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How do you become rich?

I would never be "rich" because I could not hold wealth in my hands knowing that people are struggling just to put food on the table. There is nothing on this earth that interests me enough to "hoard" a fiat currency that is backed by nothing of intrinsic value...and even if I could exchange my paper currency for gold? I wouldn't hold it for long if it could do good for someone else and I have a roof over my head and enough to eat. Riches on earth means nothing to me. God has always supplied my needs and He has used me as a vessel to help others....leaving this earth as a pauper is just fine by me.
Nothing wrong with your basic beliefs but realize that there will always be poor people, and you don't have to hoard anything. If you are wealthy you can share it or you can create jobs with it which will help people to earn a living.
If you can't afford to pay your fulltime employees a livable wage, then be a SOLE TRADER.

Well, "sole trader" is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

And I certainly cannot afford to pay my fulltime employees a livable wage because, what's a "livable wage?"

You're alive, you reported for work, I assume you're making a livable wage. I have never known of any employee of mine dying because of lack of wages, so I must be paying them a living wage. But... really, it's not my concern because I have no idea what a "living wage" is for any given person.

I've learned to keep my cost of living very low. Some people have higher costs because they are less smart than me... that's not my problem. I've learned not to put things on credit and run up debt. Some people haven't and they make irresponsible decisions about their finances... not my problem. You see, I am a capitalist who's objective is to make a profit. If you can't do the job for the wage I pay then don't work for me.

You know what MY "living wage" is? A million dollars an hour! ...That's it, the magic number! If I could ever have a job paying me a million dollars an hour... MAN, the living I would fucking do! You have no idea! Maybe one day when we have Socialist Utopia and Unicorns, I can make a million bucks an hour?

For now, I have to settle for much less.
That's true too. Takes money to make money. I never had any to spare. It all went on food, baby stuff, bus or gas for the car when I finally found a clunker to get to work and back, rent, utilities, etc. Then I got married again and that didn't work out. He stayed stoned at home while I slaved washing dishes at the local cafe. Dumped his ass, moved on, wound up in property management. I did have two stores but that was in my late 40's. Rents went up on the building and either I could live in my store or sell on ebay and live in my rental unit which was free since I was managing apartments too. I worked my ass off. But I didn't tuck away a couple of bucks from each check cuz I couldn't.

But, the OP is good advice. However, as bulldog says...it takes more than just that to actually become rich.

It takes a lot LESS investment nowadays to turn a talent or good idea into a biz. Realities of day to day ARE brutal. Making money is just servng others. You have to figure out how to serve more people , or be more valuable to a few.
Too old now. But I could help the local businesses in making MORE money because I am good at marketing. Problem is...they won't hire a senior and I can't take payment because I am on SS now.

Maybe my next lifetime, I will do better.

You're too old? People won't hire a senior? You can't be paid be paid because you're on SS? How do you reach these conclusions?
Rich is a relative term depending what your benchmark is. My benchmark is a roof over my head, food in my belly and a car to get around in; everything else is gravy.
It has always seemed to me, and it was the goal of one of my first enterprises, that 'workers' acquire the business they work in/for. That would be rational. It should be facilitated by policies, not dictated.
It has always seemed to me, and it was the goal of one of my first enterprises, that 'workers' acquire the business they work in/for. That would be rational. It should be facilitated by policies, not dictated.

Please don't keep me in suspense, what is going to be your first enterprise? I may be able to offer helpful hints.
Just work hard and everything will come to you? Nice fairy tale, and it might have been easier to do that somewhere in the past, but that's not the way it works. I don't care what business you go into. It takes money to make money. Hard work counts almost as much as luck.

Well, I think you'll find I wrote a great deal more than "work hard and everything will come to you" in the OP. There is no fairy tale other than the fairy tale that Bernie Sanders has some magical way of providing for your every whim at no cost. You can sit there like a baby chick waiting for another entitlement worm from the mother hen but you'll never become wealthy that way.

Right off the bat, you are constructing roadblocks to you own success by telling yourself... It takes money to make money... hard work counts almost as much as luck... it's a fairy tale... can't be done anymore... not the way it works... blah blah blah... all EXCUSES for not doing something.

I'm living proof that this is exactly how it works and it can be done. I just opened a business last year in this shitty economy, a restaurant, no less... despite me knowing nothing about the restaurant biz, it's doing well. I've probably opened 20 businesses or more... I've lost count. Some were flops and some are still going strong. I don't tend to keep my businesses for very long, I like to build them up then sell them.

