How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

Throw a lot of money at planned parenthood. That would help one of your points.
but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Thank you, I know who to vote for, and I know exactly what needs to be done to create an environment that minimizes poverty.
Let me guess... give all our money up to the top 1% and wait for it to "trickle down"
Are Republicans still pushing that one or have they stopped lying about the trickle down part and kept the "give me all your money part"
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

Throw a lot of money at planned parenthood. That would help one of your points.
but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Haha...your party needs you on the government tit...they create policy after policy that keeps you's the only way they can stay relevant...If everybody suddenly woke up tomorrow and was totally legitimate the Democratic Party would die...only kooks, criminals, government employees, and taxpayer tit suckers vote Democrat...ironic?
Throw a lot of money at planned parenthood. That would help one of your points.
but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Haha...your party needs you on the government tit...they create policy after policy that keeps you's the only way they can stay relevant...If everybody suddenly woke up tomorrow and was totally legitimate the Democratic Party would die...only kooks, criminals, government employees, and taxpayer tit suckers vote Democrat...ironic?
You are very misguided. Many people vote Democratic. There are more registered dems than Republicans. Your numbers have been dipping for decades and if it weren't for the religious freaks your party would me long extinct. Young people who care about our planet vote Democratic, women who value their rights vote Democratic, men who believe in equality vote Democratic, immigrants who believe in the American dream vote Democratic. The republican party is so out of touch with too many Americans. If they don't change their oppressive and regressive platform they will never win another election.
What halfass job are you holding down that's so fucking helpful to society? With damned near 30,000 posts here it can't be terribly important.
I am self-employed and have never take a dime of assistance from government (from the time I was born all the way until now).

As to whether it is "helpful to society" - I guess that would depend on your criteria. But this much I can guarantee you: I have never been a burden to society. I support myself, cover my own bills, etc.

You know, when I first started out, I thought that I would never need financial assistance because I had joined the military and had a steady paycheck.

Didn't get married until I made E-4, because I had seen other guys struggle on E3 and below pay with families, and I didn't want to go through that or put my wife through that.

Well, I got married and had a son, but the costs for formula and diapers were going to be a struggle, and I put in a request chit for a second job. When asked why I needed the job, I said that having a child was expensive, and I needed the money. My Chief referred me to WIC (Women Infants and Children), and they not only gave us vouchers for formula, but they also gave us vouchers for healthy food. If it hadn't been for that program, I might not have been able to make it in the military because of the low pay.

And, because of my experience, whenever an E5 or below came to me with marriage papers, after I processed his paperwork and got his married pay started, I then told them about WIC and if they were planning on having children, it was a useful program, and they were qualified if they were E5 and below because of their salary.
But here is the thing ABikerSailor - you earned that. Our military is way under paid. You were serving this great nation - you deserved WIC and everything else that you received (plus a lot you didn't receive). But sorry - the crack addicts who never served don't deserve a damn thing. That's not to say we shouldn't help them - but there is a monumental difference between deserving something and receiving something out of the goodness of someone's heart. This nation has gone bankrupt on waste, fraud, abuse, and ungrateful parasites. The people like you should have received at least 50% or more of what you did and the parasites should have received 100% less than they received. Everything they get should be done through charity - not through government.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
How about dealing with the issues of income and wealth disparity ? How about policies that ensure that the wealthy pay their fare share of taxes.? How about prioritizing jog training and educational assistance? The poor are not the problem, They are the result of assholes on the right in government. Don't blame the victims

Come on Loony...get with it....The wealthy pay nearly all this countries tax.
Free education is offered to all low-life's and bootom feeders who seek it including vocational and trade schools.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear."
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
Who doesn’t pay taxes, in eight charts

Easily fooled?

Not at all.
Who Pays Income Taxes? The Rich, Mostly

but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Haha...your party needs you on the government tit...they create policy after policy that keeps you's the only way they can stay relevant...If everybody suddenly woke up tomorrow and was totally legitimate the Democratic Party would die...only kooks, criminals, government employees, and taxpayer tit suckers vote Democrat...ironic?
You are very misguided. Many people vote Democratic. There are more registered dems than Republicans. Your numbers have been dipping for decades and if it weren't for the religious freaks your party would me long extinct. Young people who care about our planet vote Democratic, women who value their rights vote Democratic, men who believe in equality vote Democratic, immigrants who believe in the American dream vote Democratic. The republican party is so out of touch with too many Americans. If they don't change their oppressive and regressive platform they will never win another election.

