How do people survive on minimum wage?

Labor is only about 20% for businesses, so prices go up a lot less than wages. Min. wage should be the equivalent of 1968's, about $10.50. Another thing that should wait for full recovery, unfortunately. Great job, Pubbies. We need another 4 or 8 years of least. LOL
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There are also jobs for which minimum wage does not apply. I think the going rate for table waiters here in Atlanta is $2.13/hr. They are expected to make up the difference by hustling for good service, etc. A decent bartender makes $5.00/hr.

I tip rather heavily wherever I eat and drink because I know these people don't make shit compared to my salary...and they're just tryin' to make a livin'...put some bread on the table for those grubby little crumb snatchers crawlin' around the home place.

I feel a bit of guilt every time I treat myself to a new thousand dollar pistol...happened again just yesterday.

I tip 20%, and I'm a consultant who travels on the company dime all the time.

A good bartender can make $30/hr easy.
So, what is the complex answer?

The callous conservative answer is, "it's all about personal responsibility"; and that CG is a simple answer and a simple solution solved by saying or thinking, "I got mine, screw the rest of them".

The liberal answer is "gimmee, gimmee, gimmee." What entitles you to anything I've earned?
There's the first problem right there. People getting by on minwage jobs do not work 80 hours every 2 weeks. They work 80hrs every week. Minimum. I knew a guy, a Thai immigrant, who worked a day job, a night job, and a weekend job. So double that to over $1800/mo. Yeah, you can get by on that.
Second, the number of heads of households who work min wage jobs is miniscule. Holders of such jobs are typically married women returning to the workforce, teenagers, people living with others who are earning money.
Finally, very few people stay at min wage. As they develop skills and experience they increase their pay scales dramatically.
Of course if you increase the min wage you do away with jobs like that, and make it harder for people to get on the ladder. This is why black teen unemployment is over 40%.

That isn't entirely true, at least in my personal experience. Every job I've had that I was paid hourly my employer would not allow me to work more than 40 hours a week because they did not want to pay overtime.

This is yet another unintended consequence of government interference. Some people, myself many times, would be willing to work past that 40 hours a week and forgo getting paid that time and a half--but that is too bad. I was limited by government regulation on the possible money that I could get paid per pay period.

Employers will always do what they have to to cut costs, and if that means bringing in additional workers and cut hours to prevent them from going into overtime they will.

If you wanted significant overtime hours in a wage job you should have joined a union. Or you could just whine and blame "big government".
Bullshit. Every union Job I worked had far less overtime then non union.
The minumum wage goes to 8 dollars an hour and you think everything is going up in price. You think 8 dollars is such buying power that the increase in demand will force prices higher. You know, the ole to much money chasing to few goods and services.

You really believe that?

One think I do know. I make way more than minimum wage. And if I see prices going up, guess what I do. I don't buy the item. Makes those price increases hard to put in place if no one is buying the goods or services.

But you think that if the cost of wages for entry level workers goes up, that everything else must go up? Hell according to one poster, minumum wage workers are less than 3% of the work force. How could a small increase in wages for 3% of the work force cause prices to rise for everyone?
That isn't entirely true, at least in my personal experience. Every job I've had that I was paid hourly my employer would not allow me to work more than 40 hours a week because they did not want to pay overtime.

This is yet another unintended consequence of government interference. Some people, myself many times, would be willing to work past that 40 hours a week and forgo getting paid that time and a half--but that is too bad. I was limited by government regulation on the possible money that I could get paid per pay period.

Employers will always do what they have to to cut costs, and if that means bringing in additional workers and cut hours to prevent them from going into overtime they will.

If you wanted significant overtime hours in a wage job you should have joined a union. Or you could just whine and blame "big government".
Bullshit. Every union Job I worked had far less overtime then non union.

Was I talking to you?
Labor is only about 20% for businesses, so prices go up a lot less than wages.

Every time you post you only prove that you are utterly ignorant about nearly everything. Labor typically accounts for 70% of the cost of a product.
Many businesses see "Food Stamps" as a "business subsidy". Without food stamps, they would have to cut back on their number of employees. 50% of those on food stamps are children. The majority of those on food stamps are white. The idea that people on food stamps are lazy and don't work is simply one more Republican lie they spew to hurt even their own people Go figure.

Keep sniffing glue and you will look like this
I tip 20%, and I'm a consultant who travels on the company dime all the time.

A good bartender can make $30/hr easy.

Here is drinking to the future of America. Lets all get bartending jobs for 30 bucks an hour. Who would have thought that this was the future. Fuk the advanced degree. Get a mixology cert. Work great hours. Meet lots of drunks. Ank make 30 dollars an hour.

Fuk yea.
FACT: If minimum wage is lowered, more people will be eligible for taxpayer funded benefits and for larger benefits.
That's not a fact.

WTF???? With your twisted logic, with less income they will be elegible for less benefits. You do understand............ nah nevermind, you don't understand jack shit.

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