How do the non-spiritual explain it?

Talk about the ultimate Commy commune and hierarchy in heaven. God will always be god. Angels be angels. You'll never move up. Only place you can go is down and you don't want an eternal demotion you can never recover from. Haleluya.
Our man made non spiritual INSTRUMENTS expand our natural senses, no faith required, only knowledge which you superstitious fools deny yourselves so you can to cling to your mindless superstitions.

So you admit that we were able to expand our senses to discover things we never dreamed existed before? I just want the record to be clear, you are definitely acknowledging this has happened and we have evidence of it. True?
With our physical equipment.
You have already admitted that there is no physical equipment that can detect the superstitious.

Yes, with our physical equipment which we had to first invent before we could detect. Were neutrinos "superstitious" before we invented equipment to observe them?
No they are scientifically detectable and explainable. Not supernatural at all. Sorry.

Before they were scientifically detectable and explainable, were they supernatural?
So you admit that we were able to expand our senses to discover things we never dreamed existed before? I just want the record to be clear, you are definitely acknowledging this has happened and we have evidence of it. True?
With our physical equipment.
You have already admitted that there is no physical equipment that can detect the superstitious.

Yes, with our physical equipment which we had to first invent before we could detect. Were neutrinos "superstitious" before we invented equipment to observe them?
No they are scientifically detectable and explainable. Not supernatural at all. Sorry.

Before they were scientifically detectable and explainable, were they supernatural?

Then neither is Spirituality. Thanks!
With our physical equipment.
You have already admitted that there is no physical equipment that can detect the superstitious.

Yes, with our physical equipment which we had to first invent before we could detect. Were neutrinos "superstitious" before we invented equipment to observe them?
They were just as physical then as now.

How so? They couldn't be confirmed by physical science until we built machines to observe them, you said so yourself. How could they be physical but not supported by physics or observable physically?
They were obviously observable physically whether we had the instruments or not. Their physical characteristics didn't change when the tools were designed. You are just being typically stupid, as always.

They were obviously observable physically whether we had the instruments or not.

Correct! And this is for subatomic neutrinos which we are totally unaware of. Why can't the same thing apply to something our species is intrinsically connected to? How do you KNOW that spiritual energy isn't some force that we've yet been able to physically quantify and observe? As neutrinos once were.
There could be more to it than what we know. Yes.
With our physical equipment.
You have already admitted that there is no physical equipment that can detect the superstitious.

Yes, with our physical equipment which we had to first invent before we could detect. Were neutrinos "superstitious" before we invented equipment to observe them?
No they are scientifically detectable and explainable. Not supernatural at all. Sorry.

Before they were scientifically detectable and explainable, were they supernatural?

Then neither is Spirituality. Thanks!

I'm OK with people being "spiritual" its when they turn into organized religions that claim everyone else is going to hell or when they kidnap 200 christians did you hear?
Only religious people strap on suicide vests. How do we know 48 virgins arent waiting for him in heaven? Yet he feels it is true. He too is spiritually connected to god.
With our physical equipment.
You have already admitted that there is no physical equipment that can detect the superstitious.

Yes, with our physical equipment which we had to first invent before we could detect. Were neutrinos "superstitious" before we invented equipment to observe them?
They were just as physical then as now.

How so? They couldn't be confirmed by physical science until we built machines to observe them, you said so yourself. How could they be physical but not supported by physics or observable physically?
They were obviously observable physically whether we had the instruments or not. Their physical characteristics didn't change when the tools were designed. You are just being typically stupid, as always.

They were obviously observable physically whether we had the instruments or not.

Correct! And this is for subatomic neutrinos which we are totally unaware of. Why can't the same thing apply to something our species is intrinsically connected to? How do you KNOW that spiritual energy isn't some force that we've yet been able to physically quantify and observe? As neutrinos once were.
The "spiritual" you believe in to you exists independent of the physical.
So far the only spiritual that can be demonstrated exists only only as a result of the physical. For example music. The spiritual is a creation of the physical. You can give no example of the spiritual existing independent of the physical.
With our physical equipment.
You have already admitted that there is no physical equipment that can detect the superstitious.

Yes, with our physical equipment which we had to first invent before we could detect. Were neutrinos "superstitious" before we invented equipment to observe them?
No they are scientifically detectable and explainable. Not supernatural at all. Sorry.

Before they were scientifically detectable and explainable, were they supernatural?

Then neither is Spirituality. Thanks!
That's quite a leap you're making. Your spirit realms and the gawds you have invented who inhabit those spirit realms are of your own invention.

There is no reason to accept that science will be able to investigate the magical, supernatural realms that exist only in your imagitation.

