How do people survive on minimum wage?

If dewdrops were diamonds and there was a chicken in every pot...

Sorry, this is the real world. Nobody is handing out rainbows. Life is hard and people have to work their asses off and then some to survive.

So tell me...are the people who are earning min wage living?

They are?

Then they're earning a living wage.

Just because they think living means they drive an expensive care, get cable, have 15 pr of Nikes and spend an average of 2 hours in bars a night, and $100 on fastfood every two weeks doesn't mean they're right.

Living is having shelter, water, and food. That's it.

Your friend is alive, for example.

my friend would have no shelter if not for her mother. She sure doesn't make enough to pay rent.

A living wage is food, rent, utilities, transportation and medical care for one person. Anything less is akin to slavery.

Do you know if you manage to get a tent and try an live in a tent city, the cops raid them regularly? Buldoze them so that everything you have is gone. And many of those people ARE working people.
If dewdrops were diamonds and there was a chicken in every pot...

Sorry, this is the real world. Nobody is handing out rainbows. Life is hard and people have to work their asses off and then some to survive.

So tell me...are the people who are earning min wage living?

They are?

Then they're earning a living wage.

Just because they think living means they drive an expensive care, get cable, have 15 pr of Nikes and spend an average of 2 hours in bars a night, and $100 on fastfood every two weeks doesn't mean they're right.

Living is having shelter, water, and food. That's it.

Your friend is alive, for example.

my friend would have no shelter if not for her mother. She sure doesn't make enough to pay rent.

A living wage is food, rent, utilities, transportation and medical care for one person. Anything less is akin to slavery.

Do you know if you manage to get a tent and try an live in a tent city, the cops raid them regularly? Buldoze them so that everything you have is gone. And many of those people ARE working people.
"She doesn't make enough to pay rent"..
Ok, who's problem is THAT?
You appear to believe there is some entitlement to living in a certain neighborhood, having certain items, cable tv, cell phone, meals out, etc.
Your idea of an arbitrary wage being used for an occupation without regard to skill level, education or experience is absurd.
One does not "get" money just because they walk through the door of a business owner. Wages are EARNED. Higher wages are EARNED based on skill, knowledge, education and experience.
Newsflash, a job offered by an employer is paid based on the value of that position to the employer.
Your friend has opportunities. You probably fill your friend's head with all kinds of negative info. You tell the friend the US is an unfair and unjust country. You probably tell them business owners hire workers so they can keep them down. You tell your friend the concepts or education, skill, achievement and success do not exist and that it is luck that produces wealth.
Tell me, what wage or salary do you believe your friend deserves in her current job?
Do not reply with an explanation. Post a NUMBER..Either per hour or per year.
Then elaborate on why you believe this.
If dewdrops were diamonds and there was a chicken in every pot...

Sorry, this is the real world. Nobody is handing out rainbows. Life is hard and people have to work their asses off and then some to survive.

So tell me...are the people who are earning min wage living?

They are?

Then they're earning a living wage.

Just because they think living means they drive an expensive care, get cable, have 15 pr of Nikes and spend an average of 2 hours in bars a night, and $100 on fastfood every two weeks doesn't mean they're right.

Living is having shelter, water, and food. That's it.

Your friend is alive, for example.

my friend would have no shelter if not for her mother. She sure doesn't make enough to pay rent.

A living wage is food, rent, utilities, transportation and medical care for one person. Anything less is akin to slavery.

Do you know if you manage to get a tent and try an live in a tent city, the cops raid them regularly? Buldoze them so that everything you have is gone. And many of those people ARE working people.

No, a living wage is making enough money to keep from dying.

It doesn't mean food, shelter, transportation and utilities.

It means shelter and food. That's all you have to have to stay alive.

It's good she has her mother to help. Obviously, she's unable to work full time. So it's not the fact that the wage is too low, it's that she can't work full time. In which case, a living wage is meaningless. You can't live off a living wage if you don't fucking work.
If dewdrops were diamonds and there was a chicken in every pot...

