How do those on the left defend this?

Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?
So every single culture in the world adopted these? Men are physically stronger, bigger and taller most of the time. Women give birth 100% of the time. That is not a “cultural thing”. Eating burgers is a cultural thing. You are such a zombie.
I never said those things you listed were cultural did I? Dresses, make up, high heels, fashion, etc etc. those are the Troyes of things I’m talking about. Do you consider those cultural?
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
Seriously? So you feed my delusions? You’re hurting me. LOL
I don’t feed anything. You be you as long as you’re not hurting anybody else
Because it hurts the the person who believes they are Wonder Woman. It’s delusion. Durr…
Oh I get it… you are just looking out for the trans people because their delusions are hurting them… got it… and I’m calling bullshit
It doesn’t hurt them? What is theirs suicide rate? 40%? Maybe you should phone a friend as you’re getting lambasted in this debate. So in your example if a man believes he is Wonder Woman and you call him that and he then applies for a job and wants his name tag to state Wonder Woman, you d be OK with this? I call Bullshit. Then again your small businesses did fail.
Wow dude, you really don’t get it do you. What do you think contributes more to the suicide rate… society and their peers calling them sick and deranged and freaks or their peers being understanding and accepting?
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
My point is that a man doesn’t become a woman just because they believe they are a woman. I dumb It down for you because you’re an idiot.
You're right a man doesn’t become a woman if they want to be a woman… a man becomes a trans woman
Which in your leftist world is a woman with all the rights biological women have. Including competing in sports in their chosen gender.
You keep conflating the things I’ve specially said aren’t what I’m talking about. Can you stay on subject?
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?
I'm sorry that you flunked basic biology. I guess it's just not for everybody. You also missed the point that the fellow strutting around with the penis flopping away DIDN'T alter his anatomy.

That is the entire reason for this thread, child.
and I’ve addressed that saying it was inappropriate IMO. Try and keep up
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?

Sure the whole nudity tabboo thing is likely cultural since all humans likely were running around naked together at some time in the past when clothes had not yet been invented.
But it does not matter if it is all cultural or not, as long as that is how people feel.
So it does not matter if one person has different values, they still do not get to impose their values on others.
Of course it matters, I ever suggested otherwise. But with all these scientist geniuses here I’m pointing out that a large part of these social “norms” are not biological, they are socially constructed standards for what we say is a normal woman and a normal man. They don’t seem to get that
You're right a man doesn’t become a woman if they want to be a woman… a man becomes a trans woman

And what if he thinks he's a dog, does he become a transcanine? :abgg2q.jpg:
Sure, as long as it doesn’t impact you, who cares. Y’all are idiots btw. The valid argument for you to be making is not ignorant examples of people identifying as dogs but that of white people identifying as black and wanting to transition. That’s where you have strength in your pushback. Sad that I have to give you your talking points. Step it up and do better.
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?
So every single culture in the world adopted these? Men are physically stronger, bigger and taller most of the time. Women give birth 100% of the time. That is not a “cultural thing”. Eating burgers is a cultural thing. You are such a zombie.
I never said those things you listed were cultural did I? Dresses, make up, high heels, fashion, etc etc. those are the Troyes of things I’m talking about. Do you consider those cultural?
Not what you said. Want me to quote you? LOL
You're right a man doesn’t become a woman if they want to be a woman… a man becomes a trans woman

And what if he thinks he's a dog, does he become a transcanine? :abgg2q.jpg:
Sure, as long as it doesn’t impact you, who cares. Y’all are idiots btw. The valid argument for you to be making is not ignorant examples of people identifying as dogs but that of white people identifying as black and wanting to transition. That’s where you have strength in your pushback. Sad that I have to give you your talking points. Step it up and do better.
Skin color is not a construct. Do better
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?

Sure the whole nudity tabboo thing is likely cultural since all humans likely were running around naked together at some time in the past when clothes had not yet been invented.
But it does not matter if it is all cultural or not, as long as that is how people feel.
So it does not matter if one person has different values, they still do not get to impose their values on others.
Of course it matters, I ever suggested otherwise. But with all these scientist geniuses here I’m pointing out that a large part of these social “norms” are not biological, they are socially constructed standards for what we say is a normal woman and a normal man. They don’t seem to get that
Having a penis is a social norm? Covering breasts is a social norm? Ladies dress us as you alluded go in order to attract a male mate. Duh. It’s not a social construct it’s life and it’s need to breed and reproduce.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?

