How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

The part of education we control as a nation is "free," paid for by (guess who) property owners. (FYI I pay for the schools in states other than the one I live in, even though I don't even get to vote on the bonds/costs. That's in addition to the schools I pay for in my home town. More of us rich people getting more than we give, right?)

Healthcare is expensive because the lefty bleeding hearts decided to give illegals and poor people medical care no matter what, which then shifted the costs off upon those who had money to pay for medical care - instead of ditching EMTALA and admitting the mistake you lefties decided to get into the healthcare insurance scam, and at present those have have are paying for the insurance of those who don't through ACA so shut the fuck up.

Payrates /do/ raise to cover "living costs" - just not for those unwilling to rise past the level of "McDonald's" quality work. Seriously, if you can't even find the button that looks like french fries, you've failed at life, and yet... it happens. I'm sure everyone in the country has a 'da'fuck' story about these fast food worker types. Husband just the other day was telling me that the guy in front of him asked for a dozen nuggets; nitwit kid behind the counter informed him that he could only get 4, 6, 10, or 12 nuggets. (We're a wealthy neighborhood, most of us are military, it's kind of a 'mean' joke that they import idiots from somewhere else to do the shitty jobs because our FF workers out here are dip shits (well we have two varieties, we also have the 'pricks' - ones who's parents force them to do the job in order to teach them responsibility and they are in a full state of tantrum rebellion their entire shift.)

We actually had to petition Anchorage to change our, idk 30-40 year old, zoning laws here in town so we could put up some of those low income housing units, now we've got a neighborhood of low income workers to fill jobs - 'effin Walmart sucked up like 80% of our... uhm "low pay qualified?" workers, the bastards. Our poor businesses were offering out $15-20/h for menial shit and /still/ not able to fill the positions (folks didn't want to drive on the highway, we're like 10miles north of anchorage, about a 7min drive, but in the winter it can take hours if some dip-shit flips one as there's no "alternative" roads to get here. I figure 20% of Anchorage employees were late couple days ago when someone managed to roll over going up hill, hell some dipshit plowed into the back end of a flashing fire truck on the highway by my house - OUR fire truck that we pay for via donations cause Anchorage fucking shits on us so bad we have to buy our own stuff despite paying taxes - oh yea more of the rich abusing taxes yep...)
Because too many American kids go to bed hungry at night God damn it. Too many families struggle to make ends meet. The middle class has been shrinking for quite some ti

Understood, but you didn't answer my question. If pay needs to be increased indexed by the cost of living, who should be in charge of that? Who should have to pay for that?
Min wage should be set by municipalities. Not even states can account for the massive COL differences across different cities...
Do tell why all these 13M are poor. Do they all suffer from handicaps and mental illnesses that prevent them from working? Do they all have families who apparently shit on them and threw them out for the trouble?

Nay, far more likely they've made stupid decisions, similar to my son's, in trying to live a lifestyle that their paycheck cannot provide, or worse, those who turned to crime rather than commit themselves to a "proper" life.

I feel no obligation to support those who make stupid decisions in their life, especially when I believe, and am regularly told, that I've no right to tell someone how to live. To clarify, I've no problem with them doing as they wish, right up until they start reaching in my wallet to pay for their choices.

If the fools need more money, then they best get off their asses and earn it. There is nothing preventing them from finding a second job so they can have that unlimited cell phone plan, there is nothing preventing them from taking on a 2h a day paper route to pay for whatever it is they feel is holding them back from success...

The >13M are full-time workers. They are paid so little that they qualify as poor.

According to you, how many hours per week are full-time workers to work? 40, 80, 120?

According to you, how many jobs are workers to have? 2, 3, 4?

As of this week I have 790 employees. The lowest paid employees are paid $48,950.00 per year, plus 100% company paid benefits. Every employer should be doing his/her part.
My companys lowest paid worker is probably making under 20k a year full time. Hard to live off that

one person can live on that. This is why we used to teach people to work hard and don't get married till you are able to support a family. Also don't have sex or children, until you're married..