You're welcome.
Our man made non spiritual INSTRUMENTS expand our natural senses, no faith required, only knowledge which you superstitious fools deny yourselves so you can to cling to your mindless superstitions.

So you admit that we were able to expand our senses to discover things we never dreamed existed before? I just want the record to be clear, you are definitely acknowledging this has happened and we have evidence of it. True?
With our physical equipment.
You have already admitted that there is no physical equipment that can detect the superstitious.

Yes, with our physical equipment which we had to first invent before we could detect. Were neutrinos "superstitious" before we invented equipment to observe them?
No they are scientifically detectable and explainable. Not supernatural at all. Sorry.

Before they were scientifically detectable and explainable, were they supernatural?
Baloney, the have always been natural.
Yes, with our physical equipment which we had to first invent before we could detect. Were neutrinos "superstitious" before we invented equipment to observe them?
They were just as physical then as now.

How so? They couldn't be confirmed by physical science until we built machines to observe them, you said so yourself. How could they be physical but not supported by physics or observable physically?
They were obviously observable physically whether we had the instruments or not. Their physical characteristics didn't change when the tools were designed. You are just being typically stupid, as always.

They were obviously observable physically whether we had the instruments or not.

Correct! And this is for subatomic neutrinos which we are totally unaware of. Why can't the same thing apply to something our species is intrinsically connected to? How do you KNOW that spiritual energy isn't some force that we've yet been able to physically quantify and observe? As neutrinos once were.
The "spiritual" you believe in to you exists independent of the physical.
So far the only spiritual that can be demonstrated exists only only as a result of the physical. For example music. The spiritual is a creation of the physical. You can give no example of the spiritual existing independent of the physical.
Yes. I see nature I feel good. Spiritual because its so beautiful. God must have made Niagra falls oh wait that was glasiers.
I'm OK with people being "spiritual" its when they turn into organized religions that claim everyone else is going to hell or when they kidnap 200 christians did you hear?

And that's where we somewhat agree. I am not a big fan of organized religions. I think they are inherently flawed because they are creations of man. What is far more important is your internal connection of spirit. This has nothing to do with Religion, it is in your heart. It is often pointed out how many scientists are atheists, but curiously, most theoretical physicists are devoutly spiritual. Some have gone from being atheist or agnostic to spiritual based on their scientific discoveries.

I am a little more tolerant of religion than you. I can appreciate the contributions religion makes in society, the things that we would miss if they weren't there to do them. Mormons are a wacky little cult group, but their Helping Hands ministries all around the world are there when disaster strikes. The Salvation Army. How many homeless have been provided shelter through their generosity? Good Samaritan Organization... Sacred Heart... St. Jude Children's Hospital... I mean, the list is endless. These are things that are beneficial to society and I don't have any problem with them.

Radical Jihadist Muslims are in a holy war. I don't know.... maybe you are just now waking up to this... a certain president tried to warn you of it 10 years ago and you hooted him down and ruined him politically over it.
The "spiritual" you believe in to you exists independent of the physical.
So far the only spiritual that can be demonstrated exists only only as a result of the physical. For example music. The spiritual is a creation of the physical. You can give no example of the spiritual existing independent of the physical.

You've presented this argument before and I agreed it is a bit of a challenge. You are asking for a physical demonstration of something spiritual. You are assuming the music which you admit is spiritual, is created physically. This is true, however... this doesn't explain where the inspiration for the music came from. Yes, neurons fired and a process took place in the composer's brain, but where did it come from?


Love this word! Of all the words humans have ever created to define their spiritual connection, this one is at the top. Human inspiration is derived directly from spiritual nature.
I'm OK with people being "spiritual" its when they turn into organized religions that claim everyone else is going to hell or when they kidnap 200 christians did you hear?

And that's where we somewhat agree. I am not a big fan of organized religions. I think they are inherently flawed because they are creations of man. What is far more important is your internal connection of spirit. This has nothing to do with Religion, it is in your heart. It is often pointed out how many scientists are atheists, but curiously, most theoretical physicists are devoutly spiritual. Some have gone from being atheist or agnostic to spiritual based on their scientific discoveries.

I am a little more tolerant of religion than you. I can appreciate the contributions religion makes in society, the things that we would miss if they weren't there to do them. Mormons are a wacky little cult group, but their Helping Hands ministries all around the world are there when disaster strikes. The Salvation Army. How many homeless have been provided shelter through their generosity? Good Samaritan Organization... Sacred Heart... St. Jude Children's Hospital... I mean, the list is endless. These are things that are beneficial to society and I don't have any problem with them.

