How do leftists respond when black Condoleezza Rice DEFENDS Confederate statues??

Freaking snowflakes are annoying. For a hundred years these statues have been there and NOW they decide to wail.

Folks probably said the same about Slavery. Its been going for hundreds of years, why people want to stop it now?

Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.

ok----so you want a history lesson attached to monuments-----FINE WITH ME-------good
Freaking snowflakes are annoying. For a hundred years these statues have been there and NOW they decide to wail.

Folks probably said the same about Slavery. Its been going for hundreds of years, why people want to stop it now?

Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.
so your take is the only take and you know for a fact how and why others feel the way they do.

you don't consider that at all a tad arrogant? if someone made such a generic statement about you, would you go "gosh, you got me there. how do you see so deep in my soul???" or just say "shutup bitch"?

something tells me #2.

but it's ok when you do it cause you have the unique position of feeling the way you do.
No, wrong. It is the lefts attempts to sanitize their history of racism and fighting to keep slavery alive. Their history within the kkk. Their majorities voting against the most major pieces of legislation against racism of Blacks. Their fight to keep segregation alive. Their attempt during the 2000's of rewriting who was in favor of Blacks civil rights by claiming those legislative actions for themselves on the dnc site. The GOP had to call them out and they removed it. That is what is appalling.
I'll tell you how sanitizing history works, and we've seen it here:

It's when RWnuts make the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

Sadly the forum left loons believe the demoquacks championed the civil rights movement.

most of the champions of the civil rights movement were registered democrats-----like
me. ---------one cannot evaluate the donkey's grandfather by looking at its grandson----
the present day, somewhat, pixilated donkey. --------I blame drugs. I wonder if anyone
ever did a study on the use of drugs as correlated with voter registration.. I wonder if anyone
ever bothered to get a snip of Hilary's hair (for cocaine analysis)
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard

Let's not forget about Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK, and that was a HECK of a lot more recently than the Civil War! Lol.

why memorialize the nut? Was Robert E Lee a member of the KKK? What sort of harm did
Byrd do as an old man? I know little about him--------he may have just been a nutty kid when
he did "KLAN" If someone wanted to do a statue of Byrd------that person should state ---on
the monument-----his history with the "KLAN"-------or put an idiot pointy hat on the thing

He was allowed to remain a SENATOR of the US. Which is worse, having a monument or having an actual racist an acting senator? :rolleyes:

Ku Klux Klan[edit]
In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.[10][11]

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]

In December 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glorytrampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944[11][18]
In 1946, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." He said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist.[11]
He just made a bunch of lame excuses for himself, and, of course, the liberals can easily overlook HIS clear and blatant racism. Lol. Too funny. This is just another reason why they FAIL.
Freaking snowflakes are annoying. For a hundred years these statues have been there and NOW they decide to wail.

Folks probably said the same about Slavery. Its been going for hundreds of years, why people want to stop it now?

Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.

ok----so you want a history lesson attached to monuments-----FINE WITH ME-------good

I like g5000's idea better, put up museums in place of the statues that showcase the horror of slavery.
No they weren't, not for the rights of Black Americans. How old are you irosie? Some joined the fight only when they knew they were becoming the minority and would continue to do so unless they changed their outward tune. Behind closed doors many continue their racist spiel even today. And let's look at LBJ shall we? A perfect example. And there are many modern day examples as well. -
Johnson asked Parker (his part time chauffeur) whether he’d prefer to be referred to by his name rather than “boy,” “******” or “chief.” When Parker said he would, Johnson grew angry and said, “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name.

Look no further than Biden or the Clinton's
No, wrong. It is the lefts attempts to sanitize their history of racism and fighting to keep slavery alive. Their history within the kkk. Their majorities voting against the most major pieces of legislation against racism of Blacks. Their fight to keep segregation alive. Their attempt during the 2000's of rewriting who was in favor of Blacks civil rights by claiming those legislative actions for themselves on the dnc site. The GOP had to call them out and they removed it. That is what is appalling.
I'll tell you how sanitizing history works, and we've seen it here:

It's when RWnuts make the argument that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

Sadly the forum left loons believe the demoquacks championed the civil rights movement.

most of the champions of the civil rights movement were registered democrats-----like
me. ---------one cannot evaluate the donkey's grandfather by looking at its grandson----
the present day, somewhat, pixilated donkey. --------I blame drugs. I wonder if anyone
ever did a study on the use of drugs as correlated with voter registration.. I wonder if anyone
ever bothered to get a snip of Hilary's hair (for cocaine analysis)
So because a black person says something, its the truth? So why y'all ignored Obama for 8 years? Lol

I will respond to Condi the same way I respond to a white person. Confederates were hateful traitors. They don't need celebrating. Germany removed their Nazi symbols. So why can't we?

