How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

The wealthy own the politicians. The wealthy profit from war.......the poor fights them
Well, considering that the poor insist they are entitled to what everyone else has earned, the least they can do is serve their country one time.
Our wealthy are the entitled ones
They receive more from the government than the poor ever would's that?
The government trains their workforce for them, they provide roads, infrastructure, electric, communications networks, they provide security at home and abroad, a stable currency, a legal system to protect them protection of overseas markets

That's a lot more than a stink'n Obamaphone

Oh I're referring to the few WEALTHY government employees....gotcha.
So those few receive more from government and taxpayers than the tens of millions of filthy piece of shits this country has become home to?
WTF? :ack-1:
Name one business that can't afford to pay a $15.00 minimum wage.
Literally every business in the world cannot afford to pay a $15 minimum wage. You are clueless about basic economics and business.

No YOU ARE. Lots of businesses pay wages of $15 an hour or more. You've been lied to so consistently about low end wages and you don't even have the intellectual curiosity to see if their bullshit is true or not.

He is right you know nothing of profit margins in small business

Wartime tax rates on the rich, or I am not going.
The wealthy have had "wartime taxes" on them for over a hundred years now. I guess you're going! Bye Felecia...
they don't now.
38% rate by the federal government alone is more than "wartime". We should all have a 10% flat rate across the board.
real times of war require, real times of war tax rates; or, we are not going.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
Wartime tax rates on the rich, or I am not going.
The wealthy have had "wartime taxes" on them for over a hundred years now. I guess you're going! Bye Felecia...
they don't now.
38% rate by the federal government alone is more than "wartime". We should all have a 10% flat rate across the board.
real times of war require, real times of war tax rates; or, we are not going.
And as was already stated - the wealthy have been paying "wartime as rates" for over 100 years now. It's time to cut ALL taxes and gut the unconstitutional federal government.
The entire position of the left-wing in this thread is a genuine contempt for liberty - as illustrated by this article.
For Congress to guarantee a right to health care, food assistance, or any other good or service whether a person can afford it or not does diminish someone else’s rights—namely, their right to their earnings.

Congress has no resources of its very own. If Congress gives one person something that he did not earn, it necessarily requires that Congress deprive somebody else of something that he did earn.
The government has no right or power to deprive me of my property and what I have earned. It's the polar opposite of why the founders founded this nation and wrote the U.S. Constitution in the first place.
Most Americans accept that murder and rape are immoral, but we are ambivalent about theft. Theft can be defined as taking the rightful property of one American and giving it to another, to whom it does not belong. It is also theft to forcibly use one person to serve the purposes of another.

At least two-thirds of federal spending can be described as Congress’ taking the rightful property of one American and giving it to another American, to whom it does not belong.
It is theft - plain and simple. It is unconstitutional. It is appalling.

Are You Really Pro-Liberty? Here Are a Few Tests.
An employer writes off every dollar that the employee costs then, including the payroll tax. You have to be willfully ignornant to think that employers are not writing off wages, employer payroll deductions and employee health care.
Here is a basic lesson in economics for those that believe raising the minimum wage does anything (and for those who believe that the federal government reimburses employers for their labor costs :laugh: )...

Wartime tax rates on the rich, or I am not going.
The wealthy have had "wartime taxes" on them for over a hundred years now. I guess you're going! Bye Felecia...
they don't now.
38% rate by the federal government alone is more than "wartime". We should all have a 10% flat rate across the board.
real times of war require, real times of war tax rates; or, we are not going.
And as was already stated - the wealthy have been paying "wartime as rates" for over 100 years now. It's time to cut ALL taxes and gut the unconstitutional federal government.
No, they haven't. Our current, commander in chief believes we can lower tax rates, not implement war time tax rates.
The entire position of the left-wing in this thread is a genuine contempt for liberty - as illustrated by this article.
For Congress to guarantee a right to health care, food assistance, or any other good or service whether a person can afford it or not does diminish someone else’s rights—namely, their right to their earnings.

Congress has no resources of its very own. If Congress gives one person something that he did not earn, it necessarily requires that Congress deprive somebody else of something that he did earn.
The government has no right or power to deprive me of my property and what I have earned. It's the polar opposite of why the founders founded this nation and wrote the U.S. Constitution in the first place.
Most Americans accept that murder and rape are immoral, but we are ambivalent about theft. Theft can be defined as taking the rightful property of one American and giving it to another, to whom it does not belong. It is also theft to forcibly use one person to serve the purposes of another.

At least two-thirds of federal spending can be described as Congress’ taking the rightful property of one American and giving it to another American, to whom it does not belong.
It is theft - plain and simple. It is unconstitutional. It is appalling.

Are You Really Pro-Liberty? Here Are a Few Tests.
The power to provide for the General welfare is in our Constitution; providing for the common offense or general warfare, is not. Take your taxes from those programs that are nowhere to be found in our supreme law of the land.
An employer writes off every dollar that the employee costs then, including the payroll tax. You have to be willfully ignornant to think that employers are not writing off wages, employer payroll deductions and employee health care.
Here is a basic lesson in economics for those that believe raising the minimum wage does anything (and for those who believe that the federal government reimburses employers for their labor costs :laugh: )...

View attachment 121154
Nothing but soothsay and hearsay from the right wing. NOBODY should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

Price inflation will be about three to four percent.
An employer writes off every dollar that the employee costs then, including the payroll tax. You have to be willfully ignornant to think that employers are not writing off wages, employer payroll deductions and employee health care.
Here is a basic lesson in economics for those that believe raising the minimum wage does anything

"When you raise minimum wage inflation eats up all the extra income for poor" - is same ol' common sense (and sound economics) defying rightwinger bullshit.

When minimum wage is increased (within sane limits) poor and middle class take home more pay while rich spend more.

This is not some anecdote based derivative, this is what economists generally believe and reflect in their policy estimates.

These estimates contain both the nominal income increase as well as inflation adjusted, REAL income change.

The Effects of a Minimum-Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income
When minimum wage is increased (within sane limits) poor and middle class take home more pay while rich spend more.
If that were even remotely true, there wouldn't be a constant call to raise minimum wage. Think how many times it has been raised in your lifetime - over 8 to 12 times depending on your age.

This is just basic economics - not to mention common sense. When you raise minimum wage, business raises their prices to cover the new costs of labor. Those increased costs for products and services mean that the minimum wage worker is no further ahead (and will actually fall further behind at some point as they enter a higher tax bracket). All minimum wage increases do is cause artificial inflation and devalue the dollar for everyone.
When minimum wage is increased (within sane limits) poor and middle class take home more pay while rich spend more.
If that were even remotely true, there wouldn't be a constant call to raise minimum wage. Think how many times it has been raised in your lifetime - over 8 to 12 times depending on your age.

This is just basic economics - not to mention common sense. When you raise minimum wage, business raises their prices to cover the new costs of labor. Those increased costs for products and services mean that the minimum wage worker is no further ahead (and will actually fall further behind at some point as they enter a higher tax bracket). All minimum wage increases do is cause artificial inflation and devalue the dollar for everyone.
How often do people get raises in their lifetime?

In this case, it will compete favorably with the cost of social services.

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