How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

I'm very concerned about AGW. I'm not concerned about abortions because I do not consider a first trimester fetus to be a human being.

Interesting how you will gobble up pseudoscience and proclaim it as truth, but ignore long held, indisputable facts of developmental biology in favor of your personal opinion...the irony literally drips.
I've told you the evidence I've gone by
Yes. Everything but the science. Dunning-Kruger is alive and well. And that's not an insult, merely a verifiable observation.

Got any observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability? Even one single piece of such data to support your believe? Just one?

Of course you don't, and yet, you believe the science is settled, that the case is closed, and the consensus is correct this about dunning kruger on actual evidence of an eminently observable, and measurable entity like the atmosphere and energy movement through it?....and yet, you believe....and based on what? consensus? Guess you never spent much time researching the history of science and how often the "consensus" is wrong especially where relatively new fields of science are concerned...

Climate science is still in its infancy and yet, you believe it has sprung forth complete and incorruptible...knowing all the factors that drive the climate and how each factor interacts with and effects all the others on both individual and as a whole basis...and you believe this not based on any actual observed, measured evidence, but based upon your political leanings....Dunning-Kruger on parade...
2. I have full faith and confidence in mankind's ability to adapt and to overcome any chalkenges that future generations will face AS they face them.
Just like the dinosaurs.

We are the most adaptable creatures that have ever walked the planet...there is little that we can't adapt to as evidenced by the fact that we are able to inhabit most of the places on earth except the very deep oceans...

The degree or so of climate change we have witnessed is not even a blip on our adapt-0- meter...considering the fact that on any given day, the maximum and minimum temperatures on this planet spread nearly 200 degrees and we inhabit them are tripping over your faith....try rational, critical thinking once in a while.
Then why do humans die from starvation, thirst and disease? Why haven't we adapted the ability to resist these insults?
Then why do humans die from starvation, thirst and disease? Why haven't we adapted the ability to resist these insults?


The "individual survival of the fittest" aspect of our human nature is a key part in our ability to adapt and to survive as an entire species.
Then why do humans die from starvation, thirst and disease? Why haven't we adapted the ability to resist these insults?

Lately vast numbers of them are starving due to the left's war on GM foods.....thirst and disease? ....chalk that up to the lefts war on energy sources for the third world...waging war on hydro electric programs that would provide cheap and plentiful energy to regions that are presently living in the equivalent of the 1700's...
.try rational, critical thinking once in a while.

Says the man who claims all matter knows what the temperature will be at any point in the universe at the moment its IR photons reach it, even if whatever it would strike doesn't exist at the time the photons are emitted.

Same Shit Different Day puts out these bizarre misinterpretations of science just to wind people up. That makes him

.try rational, critical thinking once in a while.

Says the man who claims all matter knows what the temperature will be at any point in the universe at the moment its IR photons reach it, even if whatever it would strike doesn't exist at the time the photons are emitted.

Same Shit Different Day puts out these bizarre misinterpretations of science just to wind people up. That makes him


What precisely does the rules that science made up regarding photons have to do with people starving because of the left's war on GM food or energy sources for the third world...

Alas skidmark, it is you who is the troll...I noted the other day a senior mod pointed out your trollish behavior....none of the mods has ever said I was trolling...this is what I have made of you and I laugh about it with every post you make...You have been laid low and I take the credit for it....laughing in your face...
Because dinosaurs were much more intelligent and able to perceive and control their own destiny than we humans are.
Like we are able to perceive and stop global warming in the face of severe resistance from deniers, that ability?
Then why do humans die from starvation, thirst and disease? Why haven't we adapted the ability to resist these insults?


The "individual survival of the fittest" aspect of our human nature is a key part in our ability to adapt and to survive as an entire species.
So, by 'perceiving and controlling our own destiny'
you meant natural selection? Just like the dinosaurs, eh?
Because dinosaurs were much more intelligent and able to perceive and control their own destiny than we humans are.
Like we are able to perceive and stop global warming in the face of severe resistance from deniers, that ability?

That, along with the more reasonable people who have the ability to keep the chicken little syndrome alarmist pussies in check.
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Then why do humans die from starvation, thirst and disease? Why haven't we adapted the ability to resist these insults?


The "individual survival of the fittest" aspect of our human nature is a key part in our ability to adapt and to survive as an entire species.
So, by 'perceiving and controlling our own destiny'
you meant natural selection? Just like the dinosaurs, eh?

If any of the now extinct dinosaurs had even half the mental capacity that we conservatives have, they would not be extinct today.

That said, I can see how and why you choose to identify with them.
Humans have been around for 200,000 years. Dinosaurs existed for 179 million years.
Humans have been around for 200,000 years. Dinosaurs existed for 179 million years.

Wow..... those fucking Dinos sure had a big head start on US!


Funny, they left not one trace of themselves on the surface of the moon or MARS like we did.
And they didn't fuck their own planet either. That's how they managed to last almost a thousand TIMES as long as we're likely to make it.
And they didn't fuck their own planet either. That's how they managed to last almost a thousand TIMES as long as we're likely to make it.

Climate change right here. You are welcome.

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