How Do the Homeless Stay Home?

You do know you can have a home without having a house right?
Sure. You can have an apartment.
But the homeless have no home. That’s why they’re called homeless and not houseless.
Some people call a tent or an overpass home and you call them homeless.
Are they paying property tax and do they have utility services?
Get back to your kindergarten.
You dont have to pay anything to call someplace home you retard.
You must be a democrat.
If anyplace can be home, how can California enforce its own stupid law?
California has cops and a court system dummy.
Sure. You can have an apartment.
But the homeless have no home. That’s why they’re called homeless and not houseless.
Some people call a tent or an overpass home and you call them homeless.
Are they paying property tax and do they have utility services?
Get back to your kindergarten.
You dont have to pay anything to call someplace home you retard.
You must be a democrat.
If anyplace can be home, how can California enforce its own stupid law?
California has cops and a court system dummy.
Now I know why my dad beat me.
Some people call a tent or an overpass home and you call them homeless.
Are they paying property tax and do they have utility services?
Get back to your kindergarten.
You dont have to pay anything to call someplace home you retard.
You must be a democrat.
If anyplace can be home, how can California enforce its own stupid law?
California has cops and a court system dummy.
Now I know why my dad beat me.
You were probably a problem child with very little intellect. Dont feel bad. I knew you were constantly beat as a child. You give it away every time you post.
Some people call a tent or an overpass home and you call them homeless.
Are they paying property tax and do they have utility services?
Get back to your kindergarten.
You dont have to pay anything to call someplace home you retard.
You must be a democrat.
If anyplace can be home, how can California enforce its own stupid law?
California has cops and a court system dummy.
Now I know why my dad beat me.

At checkers?
Gov Newsom just ordered everyone in CA to stay home. So, how do the indeterminable number of homeless in CA stay home? Couldn't the actual citizens then defy the law and leave their homes and just say they're homeless?

Gov. Gavin Newsom orders all Californians to stay at home
Ahh, the homeless. Let's look at their situation. The homeless "mostly" consist of individuals who are, in order of prevalence:

1. Drug/Alcohol addicted to the point they can't hold down a job and function normally.
2. Mentally Ill.
3. People that have made it clear that they don't like to work, like staying off the grid and moving around the US, while mooching for the money.
4. Criminal elements that must stay off the grid to avoid arrest.
5. Individuals who due to a series of unfortunate situations, have lost their work and/or their spouses have left them and thus, financially strapped, have lost their residence and are struggling to survive.
6. Individuals who are here illegally and can't get work.
6. This final group are not really homeless, what they are, are straight up, moochers that have a residence. They don crappy looking clothing, drive to and park near where they do their money mooching. News stations have done stories on them, confronting them and the moochers make no apologies for what they do. Because of this group, I never give to anyone holding out his/her hand.
As to what can be done abut them: For the mentally ill homeless, you can thank the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), for their situation. Because of this non-profit organization, the courts declared that the mentally-ill could not be kept in institutions against their will, thus thousands of mentally-ill people that are unable to hold down jobs were let go into the public and unable to fend well for themselves. As for the mentally-ill's situation of not taking their meds so that they can possibly hold down work and get into residences, you can't force them to come in for meds and they're not stable enough to remember to take their meds.
The Drug/Alcohol addicted have only themselves to blame for their situation. They knew the drugs were illegal when they bought them, knew they were addictive when they ingested or smoked them and didn't care, so personally, I don't have much sympathy for them. While alcohol is legal, it requires restraint to limit your intake. Yet, the left wants to make illegal drugs which are addictive, legal, thus legalizing their addiction and inability to do their jobs once addicted.
As for those who like being on the move and having no roots, that's their thing and nothing for us to solve. As for the criminals on the move to avoid arrest, until arrested, they will remain on the move and homeless.
As for those in the country illegally, point them back in the direction of their home country.
As for those who are in the homeless situation due to a series of unfortunate events, any "local" community assistance that can be done for them, should be, but this is NOT a federal issue, but a local or state issue.
OK. But how does California reconcile this?
California is essentially a sh*thole country. Build a wall around it and while they are at it, other so-called democrat run cities.
Gov Newsom just ordered everyone in CA to stay home. So, how do the indeterminable number of homeless in CA stay home? Couldn't the actual citizens then defy the law and leave their homes and just say they're homeless?

Gov. Gavin Newsom orders all Californians to stay at home

I'm not reading your link but where do the homeless in TX and Florida go??

The same place those in Chicago, New York and Washington D.C. will go...


I'm glad you realize homeless are everywhere in the US.

Sure they are. But only in california do they shit all over the streets and litter the ground with needles.
How do you feel about your political class hiding the pandemic that they knew was coming from the public so they could get their insider trading wrapped up?

Well, at least they did not allow it to escape a country like your government in China did while lying to the rest of the world and arresting anyone that told the truth...
California has brilliant ideas for dealing with the homeless. They will house them in derelict motels the state is buying. They are putting them in RVs that of course cannot be driven or the homeless would simply drive off and sell them. None of these will work. It's the thought that counts.
Are they paying property tax and do they have utility services?
Get back to your kindergarten.
You dont have to pay anything to call someplace home you retard.
You must be a democrat.
If anyplace can be home, how can California enforce its own stupid law?
California has cops and a court system dummy.
Now I know why my dad beat me.
You were probably a problem child with very little intellect. Dont feel bad. I knew you were constantly beat as a child. You give it away every time you post.
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Are they paying property tax and do they have utility services?
Get back to your kindergarten.
You dont have to pay anything to call someplace home you retard.
You must be a democrat.
If anyplace can be home, how can California enforce its own stupid law?
California has cops and a court system dummy.
Now I know why my dad beat me.

At checkers?
That’s Will Stockdale.

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