How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

It can barely be done, certainly not easy for lets say, a single mother. I don't think any American working 40 hours a week should be below the line of poverty.
tough shit. The stupid belief that small business owners, who DO work more than forty a week, should pay their unskilled workers more than they earn themselves is the height of fiscal stupidity. You morons who want others to subsidize the stupidity of others should finance that shit yourselves. Adopt an inner city single mom with five kids who can't read or speak like a human and who has never stayed at any job for more than two weeks, and giver her your paycheck when she starts working as a babysitter for other welfare moms so they can attend their required welfare jobs classes. I hope you make a lot of money, because she needs quite a bit, with five kids, to earn above the poverty level.

what stupid douches progressives are.

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

That's exactly correct. Nobody pays more than they have to for labor. Your company doesn't, I don't, you don't. Most of us don't.
And that has proven to keep too many Americans under the line of poverty.

That would be illegals under cutting American workers pay.
yea looking at the wealth inequality, its definitely the guy picking the fruits fault.

What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
The Right says that we tend to coddle the poor too much, addicting them to inter-generational dependence on government, constantly lowering standards & expectations, making excuses for them, essentially enabling them and exacerbating their behaviors.

The Left says that a national this prosperous simply can't let those who have failed in life fall through the cracks, that just telling them to do better simply isn't enough, that many people simply don't have the capacity to improve their lives, that we're better than this.

Guess what? They're both right. The problem here is that the Left and the Right are currently not on speaking terms, ignoring each other like two petulant children on the playground who had a fight over the last ice cream sundae at lunch, and the problem continues.

Not quite correct but you are on to something. It's actually all about perception.

When somebody from the left speaks about our poor, their image is a hot kitchen with a mother over a pot of stew, adding more water to make it stretch a little more. Dad is sitting by the kitchen table in his dirty white tee shirt half shaven because he worked yet another 12 hour day and plain too tired to dress himself up for dinner.

There are two or three children tending to Dad trying to make small talk while playing with their one toy. Their cloths are dirty as are their faces, but soap is expensive and hard to come by for this family. There is a light fixture hanging from wires on the ceiling over the kitchen table with a 25 watt light bulb as flies buzz around it.

On the right, we picture a family of very overweight people. It's mom and her four kids. The reason they are so fat is because they eat better than most working families, and mom is considering one more child since she doesn't support them anyway.

They are in their HUD house bought or rented by the agency. It's in the suburbs so everything needed is conveniently located. The kids are in the living room fighting over what channel to watch on their big screen hooked up to a satellite with 300 channels. As mom is trying to talk on her Obama phone, one of their three dogs starts to bark setting off the other two.

The mother hangs up the Obama phone to quiet the dogs down. After all, it's 1:00 am and they don't want to wake the neighbors up because the neighbors have to work in the morning, and they will call the cops as they've done so many times in the past. But maybe it's time to go to bed anyway. The new SNAP's card came in the mail and loaded with hundreds of dollars of goodies. It takes some rest to load all those grocery bags into their SUV.
And that's the problem, right there. One single notion, one simple stereotype of poor people. With respect, this kind of thought makes it easier to dismiss a large group of people.

No doubt there are poor people who, pretty much on their own, are poor because of the own rank laziness. I know people like that. But there are also people who are poor as the result of one bad decision, or they've had shitty luck, or they've made honest mistakes, or they were born without the capacity to fend well for themselves, or they have health issues, or they were raised in an environment of victimhood, or they took a chance and lost, or someone truly fucked them over.

Or some combination therein.

The list of reasons is long, and we can choose to punish the entire group because of the laziness of some. Or we can recognize that a society as rich and abundant as ours doesn't have to let people fall through the cracks and suffer, that we're simply better than that.

This isn't the Wild West. We've advanced. Now we can afford to choose how we treat each other.
Last edited:
Back it can be done. And if they don't like it - they are free to go work somewhere else.