Sorry, this is the real world. Nobody is handing out rainbows. Life is hard and people have to work their asses off and then some to survive.

So tell me...are the people who are earning min wage living?

They are?

Then they're earning a living wage.

Just because they think living means they drive an expensive care, get cable, have 15 pr of Nikes and spend an average of 2 hours in bars a night, and $100 on fastfood every two weeks doesn't mean they're right.

Living is having shelter, water, and food. That's it.

Your friend is alive, for example.

my friend would have no shelter if not for her mother. She sure doesn't make enough to pay rent.

A living wage is food, rent, utilities, transportation and medical care for one person. Anything less is akin to slavery.

Do you know if you manage to get a tent and try an live in a tent city, the cops raid them regularly? Buldoze them so that everything you have is gone. And many of those people ARE working people.
"She doesn't make enough to pay rent"..
Ok, who's problem is THAT?
You appear to believe there is some entitlement to living in a certain neighborhood, having certain items, cable tv, cell phone, meals out, etc.
Your idea of an arbitrary wage being used for an occupation without regard to skill level, education or experience is absurd.
One does not "get" money just because they walk through the door of a business owner. Wages are EARNED. Higher wages are EARNED based on skill, knowledge, education and experience.
Newsflash, a job offered by an employer is paid based on the value of that position to the employer.
Your friend has opportunities. You probably fill your friend's head with all kinds of negative info. You tell the friend the US is an unfair and unjust country. You probably tell them business owners hire workers so they can keep them down. You tell your friend the concepts or education, skill, achievement and success do not exist and that it is luck that produces wealth.
Tell me, what wage or salary do you believe your friend deserves in her current job?
Do not reply with an explanation. Post a NUMBER..Either per hour or per year.
Then elaborate on why you believe this.

She thinks she should get paid to not work. That's what it comes down to.
Well thanks to the supreme court many of these adults making minimum wont have to worry about trying to survive on it cause most will lose their jobs.

Yep...The ACA will adversely affect the unemployment percentage.
Many businesses which have low wage, low skill workers will take a hard look at their costs. These businesses will cut expenses wherever they can to avoid additional taxation due to Obamacare.
Other businesses will simply cancel expansion plans or plans to add employees. Others will not fill positions that have been vacated by departing employees.
Businesses with just over 50 employees will eliminate positions to get under the threshold where the Obamacare charges kick in. Entry level people will really feel the effects of this.
Employers will not keep people who's medical insurance costs the employer more than the total wages of the workers.
This Obama care thing is probably the worst piece of legislation ever to come from Capitol Hill. It will be devastating to the economy.
my friend would have no shelter if not for her mother. She sure doesn't make enough to pay rent.

A living wage is food, rent, utilities, transportation and medical care for one person. Anything less is akin to slavery.

Do you know if you manage to get a tent and try an live in a tent city, the cops raid them regularly? Buldoze them so that everything you have is gone. And many of those people ARE working people.
"She doesn't make enough to pay rent"..
Ok, who's problem is THAT?
You appear to believe there is some entitlement to living in a certain neighborhood, having certain items, cable tv, cell phone, meals out, etc.
Your idea of an arbitrary wage being used for an occupation without regard to skill level, education or experience is absurd.
One does not "get" money just because they walk through the door of a business owner. Wages are EARNED. Higher wages are EARNED based on skill, knowledge, education and experience.
Newsflash, a job offered by an employer is paid based on the value of that position to the employer.
Your friend has opportunities. You probably fill your friend's head with all kinds of negative info. You tell the friend the US is an unfair and unjust country. You probably tell them business owners hire workers so they can keep them down. You tell your friend the concepts or education, skill, achievement and success do not exist and that it is luck that produces wealth.
Tell me, what wage or salary do you believe your friend deserves in her current job?
Do not reply with an explanation. Post a NUMBER..Either per hour or per year.
Then elaborate on why you believe this.