Fairyland Fools in California and New York vote Democrat for the reasons I previously mentioned. Legitimate, stand-up REAL American's do not vote Democrat.....sorry.
Not hardly. Race Mixing merely produces a child not as smart as the white parent and smarter than the nonwhite parent and they NEVER have a sense of identity. They also will be more apt to health issues because some diseases are only subject to one race and not others.
Depends on what you mean by Racist. Go read the link I posted. ALL Creators are Racially Aware Pro White people. The very essence of our religion is our race IS our religion.
You would be a race mixer and therefore worthy of the death penalty in any country I would run.
If my father is 100% sicilian and my mother 100% Irish, are they race mixers?
No why? They are both white I am Polish,German,English. Wife is French and Irish. But we are ALL white.
Lollll...Sicily is southern Italy.. DNA mixed with African and Arab.
Some. Not all.
What kind of answer is that? If you have just learned sicilian DNA contains African and Arab- then wouldn't a sicilian man reproducing with an Irish woman make them "race mixers"
Depends on if he is white OR mixed.
What halfass job are you holding down that's so fucking helpful to society? With damned near 30,000 posts here it can't be terribly important.
I am self-employed and have never take a dime of assistance from government (from the time I was born all the way until now).

As to whether it is "helpful to society" - I guess that would depend on your criteria. But this much I can guarantee you: I have never been a burden to society. I support myself, cover my own bills, etc.

You know, when I first started out, I thought that I would never need financial assistance because I had joined the military and had a steady paycheck.

Didn't get married until I made E-4, because I had seen other guys struggle on E3 and below pay with families, and I didn't want to go through that or put my wife through that.

Well, I got married and had a son, but the costs for formula and diapers were going to be a struggle, and I put in a request chit for a second job. When asked why I needed the job, I said that having a child was expensive, and I needed the money. My Chief referred me to WIC (Women Infants and Children), and they not only gave us vouchers for formula, but they also gave us vouchers for healthy food. If it hadn't been for that program, I might not have been able to make it in the military because of the low pay.

And, because of my experience, whenever an E5 or below came to me with marriage papers, after I processed his paperwork and got his married pay started, I then told them about WIC and if they were planning on having children, it was a useful program, and they were qualified if they were E5 and below because of their salary.
But here is the thing ABikerSailor - you earned that. Our military is way under paid. You were serving this great nation - you deserved WIC and everything else that you received (plus a lot you didn't receive). But sorry - the crack addicts who never served don't deserve a damn thing. That's not to say we shouldn't help them - but there is a monumental difference between deserving something and receiving something out of the goodness of someone's heart. This nation has gone bankrupt on waste, fraud, abuse, and ungrateful parasites. The people like you should have received at least 50% or more of what you did and the parasites should have received 100% less than they received. Everything they get should be done through charity - not through government.
I assume these parasites are people who committ welfare fraud? Should millions of kids that go hungry at night, undeserving, because a small percentage of people abuse the system?
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
How about dealing with the issues of income and wealth disparity ? How about policies that ensure that the wealthy pay their fare share of taxes.? How about prioritizing jog training and educational assistance? The poor are not the problem, They are the result of assholes on the right in government. Don't blame the victims

Come on Loony...get with it....The wealthy pay nearly all this countries tax.
Free education is offered to all low-life's and bootom feeders who seek it including vocational and trade schools.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear."
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
Who doesn’t pay taxes, in eight charts

Easily fooled?

Not at all.
Who Pays Income Taxes? The Rich, Mostly

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Haha...your party needs you on the government tit...they create policy after policy that keeps you's the only way they can stay relevant...If everybody suddenly woke up tomorrow and was totally legitimate the Democratic Party would die...only kooks, criminals, government employees, and taxpayer tit suckers vote Democrat...ironic?
You are very misguided. Many people vote Democratic. There are more registered dems than Republicans. Your numbers have been dipping for decades and if it weren't for the religious freaks your party would me long extinct. Young people who care about our planet vote Democratic, women who value their rights vote Democratic, men who believe in equality vote Democratic, immigrants who believe in the American dream vote Democratic. The republican party is so out of touch with too many Americans. If they don't change their oppressive and regressive platform they will never win another election.