And not for nothing - but in my last position my salary increased $17,000 as my performance dictated increases and promotions. So that person may be at $20,000 today, but they don't have to be there tomorrow (and won't be if they perform).
It can barely be done, certainly not easy for lets say, a single mother. I don't think any American working 40 hours a week should be below the line of poverty.
tough shit. The stupid belief that small business owners, who DO work more than forty a week, should pay their unskilled workers more than they earn themselves is the height of fiscal stupidity. You morons who want others to subsidize the stupidity of others should finance that shit yourselves. Adopt an inner city single mom with five kids who can't read or speak like a human and who has never stayed at any job for more than two weeks, and giver her your paycheck when she starts working as a babysitter for other welfare moms so they can attend their required welfare jobs classes. I hope you make a lot of money, because she needs quite a bit, with five kids, to earn above the poverty level.

what stupid douches progressives are.

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

How do you know they can afford it? And what's a living wage? Are they dying?
because I'm not an idiot, who can afford to live off of 1300 a month? -Rent, car, groceries, other bills, add a kid in there and it's not happenin!

Don't vote for democrats and their high cost of living and taxes.

tough shit. The stupid belief that small business owners, who DO work more than forty a week, should pay their unskilled workers more than they earn themselves is the height of fiscal stupidity. You morons who want others to subsidize the stupidity of others should finance that shit yourselves. Adopt an inner city single mom with five kids who can't read or speak like a human and who has never stayed at any job for more than two weeks, and giver her your paycheck when she starts working as a babysitter for other welfare moms so they can attend their required welfare jobs classes. I hope you make a lot of money, because she needs quite a bit, with five kids, to earn above the poverty level.

what stupid douches progressives are.

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

That's exactly correct. Nobody pays more than they have to for labor. Your company doesn't, I don't, you don't. Most of us don't.
And that has proven to keep too many Americans under the line of poverty.

That would be illegals under cutting American workers pay.
yea looking at the wealth inequality, its definitely the guy picking the fruits fault.


And Obama tackled that problem by making Wall Street rich?

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

That's exactly correct. Nobody pays more than they have to for labor. Your company doesn't, I don't, you don't. Most of us don't.
And that has proven to keep too many Americans under the line of poverty.

That would be illegals under cutting American workers pay.
yea looking at the wealth inequality, its definitely the guy picking the fruits fault.


And Obama tackled that problem by making Wall Street rich?

tackled it by saving the auto and housing industries, recovering our collapsing economy, and getting people back to work.
That's exactly correct. Nobody pays more than they have to for labor. Your company doesn't, I don't, you don't. Most of us don't.
And that has proven to keep too many Americans under the line of poverty.

That would be illegals under cutting American workers pay.
yea looking at the wealth inequality, its definitely the guy picking the fruits fault.


And Obama tackled that problem by making Wall Street rich?

tackled it by saving the auto and housing industries, recovering our collapsing economy, and getting people back to work.

He didn't save the auto industry, BMW, Toyota etc....made in America was doing fine he "saved" GMs pension fund.

The redstate governors are the ones that put people back to work. Obama's policies slowed it down with the uncertainty of Obama care, the 30 hour work week with Obama care, Obama trying to prevent jobs / Boeing from opening up a plant in South Carolina, trying to crush industries /jobs with the EPA...


The list of reasons is long, and we can choose to punish the entire group because of the laziness of some. Or we can recognize that a society as rich and abundant as ours doesn't have to let people fall through the cracks and suffer, that we're simply better than that.

Actually there is a third option, and that is give help to people who truly need it--not because it's a better option than working or taking responsibility for yourself.

You're not going to find many Americans left or right that don't want to see the needy helped. Our problem is that our government has such weak standard of who gets help that it outrages many of us who are paying that bill.

A personal example: I have a HUD house next door to me. I get up every morning and go to work so I can live in the suburbs. Why is it I'm supporting people that don't work to live right next door to me? I see them out there; the four kids, the three mini-vans........ Do you know what I drive? I drive a 2009 Toyota Camry with 90,000 miles on it. I get 30 MPG on average. I would love to have a mini-van or a 4 wheel drive pickup truck, but I can only afford one vehicle. How is it the lowlifes next door have three gas guzzling vehicles that I'm supporting?