I am a registered Democrat------I do not consider ALL CONFEDERATES TO BE
HATEFUL TRAITORS----because I am not a racist pig. My country was involved
in a civil war almost 150 years ago-----lots of good people on both sides died-----
lots fought bravely. I do not hate all native americans because of Custer's death---
nor do I hate Custer. Germany still honors Richard Wagner. What he did, he did
well. The USA still honors the Nazi pig---Thomas Edison. What he did, he did
well. --------we even say nice things about Walt Disney. ----that racist bastard

Let's not forget about Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK, and that was a HECK of a lot more recently than the Civil War! Lol.

why memorialize the nut? Was Robert E Lee a member of the KKK? What sort of harm did
Byrd do as an old man? I know little about him--------he may have just been a nutty kid when
he did "KLAN" If someone wanted to do a statue of Byrd------that person should state ---on
the monument-----his history with the "KLAN"-------or put an idiot pointy hat on the thing
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Freaking snowflakes are annoying. For a hundred years these statues have been there and NOW they decide to wail.

Folks probably said the same about Slavery. Its been going for hundreds of years, why people want to stop it now?

Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.
so your take is the only take and you know for a fact how and why others feel the way they do.

you don't consider that at all a tad arrogant? if someone made such a generic statement about you, would you go "gosh, you got me there. how do you see so deep in my soul???" or just say "shutup bitch"?

something tells me #2.

but it's ok when you do it cause you have the unique position of feeling the way you do.

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do.
oh----excuse me------I should have said NORTHERN DEMOCRATS were the champions of
the civil rights movement. -------southern democrats-----even back then were-------what they were
Freaking snowflakes are annoying. For a hundred years these statues have been there and NOW they decide to wail.

Folks probably said the same about Slavery. Its been going for hundreds of years, why people want to stop it now?

Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.
so your take is the only take and you know for a fact how and why others feel the way they do.

you don't consider that at all a tad arrogant? if someone made such a generic statement about you, would you go "gosh, you got me there. how do you see so deep in my soul???" or just say "shutup bitch"?

something tells me #2.

but it's ok when you do it cause you have the unique position of feeling the way you do.

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do.
no. you feel superior when you can pass a blanket judgement on people and put on a smug face as if that blanket fits all.

we both know it doesn't. i'm just not enough of a dumbass to do something like this and pretend it's relevant.
Folks probably said the same about Slavery. Its been going for hundreds of years, why people want to stop it now?

Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.
so your take is the only take and you know for a fact how and why others feel the way they do.

you don't consider that at all a tad arrogant? if someone made such a generic statement about you, would you go "gosh, you got me there. how do you see so deep in my soul???" or just say "shutup bitch"?

something tells me #2.

but it's ok when you do it cause you have the unique position of feeling the way you do.

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do.
no. you feel superior when you can pass a blanket judgement on people and put on a smug face as if that blanket fits all.

we both know it doesn't. i'm just not enough of a dumbass to do something like this and pretend it's relevant.

I'll gladly say it again so that you understand:

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do
Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.
so your take is the only take and you know for a fact how and why others feel the way they do.

you don't consider that at all a tad arrogant? if someone made such a generic statement about you, would you go "gosh, you got me there. how do you see so deep in my soul???" or just say "shutup bitch"?

something tells me #2.

but it's ok when you do it cause you have the unique position of feeling the way you do.

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do.
no. you feel superior when you can pass a blanket judgement on people and put on a smug face as if that blanket fits all.

we both know it doesn't. i'm just not enough of a dumbass to do something like this and pretend it's relevant.

I'll gladly say it again so that you understand:

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do

Causes Of The Civil War | HistoryNet

despite the desire to keep it simple, it was not just about slavery.

do i feel superior to those who want to practice racism and hold things like that against someone else? probably. but i'm not going to generisize events in history to 1 point and make mass condemnation on people based off how i put things together.
The question is, why would white supremacists from all over the country converge on Charlottesville to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee,

if they didn't feel some particular, important kinship to what the South represented at the time of secession?
why would white supremacists from all over the country converge on Charlottesville to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee,

Why would people from all over the country converge on Charlottesville to counter -protest?
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Romanticizing the Confederacy, which is what these statues do is not educating anyone.
so your take is the only take and you know for a fact how and why others feel the way they do.

you don't consider that at all a tad arrogant? if someone made such a generic statement about you, would you go "gosh, you got me there. how do you see so deep in my soul???" or just say "shutup bitch"?

something tells me #2.

but it's ok when you do it cause you have the unique position of feeling the way you do.