Fairyland Fools in California and New York vote Democrat for the reasons I previously mentioned. Legitimate, stand-up REAL American's do not vote Democrat.....sorry.
My grandfather was the orphan of irish immigrants. When he graduated high school he enlisted in the navy (wwII) and served his country faithfully on the shores of Japan. He came home and worked for the police department. He advanced and worked for the fbi. Dedicated his whole life to this country and never voted republican in his life. He raised a family of passionate Democrats who run our local Democratic party. He believed no true American would ever vote Republican, he was a very smart man.
What halfass job are you holding down that's so fucking helpful to society? With damned near 30,000 posts here it can't be terribly important.
I am self-employed and have never take a dime of assistance from government (from the time I was born all the way until now).

As to whether it is "helpful to society" - I guess that would depend on your criteria. But this much I can guarantee you: I have never been a burden to society. I support myself, cover my own bills, etc.

You know, when I first started out, I thought that I would never need financial assistance because I had joined the military and had a steady paycheck.

Didn't get married until I made E-4, because I had seen other guys struggle on E3 and below pay with families, and I didn't want to go through that or put my wife through that.

Well, I got married and had a son, but the costs for formula and diapers were going to be a struggle, and I put in a request chit for a second job. When asked why I needed the job, I said that having a child was expensive, and I needed the money. My Chief referred me to WIC (Women Infants and Children), and they not only gave us vouchers for formula, but they also gave us vouchers for healthy food. If it hadn't been for that program, I might not have been able to make it in the military because of the low pay.

And, because of my experience, whenever an E5 or below came to me with marriage papers, after I processed his paperwork and got his married pay started, I then told them about WIC and if they were planning on having children, it was a useful program, and they were qualified if they were E5 and below because of their salary.
But here is the thing ABikerSailor - you earned that. Our military is way under paid. You were serving this great nation - you deserved WIC and everything else that you received (plus a lot you didn't receive). But sorry - the crack addicts who never served don't deserve a damn thing. That's not to say we shouldn't help them - but there is a monumental difference between deserving something and receiving something out of the goodness of someone's heart. This nation has gone bankrupt on waste, fraud, abuse, and ungrateful parasites. The people like you should have received at least 50% or more of what you did and the parasites should have received 100% less than they received. Everything they get should be done through charity - not through government.
I assume these parasites are people who committ welfare fraud? Should millions of kids that go hungry at night, undeserving, because a small percentage of people abuse the system?

"a small percentage of people abuse the system?"
Are you sure about that? Only a small number of people are abusing the system?
If you give birth to a child when you know you can't afford one aren't you abusing the system?
If you migrate to this country illegally and drop anchors you can't afford aren't you abusing the system?
If you refuse to better yourself via education and the like aren't you abusing the system?
If you aren't rigorously seeking employment aren't you abusing the system?
Wake up and stop with the self manipulation....MOST receiving assistance are abusing the system...PERIOD!
Lie to yourself all you want but most here aren't the sucker you are...We see right through the bullshit.
A small percentage of our population controls the large majority of our money. That's not an accident. That's on purpose, that's the system. For average Americans, the the last several decades they have seen living costs and education costs sky rocket. And pay climb slowly. For young families, it is very hard to make ends meet and the struggle is only intensifying with the growing wealth inequality.
What halfass job are you holding down that's so fucking helpful to society? With damned near 30,000 posts here it can't be terribly important.
I am self-employed and have never take a dime of assistance from government (from the time I was born all the way until now).

As to whether it is "helpful to society" - I guess that would depend on your criteria. But this much I can guarantee you: I have never been a burden to society. I support myself, cover my own bills, etc.

You know, when I first started out, I thought that I would never need financial assistance because I had joined the military and had a steady paycheck.