That's $1400.00/mo after taxes. Better get a number of roommates. Chump change.
yup that's called paying your dues. It's also called motivation. And poverty levels consider gross, not net.
Because too many American kids go to bed hungry at night God damn it. Too many families struggle to make ends meet. The middle class has been shrinking for quite some ti

Understood, but you didn't answer my question. If pay needs to be increased indexed by the cost of living, who should be in charge of that? Who should have to pay for that?
I mean it's not like there needs to be a committee in charge or make need funds to do so.. As the minimum wage increases, the market will even out on its own, as people are spending more money, investing etc. But a rise that is adequate based on living costs is the goal- that is how people will begin to live over the poverty line working 40 hours a week.
This is getting really repetitive. Education needs to be affordable, healthcare needs to be affordable, pay rates need to rise in proportion to living costs.

Okay, and who is it that can make these things affordable?
Politicians who are more worried about their own people than building the great wall of mexico..

The wall is a few billion dollars. Hardly a drop in the bucket looking at our expenditures. Do you realize what free advanced education would cost this country in one year alone?

The US Constitution charges the representatives with the security of our country. We have criminals and drugs crossing that border every day. They bring harm to Americans coast to coast. The US Constitution does not lay the responsibility of healthcare or college on the federal government. Our founders expected citizens to handle most of their own problems--not the federal government.
Because too many American kids go to bed hungry at night God damn it. Too many families struggle to make ends meet. The middle class has been shrinking for quite some ti

Understood, but you didn't answer my question. If pay needs to be increased indexed by the cost of living, who should be in charge of that? Who should have to pay for that?
I mean it's not like there needs to be a committee in charge or make need funds to do so.. As the minimum wage increases, the market will even out on its own, as people are spending more money, investing etc. But a rise that is adequate based on living costs is the goal- that is how people will begin to live over the poverty line working 40 hours a week.

Maybe, but what's more likely to happen is as the minimum wage increases, it makes automation investments more attractive to businesses. When it's cheaper to buy machines to do the work instead of humans, that's what industry will turn to. After all, most of our manufacturing jobs were not lost overseas,, they were lost to automation.
This is getting really repetitive. Education needs to be affordable, healthcare needs to be affordable, pay rates need to rise in proportion to living costs.

Okay, and who is it that can make these things affordable?
Politicians who are more worried about their own people than building the great wall of mexico..

The wall is a few billion dollars. Hardly a drop in the bucket looking at our expenditures. Do you realize what free advanced education would cost this country in one year alone?

The US Constitution charges the representatives with the security of our country. We have criminals and drugs crossing that border every day. They bring harm to Americans coast to coast. The US Constitution does not lay the responsibility of healthcare or college on the federal government. Our founders expected citizens to handle most of their own problems--not the federal government.
trump is gutting programs that help citizens in order to pay for this wall he insisted mexico would pay for...enough! We don't need a wall. Nix the wall, stop the corporate welfare, stop the millions of dollars in weekly golfing trips, move melania in the white house... all these things are a huge start! Free education right out the gate would be difficult, but to start slowly working towards higher education being more and more affordable instead of less and less affordable will benefit our whole society.
Because too many American kids go to bed hungry at night God damn it. Too many families struggle to make ends meet. The middle class has been shrinking for quite some ti

Understood, but you didn't answer my question. If pay needs to be increased indexed by the cost of living, who should be in charge of that? Who should have to pay for that?
I mean it's not like there needs to be a committee in charge or make need funds to do so.. As the minimum wage increases, the market will even out on its own, as people are spending more money, investing etc. But a rise that is adequate based on living costs is the goal- that is how people will begin to live over the poverty line working 40 hours a week.

