How Do We Love Our Enemies?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
And when I say enemies I am talking about the people who hate it and want to destroy it. I know it's a commandment, but honestly I just don't want to do it and I'm feeling convicted because of it. Any advice?
And when I say enemies I am talking about the people who hate it and want to destroy it. I know it's a commandment, but honestly I just don't want to do it and I'm feeling convicted because of it. Any advice?

LOL, I think you meant "conflicted" not "convicted". But I got your meaning.

Unfortunately, in order to get rid of evil, you have to destroy them by their own game. As the saying goes "It's KILL or BE killed".

The difference is, those who aren't evil must do what is necessary in order for good to survive, without allowing the lures of that same evil to turn them to the dark side.

It's a difficult balancing act of emotions and dark feelings. But those who are able to fight the evil and win, are bound for glory in so many other ways that do not involve evil. History will remember them for as long as there is someone thinking about them, writing about then, and serving their memories for their sacrifices.

It's a difficult thing to spit in the face of evil, and then look it in the eye while extinguishing it, and come out clean. Most people become that which they have eradicated, so the evil doesn't end, it just changes hands. Staying clean and free of the evil takes more courage and fortitude than anything.
And when I say enemies I am talking about the people who hate it and want to destroy it. I know it's a commandment, but honestly I just don't want to do it and I'm feeling convicted because of it. Any advice?
I love my enemies by totally ignoring them knowing it will fail, whatever they do. No need to say a thing.
You start by understanding why they hate and understand their hate will make their lives worse not better and then knowing this feel compassion and after that forgivness.
LOL, I think you meant "conflicted" not "convicted". But I got your meaning.

Umm,.. no, I meant convicted because that's what the Holy Spirit does to those who are His own. You wouldn't understand that though since you're an unbeliever,.. but yeah,.. this isn't directed towards you, but everyone else here. I was watching a movie about Christ and even though He rose again three days later after being crucified, I still cried like a baby,.. because it was my sins that put Him there. :icon_cry:

By sending them to heaven! :banana:

You are one dirty banana. :rolleyes:
And when I say enemies I am talking about the people who hate it and want to destroy it. I know it's a commandment, but honestly I just don't want to do it and I'm feeling convicted because of it. Any advice?

With lots and lots of sharpened steel and fire. In other news . . . silver and crucifixes and sunrise work great on the undead.

How Do We Love Our Enemies?​

We crush them, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentation of their pajama boys.
And when I say enemies I am talking about the people who hate it and want to destroy it. I know it's a commandment, but honestly I just don't want to do it and I'm feeling convicted because of it. Any advice?

Pray for them. And when you pray, tell God you don't want to pray for them.

And then ask for forgiveness while you're praying because you don't want to pray for them, but you're doing it anyway.

And then keep doing it. :)
Pray for them. And when you pray, tell God you don't want to pray for them.

And then ask for forgiveness while you're praying because you don't want to pray for them, but you're doing it anyway.

And then keep doing it. :)

I find this the best response,.. I guess it's just better to be honest with God since He knows everything we're feeling anyways, and I don't think He ever assumed that even being His followers that we always want to do everything that He wants us to do,.. just to do it anyways because we love Him. I'm pretty sure He wouldn't have died on the cross if He didn't love us, because He certainly didn't want to do that and I can't say I blame Him as I wouldn't want to either and I don't think anybody here can say they would.
SweetSue92 I just wanted to let you know that earlier on I took your advice and succeeded. :) (Oh and this topic reminds me about the story of the two brothers. The one originally showed interest in obeying his father and never actually did and the other one refused at first but eventually did. That latter brother represents me right now.)
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And when I say enemies I am talking about the people who hate it and want to destroy it. I know it's a commandment, but honestly I just don't want to do it and I'm feeling convicted because of it. Any advice?
Like we love ourselves. We don't always love ourselves very much though. I believe what this is really saying is to be objective; to not be biased. In other words, if we want to cut ourselves slack when we mess up we should probably cut others slack when they mess up. We are very good at cutting ourselves slack but not so good at cutting others slack.
Like we love ourselves. We don't always love ourselves very much though. I believe what this is really saying is to be objective; to not be biased. In other words, if we want to cut ourselves slack when we mess up we should probably cut others slack when they mess up. We are very good at cutting ourselves slack but not so good at cutting others slack.

Yeah, the problem is that I don't generally cut myself slack when it comes to disobeying and disappointing God.
Yeah, the problem is that I don't generally cut myself slack when it comes to disobeying and disappointing God.
That's good. Maybe you don't have to cut slack to others then. As long as you do to them as you do to yourself you should be just fine.
And when I say enemies I am talking about the people who hate it and want to destroy it. I know it's a commandment, but honestly I just don't want to do it and I'm feeling convicted because of it. Any advice?
Unfortunately modern Christian groups are better at creating enemies than loving them.
And when I say enemies I am talking about the people who hate it and want to destroy it. I know it's a commandment, but honestly I just don't want to do it and I'm feeling convicted because of it. Any advice?
Christians don't need any help in destroying their religion, they're doing a fine job of that by themselves.

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