Didn't get married until I made E-4, because I had seen other guys struggle on E3 and below pay with families, and I didn't want to go through that or put my wife through that.

Well, I got married and had a son, but the costs for formula and diapers were going to be a struggle, and I put in a request chit for a second job. When asked why I needed the job, I said that having a child was expensive, and I needed the money. My Chief referred me to WIC (Women Infants and Children), and they not only gave us vouchers for formula, but they also gave us vouchers for healthy food. If it hadn't been for that program, I might not have been able to make it in the military because of the low pay.

And, because of my experience, whenever an E5 or below came to me with marriage papers, after I processed his paperwork and got his married pay started, I then told them about WIC and if they were planning on having children, it was a useful program, and they were qualified if they were E5 and below because of their salary.
But here is the thing ABikerSailor - you earned that. Our military is way under paid. You were serving this great nation - you deserved WIC and everything else that you received (plus a lot you didn't receive). But sorry - the crack addicts who never served don't deserve a damn thing. That's not to say we shouldn't help them - but there is a monumental difference between deserving something and receiving something out of the goodness of someone's heart. This nation has gone bankrupt on waste, fraud, abuse, and ungrateful parasites. The people like you should have received at least 50% or more of what you did and the parasites should have received 100% less than they received. Everything they get should be done through charity - not through government.
I assume these parasites are people who committ welfare fraud? Should millions of kids that go hungry at night, undeserving, because a small percentage of people abuse the system?

"a small percentage of people abuse the system?"
Are you sure about that? Only a small number of people are abusing the system?
If you give birth to a child when you know you can't afford one aren't you abusing the system?
If you migrate to this country illegally and drop anchors you can't afford aren't you abusing the system?
If you refuse to better yourself via education and the like aren't you abusing the system?
If you aren't rigorously seeking employment aren't you abusing the system?
Wake up and stop with the self manipulation....MOST receiving assistance are abusing the system...PERIOD!
Lie to yourself all you want but most here aren't the sucker you are...We see right through the bullshit.

You see what you want to see. All your hypothetical scenarios are clear. Every anecdote is apocryphal....."Leroy" isn't just a deadbeat dad, he's also a crackhead, a thief, and a welfare cheat. Oh, and he also feels entitled.

Ever hear of Chick tracts? You should write for them.
What halfass job are you holding down that's so fucking helpful to society? With damned near 30,000 posts here it can't be terribly important.
I am self-employed and have never take a dime of assistance from government (from the time I was born all the way until now).

As to whether it is "helpful to society" - I guess that would depend on your criteria. But this much I can guarantee you: I have never been a burden to society. I support myself, cover my own bills, etc.

You know, when I first started out, I thought that I would never need financial assistance because I had joined the military and had a steady paycheck.

Didn't get married until I made E-4, because I had seen other guys struggle on E3 and below pay with families, and I didn't want to go through that or put my wife through that.

Well, I got married and had a son, but the costs for formula and diapers were going to be a struggle, and I put in a request chit for a second job. When asked why I needed the job, I said that having a child was expensive, and I needed the money. My Chief referred me to WIC (Women Infants and Children), and they not only gave us vouchers for formula, but they also gave us vouchers for healthy food. If it hadn't been for that program, I might not have been able to make it in the military because of the low pay.

And, because of my experience, whenever an E5 or below came to me with marriage papers, after I processed his paperwork and got his married pay started, I then told them about WIC and if they were planning on having children, it was a useful program, and they were qualified if they were E5 and below because of their salary.
But here is the thing ABikerSailor - you earned that. Our military is way under paid. You were serving this great nation - you deserved WIC and everything else that you received (plus a lot you didn't receive). But sorry - the crack addicts who never served don't deserve a damn thing. That's not to say we shouldn't help them - but there is a monumental difference between deserving something and receiving something out of the goodness of someone's heart. This nation has gone bankrupt on waste, fraud, abuse, and ungrateful parasites. The people like you should have received at least 50% or more of what you did and the parasites should have received 100% less than they received. Everything they get should be done through charity - not through government.
I assume these parasites are people who committ welfare fraud? Should millions of kids that go hungry at night, undeserving, because a small percentage of people abuse the system?