She thinks she should get paid to not work. That's what it comes down to.

People who think like this againsheila person would rather whine than do something to help themselves. They believe that a job and wage is an entitlement.
Well thanks to the supreme court many of these adults making minimum wont have to worry about trying to survive on it cause most will lose their jobs.

Yep...The ACA will adversely affect the unemployment percentage.
Many businesses which have low wage, low skill workers will take a hard look at their costs. These businesses will cut expenses wherever they can to avoid additional taxation due to Obamacare.
Other businesses will simply cancel expansion plans or plans to add employees. Others will not fill positions that have been vacated by departing employees.
Businesses with just over 50 employees will eliminate positions to get under the threshold where the Obamacare charges kick in. Entry level people will really feel the effects of this.
Employers will not keep people who's medical insurance costs the employer more than the total wages of the workers.
This Obama care thing is probably the worst piece of legislation ever to come from Capitol Hill. It will be devastating to the economy.

For sure no company is going to have much incentive to expand to the point that the massive tax will be imposed. Bigger companies will drop their healthcare plans and accept the tax as the cheaper alternative.

And countless Americans will have no incentive to take any initiative to move above poverty level and thereby lose their government furnished Medicaid and subject themselves to the mandated tax.

I honestly can't find an upside to this other than for a very few affluent middle class families who can keep their grown children on their policies for a very long time and for the few folks who won't have to face being dropped by their insurance companies but with the rest of us paying more in order for them to retain their coverage.
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Like the rest of you, I'm so tired of the cancer known as liberals. It is literally kililng this nation, just like they've done to every other nation that has ever implemented their ideology. They have a 100% failure rate.

What's probably the worst though is their hypocrisy. They scream about the hungry from behind their $800 iPad, but they won't feed anyone. They cry about those without healthcare from behind their $700 iPhones, yet they won't cover anyone's insurance. They wail about the "evil" business owners through their expensive high speed internet, yet they won't start their own business and hire people for better wages and working conditions. It's how you know every last one of them is FULL OF SHIT.

They won't help anyone, they won't be honest about the fact that they are truly, deeply Communists/Marxists/Socialists, and they "feel" their way through issues instead of THINKING their way through them. But worst of all, this all stems from one thing and one thing only: a bitter envy for those who have more than they do. They hate someone who has a better life, likes their job, owns a bigger home, or drives a nicer car. Their only ambition is NOT to aspire to that level, but rather to drag everyone else down to their miserable level so they can feel better about themselves.

They are the arm chair QB's of life. While sitting on their fat, lazy asses, they cry about all of the "injustices" while doing NOTHING with their own lives. Just once I'd like to see these very stupid, very lazy S.O.B.'s actually even attempt to start their own business, and them come back and talk to us about "fair" salaries, how workers are treated, unlimited benefits, guaranteed jobs.
Nice ad hominem attack: because a liberal might have an iphone (as if no conservatives do), their arguments are invalid. That is a logical fallacy. Who cares if a liberal has an iphone. That means he or she can't have an opinion, according to you? It's so funny how conservatives admire the rich so much, yet in this instance, it is the opposite. If a liberal shows a sigh of wealth, it is considered a point against them. It's so ridiculous!
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If dewdrops were diamonds and there was a chicken in every pot...

Sorry, this is the real world. Nobody is handing out rainbows. Life is hard and people have to work their asses off and then some to survive.

So tell me...are the people who are earning min wage living?

They are?

Then they're earning a living wage.

Just because they think living means they drive an expensive care, get cable, have 15 pr of Nikes and spend an average of 2 hours in bars a night, and $100 on fastfood every two weeks doesn't mean they're right.

Living is having shelter, water, and food. That's it.

Your friend is alive, for example.

my friend would have no shelter if not for her mother. She sure doesn't make enough to pay rent.

A living wage is food, rent, utilities, transportation and medical care for one person. Anything less is akin to slavery.

Do you know if you manage to get a tent and try an live in a tent city, the cops raid them regularly? Buldoze them so that everything you have is gone. And many of those people ARE working people.