If a woman gets a nose or boob job she just improved her looks as a woman. She isn't trying to change her gender.
Improved by what standards? And no shit she isn’t trying to change her gender, that wasn’t the point I was making
You're right a man doesn’t become a woman if they want to be a woman… a man becomes a trans woman

And what if he thinks he's a dog, does he become a transcanine? :abgg2q.jpg:
Sure, as long as it doesn’t impact you, who cares. Y’all are idiots btw. The valid argument for you to be making is not ignorant examples of people identifying as dogs but that of white people identifying as black and wanting to transition. That’s where you have strength in your pushback. Sad that I have to give you your talking points. Step it up and do better.
Skin color is not a construct. Do better
I never said it was
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?
So every single culture in the world adopted these? Men are physically stronger, bigger and taller most of the time. Women give birth 100% of the time. That is not a “cultural thing”. Eating burgers is a cultural thing. You are such a zombie.
I never said those things you listed were cultural did I? Dresses, make up, high heels, fashion, etc etc. those are the Troyes of things I’m talking about. Do you consider those cultural?
Not what you said. Want me to quote you? LOL
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?

Sure the whole nudity tabboo thing is likely cultural since all humans likely were running around naked together at some time in the past when clothes had not yet been invented.
But it does not matter if it is all cultural or not, as long as that is how people feel.
So it does not matter if one person has different values, they still do not get to impose their values on others.
Of course it matters, I ever suggested otherwise. But with all these scientist geniuses here I’m pointing out that a large part of these social “norms” are not biological, they are socially constructed standards for what we say is a normal woman and a normal man. They don’t seem to get that
Having a penis is a social norm? Covering breasts is a social norm? Ladies dress us as you alluded go in order to attract a male mate. Duh. It’s not a social construct it’s life and it’s need to breed and reproduce.
Having a penis is not a social norm. I never said it was. Covering breasts is as you just proved. If females dress to attract males then they would not cover breasts as males are attracted to breasts. Cultures have trained us to cover up for sociological and cultural reasons
You're right a man doesn’t become a woman if they want to be a woman… a man becomes a trans woman

And what if he thinks he's a dog, does he become a transcanine? :abgg2q.jpg:
Sure, as long as it doesn’t impact you, who cares. Y’all are idiots btw. The valid argument for you to be making is not ignorant examples of people identifying as dogs but that of white people identifying as black and wanting to transition. That’s where you have strength in your pushback. Sad that I have to give you your talking points. Step it up and do better.
Skin color is not a construct. Do better
I never said it was
Same as gender isn’t . Do better.
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?
So every single culture in the world adopted these? Men are physically stronger, bigger and taller most of the time. Women give birth 100% of the time. That is not a “cultural thing”. Eating burgers is a cultural thing. You are such a zombie.
I never said those things you listed were cultural did I? Dresses, make up, high heels, fashion, etc etc. those are the Troyes of things I’m talking about. Do you consider those cultural?
Not what you said. Want me to quote you? LOL
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?

Sure the whole nudity tabboo thing is likely cultural since all humans likely were running around naked together at some time in the past when clothes had not yet been invented.
But it does not matter if it is all cultural or not, as long as that is how people feel.
So it does not matter if one person has different values, they still do not get to impose their values on others.
Of course it matters, I ever suggested otherwise. But with all these scientist geniuses here I’m pointing out that a large part of these social “norms” are not biological, they are socially constructed standards for what we say is a normal woman and a normal man. They don’t seem to get that
Having a penis is a social norm? Covering breasts is a social norm? Ladies dress us as you alluded go in order to attract a male mate. Duh. It’s not a social construct it’s life and it’s need to breed and reproduce.
Having a penis is not a social norm. I never said it was. Covering breasts is as you just proved. If females dress to attract males then they would not cover breasts as males are attracted to breasts. Cultures have trained us to cover up for sociological and cultural reasons
They cover them just enough to attract the male to see the rest of them. Duh. Have you never been with a woman?
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?