Radical Jihadist Muslims are in a holy war. I don't know.... maybe you are just now waking up to this... a certain president tried to warn you of it 10 years ago and you hooted him down and ruined him politically over it.
There's nothing that separates your religion of spirit realms from organized religions except headcount.
How did that big rock get here? Must be a god did it. Oh wait it was a glacier.
Yes. I see nature I feel good. Spiritual because its so beautiful. God must have made Niagra falls oh wait that was glasiers.

I see what you're saying but you don't seem to see that "god must've done it" isn't any kind of valid scientific answer that can be considered. If God did it, HOW did He do it? That's what science is there to explore and evaluate, and in this case it was caused by glaciers. Well, what caused the glaciers? And then, what caused that? Ultimately you come down to God as the First Cause. So, if you do believe in God, then "god did it" is obvious already, the purpose of science is to explore what isn't obvious.
Just heard a great like on game of throwns. Reminds me of theists. The guy says do you believe he saw god? The guy said no. So he was lying the other man asked and his reply was "a mad man sees what he sees". Lol
How did that big rock get here? Must be a god did it. Oh wait it was a glacier.
Yes. I see nature I feel good. Spiritual because its so beautiful. God must have made Niagra falls oh wait that was glasiers.

I see what you're saying but you don't seem to see that "god must've done it" isn't any kind of valid scientific answer that can be considered. If God did it, HOW did He do it? That's what science is there to explore and evaluate, and in this case it was caused by glaciers. Well, what caused the glaciers? And then, what caused that? Ultimately you come down to God as the First Cause. So, if you do believe in God, then "god did it" is obvious already, the purpose of science is to explore what isn't obvious.
Who caused god? Why can't the universe or cosmos be eternal and leave god out of the equasion. Its an unnecessary step in your math. Like 1+1-2+2. You don't need the -2+2. Either way you get 2 as the answer.
I'm OK with people being "spiritual" its when they turn into organized religions that claim everyone else is going to hell or when they kidnap 200 christians did you hear?

And that's where we somewhat agree. I am not a big fan of organized religions. I think they are inherently flawed because they are creations of man. What is far more important is your internal connection of spirit. This has nothing to do with Religion, it is in your heart. It is often pointed out how many scientists are atheists, but curiously, most theoretical physicists are devoutly spiritual. Some have gone from being atheist or agnostic to spiritual based on their scientific discoveries.

I am a little more tolerant of religion than you. I can appreciate the contributions religion makes in society, the things that we would miss if they weren't there to do them. Mormons are a wacky little cult group, but their Helping Hands ministries all around the world are there when disaster strikes. The Salvation Army. How many homeless have been provided shelter through their generosity? Good Samaritan Organization... Sacred Heart... St. Jude Children's Hospital... I mean, the list is endless. These are things that are beneficial to society and I don't have any problem with them.

Radical Jihadist Muslims are in a holy war. I don't know.... maybe you are just now waking up to this... a certain president tried to warn you of it 10 years ago and you hooted him down and ruined him politically over it.
There's nothing that separates your religion of spirit realms from organized religions except headcount.
I believe we live inside one of gods eyes. His eyes are blue or at least the eye we live in is blue. The other eye is green so the creatures in that eye see a green sky.

Each night is when he blinks. One blink to god is a night time for us.
You should avoid getting your science from fundamentalist creation ministries. Science is a process of discovery. There is no faith requirement in science. The process of peer review will assiduously test and refute. That process is, undeniably, absent regarding your religious claims involving gawds, spirit realms and other such appeals to supernaturalism.

You're simply reciting the dogma you read at the Institute for Creation Research.

Science is a process of discovery. There is no faith requirement in science.

Absolutely! That's what I am telling you. Once you've determined a conclusion, Science clocks out, it's work is done. It's down at the local pub having a beer while you parade around and pontificate your conclusions.

The process of peer review will assiduously test and refute.

Then there isn't a conclusion. If testing and refuting continues, the science is still at work and nothing is concluded.

Now what you are trying to do is have it both ways... Science continues testing and refuting while being conclusive, and that contradicts logic. A conclusion means there is no more to be said, the argument and debate are over, all the science evidence is in, we have tested it and observed it repeatedly and there is no denying the results. Science is not needed at this point, it can't do anything with a conclusion. From the very second you made the conclusion, you stopped practicing Science and began practicing a faith-based belief. Congratulations!
You've given science zero evidence just words. At this point your imaginary friend is just a hypothesis.

What is Science? The physical study of physical nature of the physical universe. It can't have evidence of spiritual nature without making the spiritual nature physical, therefore a paradox exists that can't be overcome. If I can ever give you physical evidence of something spiritual, it is not spiritual any more.