Maybe, but what's more likely to happen is as the minimum wage increases, it makes automation investments more attractive to businesses. When it's cheaper to buy machines to do the work instead of humans, that's what industry will turn to. After all, most of our manufacturing jobs were not lost overseas,, they were lost to automation.
if they want to use machines they will regardless of a small bump in pay.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

that's an imbecilic question.

the better question is how do we prevent the plutocracy that the orange sociopath is creating.

bitter broke loser. maybe you should get educated so YOU won't be so problematic.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

that's an imbecilic question.

the better question is how do we prevent the plutocracy that the orange sociopath is creating.

bitter broke loser. maybe you should get educated so YOU won't be so problematic.
Because too many American kids go to bed hungry at night God damn it. Too many families struggle to make ends meet. The middle class has been shrinking for quite some ti

Understood, but you didn't answer my question. If pay needs to be increased indexed by the cost of living, who should be in charge of that? Who should have to pay for that?
I mean it's not like there needs to be a committee in charge or make need funds to do so.. As the minimum wage increases, the market will even out on its own, as people are spending more money, investing etc. But a rise that is adequate based on living costs is the goal- that is how people will begin to live over the poverty line working 40 hours a week.

Maybe, but what's more likely to happen is as the minimum wage increases, it makes automation investments more attractive to businesses. When it's cheaper to buy machines to do the work instead of humans, that's what industry will turn to. After all, most of our manufacturing jobs were not lost overseas,, they were lost to automation.
if they want to use machines they will regardless of a small bump in pay.

What you have to understand is that it's not a small bump in pay.

When your employer give you a dollar an hour raise, it costs him or her much more than that dollar. Your employer has to match your Medicare and SS contributions. A raise increases your contributions (and your employers). Your employers workman's compensation insurance gets more expensive because if you get hurt on the job, it's more money they have to pay you since you make more money. Same with Unemployment insurance. Then there is vacation and holiday pay. That's when your employer pays you and gets nothing in return.

So now you take that and multiply it by X amount of employees, and it's a very large expense for the employer. I won't even get into the healthcare thing or if you have a retirement plan with your employer that he contributes to.
My companys lowest paid worker is probably making under 20k a year full time. Hard to live off that
Back it can be done. And if they don't like it - they are free to go work somewhere else.

And not for nothing - but in my last position my salary increased $17,000 as my performance dictated increases and promotions. So that person may be at $20,000 today, but they don't have to be there tomorrow (and won't be if they perform).
It can barely be done, certainly not easy for lets say, a single mother. I don't think any American working 40 hours a week should be below the line of poverty.
tough shit. The stupid belief that small business owners, who DO work more than forty a week, should pay their unskilled workers more than they earn themselves is the height of fiscal stupidity. You morons who want others to subsidize the stupidity of others should finance that shit yourselves. Adopt an inner city single mom with five kids who can't read or speak like a human and who has never stayed at any job for more than two weeks, and giver her your paycheck when she starts working as a babysitter for other welfare moms so they can attend their required welfare jobs classes. I hope you make a lot of money, because she needs quite a bit, with five kids, to earn above the poverty level.

what stupid douches progressives are.

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

How do you know they can afford it? And what's a living wage? Are they dying?
Back it can be done. And if they don't like it - they are free to go work somewhere else.

And not for nothing - but in my last position my salary increased $17,000 as my performance dictated increases and promotions. So that person may be at $20,000 today, but they don't have to be there tomorrow (and won't be if they perform).
It can barely be done, certainly not easy for lets say, a single mother. I don't think any American working 40 hours a week should be below the line of poverty.
tough shit. The stupid belief that small business owners, who DO work more than forty a week, should pay their unskilled workers more than they earn themselves is the height of fiscal stupidity. You morons who want others to subsidize the stupidity of others should finance that shit yourselves. Adopt an inner city single mom with five kids who can't read or speak like a human and who has never stayed at any job for more than two weeks, and giver her your paycheck when she starts working as a babysitter for other welfare moms so they can attend their required welfare jobs classes. I hope you make a lot of money, because she needs quite a bit, with five kids, to earn above the poverty level.

what stupid douches progressives are.