This is not an isolated incident. In fact, it's pretty common. If not HUD people next door, it's the food stamp people at the grocery store. If not the food stamp people at the grocery store, it's talking to people at work who use temp services and can't get them to work overtime because it will interfere with their SNAP's allowance from the government.
And that has proven to keep too many Americans under the line of poverty.

That would be illegals under cutting American workers pay.
yea looking at the wealth inequality, its definitely the guy picking the fruits fault.


And Obama tackled that problem by making Wall Street rich?

tackled it by saving the auto and housing industries, recovering our collapsing economy, and getting people back to work.

He didn't save the auto industry, BMW, Toyota etc....made in America was doing fine he "saved" GMs pension fund.

The redstate governors are the ones that put people back to work. Obama's policies slowed it down with the uncertainty of Obama care, the 30 hour work week with Obama care, Obama trying to prevent jobs / Boeing from opening up a plant in South Carolina, trying to crush industries /jobs with the EPA...


LMAO the only thing red state governors have ever put back to work is abortion protestors and soup kitchen workers :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
It can barely be done, certainly not easy for lets say, a single mother. I don't think any American working 40 hours a week should be below the line of poverty.
tough shit. The stupid belief that small business owners, who DO work more than forty a week, should pay their unskilled workers more than they earn themselves is the height of fiscal stupidity. You morons who want others to subsidize the stupidity of others should finance that shit yourselves. Adopt an inner city single mom with five kids who can't read or speak like a human and who has never stayed at any job for more than two weeks, and giver her your paycheck when she starts working as a babysitter for other welfare moms so they can attend their required welfare jobs classes. I hope you make a lot of money, because she needs quite a bit, with five kids, to earn above the poverty level.

what stupid douches progressives are.

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

How do you know they can afford it? And what's a living wage? Are they dying?
because I'm not an idiot, who can afford to live off of 1300 a month? -Rent, car, groceries, other bills, add a kid in there and it's not happenin!

Don't vote for democrats and their high cost of living and taxes.


A vote for Republicans is a vote for cheap wages and more wealth the 1%. Republicans continue to supress wages with earned income credits. Earned income credits take from the middle class and give to the working poor.

Giving fair wages to the poor would reduce programs to supplement income, and in reducing those programs, the size of government is reduced. Republicans talk about reducing deficits and the size of government but talk is cheap.

Liberal, socialist nations are have a better standard of living, better education, less crime, and less poverty, and are cleaner, healthier and happier than Americans, and we have more personal freedom.
That would be illegals under cutting American workers pay.
yea looking at the wealth inequality, its definitely the guy picking the fruits fault.


And Obama tackled that problem by making Wall Street rich?

tackled it by saving the auto and housing industries, recovering our collapsing economy, and getting people back to work.

He didn't save the auto industry, BMW, Toyota etc....made in America was doing fine he "saved" GMs pension fund.

The redstate governors are the ones that put people back to work. Obama's policies slowed it down with the uncertainty of Obama care, the 30 hour work week with Obama care, Obama trying to prevent jobs / Boeing from opening up a plant in South Carolina, trying to crush industries /jobs with the EPA...


LMAO the only thing red state governors have ever put back to work is abortion protestors and soup kitchen workers :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

It must be nice playing ignorant, stupid and a democrat sheep huh?

Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

By JEFF WILKINSON -[email protected]

Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

There are 401 companies in South Carolina that produce automotive parts, according to the S.C. Department of Commerce. That’s up from 305 in 2008. And each could profit from new automakers.

Read more here: Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
The list of reasons is long, and we can choose to punish the entire group because of the laziness of some. Or we can recognize that a society as rich and abundant as ours doesn't have to let people fall through the cracks and suffer, that we're simply better than that.

Actually there is a third option, and that is give help to people who truly need it--not because it's a better option than working or taking responsibility for yourself.