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do.
no. you feel superior when you can pass a blanket judgement on people and put on a smug face as if that blanket fits all.

we both know it doesn't. i'm just not enough of a dumbass to do something like this and pretend it's relevant.

I'll gladly say it again so that you understand:

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do

Causes Of The Civil War | HistoryNet

despite the desire to keep it simple, it was not just about slavery.

do i feel superior to those who want to practice racism and hold things like that against someone else? probably. but i'm not going to generisize events in history to 1 point and make mass condemnation on people based off how i put things together.

Did you read your own link? Literally every reason for the civil war has a link to slavery according to it. :booze:
Freaking snowflakes are annoying. For a hundred years these statues have been there and NOW they decide to wail.

Folks probably said the same about Slavery. Its been going for hundreds of years, why people want to stop it now?

Ahh shaddup. You have to be one of the most annoying left tards here.

You cannot just sanitize history because your tender little feelings are hurt. As a so called educator you of all should know this. You learn from history, not erase it

Taking down a statue isn't sanitizing history. The record of history is still there in books, encyclopedias and Internet.

Sanitizing history would be destroying articles and videos on the confederacy.
The record of history is still there in books, encyclopedias and Internet.

for now
I have never been in Charlottesville. I thought it was destroyed when Sherman
MARCHED TO THE SEA--------wasn't Scarlett and Mammy and Melanie there?-----
aunt pitty-pat?
The question is, why would white supremacists from all over the country converge on Charlottesville to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee,

if they didn't feel some particular, important kinship to what the South represented at the time of secession?
why would white supremacists from all over the country converge on Charlottesville to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee,

Why would people from all over the country converge on Charlottesville converge to counter -protest?

Because they oppose the beliefs of the white supremacists and neo-Nazis,

duh. Which side are you on?
so your take is the only take and you know for a fact how and why others feel the way they do.

you don't consider that at all a tad arrogant? if someone made such a generic statement about you, would you go "gosh, you got me there. how do you see so deep in my soul???" or just say "shutup bitch"?

something tells me #2.

but it's ok when you do it cause you have the unique position of feeling the way you do.

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do.
no. you feel superior when you can pass a blanket judgement on people and put on a smug face as if that blanket fits all.

we both know it doesn't. i'm just not enough of a dumbass to do something like this and pretend it's relevant.

I'll gladly say it again so that you understand:

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do

Causes Of The Civil War | HistoryNet

despite the desire to keep it simple, it was not just about slavery.

do i feel superior to those who want to practice racism and hold things like that against someone else? probably. but i'm not going to generisize events in history to 1 point and make mass condemnation on people based off how i put things together.

Did you read your own link? Literally every reason for the civil war has a link to slavery according to it. :booze:

slavery was linked to EVERYTHING IN THE COUNTRY-------because it was so important
to the ECONOMY. ----------cotton and wheat too. -----everything was linked to cotton
and wheat. ----------and the cowboys and the farmers who can never be friends----and the
shin bone is connected to the knee bone------
so your take is the only take and you know for a fact how and why others feel the way they do.

you don't consider that at all a tad arrogant? if someone made such a generic statement about you, would you go "gosh, you got me there. how do you see so deep in my soul???" or just say "shutup bitch"?

something tells me #2.

but it's ok when you do it cause you have the unique position of feeling the way you do.

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do.
no. you feel superior when you can pass a blanket judgement on people and put on a smug face as if that blanket fits all.

we both know it doesn't. i'm just not enough of a dumbass to do something like this and pretend it's relevant.

I'll gladly say it again so that you understand:

Do I feel superior than those who want to glorify the Confederacy? Yeah, I do

Causes Of The Civil War | HistoryNet

despite the desire to keep it simple, it was not just about slavery.

do i feel superior to those who want to practice racism and hold things like that against someone else? probably. but i'm not going to generisize events in history to 1 point and make mass condemnation on people based off how i put things together.
Did you read your own link? Literally every reason for the civil war has a link to slavery according to it. :booze:
which came out of state vs federal powers of which the south thought the north was putting ALL ON THEM to change and not listening to them or their concerns about anything.

slavery included.

again - you take out the reasons behind something and just go THIS BAD DUMMY!

if things were that simple in the end, we'd not argue as much as we do but our desire to be understood despite having stereotypes put in front of us like hurdles of things we never said.

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