"my friend would have no shelter if not for her mother" - speaks volumes about what kind of person you are. If you are her friend, then YOU should provide shelter for her if "not for her mother". But then again, rather than do something themselves, it's easier for liberals to sit on their fat asses and scream for the government to STEAL from others and give to those who deserve nothing.
Nice ad hominem attack: because a liberal might have an iphone (as if no conservatives do), their arguments are invalid. That is a logical fallacy. Who cares if a liberal has an iphone. That means he or she can't have an opinion, according to you? It's so funny how conservatives admire the rich so much, yet in this instance, it is the opposite. If a liberal shows a sigh of wealth, it is considered a point against them. It's so ridiculous!

Actually, many conservatives do, but they are not the one screaming about wealth redistribution, are they? How can you people sit there wallowing in wealth while crying about wealth? Conservatives say straight up - I should get to keep what I earn and do with it as I see fit, whether that is giving to charity or buying myself toys from Apple.

I do admire the rich - I don't admire the greedy liberal asshole who hoards their own wealth while screaming about the "wealth disparity" and the "evil rich" people. You people don't even see how sick, twisted, and despicable your hypocrisy is. Barack Obama goes around the nation talking about Socialism, "being your brother's keeper", and making a "shared sacrifice". Yet he is a multi-multi-millionaire with an aunt who is not only in this country illegaly, but is also living off of welfare completley (housing, food, etc.). How does this sick fuck talk about each of us helping strangers, when this sick fuck has millions and won't help his own aunt! Why doesn't he take her off government to save the tax payers and pay for her way with his millions? Because he is a hypocrite liberal!

Bottom line, you know damn well I'm right, you know I nailed it, which is why you have no defense other than to say "ad hominem" and then point out that conservatives have iPhones, as if that were relevant to the glaring example I made about liberal hypocrisy, when it is conservatives that promote and support being able to keep what you earn.
How do people survive on minimum wage?

They don't. If they are lucky they can come home to Mom or Dad and get some help.
Nice ad hominem attack: because a liberal might have an iphone (as if no conservatives do), their arguments are invalid. That is a logical fallacy. Who cares if a liberal has an iphone. That means he or she can't have an opinion, according to you? It's so funny how conservatives admire the rich so much, yet in this instance, it is the opposite. If a liberal shows a sigh of wealth, it is considered a point against them. It's so ridiculous!

Actually, many conservatives do, but they are not the one screaming about wealth redistribution, are they? How can you people sit there wallowing in wealth while crying about wealth? Conservatives say straight up - I should get to keep what I earn and do with it as I see fit, whether that is giving to charity or buying myself toys from Apple.

I do admire the rich - I don't admire the greedy liberal asshole who hoards their own wealth while screaming about the "wealth disparity" and the "evil rich" people. You people don't even see how sick, twisted, and despicable your hypocrisy is. Barack Obama goes around the nation talking about Socialism, "being your brother's keeper", and making a "shared sacrifice". Yet he is a multi-multi-millionaire with an aunt who is not only in this country illegaly, but is also living off of welfare completley (housing, food, etc.). How does this sick fuck talk about each of us helping strangers, when this sick fuck has millions and won't help his own aunt! Why doesn't he take her off government to save the tax payers and pay for her way with his millions? Because he is a hypocrite liberal!

Bottom line, you know damn well I'm right, you know I nailed it, which is why you have no defense other than to say "ad hominem" and then point out that conservatives have iPhones, as if that were relevant to the glaring example I made about liberal hypocrisy, when it is conservatives that promote and support being able to keep what you earn.