You're not going to find many Americans left or right that don't want to see the needy helped. Our problem is that our government has such weak standard of who gets help that it outrages many of us who are paying that bill.

A personal example: I have a HUD house next door to me. I get up every morning and go to work so I can live in the suburbs. Why is it I'm supporting people that don't work to live right next door to me? I see them out there; the four kids, the three mini-vans........ Do you know what I drive? I drive a 2009 Toyota Camry with 90,000 miles on it. I get 30 MPG on average. I would love to have a mini-van or a 4 wheel drive pickup truck, but I can only afford one vehicle. How is it the lowlifes next door have three gas guzzling vehicles that I'm supporting?

This is not an isolated incident. In fact, it's pretty common. If not HUD people next door, it's the food stamp people at the grocery store. If not the food stamp people at the grocery store, it's talking to people at work who use temp services and can't get them to work overtime because it will interfere with their SNAP's allowance from the government.
It's my opinion that most of our problems are cultural at their foundation, and this issue is certainly an example. We're not going to fix (or even improve) it by looking at it from only one of the sides I mentioned in my original post. When a problem is culturally-based, it's a hell of a lot tougher to address.

We could choose instead to find a proper and effective equilibrium between the two approaches. But that would require far more effort, humility, honesty and cooperation than is currently "allowed" by either "side". In fact, I could posit that the two "sides" are demonstrating their OWN laziness by avoiding that effort.

One more thing: I compare the leadership of the two sides to parenting. Liberals are animated by their maternal side - "here, let me help, let me take care of you" - and conservatives are animated by their paternal side - "come on, pull yourself up by your bootstraps". A child is best raised by two committed parents willing to put in the hard work.
yea looking at the wealth inequality, its definitely the guy picking the fruits fault.


And Obama tackled that problem by making Wall Street rich?

tackled it by saving the auto and housing industries, recovering our collapsing economy, and getting people back to work.

He didn't save the auto industry, BMW, Toyota etc....made in America was doing fine he "saved" GMs pension fund.

The redstate governors are the ones that put people back to work. Obama's policies slowed it down with the uncertainty of Obama care, the 30 hour work week with Obama care, Obama trying to prevent jobs / Boeing from opening up a plant in South Carolina, trying to crush industries /jobs with the EPA...


LMAO the only thing red state governors have ever put back to work is abortion protestors and soup kitchen workers :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

It must be nice playing ignorant, stupid and a democrat sheep huh?

Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

By JEFF WILKINSON -[email protected]

Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

There are 401 companies in South Carolina that produce automotive parts, according to the S.C. Department of Commerce. That’s up from 305 in 2008. And each could profit from new automakers.

Read more here: Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
But if obama pumps money into industries to bail them out then its throwing money away, not the fed government job, non effective, corporate welfare, wasn't necessary... okay dude.
tough shit. The stupid belief that small business owners, who DO work more than forty a week, should pay their unskilled workers more than they earn themselves is the height of fiscal stupidity. You morons who want others to subsidize the stupidity of others should finance that shit yourselves. Adopt an inner city single mom with five kids who can't read or speak like a human and who has never stayed at any job for more than two weeks, and giver her your paycheck when she starts working as a babysitter for other welfare moms so they can attend their required welfare jobs classes. I hope you make a lot of money, because she needs quite a bit, with five kids, to earn above the poverty level.

what stupid douches progressives are.

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

How do you know they can afford it? And what's a living wage? Are they dying?
because I'm not an idiot, who can afford to live off of 1300 a month? -Rent, car, groceries, other bills, add a kid in there and it's not happenin!

Don't vote for democrats and their high cost of living and taxes.


A vote for Republicans is a vote for cheap wages and more wealth the 1%. Republicans continue to supress wages with earned income credits. Earned income credits take from the middle class and give to the working poor.

Giving fair wages to the poor would reduce programs to supplement income, and in reducing those programs, the size of government is reduced. Republicans talk about reducing deficits and the size of government but talk is cheap.

Liberal, socialist nations are have a better standard of living, better education, less crime, and less poverty.

