it looked like anything was going to come of it, we'd make similar trips, her to Santa Barbara or me to Reedsport.

She arrived in Santa Barbara on 08 April 1994. By 13 April 1994, we were engaged, and we married a year later. We've now been married for 22 years.
Engaged in 5 days, whoa dude! For a nerd you were a fast worker! Sounds like you may have invented too. Good story.
I met mine at work. She asked me out after overhearing her coworker say she was scheduled to work that weekend. :)

Let's reminisce a bit.

Fencing club
Are there really fencing clubs?

The last time I heard about fencing was from an episode of Columbo. :)

Why yes, yes there are! There are three in the Bay Area, but only one up in Northern Nevada.
I had no idea fencing was still a sport/hobby.

Just so you know I wasn't kidding about there being an episode of Columbo that included fencing, here's the link....
Columbo : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Episode #17
I met mine at work. She asked me out after overhearing her coworker say she was scheduled to work that weekend. :)

Let's reminisce a bit.

Fencing club
Are there really fencing clubs?

The last time I heard about fencing was from an episode of Columbo. :)

Why yes, yes there are! There are three in the Bay Area, but only one up in Northern Nevada.
I had no idea fencing was still a sport/hobby.

Just so you know I wasn't kidding about there being an episode of Columbo that included fencing, here's the link....
Columbo : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Episode #17

Yeah, I am old enough I remember the Columbo shows when they were first being run! I always found his character annoying!
I met mine at work. She asked me out after overhearing her coworker say she was scheduled to work that weekend. :)

Let's reminisce a bit.

Fencing club
Are there really fencing clubs?

The last time I heard about fencing was from an episode of Columbo. :)

Why yes, yes there are! There are three in the Bay Area, but only one up in Northern Nevada.
I had no idea fencing was still a sport/hobby.

Just so you know I wasn't kidding about there being an episode of Columbo that included fencing, here's the link....
Columbo : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Episode #17

Yeah, I am old enough I remember the Columbo shows when they were first being run! I always found his character annoying!
Really? Why?

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