The only solution is to separate those who abuse the system from those that have no choice but to be on the system.

The problem with that however is getting the Democrats to go along with it. The more government dependents--the more likely Democrat voters. So the more people that abuse the system, the better for the Democrat party.
A small percentage of our population controls the large majority of our money. That's not an accident. That's on purpose, that's the system. For average Americans, the the last several decades they have seen living costs and education costs sky rocket. And pay climb slowly. For young families, it is very hard to make ends meet and the struggle is only intensifying with the growing wealth inequality.

I am self-employed and have never take a dime of assistance from government (from the time I was born all the way until now).

As to whether it is "helpful to society" - I guess that would depend on your criteria. But this much I can guarantee you: I have never been a burden to society. I support myself, cover my own bills, etc.

You know, when I first started out, I thought that I would never need financial assistance because I had joined the military and had a steady paycheck.

Didn't get married until I made E-4, because I had seen other guys struggle on E3 and below pay with families, and I didn't want to go through that or put my wife through that.

Well, I got married and had a son, but the costs for formula and diapers were going to be a struggle, and I put in a request chit for a second job. When asked why I needed the job, I said that having a child was expensive, and I needed the money. My Chief referred me to WIC (Women Infants and Children), and they not only gave us vouchers for formula, but they also gave us vouchers for healthy food. If it hadn't been for that program, I might not have been able to make it in the military because of the low pay.

And, because of my experience, whenever an E5 or below came to me with marriage papers, after I processed his paperwork and got his married pay started, I then told them about WIC and if they were planning on having children, it was a useful program, and they were qualified if they were E5 and below because of their salary.
But here is the thing ABikerSailor - you earned that. Our military is way under paid. You were serving this great nation - you deserved WIC and everything else that you received (plus a lot you didn't receive). But sorry - the crack addicts who never served don't deserve a damn thing. That's not to say we shouldn't help them - but there is a monumental difference between deserving something and receiving something out of the goodness of someone's heart. This nation has gone bankrupt on waste, fraud, abuse, and ungrateful parasites. The people like you should have received at least 50% or more of what you did and the parasites should have received 100% less than they received. Everything they get should be done through charity - not through government.
I assume these parasites are people who committ welfare fraud? Should millions of kids that go hungry at night, undeserving, because a small percentage of people abuse the system?

"a small percentage of people abuse the system?"
Are you sure about that? Only a small number of people are abusing the system?
If you give birth to a child when you know you can't afford one aren't you abusing the system?
If you migrate to this country illegally and drop anchors you can't afford aren't you abusing the system?
If you refuse to better yourself via education and the like aren't you abusing the system?
If you aren't rigorously seeking employment aren't you abusing the system?
Wake up and stop with the self manipulation....MOST receiving assistance are abusing the system...PERIOD!
Lie to yourself all you want but most here aren't the sucker you are...We see right through the bullshit.

You see what you want to see. All your hypothetical scenarios are clear. Every anecdote is apocryphal....."Leroy" isn't just a deadbeat dad, he's also a crackhead, a thief, and a welfare cheat. Oh, and he also feels entitled.

Ever hear of Chick tracts? You should write for them.

"Liberals always want to spend time, effort and energy coming up with new, not so clever ways to funnel more taxpayer cash to our lower class...but why not correct the issue rather than throw other people's money over the top of it and simply 'buy more time'?
So what is the root problem in our country?
NOPE…not the government or any other fabricated excuse…this is even simpler...PARENTS SUCK!
The quality of parenting in low income households is an absolute joke...animals in the wild do a better job. Kids need to know that you have expectations they MUST's not a choice, it's an absolute demand...period! Children need to be micro-managed, mentored, pushed, encouraged, disciplined, held accountable...etc. They need to truly believe that they are SUPPOSE to be successful. Being a good parent is not easy and it takes a lot of work…apparently loser parents on welfare with no job and funded by me can't find the time to put into their kids...They keep their baby factory running and turning out more of the same that I will pay for…UNBELIEVABLE!
This country is made up of excuse makers. In the real world when real people face challenges they usually get to that fork in the road where good decision making (or bad happens). Do I blame some source that I have no control over for my shortcomings and quit trying or do I put my head down and conquer? If society is always telling you that you aren't to blame, it's not your fault and your held back by everybody else...well what kind of philosophies will kids adopt?...What can we expect? Life and success or failure always boils down to your decision making processes. If you're a bad decision maker you're usually a loser....simple.

