How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

Put an end to Welfare and Medicaid. If they don't have a free ride they will have to work and take care of themselves.
In the age of Corporate Welfare?
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?
We should solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

simply having a valid argument, is superior to having nothing but fallacy.
Partly true. It's what unions did to this country that priced us right out of the world market. So you get this tiny minimum wage hike, and so does everybody else. Now your cost of living increase offsets or surpasses the extra few bucks you now make, and you're right back to where you started. What was accomplished?

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but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

Haha...your party needs you on the government tit...they create policy after policy that keeps you's the only way they can stay relevant...If everybody suddenly woke up tomorrow and was totally legitimate the Democratic Party would die...only kooks, criminals, government employees, and taxpayer tit suckers vote Democrat...ironic?
How are programs designed to be temporary create dependence? It doesn't. Here are two things that create government dependants: 1. Abusing the system, staying on it longer than is necessary. 2. Creating policies that keep wages low, women underpaid, skyrocketing living costs, higher inflation, expensive medical care without insurance, high unemployment rates- so basically anything a typical republican wet dream.
We could solve simple poverty and end the need for statutory minimum wage laws enforcable on employers, through equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, and unemployment compensation that either clears our poverty guidelines or is one dollar an hour less than the local market clearing minimum wage.

The right wing refuses to advance any "second wave" simply because it helps the poor and requires a moral of, "goodwill toward men".

It interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
How do we keep the poor from being so "problematic?" We higher minimum wage, provide universal health care, and make education affordable again.

And who is going to pay for all that?

You do realize that minimum wage workers are only 3% of our workforce, don't you?
Its called boosting the economy. It pays for itself. When people have more money they spend more money. Even if only 3% work minimum wage jobs an even bigger percentage hovers right over minimum wage. When I use to run a restaurant, when minimum wage got bumped up so did everyone else's pay. If I had an employee making 8 an hour or whatever it was at the time and minimum wage went to 825, then my employees who were already at 9 went to 925.. so a raise in minimum wage would effect a lot more people than you are implying.

I screwed up. The above post is in response to your message

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Give every American a basic income.

1. no one could then complain about it because everyone would get it.
2. it would eliminate the penalty of the poor going out and getting more income, in the form of a job, as does our current system where the poor start losing government benefits the more money they make,
which means effectively that they are getting nowhere in improving their lives.
Some on the left wing are already advancing that concept. We already have laws regarding the legal concept of employment at will.

Correcting for capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment by using socialism to bailout capitalism, like usual, unemployment compensation could either clear our poverty guidelines or be one dollar an hour less than the local, market clearing minimum wage.

Full employment of capital resources in the market for labor has the effect, of ensuring capital circulates, regardless of actual participation in the market for labor, with actual labor.
Partly true. It's what unions did to this country that priced us right out of the world market. So you get this tiny minimum wage hike, and so does everybody else. Now your cost of living increase offsets or surpasses the extra few bucks you now make, and you're right back to where you started. What was accomplished?

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wages should always outpace inflation.

and, simply circulating more money helps our economy. the poor even have recourse to free cell phones. new technologies are being developed all the time, and computing costs keeping coming down.
A bit random but I thought I should share anyway....I left my house / neighborhood this morning where it's quiet and you won't find a car in a driveway as everyone is at work building net worth. I drove to look at a few properties in a neighborhood in Santa Ana, CA where the streets were lined with cars, degenerate pedestrian traffic begging for shit, graffiti everywhere, stray animals roaming the streets, trash and beer cans along roadways, junk and trash in front yards, three year olds in diapers with no adult near...WTF is wrong with these sub human piece of shits? Why does being poor have to mean being careless and filthy?
Funny how the stagnant economy for eight years during the Hussein administration didn't seem to be a problem for the left but the "poor" suddenly become "problematic" during a republican administration.
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

You have to wonder how rich the rich would be if the poor weren't doing all the work for the rich in the first place.

See in your world of forced slavery, that's true. The rich people in our country today are primarily politicians and their friends, who have gotten rich and then acted as a force to change government to increase their own riches, and their friends' riches, on the backs of the working stiff.

You remove the regulations that prevent the working man from moving up, and you will see that the rich people are no longer entirely criminal.
A bit random but I thought I should share anyway....I left my house / neighborhood this morning where it's quiet and you won't find a car in a driveway as everyone is at work building net worth. I drove to look at a few properties in a neighborhood in Santa Ana, CA where the streets were lined with cars, degenerate pedestrian traffic begging for shit, graffiti everywhere, stray animals roaming the streets, trash and beer cans along roadways, junk and trash in front yards, three year olds in diapers with no adult near...WTF is wrong with these sub human piece of shits? Why does being poor have to mean being careless and filthy?