If wealth distribution is a problem, then who cares who is saying it. It's only a matter of who is willing to recognize it. Those who do, are called liberals and socialists. It is completely absurd. How do you know I am wallowing in wealth? I don't have any money at all. The conservative notion of getting what you earn is not a virtue, so stop talking about it like it is. it is an opinion. You people don't know how sick and twisted your hypocrisy is. You talk about fiscal conservatism when Bush spent more than most presidents in history. You complain about Barack but he has spent far less than Bush. You twist facts to conform to your own conservative narrative, and ignore reality to push through your own bias. it's fucking delusional. Everyone sees it but you, and when people try and tell you, you point the finger to avoid introspection. it's childish.

I'm not even sure what you're argument is. You dance all around, spitting vitriolic comments towards liberals in general, which is completely absurd. I don't pretend to think all conservatives are the same, or as bad as others. Neocons are fucking morons, but I know there are genuinely good people that are conservatives. It just so happens that the state of the conservative party today is completely fucked, being controlled by private interests that want to control us, and then it is conservatives that stick up for them. The visual is scary.

It is annoying to listen to vitriolic conservatives talk about liberals as if they are any better. You are not. You are definitely worse, in that you are delusional to the reality plaguing this country. That you can actually sit there and blame liberals is so utterly laughable, and demonstrates your own delusional thinking. You didn't hit any nails on the head. You dropped the hammer.
If you are her friend, then YOU should provide shelter for her if "not for her mother". But then again, rather than do something themselves, it's easier for liberals to sit on their fat asses and scream for the government to STEAL from others and give to those who deserve nothing.
How many friends have you had stay at your house rent free?
He isn't pissing and moaning that somebody else should be forced to support them. That's the diff.
Raising the minimum wage is a waste of money because prices of goods just rise with the rise in wages.

Companies pass on their increased employee costs to their goods, so the worker in the end just pays for their own pay raise through buying those goods.

Idiot liberals don't get this fact, they just feel it's "unfair" someone that is not smart, unlucky or is lazy should make the same wage as someone else making more.

Well, I got 3 college degrees and worked minimum wage up through undergrad college, so I don't feel sorry for someone in their 30s-50s that can't make what I make when they didn't sacrifice at an early age.
Raising the minimum wage is a waste of money because prices of goods just rise with the rise in wages.

Companies pass on their increased employee costs to their goods, so the worker in the end just pays for their own pay raise through buying those goods.

Idiot liberals don't get this fact, they just feel it's "unfair" someone that is not smart, unlucky or is lazy should make the same wage as someone else making more.

Well, I got 3 college degrees and worked minimum wage up through undergrad college, so I don't feel sorry for someone in their 30s-50s that can't make what I make when they didn't sacrifice at an early age.

Depends on what and whose stats you look at. But I do think the stress on the Middle Class is in part due to the minimum wage and almost all of it is due to government meddling. The minimum wage is yet another mandated entitlement unrelated to any form of productivity or initiative or value to society as a whole. It perhaps is a small part of the whole, but it still adds to that entitlement mentality that is the Number One reason that no matter how many trillions of dollars we throw at all our problems, there is a core group of 'poor' and underachievers that are encouraged to stay there by the policies government imposes.
They don't, they can't, I've been saying that for years, more than 75% of those working for minimum wage are adults and minimum wage currently has the lowest spending power in history. In the richest country in the world, the poorest worker should make a living wage.

Why should a 16 year old teenager getting their first job make a "living wage?"

One of the businesses I own is a restaurant and as someone who employs minimum wage workers, I can tell you we get endless applicants for the job and most of them aren't worth minimum wage. And I'm in research triangle, not exactly a poor area. The idea that a minimum wage is a tide is nonsense, it's a hurdle. No business is stupid enough to pay workers wages they aren't worth. And if we did, we'd have to raise everyone else's wages to make up for it. Then we'd have to raise the price of our products. Then that would cause inflation, which would mean that minimum wage would no longer buy what it did and you'd want to raise it again.

The minimum wage defies all logic. And if liberals had any soul at all looking what it does to inner cities would end their idiotic view on this entirely. The minimum wage prevents people who need work the most from getting it. It's a pro-poor policy because it makes and keeps people poor. Pretty much the reality of liberalism in general.
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