Let me tell you how simple this is...a simple recipe to succeed in this country:
Learn to speak the english language CLEARLY...rid yourself of any foreign or illiterate accents. Look, dress and act like a legitimate human. (you know exactly what that means)
Go to school...ride a bus, ride your bike, walk...whatever...get educated.
Wake up early and always think about being proactive and productive.
Set and attain goals...surround yourself with others with goals.
Never ever blame others for your struggles. BE ACCOUNTABLE!
Don't break the law. Respect others and their property.
Work...get a job, keep a job until you find your next better job. Ride a bus, ride a bike, walk...just WORK!
Lead your family....Always remind yourself that your kids did not ask to be owe them your very best.
Spend every minute of every day of the rest of your life being better, doing better or thinking about being and doing better.

There you go people...STOP ALL THE EXCUSE MAKING AND GET TO WORK...and parents...step up, grab your balls and do the right thing for once.
It's just that simple. Send me royalty checks please."
but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Haha...your party needs you on the government tit...they create policy after policy that keeps you's the only way they can stay relevant...If everybody suddenly woke up tomorrow and was totally legitimate the Democratic Party would die...only kooks, criminals, government employees, and taxpayer tit suckers vote Democrat...ironic?
You are very misguided. Many people vote Democratic. There are more registered dems than Republicans. Your numbers have been dipping for decades and if it weren't for the religious freaks your party would me long extinct. Young people who care about our planet vote Democratic, women who value their rights vote Democratic, men who believe in equality vote Democratic, immigrants who believe in the American dream vote Democratic. The republican party is so out of touch with too many Americans. If they don't change their oppressive and regressive platform they will never win another election.

Yet with our current path, we set records in regards to federal legislatures, state legislatures, state governorships and many smaller local government positions.

Only a liberal would see such a winning track record and warn it's going the wrong way.

An old adage for you: If it's not broke--don't fix it.
but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Thank you, I know who to vote for, and I know exactly what needs to be done to create an environment that minimizes poverty.
Let me guess... give all our money up to the top 1% and wait for it to "trickle down"
Are Republicans still pushing that one or have they stopped lying about the trickle down part and kept the "give me all your money part"

So who do you give your money to?

Are you planning on buying a car this year? Are you planning on buying a new cell phone this year? Are you planning on buying any gasoline anytime soon? Are you planning on stopping at McDonald's, Wendy's, or Burger King for lunch or dinner? Any plans to buy a new computer or their newest system? How about video games?

Guess what? You give your money to the 1% just like the rest of us. You gave your money to the 1% this week, you will give more of your money to the 1% the rest of this week, and you will continue giving your money to the 1% for the rest of the year.

So don''t act like you're so special.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

Throw a lot of money at planned parenthood. That would help one of your points.
but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

You mean vote Republican???? Voting Democrat only expands poverty and government dependency. Don't believe me? Just look at the DumBama administration. Between food stamps and Commie Care alone, they created over 40 million new government dependents in the US.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
How about dealing with the issues of income and wealth disparity ? How about policies that ensure that the wealthy pay their fare share of taxes.? How about prioritizing jog training and educational assistance? The poor are not the problem, They are the result of assholes on the right in government. Don't blame the victims

Come on Loony...get with it....The wealthy pay nearly all this countries tax.
Free education is offered to all low-life's and bootom feeders who seek it including vocational and trade schools.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear."
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
Who doesn’t pay taxes, in eight charts

Easily fooled?

Not at all.
Who Pays Income Taxes? The Rich, Mostly

I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Haha...your party needs you on the government tit...they create policy after policy that keeps you's the only way they can stay relevant...If everybody suddenly woke up tomorrow and was totally legitimate the Democratic Party would die...only kooks, criminals, government employees, and taxpayer tit suckers vote Democrat...ironic?
You are very misguided. Many people vote Democratic. There are more registered dems than Republicans. Your numbers have been dipping for decades and if it weren't for the religious freaks your party would me long extinct. Young people who care about our planet vote Democratic, women who value their rights vote Democratic, men who believe in equality vote Democratic, immigrants who believe in the American dream vote Democratic. The republican party is so out of touch with too many Americans. If they don't change their oppressive and regressive platform they will never win another election.