Sure the whole nudity tabboo thing is likely cultural since all humans likely were running around naked together at some time in the past when clothes had not yet been invented.
But it does not matter if it is all cultural or not, as long as that is how people feel.
So it does not matter if one person has different values, they still do not get to impose their values on others.
Of course it matters, I ever suggested otherwise. But with all these scientist geniuses here I’m pointing out that a large part of these social “norms” are not biological, they are socially constructed standards for what we say is a normal woman and a normal man. They don’t seem to get that
Having a penis is a social norm? Covering breasts is a social norm? Ladies dress us as you alluded go in order to attract a male mate. Duh. It’s not a social construct it’s life and it’s need to breed and reproduce.
Having a penis is not a social norm. I never said it was. Covering breasts is as you just proved. If females dress to attract males then they would not cover breasts as males are attracted to breasts. Cultures have trained us to cover up for sociological and cultural reasoThis is your uote
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?
So every single culture in the world adopted these? Men are physically stronger, bigger and taller most of the time. Women give birth 100% of the time. That is not a “cultural thing”. Eating burgers is a cultural thing. You are such a zombie.
I never said those things you listed were cultural did I? Dresses, make up, high heels, fashion, etc etc. those are the Troyes of things I’m talking about. Do you consider those cultural?
Not what you said. Want me to quote you? LOL
You did not say this? Because it’s the dumbest statement of all time. So it’s cultural that women give birth and men have a penis? You are one interesting person.

“Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural” - Slade3200
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?

Sure the whole nudity tabboo thing is likely cultural since all humans likely were running around naked together at some time in the past when clothes had not yet been invented.
But it does not matter if it is all cultural or not, as long as that is how people feel.
So it does not matter if one person has different values, they still do not get to impose their values on others.
Of course it matters, I ever suggested otherwise. But with all these scientist geniuses here I’m pointing out that a large part of these social “norms” are not biological, they are socially constructed standards for what we say is a normal woman and a normal man. They don’t seem to get that
Having a penis is a social norm? Covering breasts is a social norm? Ladies dress us as you alluded go in order to attract a male mate. Duh. It’s not a social construct it’s life and it’s need to breed and reproduce.
Having a penis is not a social norm. I never said it was. Covering breasts is as you just proved. If females dress to attract males then they would not cover breasts as males are attracted to breasts. Cultures have trained us to cover up for sociological and cultural reasons
What you said is that most of the things that MAKE a person man or women were social norms.

You are confused, here, because what actually MAKES us male or female is biology. How we EXPRESS that biology is often cultural. You don't have the slightest understanding of the difference between the hardwiring and the resultant behavior.

A man who feels like he is really a woman is a transexual. Ignoring the fact that is he really felt like a women he wouldn't be flashing his penis to anybody within view, he is still a male. He has male anatomy and male chromosomes. There is not a doctor on Earth who would examine him on an anonymous basis, and state he is a female and that is because he ISN'T a female.

The real stickler has to do with what rights this person should have. He should have the right to think of himself and dress like a woman free from harm. He has the right, if thoroughly adult, to remove his penis if he wants. He should have the right to shop at a grocery store like everybody else, drive a car like everybody else, go bowling like everybody else, launch his boat into a lake like everybody else, and be able to do all these things safely. That does not mean he DOES have the right to force everybody to acknowledge him as a women, invade women's spaces, compete against women in sports or demand that he be treated in unique ways. He isn't a female and should not have the right to demand everybody kowtow to him even if our brave new left demands he does simply because such goosestepping authoritarian control over everybody else's lives makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Why send them to a hospital, they aren’t hurting anybody.