Thought I might add this:
Santa Ana is 78.6% Hispanic and 72% of the residents speak Spanish.
Hmmm....notice any common denominators?
(that's your cue to cry racist bigot, I know how you hate truth and facts)
Let's keep them illegals rolling in in droves, dropping them anchors...they are such positive contributors.
Wooohoooo....I LOVE MY ILLEGALS!
How do we keep the poor from being so "problematic?" We higher minimum wage, provide universal health care, and make education affordable again.

Minimum wage jobs are brainless jobs intended for children ONLY.
Stop low-life's from trying to make burger flipping a career.
Health care is already provided at little to no charge to bottom feeders.
Education is already free for minorities and bottom feeders.

Are you a bit confused about how things actually work here?
No but you certainly are. Have you ever traveled out of your secluded mountain town of w Virginia? that your feeble attemp to divert without acknowledging my post?
I live in Southern California, right in the Liberal hub and with all your beloved low-life's. Try again.
Beloved low-life's? You're de
Funny how the stagnant economy for eight years during the Hussein administration didn't seem to be a problem for the left but the "poor" suddenly become "problematic" during a republican administration.
That "stagnant economy" was a welcomed upgrade from the last Republican mess... Short memory?
Ya rich haters are real class acts. I've seen your work ethics, you've no room to bitch about the state your lives are in.

It matters zip zero zilch how a person becomes wealthy, except for the obvious legal vs illegal methods. That my children will become wealthy because of my husbands work-a-holic mentality, or by inheriting my sage investing profits is of absolutely no consequence to the state of your paltry lives.

Take responsibility for your life and you'll find a far better result. Not getting the pay you want? Find another job. Not finding a job that pays enough? Move to an area with more jobs. Don't buy two cars when you can't afford it. Don't have kids when you can't afford it. etc...
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

Put an end to Welfare and Medicaid. If they don't have a free ride they will have to work and take care of themselves.
In the age of Corporate Welfare?

Corporate welfare needs to go as well. All welfare should be gone
A bit random but I thought I should share anyway....I left my house / neighborhood this morning where it's quiet and you won't find a car in a driveway as everyone is at work building net worth. I drove to look at a few properties in a neighborhood in Santa Ana, CA where the streets were lined with cars, degenerate pedestrian traffic begging for shit, graffiti everywhere, stray animals roaming the streets, trash and beer cans along roadways, junk and trash in front yards, three year olds in diapers with no adult near...WTF is wrong with these sub human piece of shits? Why does being poor have to mean being careless and filthy?
we should start holding, "mechanics" to their word.
A bit random but I thought I should share anyway....I left my house / neighborhood this morning where it's quiet and you won't find a car in a driveway as everyone is at work building net worth. I drove to look at a few properties in a neighborhood in Santa Ana, CA where the streets were lined with cars, degenerate pedestrian traffic begging for shit, graffiti everywhere, stray animals roaming the streets, trash and beer cans along roadways, junk and trash in front yards, three year olds in diapers with no adult near...WTF is wrong with these sub human piece of shits? Why does being poor have to mean being careless and filthy?

Thought I might add this:
Santa Ana is 78.6% Hispanic and 72% of the residents speak Spanish.
Hmmm....notice any common denominators?
(that's your cue to cry racist bigot, I know how you hate truth and facts)
Let's keep them illegals rolling in in droves, dropping them anchors...they are such positive contributors.
Wooohoooo....I LOVE MY ILLEGALS!
free birth control for immigrant women!
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

Put an end to Welfare and Medicaid. If they don't have a free ride they will have to work and take care of themselves.
In the age of Corporate Welfare?

Corporate welfare needs to go as well. All welfare should be gone
let's start with our drug war, first.
Do Catholics believe in birth control?
I thought their belief was to begin giving birth at 13-14 and not to stop until they're unable to
Throw a lot of money at planned parenthood. That would help one of your points.
but no because......god! or something..

But they ignore God about the poor.

Matthew 19:21 (ESV) “Jesus said to him, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I give what I possess to the poor every day.

Note that he doesn't say "Take what others possess, give it to the poor....and you will have treasure in heaven".
You donate to the poor everyday? You know what would me more effective is if you started voting in politicians that create an environment that minimizes poverty and not enhances it.

You mean vote Republican???? Voting Democrat only expands poverty and government dependency. Don't believe me? Just look at the DumBama administration. Between food stamps and Commie Care alone, they created over 40 million new government dependents in the US.

Lie harder, asshole. 40 million new ones? LMAOOOOO!
And the 1% gives all you ungrateful fucks jobs, we pay half your god damn taxes, we pay part of your social security and FICA, all the while being shit on self-entitled employees who have been indoctrinated to hate us. We go home to spend time with our families and can't even turn on the news without hearing about how we're not paying our fair share. It's very tiresome. So many of my friends have left this country because of the hatred... There's a saying; don't bite the hand that feeds you...

Aww, you poor thing.

Not only do you want all the money and the tax benefits, but you want to be adored, too.

Talk about snowflakes.

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