Fairyland Fools in California and New York vote Democrat for the reasons I previously mentioned. Legitimate, stand-up REAL American's do not vote Democrat.....sorry.
My grandfather was the orphan of irish immigrants. When he graduated high school he enlisted in the navy (wwII) and served his country faithfully on the shores of Japan. He came home and worked for the police department. He advanced and worked for the fbi. Dedicated his whole life to this country and never voted republican in his life. He raised a family of passionate Democrats who run our local Democratic party. He believed no true American would ever vote Republican, he was a very smart man.

The Democratic Party of the 40's, 50's and 60's was a much different party than it is today. Democrats and 21st century Liberals have aligned themselves with Regressives and they too have become complete whack-job extremists...Democrats have lost all credibility among TRULY legitimate American's. If it weren't for the un-American's, weirdos and bottom feeders of NewYork and California the DNC would have already been considered dead.
How about dealing with the issues of income and wealth disparity ? How about policies that ensure that the wealthy pay their fare share of taxes.? How about prioritizing jog training and educational assistance? The poor are not the problem, They are the result of assholes on the right in government. Don't blame the victims

Come on Loony...get with it....The wealthy pay nearly all this countries tax.
Free education is offered to all low-life's and bootom feeders who seek it including vocational and trade schools.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear."
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
Who doesn’t pay taxes, in eight charts

Easily fooled?

Not at all.
Who Pays Income Taxes? The Rich, Mostly

You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Haha...your party needs you on the government tit...they create policy after policy that keeps you's the only way they can stay relevant...If everybody suddenly woke up tomorrow and was totally legitimate the Democratic Party would die...only kooks, criminals, government employees, and taxpayer tit suckers vote Democrat...ironic?
You are very misguided. Many people vote Democratic. There are more registered dems than Republicans. Your numbers have been dipping for decades and if it weren't for the religious freaks your party would me long extinct. Young people who care about our planet vote Democratic, women who value their rights vote Democratic, men who believe in equality vote Democratic, immigrants who believe in the American dream vote Democratic. The republican party is so out of touch with too many Americans. If they don't change their oppressive and regressive platform they will never win another election.

Fairyland Fools in California and New York vote Democrat for the reasons I previously mentioned. Legitimate, stand-up REAL American's do not vote Democrat.....sorry.
My grandfather was the orphan of irish immigrants. When he graduated high school he enlisted in the navy (wwII) and served his country faithfully on the shores of Japan. He came home and worked for the police department. He advanced and worked for the fbi. Dedicated his whole life to this country and never voted republican in his life. He raised a family of passionate Democrats who run our local Democratic party. He believed no true American would ever vote Republican, he was a very smart man.

The Democratic Party of the 40's, 50's and 60's was a much different party than it is today. Democrats and 21st century Liberals have aligned themselves with Regressives and they too have become complete whack-job extremists...Democrats have lost all credibility among TRULY legitimate American's. If it weren't for the un-American's, weirdos and bottom feeders of NewYork and California the DNC would have already been considered dead.


The Democrat party survives on so-called victims and government dependents. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims. It's the reason Democrats strive to create as many classes off victims as possible:

Victims of big pharma. Victims of corporations. Victims of low wage jobs. Victims of firearms. Victims of big oil. Victims of medical insurance companies. Victims of the wealthy and so on.......

If we as a country could ever rid ourselves of victims and government dependents, then who would need the Democrat party? It's in their best interest to keep victims as victims and expand government dependency.
And the 1% gives all you ungrateful fucks jobs, we pay half your god damn taxes, we pay part of your social security and FICA, all the while being shit on self-entitled employees who have been indoctrinated to hate us. We go home to spend time with our families and can't even turn on the news without hearing about how we're not paying our fair share. It's very tiresome. So many of my friends have left this country because of the hatred... There's a saying; don't bite the hand that feeds you...

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