Denying the very real harm that every sane person can clearly see is being caused by this madness does not make it go away.
What’s the real harm? Explain it to me
My daughter playing lacrosse against a biological boy who checks her and she goes flying and hurts herself...real harm. Would you like me to simplify that for you or did that suffice?
You’re talking about sports which I said is a valid debate… granted I’m sure there are other large and athletic girls that can check and injure other girls… but that’s a different debate and wasn’t the harm I or Bobby boy here was talking about.
But that is real harm and yes there could be large girls but few if any are large and quick a boys can be. You also mentioned some she males or whatever. If you look at female body builders they look like men too but they are females!
Understood, which is why I’m saying sports is a valid debate to have. Olympics and other sporting events have standards to qualify people. But I’m not talking about that kind of harm. We should discuss and debate the proper time and place for trans people to play sports and use gender specific facilities. But Bobby was talking about a societal harm and that’s what the discussion was about
The harm that creates is confusion for little kids. Tough to measure but the whole pronoun thing and such is bizarre to many. We won't see the real harm for years IMO, but soon kids who become adults and regret their decisions to transition and such will become prevalent and create a whole new set of issues IMO.
Confusion comes from adults when some tell kids that men can't be woman and others say that men can be women and then the kids get mixed up in these ridiculous kind of arguments that we see on message boards like this. Kids don't care, they just want to play and do their thing. Once the world can accept that Trans is a real thing and then move on to rationally find ways to integrate them into our society then it will be less confusing for children and easier to handle. Unfortunately I think we are decades away from that.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Not a surprise. Kids do care. My kids find these kids to be weird and odd.
Well I wonder why... Do you think the fact that their parents find these kids weird and odd might have something to do with it? Do you think that if they had parents that taught them how to be understanding and accepting of those who are different then perhaps they wouldn't be concerned about it?
How holier than thou of you. Many do find this odd. I spoke to a lady who has five kids and one is trans and I asked her how it feels. Her response "It is like losing a child". It is interesting how you on the LEFT and you are on the LEFT, vilify those that think disparately from you. Kids think its weird when a biological girl or boy states they are the opposite gender. That is simple human nature. I find it odd. I believe these kids need to speak to a specialist to make sure that there are no other underlying issues. Funny how you don't see that side of the coin.
I vilify those who label, judge, discriminate, shame and try to ostracize others whom are innocent. It’s not a holier than thou thing as much as it’s sticking up for the “little” guy thing… I do think it’s a shame if parents are teaching their kids to be bigoted against others and I think it’s even sadder then it translates to parents who can’t accept their children for who they are. Children being gay has broken up families for decades now. Thankfully parents are growing more accepting
It says much about you that you characterize the man exposing his penis as the innocent one, and not the women and children towards whom he exposed it.

If he REALLY thought he was a woman, there would be no penis to expose. It would have been removed as the obvious evidence that he wasn't.
To leftists they want to make 99.9% uncomfortable to make the .01% comfortable and if you disagree with their lunacy they call you a bigot as Slade3200 just did and try to shame you to thinking like they do. Playbook 101.

And it is all for what is essentially a very selfish reason - they seek praise from others. That's what all this lunacy is all about as virtue signaling is simply a Pavlovian conditioned response. They say the proscribed thing, and their little mates reward them by considering them virtuous.

It really has gotten to the point where having even a scan of common sense disqualifies a person from being a Democrat.
Haha, sounds like you got it all figured out!
You should try being honest with yourself. It would be a big first step. So you don’t see it as natural that most 11 yr olds would find a trans kid creepy or odd? Come on man. You’re naive. Explains why your businesses failed.
I think its very natural that kids would find anything different than they have been exposed to as odd. Thats why I'm saying good parents teach them about these things and the appropriate whey to react. Which business of mine failed again? Can you share with the group which one failed and why? No you can't, because you no nothing about me. You're switching to troll mode like you always do when you lose control of a debate.
Nope. If a boy suddenly says they are a girl, that is odd. If a boy says I am Iron Man, they will laugh. The ones that failed are the ones you abandoned to start new ones. And you are dodging my Wonder Woman question. Once again, you debate dishonesty. Par for the course for you.
What’s your Wonderwoman question? I didn’t see it.
Bullshit. How convenient. I asked you that if I said I was Wonder Woman, would you then call me Wonder Woman.
Sure, if you wanted me to call you Wonder Woman then I would call you Wonder Woman. Why not. Who’s it hurting?
But, of course, the government would force you to BELIEVE he is Wonder Woman and treat him as if he IS Wonder Woman.
This is the mind of a leftist. Case in point. “Who is it hurting”? LOL
As you must already know, I have always felt like I was a royal trapped in the body of a commoner. Even as a youngster, I enunciated all my words with crisp precision, knew the proper place settings for an entire panoply of eating utensils, and always gave a subtle little wave to passers by when being driven about town to let them know I was acknowledging all their adoration.