It's not my imagination when I realize blessings from a spiritual source. If these did not happen rather routinely in my life, I would probably abandon spirituality as unimportant to me as a person, as you have. But I dig the bennies too much man! It helps me to cope with all kinds of things in my life and resolve many conflicts. I just feel a whole lot more complete and content as a person, my mind is not wrought with overwhelming frustration and need for validation. It gives me a confidence to resolve problems without fear of failure and inspires me to broaden my horizons. To see the Big Picture better than I ever have in my life. My worst day with Spirituality is greater than my best day without it. But you are here trying to talk me into "not believing in it" as if that's going to happen somehow... it's really cute to me.

bossy: It gives me a confidence to resolve problems without fear of failure and inspires me to broaden my horizons. To see the Big Picture better than I ever have in my life. My worst day with Spirituality is greater than my best day without it ... But you are here trying to talk me into "not believing in it" as if that's going to happen somehow.
... not believing in it

as long as (it) remains politically correct by its interpreter ? ... but not the inexplicable Spirituality necessary for all living beings that distinguishes them from all other matter - sorry bossy, being a right wing Foxist does not make you a Spiritualist.

Ahh.... okay, now I get why you are coming across so incendiary toward me. This is about me being a conservative! Has nothing to do with our personal spiritual views and everything to do with our politics. That's nice to know, Breeze!
no, you shape your "spiritual" views to suit your lifestyle rather than retaining collective, mutual fundamentals of Spiritualism.

"greater than self" is a Red Herring as your choice of exclusivity from all other living beings what is naturally possessed whether not demonstrative (to your) satisfaction or not.

at any rate whether greater or not is as well physical not simply a mental state and provable by your response or lack of to a hungry Lion when left with only your own "superior" prowess as defense against the beasts simplest of pleasures - good luck bossy.

Science is a process of discovery. There is no faith requirement in science.

Absolutely! That's what I am telling you. Once you've determined a conclusion, Science clocks out, it's work is done. It's down at the local pub having a beer while you parade around and pontificate your conclusions.

The process of peer review will assiduously test and refute.

Then there isn't a conclusion. If testing and refuting continues, the science is still at work and nothing is concluded.

Now what you are trying to do is have it both ways... Science continues testing and refuting while being conclusive, and that contradicts logic. A conclusion means there is no more to be said, the argument and debate are over, all the science evidence is in, we have tested it and observed it repeatedly and there is no denying the results. Science is not needed at this point, it can't do anything with a conclusion. From the very second you made the conclusion, you stopped practicing Science and began practicing a faith-based belief. Congratulations!
You've given science zero evidence just words. At this point your imaginary friend is just a hypothesis.

What is Science? The physical study of physical nature of the physical universe. It can't have evidence of spiritual nature without making the spiritual nature physical, therefore a paradox exists that can't be overcome. If I can ever give you physical evidence of something spiritual, it is not spiritual any more.

It's not my imagination when I realize blessings from a spiritual source. If these did not happen rather routinely in my life, I would probably abandon spirituality as unimportant to me as a person, as you have. But I dig the bennies too much man! It helps me to cope with all kinds of things in my life and resolve many conflicts. I just feel a whole lot more complete and content as a person, my mind is not wrought with overwhelming frustration and need for validation. It gives me a confidence to resolve problems without fear of failure and inspires me to broaden my horizons. To see the Big Picture better than I ever have in my life. My worst day with Spirituality is greater than my best day without it. But you are here trying to talk me into "not believing in it" as if that's going to happen somehow... it's really cute to me.

bossy: It gives me a confidence to resolve problems without fear of failure and inspires me to broaden my horizons. To see the Big Picture better than I ever have in my life. My worst day with Spirituality is greater than my best day without it ... But you are here trying to talk me into "not believing in it" as if that's going to happen somehow.
... not believing in it

as long as (it) remains politically correct by its interpreter ? ... but not the inexplicable Spirituality necessary for all living beings that distinguishes them from all other matter - sorry bossy, being a right wing Foxist does not make you a Spiritualist.

Ahh.... okay, now I get why you are coming across so incendiary toward me. This is about me being a conservative! Has nothing to do with our personal spiritual views and everything to do with our politics. That's nice to know, Breeze!
no, you shape your "spiritual" views to suit your lifestyle rather than retaining collective, mutual fundamentals of Spiritualism.

"greater than self" is a Red Herring as your choice of exclusivity from all other living beings what is naturally possessed whether not demonstrative (to your) satisfaction or not.

at any rate whether greater or not is as well physical not simply a mental state and provable by your response or lack of to a hungry Lion when left with only your own "superior" prowess as defense against the beasts simplest of pleasures - good luck bossy.

I'm imagining you to sound like w.c. fields saying whatever you just said. Should have ended it with my little chickadee.

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