Funny I make $28 bucks an hour plus overtime down here at a manufacturing plant... Stop with the lies..

And Obama tackled that problem by making Wall Street rich?

tackled it by saving the auto and housing industries, recovering our collapsing economy, and getting people back to work.

He didn't save the auto industry, BMW, Toyota etc....made in America was doing fine he "saved" GMs pension fund.

The redstate governors are the ones that put people back to work. Obama's policies slowed it down with the uncertainty of Obama care, the 30 hour work week with Obama care, Obama trying to prevent jobs / Boeing from opening up a plant in South Carolina, trying to crush industries /jobs with the EPA...


LMAO the only thing red state governors have ever put back to work is abortion protestors and soup kitchen workers :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

It must be nice playing ignorant, stupid and a democrat sheep huh?

Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

By JEFF WILKINSON -[email protected]

Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

There are 401 companies in South Carolina that produce automotive parts, according to the S.C. Department of Commerce. That’s up from 305 in 2008. And each could profit from new automakers.

Read more here: Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
But if obama pumps money into industries to bail them out then its throwing money away, not the fed government job, non effective, corporate welfare, wasn't necessary... okay dude.

What doesn't have to do with your ignorant propaganda that redstate governors were not the ones to bring in the jobs?

tackled it by saving the auto and housing industries, recovering our collapsing economy, and getting people back to work.

He didn't save the auto industry, BMW, Toyota etc....made in America was doing fine he "saved" GMs pension fund.

The redstate governors are the ones that put people back to work. Obama's policies slowed it down with the uncertainty of Obama care, the 30 hour work week with Obama care, Obama trying to prevent jobs / Boeing from opening up a plant in South Carolina, trying to crush industries /jobs with the EPA...


LMAO the only thing red state governors have ever put back to work is abortion protestors and soup kitchen workers :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

It must be nice playing ignorant, stupid and a democrat sheep huh?

Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

By JEFF WILKINSON -[email protected]

Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

There are 401 companies in South Carolina that produce automotive parts, according to the S.C. Department of Commerce. That’s up from 305 in 2008. And each could profit from new automakers.

Read more here: Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
But if obama pumps money into industries to bail them out then its throwing money away, not the fed government job, non effective, corporate welfare, wasn't necessary... okay dude.

What doesn't have to do with your ignorant propaganda that redstate governors were not the ones to bring in the jobs?

party economics is simple. Under dem administrations- unemployment drop, wages raise, economy flourishes. Under repub admins- unemployment skyrockets, wages stagnant, economy crashes.
The list of reasons is long, and we can choose to punish the entire group because of the laziness of some. Or we can recognize that a society as rich and abundant as ours doesn't have to let people fall through the cracks and suffer, that we're simply better than that.

Actually there is a third option, and that is give help to people who truly need it--not because it's a better option than working or taking responsibility for yourself.

You're not going to find many Americans left or right that don't want to see the needy helped. Our problem is that our government has such weak standard of who gets help that it outrages many of us who are paying that bill.

A personal example: I have a HUD house next door to me. I get up every morning and go to work so I can live in the suburbs. Why is it I'm supporting people that don't work to live right next door to me? I see them out there; the four kids, the three mini-vans........ Do you know what I drive? I drive a 2009 Toyota Camry with 90,000 miles on it. I get 30 MPG on average. I would love to have a mini-van or a 4 wheel drive pickup truck, but I can only afford one vehicle. How is it the lowlifes next door have three gas guzzling vehicles that I'm supporting?

This is not an isolated incident. In fact, it's pretty common. If not HUD people next door, it's the food stamp people at the grocery store. If not the food stamp people at the grocery store, it's talking to people at work who use temp services and can't get them to work overtime because it will interfere with their SNAP's allowance from the government.
It's my opinion that most of our problems are cultural at their foundation, and this issue is certainly an example. We're not going to fix (or even improve) it by looking at it from only one of the sides I mentioned in my original post. When a problem is culturally-based, it's a hell of a lot tougher to address.