I truly believe my time has come, and now that I know I have plenty of woke support, I'm going to march right up to Buckinham palace and DEMAND to move right in.

After all, in our brave new woketopia, what I feel is all that matters, and since I feel it, all others must accommodate me accordingly.
Do you people realize how dumb y’all sound when you try and relate trans to animals, superhero’s other random things. I get that your trying make the trans movement as stupid as those things you bring up but it’s just a retarded argument that shows how little you understand about the situation
You argue from an entitely subjective viewpoint, namely, that a person is whoever they think they are.

Most of the rest of us are arguing according to an objective viewpoint - that people are what they actually are.

Those who are so abjectly incapable of even the scantest degree of objectivity have no business calling others stupid.
Most the things that make a man and man and a woman a woman is cultural. Long hair, dresses, make up. Who says that those need to be feminine things? Some men may relate with that personality more and want to be that way. Some to the point where they want to alter their anatomy through drugs or surgery. Just like some people get nose jobs and breast implants. I think this is obvious. Why do I need to explain it to you? Do you really not get it?

Sure the whole nudity tabboo thing is likely cultural since all humans likely were running around naked together at some time in the past when clothes had not yet been invented.
But it does not matter if it is all cultural or not, as long as that is how people feel.
So it does not matter if one person has different values, they still do not get to impose their values on others.
Of course it matters, I ever suggested otherwise. But with all these scientist geniuses here I’m pointing out that a large part of these social “norms” are not biological, they are socially constructed standards for what we say is a normal woman and a normal man. They don’t seem to get that
Having a penis is a social norm? Covering breasts is a social norm? Ladies dress us as you alluded go in order to attract a male mate. Duh. It’s not a social construct it’s life and it’s need to breed and reproduce.
Having a penis is not a social norm. I never said it was. Covering breasts is as you just proved. If females dress to attract males then they would not cover breasts as males are attracted to breasts. Cultures have trained us to cover up for sociological and cultural reasons
What you said is that most of the things that MAKE a person man or women were social norms.

You are confused, here, because what actually MAKES us male or female is biology. How we EXPRESS that biology is often cultural. You don't have the slightest understanding of the difference between the hardwiring and the resultant behavior.

A man who feels like he is really a woman is a transexual. Ignoring the fact that is he really felt like a women he wouldn't be flashing his penis to anybody within view, he is still a male. He has male anatomy and male chromosomes. There is not a doctor on Earth who would examine him on an anonymous basis, and state he is a female and that is because he ISN'T a female.

The real stickler has to do with what rights this person should have. He should have the right to think of himself and dress like a woman free from harm. He has the right, if thoroughly adult, to remove his penis if he wants. He should have the right to shop at a grocery store like everybody else, drive a car like everybody else, go bowling like everybody else, launch his boat into a lake like everybody else, and be able to do all these things safely. That does not mean he DOES have the right to force everybody to acknowledge him as a women, invade women's spaces, compete against women in sports or demand that he be treated in unique ways. He isn't a female and should not have the right to demand everybody kowtow to him even if our brave new left demands he does simply because such goosestepping authoritarian control over everybody else's lives makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Question please. How can a man say he feels like a woman when he has no idea what a woman feels like? He has no idea what’s it like to have estrogen, vagina, period cramps and mood swings, etc. So when they say they “feel like a woman” I just shrug.
You're right a man doesn’t become a woman if they want to be a woman… a man becomes a trans woman

And what if he thinks he's a dog, does he become a transcanine? :abgg2q.jpg:
Sure, as long as it doesn’t impact you, who cares. Y’all are idiots btw. The valid argument for you to be making is not ignorant examples of people identifying as dogs but that of white people identifying as black and wanting to transition. That’s where you have strength in your pushback. Sad that I have to give you your talking points. Step it up and do better.
Skin color is not a construct. Do better
I never said it was
Same as gender isn’t . Do better.
Gender identity is a construct as different cultures define their genders differently. The term “be a man” does not mean have a penis. It means act like a man which is a compilation of cultural constructs

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