How do leftists respond when black Condoleezza Rice DEFENDS Confederate statues??

Polls told you Cankles would be POTUS. How'd that turn out?
Wrong. Polls told us Hillary would beat Orange in the popular vote. And she did.
Polls don't deal with electoral vote outcomes. You failed, and will now be considered dumb.

Do I need to show the electoral predictions? They're on the Internet, loon.

You loons need to lose the "but she did win the popular vote!!!!"

Fucking stupid
you know he's stupid.
you know it's intentional.
if not, you know it doesn't matter.

why give him the credibility of a response?
Iceberg's anger reached record highs when I posted the poll showing that more than 3/4 of African Americans support removal of the confederates flag. His intelligence was exposed as sub-par. Vent, my little misinformed one. :banana2:

He doesn't believe your poll, neither do I
Breaking : message board conservative agrees with message board conservative. :badgrin:
Polls told you Cankles would be POTUS. How'd that turn out?
Wrong. Polls told us Hillary would beat Orange in the popular vote. And she did.
Polls don't deal with electoral vote outcomes. You failed, and will now be considered dumb.

Do I need to show the electoral predictions? They're on the Internet, loon.

You loons need to lose the "but she did win the popular vote!!!!"

Fucking stupid
you know he's stupid.
you know it's intentional.
if not, you know it doesn't matter.

why give him the credibility of a response?
Iceberg's anger reached record highs when I posted the poll showing that more than 3/4 of African Americans support removal of the confederates flag. His intelligence was exposed as sub-par. Vent, my little misinformed one. :banana2:

He doesn't believe your poll, neither do I
either ted or some other moron likely calling me out.

How do leftists respond to black Condoleezza Rice DEFENDING Confederate statues?? Leftist crackpots need to quit acting like we're living in 1935 Germany! The overreaction to a bunch of weirdos marching for a STATUE is INSANE!

See below:

Scrubbing Confederate history from the country’s fabric would be a monumental mistake, Condoleezza Rice said Monday.

The former Bush-era Secretary of State — now plugging her new book, “Democracy” — argued on “Fox and Friends” that tearing down statues honoring slave owners was merely “sanitizing” U.S. history.

“When you start wiping out your history, sanitizing your history to make you feel better, it’s a bad thing,” Rice said.

“Should we start taking their statues down and saying, ‘We’re embarrassed by you?’” he asked.

“I’m a firm believer in ‘keep your history before you.’ And so I don’t actually want to rename things that were named for slave owners,” Rice replied. “I want us to have to look at the names and recognize what they did, and be able to tell our kids what they did and for them to have a sense of their own history.”

Condoleezza Rice argues against removing slave owners’ statues
Next thread : "Hey liberals. How does it feel not to like Clarence Thomas' court opinions?
He is black."
Imagery is fascinating history but paradoxical too. Lee resigned from the America of Lincoln and chose to fight for slavery and the south. Is that a noble gesture requiring a soldier on a horse signifying support for the enslavement of humans. Hyperbolic, but we can look at this history as the worse time or we can pretend nobility for what? God knows the history that followed in the south with lynching and Jim Crow as well as discrimination is hardly something to be proud of. So maybe we need another imagery, what say you, something a bit more honest to reality.

lynching in america - Google Search

"Although all men are born free, and all nations might be so, yet too true it is, that slavery has been the general lot of the human race. Ignorant — they have been cheated; asleep — they have been surprized; divided — the yoke has been forced upon them. But what is the lesson? That because the people may betray themselves, they ought to give themselves up, blindfold, to those who have an interest in betraying them? Rather conclude that the people ought to be enlightened, to be awakened, to be united, that after establishing a government they should watch over it, as well as obey it. .... But mysteries belong to religion, not to government; to the ways of the Almighty, not to the works of man." James Madison 'Who Are the Best Keepers of the People's Liberties'
Imagery is fascinating history but paradoxical too. Lee resigned from the America of Lincoln and chose to fight for slavery and the south. Is that a noble gesture requiring a soldier on a horse signifying support for the enslavement of humans. Hyperbolic, but we can look at this history as the worse time or we can pretend nobility for what? God knows the history that followed in the south with lynching and Jim Crow as well as discrimination is hardly something to be proud of. So maybe we need another imagery, what say you, something a bit more honest to reality.

lynching in america - Google Search

"Although all men are born free, and all nations might be so, yet too true it is, that slavery has been the general lot of the human race. Ignorant — they have been cheated; asleep — they have been surprized; divided — the yoke has been forced upon them. But what is the lesson? That because the people may betray themselves, they ought to give themselves up, blindfold, to those who have an interest in betraying them? Rather conclude that the people ought to be enlightened, to be awakened, to be united, that after establishing a government they should watch over it, as well as obey it. .... But mysteries belong to religion, not to government; to the ways of the Almighty, not to the works of man." James Madison 'Who Are the Best Keepers of the People's Liberties'
yea, madison only had 100+ slaves of his own.
Shall we tear down monuments honoring former presidents who owned slaves? I know there are at least 8 presidents who owned slaves. Times were different back then, is what people fail to remember. Slavery wasn't an "American institution." It existed a long time before America even existed. It was acceptable at one time in our history. That is a fact.
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard
No, wrong. It is the lefts attempts to sanitize their history of racism and fighting to keep slavery alive. Their history within the kkk. Their majorities voting against the most major pieces of legislation against racism of Black Americans. Their fight to keep segregation alive. Their attempt during the 2000's of rewriting who was in favor of Black Americans civil rights by claiming those legislative actions for themselves on the dnc site. The GOP had to call them out and they removed it. That is what is appalling.
I'll tell you how sanitizing history works, and we've seen it here:

It's when RWnuts make the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
No, wrong. It is the lefts attempts to sanitize their history of racism and fighting to keep slavery alive. Their history within the kkk. Their majorities voting against the most major pieces of legislation against racism of Blacks. Their fight to keep segregation alive. Their attempt during the 2000's of rewriting who was in favor of Blacks civil rights by claiming those legislative actions for themselves on the dnc site. The GOP had to call them out and they removed it. That is what is appalling.
I'll tell you how sanitizing history works, and we've seen it here:

It's when RWnuts make the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

Sadly the forum left loons believe the demoquacks championed the civil rights movement.
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard
whether the left will ever admit it or not, part of the reason for the civil war was they were tired of the north telling them what to do all the time.

The Northern and Southern sections of the United States developed along different lines. The South remained a predominantly agrarian economy while the North became more and more industrialized. Different social cultures and political beliefs developed. All of this led to disagreements on issues such as taxes, tariffs and internal improvements as well as states rights versus federal rights.

Causes Of The Civil War | HistoryNet

sounds like we're doing it again.
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard

Let's not forget about Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK, and that was a HECK of a lot more recently than the Civil War! Lol.
She's said "slave owners " not "confederates". Why do righties lie all the time to try and make their point ?
No, wrong. It is the lefts attempts to sanitize their history of racism and fighting to keep slavery alive. Their history within the kkk. Their majorities voting against the most major pieces of legislation against racism of Black Americans. Their fight to keep segregation alive. Their attempt during the 2000's of rewriting who was in favor of Black Americans civil rights by claiming those legislative actions for themselves on the dnc site. The GOP had to call them out and they removed it. That is what is appalling.
I'll tell you how sanitizing history works, and we've seen it here:

It's when RWnuts make the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

Trying to blame modern day Democrats for what happened 150 years ago is about as retarded as one can get.
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard

Let's not forget about Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK, and that was a HECK of a lot more recently than the Civil War! Lol.

If your great great grandfather was a serial killer, how much of his guilt was passed on to you?
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard

Let's not forget about Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK, and that was a HECK of a lot more recently than the Civil War! Lol.

If your great great grandfather was a serial killer, how much of his guilt was passed on to you?
depends on which civilization you live in.
No, wrong. It is the lefts attempts to sanitize their history of racism and fighting to keep slavery alive. Their history within the kkk. Their majorities voting against the most major pieces of legislation against racism of Blacks. Their fight to keep segregation alive. Their attempt during the 2000's of rewriting who was in favor of Blacks civil rights by claiming those legislative actions for themselves on the dnc site. The GOP had to call them out and they removed it. That is what is appalling.
I'll tell you how sanitizing history works, and we've seen it here:

It's when RWnuts make the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

Sadly the forum left loons believe the demoquacks championed the civil rights movement.

most of the champions of the civil rights movement were registered democrats-----like
me. ---------one cannot evaluate the donkey's grandfather by looking at its grandson----
the present day, somewhat, pixilated donkey. --------I blame drugs. I wonder if anyone
ever did a study on the use of drugs as correlated with voter registration.. I wonder if anyone
ever bothered to get a snip of Hilary's hair (for cocaine analysis)
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard

Let's not forget about Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK, and that was a HECK of a lot more recently than the Civil War! Lol.

why memorialize the nut? Was Robert E Lee a member of the KKK? What sort of harm did
Byrd do as an old man? I know little about him--------he may have just been a nutty kid when
he did "KLAN" If someone wanted to do a statue of Byrd------that person should state ---on
the monument-----his history with the "KLAN"-------or put an idiot pointy hat on the thing
Freaking snowflakes are annoying. For a hundred years these statues have been there and NOW they decide to wail.

Folks probably said the same about Slavery. Its been going for hundreds of years, why people want to stop it now?

Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard

Let's not forget about Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK, and that was a HECK of a lot more recently than the Civil War! Lol.

If your great great grandfather was a serial killer, how much of his guilt was passed on to you?
depends on which civilization you live in.

we is yankee doodle dandies---------our cousins screwed with us about 150 years ago
Honey, 150 years ago? Black Americans have gained every freedom they have today under the GOP, which some occurred no more than 50 years ago. Give me a break. And there is still segregation going on in Democratic stronghold cities today.
Or were you taught under the new, rewritten history most of our schools teach today? If so, you need to dig out old encyclopedias, and original documents to find the truth.
No, wrong. It is the lefts attempts to sanitize their history of racism and fighting to keep slavery alive. Their history within the kkk. Their majorities voting against the most major pieces of legislation against racism of Black Americans. Their fight to keep segregation alive. Their attempt during the 2000's of rewriting who was in favor of Black Americans civil rights by claiming those legislative actions for themselves on the dnc site. The GOP had to call them out and they removed it. That is what is appalling.
I'll tell you how sanitizing history works, and we've seen it here:

It's when RWnuts make the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

Trying to blame modern day Democrats for what happened 150 years ago is about as retarded as one can get.

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