How do we stop "the poor" from being so problematic?

don't complain; be Patriotic.
There is nothing "patriotic" about communism. Patriotism would be if your selfish and greedy ass paid more to the IRS than required to help pay down the national debt because you care about the United States. That would be true patriotism. But you won't do that because you're selfish and greedy. You're a true hatriot.
We are not animals to be fed scraps at your pleasure.
Want to bet? The U.S. Constitution says otherwise. It says that you are not entitled to my labor. It says that we outlawed slavery and you don't get to force me to labor on your behalf. It says you are an "animal" to be fed "scraps" at my "pleasure".

If you don't like it - you are always free to move to Cuba, or Cambodia, or Greece, or any other socialist shithole nation that collapsed under the weight of the idiot communism you advocate for.
A small percentage of our population controls the large majority of our money. That's not an accident. That's on purpose, that's the system. For average Americans, the the last several decades they have seen living costs and education costs sky rocket. And pay climb slowly. For young families, it is very hard to make ends meet and the struggle is only intensifying with the growing wealth inequality.
They have nobody to blame but themselves and the Dumbocrats. The laughable "wealth inequality" that the left always cries about actually expanded under 8 years of Barack Obama. That's what happens with failed left-wing policy.

In a true free-market, everyone receives exactly what they deserve. Nothing less. Nothing more.
A small percentage of our population controls the large majority of our money. That's not an accident. That's on purpose, that's the system. For average Americans, the the last several decades they have seen living costs and education costs sky rocket. And pay climb slowly. For young families, it is very hard to make ends meet and the struggle is only intensifying with the growing wealth inequality.
They have nobody to blame but themselves and the Dumbocrats. The laughable "wealth inequality" that the left always cries about actually expanded under 8 years of Barack Obama. That's what happens with failed left-wing policy.

In a true free-market, everyone receives exactly what they deserve. Nothing less. Nothing more.
just keep spinning, just keep spinning.

How Obama has narrowed the income inequality gap
How do we keep the poor from being so "problematic?" We higher minimum wage, provide universal health care, and make education affordable again.
Here is how...

How do we keep the poor from being so "problematic?" We higher minimum wage, provide universal health care, and make education affordable again.
JFK is rolling over in his grave right now. The left rejects everything he stood for and instead now has perverted that into the selfish, greedy, and disgusting:

"Ask not...what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for you"
What can and or will be done about it politically?
In keeping with current board rhetoric let's not be scared to get real honest here.
Our poor are our worst parents...they create more of their same.
Our poor suck the most government tit.
Our poor commits the most crime.
Our poor does the most drugs.
Our poor drinks and smokes the most.
Our poor have the most children they can't afford.
Our poor litters and vandalizes the most.
Our poor drives uninsured.
Our poor commits the most animal cruelty.
I could go on and on...and no Libby's, let's not deflect and divert to Wall Street criminals, big corporations..blah, blah, blah...Let's get real, let's get serious about our taxpayer draining bottom feeders....Whatta ya say?

We have >13M working poor in the US. We should fix the problem of poorly paid American workers before blaming the poor for all of your mistakes.
don't complain; be Patriotic.
There is nothing "patriotic" about communism. Patriotism would be if your selfish and greedy ass paid more to the IRS than required to help pay down the national debt because you care about the United States. That would be true patriotism. But you won't do that because you're selfish and greedy. You're a true hatriot.

Patriotism is employers paying a living wage.
How do we keep the poor from being so "problematic?" We higher minimum wage, provide universal health care, and make education affordable again.
JFK is rolling over in his grave right now. The left rejects everything he stood for and instead now has perverted that into the selfish, greedy, and disgusting:

"Ask not...what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for you"
You are out of touch with the problems our poor face. They need a living wage, access to a doctor, and an education to become contributing members of society. All things rich kids are handed to from mommy and daddy.
Do tell why all these 13M are poor. Do they all suffer from handicaps and mental illnesses that prevent them from working? Do they all have families who apparently shit on them and threw them out for the trouble?

Nay, far more likely they've made stupid decisions, similar to my son's, in trying to live a lifestyle that their paycheck cannot provide, or worse, those who turned to crime rather than commit themselves to a "proper" life.