We could choose instead to find a proper and effective equilibrium between the two approaches. But that would require far more effort, humility, honesty and cooperation than is currently "allowed" by either "side". In fact, I could posit that the two "sides" are demonstrating their OWN laziness by avoiding that effort.

One more thing: I compare the leadership of the two sides to parenting. Liberals are animated by their maternal side - "here, let me help, let me take care of you" - and conservatives are animated by their paternal side - "come on, pull yourself up by your bootstraps". A child is best raised by two committed parents willing to put in the hard work.

Is it really the job of the federal government to do this? I don't think so. I think the job of the federal government is to govern.

Our federal government is not supposed to be surrogate parents. Our founders never intended that nor did they design our government to be that. You want to see cultural change? Don't feed them. You'll see that change you're looking for. If they know that taxpayers won't take care of their babies, they will quit having those babies.
because I'm not an idiot, who can afford to live off of 1300 a month? -Rent, car, groceries, other bills, add a kid in there and it's not happenin!
Perfect example of left-wing idiocy. Don't have children if you can't afford them. It really is that simple.
He didn't save the auto industry, BMW, Toyota etc....made in America was doing fine he "saved" GMs pension fund.

The redstate governors are the ones that put people back to work. Obama's policies slowed it down with the uncertainty of Obama care, the 30 hour work week with Obama care, Obama trying to prevent jobs / Boeing from opening up a plant in South Carolina, trying to crush industries /jobs with the EPA...


LMAO the only thing red state governors have ever put back to work is abortion protestors and soup kitchen workers :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

It must be nice playing ignorant, stupid and a democrat sheep huh?

Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

By JEFF WILKINSON -[email protected]

Friday’s announcement that Mercedes-Benz’s parent company will pump a half-billion dollars into a new Lowcountry van-making plant – coupled with the prospect of a huge Volvo factory in the vicinity – will send an economic tsunami across the entire state, experts say.

There are 401 companies in South Carolina that produce automotive parts, according to the S.C. Department of Commerce. That’s up from 305 in 2008. And each could profit from new automakers.

Read more here: Auto industry expansion across South Carolina causing economic tidal wave
But if obama pumps money into industries to bail them out then its throwing money away, not the fed government job, non effective, corporate welfare, wasn't necessary... okay dude.

What doesn't have to do with your ignorant propaganda that redstate governors were not the ones to bring in the jobs?

party economics is simple. Under dem administrations- unemployment drop, wages raise, economy flourishes. Under repub admins- unemployment skyrockets, wages stagnant, economy crashes.

This was the slowest recovery ever... And you never addressed my question why did most all the jobs go to the redstates during the Obama years?

I'm not even sure what you're going off about here fruit loop. I've never particularly complained about paying the taxes I've paid, aside from the bullshit of the ACA tax. However, I'm not inclined to pay yet more again for the nation to support even higher numbers of useless idiots. One must understand the purpose of welfare programs was not to create an entire class of poor people who spend generations there, it was to help out those who had a rough year. Very similar to why businesses maintain profit margins - not so they can extend the life of a failing product, but to ride out economic downturns and stay in business. Those poor who choose to stay poor by inaction or bad financial decisions are not worthy of assistance and have no right, neither moral nor legal, to pilfer my coffers merely to continue their laze for eternity. The entire point was to help them through a rough period of time, not support them and their entire family for generations and generations.

It's not "patriotism" to contribute to a losers addictions.
dear; the one thing we can always count on, is the right wing complaining about taxes for social welfare for the poor.
party economics is simple. Under dem administrations- unemployment drop, wages raise, economy flourishes. Under repub admins- unemployment skyrockets, wages stagnant, economy crashes.
But apparently not as simple as lying. The three worst economies in U.S. history were under Dumbocrats: The Great Depression (FDR), The Great Recession (Jimmy Carter), and The Great Meltdown (Barack Obama).

Conversely, two of the best economies in U.S. history were under Republicans: the "Roaring 20's" (Warren G. Harding) and the 1980's (Ronald Reagan).

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