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

That's exactly correct. Nobody pays more than they have to for labor. Your company doesn't, I don't, you don't. Most of us don't.
And that has proven to keep too many Americans under the line of poverty.

That would be illegals under cutting American workers pay.
The "cost of living" only rises because the left continues to increase minimum wage which causes everyone to raise their prices to cover the new labor costs (which results in the minimal wage worker being no further ahead). It's a vicious cycle of stupidity which could only come from the left.
I'll pay 17 cents more for my big Mac to make sure those workers make a living wage.

This Is How Much A Big Mac Would Cost If The Minimum Wage Was $15
This is left-wing "logic" at its finest here. Your burger is $0.17 more, but also your fries and your drink. Guess what? The gas station owner has to raise his prices as well. Your gas prices go up. It reverberates throughout society to the point where the minimum wage worker is no further ahead. The higher gas prices cause higher food prices, which cause higher everything prices (as people need to cover the cost of their food). If raising the minimum wage solved any problems - it wouldn't have needed to be raised 8x's in my lifetime.

Liberals don't know how to do math.

This is getting really repetitive. Education needs to be affordable, healthcare needs to be affordable, pay rates need to rise in proportion to living costs.

Okay, and who is it that can make these things affordable?
Politicians who are more worried about their own people than building the great wall of mexico..

The wall is a few billion dollars. Hardly a drop in the bucket looking at our expenditures. Do you realize what free advanced education would cost this country in one year alone?

The US Constitution charges the representatives with the security of our country. We have criminals and drugs crossing that border every day. They bring harm to Americans coast to coast. The US Constitution does not lay the responsibility of healthcare or college on the federal government. Our founders expected citizens to handle most of their own problems--not the federal government.
trump is gutting programs that help citizens in order to pay for this wall he insisted mexico would pay for...enough! We don't need a wall. Nix the wall, stop the corporate welfare, stop the millions of dollars in weekly golfing trips, move melania in the white house... all these things are a huge start! Free education right out the gate would be difficult, but to start slowly working towards higher education being more and more affordable instead of less and less affordable will benefit our whole society.

His wife and family will be moving into the White House when summer vacation starts for his kid in school. Yes, we do need a wall. Obviously what we are currently doing is not working at all, and all the security costs more than the wall to boot.

Yes, Trump is finding ways to save money so we don't have to go into more debt for the wall. This is a good thing because our federal government is involved in too many things that people should be taking care of themselves.
My companys lowest paid worker is probably making under 20k a year full time. Hard to live off that
Back it can be done. And if they don't like it - they are free to go work somewhere else.

And not for nothing - but in my last position my salary increased $17,000 as my performance dictated increases and promotions. So that person may be at $20,000 today, but they don't have to be there tomorrow (and won't be if they perform).
It can barely be done, certainly not easy for lets say, a single mother. I don't think any American working 40 hours a week should be below the line of poverty.
tough shit. The stupid belief that small business owners, who DO work more than forty a week, should pay their unskilled workers more than they earn themselves is the height of fiscal stupidity. You morons who want others to subsidize the stupidity of others should finance that shit yourselves. Adopt an inner city single mom with five kids who can't read or speak like a human and who has never stayed at any job for more than two weeks, and giver her your paycheck when she starts working as a babysitter for other welfare moms so they can attend their required welfare jobs classes. I hope you make a lot of money, because she needs quite a bit, with five kids, to earn above the poverty level.

what stupid douches progressives are.

I work for a large company who could certainly afford to pay everyone a living wage and then some. They just don't have to.

How do you know they can afford it? And what's a living wage? Are they dying?
because I'm not an idiot, who can afford to live off of 1300 a month? -Rent, car, groceries, other bills, add a kid in there and it's not happenin!

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