I feel no obligation to support those who make stupid decisions in their life, especially when I believe, and am regularly told, that I've no right to tell someone how to live. To clarify, I've no problem with them doing as they wish, right up until they start reaching in my wallet to pay for their choices.

If the fools need more money, then they best get off their asses and earn it. There is nothing preventing them from finding a second job so they can have that unlimited cell phone plan, there is nothing preventing them from taking on a 2h a day paper route to pay for whatever it is they feel is holding them back from success...
The way you said don't bite the hand that feeds you implies our hours of work don't pay us but your generosity does. I have a fine job to support my lifestyle but I know what it is like to work multiple jobs to pay bills. It's very "tiresome" ya prick.
Oh I'm sorry...did Barack Obama promise you at birth that life would be easy? Did he promise you that you'll always get your way? And we're you dumb enough to believe him?

God forbid...we can't allow Aries to be "tired". Noooooo sir! Everyone else should work the cotton fields for him. Hey Aries "ya prick" - my father worked three jobs for most of his life. Three. During that time - he would go to work without a lunch so that my sibling and I would have enough food to take a lunch with us to school. One of those jobs was in law enforcement - so he served. He barely slept more than 4 hours per day. And he always voted Republican. Do you know why? Because, unlike left-wing hatriots, he was raised properly. He understood that he's not entitled to other people's money and property. He understood that life is not easy. Most of all - he understood that liberty is priceless. Far more valuable than Dumbocrat government table scraps. He was a real man. And you know what? Today his children work ONE job and have things he never would have dared dream of.

If left-wingers would work as hard as they whine, they would have everything they desire and more.
Corporations pay half of their employees social security and FICA.

In those kinds of "career" jobs they match 401k contributions and pay into their employees health insurance a lot of the time as well.
You have to wonder how rich the rich would be if the poor weren't doing all the work for the rich in the first place.
The rich do all of the work. Bill Gates put in more hours in one month than the janitors at Microsoft put in, in a year. And that's a fact. At his peak - Gates would go 4 days at a time at Microsoft before going home. 4 days in a row of sleeping in his office for just a few short hours before getting back to work before he would go home and sleep in his own bed for a night.

You people have no idea what the ultra successful put in. The average is 16 hours per day. That's the average. Some - like Gates - do more.
How do we keep the poor from being so "problematic?" We higher minimum wage, provide universal health care, and make education affordable again.
Here is how...

View attachment 120844

American workers pay 72% of IRS collection, corporations pay 12%. Who isn't 'pulling his weight?'
Hey genius...there are 330 million Americans. How many corporations do you think there are?!? Of course the majority is going to come from people. It's a simple numbers game. :eusa_doh:
How do we keep the poor from being so "problematic?" We higher minimum wage, provide universal health care, and make education affordable again.
Here is how...

View attachment 120844

American workers pay 72% of IRS collection, corporations pay 12%. Who isn't 'pulling his weight?'
Hey genius...there are 330 million Americans. How many corporations do you think there are?!? Of course the majority is going to come from people. It's a simple numbers game. :eusa_doh:
Tax dollars to dollar made- corporations are getting away with robbery.
In the age of Corporate Welfare?
It is the Dumbocrats who provide "corporate welfare" and the hatriots who cheer it. Barack Obama threw half a billion dollars at Solyndra. You cheered. Barack Obama threw billions at GM & Chrysler. You cheered. Barack Obama threw billions at Wall Street. You cheered.
American workers pay 72% of IRS collection, corporations pay 12%. Who isn't 'pulling his weight?
The "American workers" wouldn't have the jobs to receive an income without prosperous companies to work for. Look at the whole picture not just the part that makes your half baked point.
In the age of Corporate Welfare?
It is the Dumbocrats who provide "corporate welfare" and the hatriots who cheer it. Barack Obama threw half a billion dollars at Solyndra. You cheered. Barack Obama threw billions at GM & Chrysler. You cheered. Barack Obama threw billions at Wall Street. You cheered.
Bailing out a collapsing economy is what Obama did. Creating a society that values corporations of humans is what the GOP does
Tax dollars to dollar made- corporations are getting away with robbery.
So let's overhaul our disgusting tax code. I'll sign on the dotted line if you will!

10% flat tax across the board on income - absolutely no deductions.
20% flat tax across the board on corporations - absolutely no deductions.

Simplified. Streamlined. Cost effective. Priced for job growth.

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