But man, the Socialists just LOVE you! You're primed and ready to buy their propaganda and lies. You've convinced yourself that it's impossible to be anything more than a "worker drone" and it's best if you cede over your liberty and let the government take care of you.
Just work hard and everything will come to you? Nice fairy tale, and it might have been easier to do that somewhere in the past, but that's not the way it works. I don't care what business you go into. It takes money to make money. Hard work counts almost as much as luck.

Well, I think you'll find I wrote a great deal more than "work hard and everything will come to you" in the OP. There is no fairy tale other than the fairy tale that Bernie Sanders has some magical way of providing for your every whim at no cost. You can sit there like a baby chick waiting for another entitlement worm from the mother hen but you'll never become wealthy that way.

Right off the bat, you are constructing roadblocks to you own success by telling yourself... It takes money to make money... hard work counts almost as much as luck... it's a fairy tale... can't be done anymore... not the way it works... blah blah blah... all EXCUSES for not doing something.

I'm living proof that this is exactly how it works and it can be done. I just opened a business last year in this shitty economy, a restaurant, no less... despite me knowing nothing about the restaurant biz, it's doing well. I've probably opened 20 businesses or more... I've lost count. Some were flops and some are still going strong. I don't tend to keep my businesses for very long, I like to build them up then sell them.

But man, the Socialists just LOVE you! You're primed and ready to buy their propaganda and lies. You've convinced yourself that it's impossible to be anything more than a "worker drone" and it's best if you cede over your liberty and let the government take care of you.

My good friend who was wealthy from birth liked to eat in greasy spoon restaurants and then came up with the idea to buy an old and unused water tower to build a Bar and Grill on top. I talked him out of that idea and then he bought a small restaurant in Daytona Beach, Main Street Café and it was a success only two blocks from the beach and during Bike Week had his private saloon behind the restaurant and I said what happened with that? He said it was impossible to make the biker women to keep their shirts and the cops got on him so he had to close Al's Garage down.
You may not get rich, however you define the term, but you can live a whole lot better later in life if you just live within your means, but that doesn't just mean not acquiring debt, credit card for most folks. Scale your living so you can pay for the monthly basics and then SAVE some amount every month and discipline yourself to NOT touch it. Invest it somewhere so you can't get at it, at least not easily. A simple savings account is too easy to access so at least put it in a CD, even though they generally don't earn much these days but it's better than doing nothing IMO. Mutual funds are a good way to go for unsophisticated investors, but they require you do some homework to learn which are good and which aren't. For example, if you don't know the difference between load and no-load mutual funds you aren't ready to go that route yet.

Take the time to educate yourself, stay disciplined, and you'll be able to acquire a nice nest egg and be way ahead of most other folks these days.
The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my many liberal friends... a Bernie supporter... He was going on and on about the wealthy and how they take advantage of the worker... you know the drill. SO... I asked him, why don't the workers become bosses instead? He just looked at me funny, like he couldn't comprehend it.

Well, they just can't decide to be bosses! He fired back, and again, I asked... Why not? He says... well it just can't be done and you're dreaming if you think that would ever work. So, you see... right off the bat, the notion that you can be your own boss is so outrageous, they can't even comprehend it. If the conditions are so bad as workers... why not be your own boss, you've got nothing to lose.... your job sucks, right?

So what's the first step of your program, Boss?

Well, the first step is to decide that you CAN do this. You can certainly talk about doing it and think about it... but it has been my experience the best next step is to make the decision to do it. 99.999% of dreams fail because they are never tried.

Once you've "bought in" and understand that you can be your own boss and don't have to be a slave worker, you can make any amount of wealth you want and it's not that hard to do. It's challenging. It's tough at times and you have to suffer a little to start with... kind of like an exercise program... but the results pay off in wealth.

Okay, okay... get to the part where we get rich, Boss!

Patience, Grasshopper. There is no "Get Rich Quick" unless you're Hillary Clinton.

This is the complicated part... deciding what fits you individually. I can't answer that because we're all different. Focus on what you have a passion for. Something you like to do or have a talent for doing that is better than most. It needs to be something that you know other people who share this interest as well.

Next, you need to think of a way you can serve somebody. It does no good to have a passion for something that can't do anything for anyone. Think in terms of something you, who has the passion for this thing, would like to have done for you as a consumer. This will help you to form the nucleus of your idea.

Start writing all this stuff down. Keep a file folder for all your things, and start to do some market research. Don't be afraid to change your original idea or expand it. It's funny the way this process works but it's my favorite part. You will talk to people who have been there, they know what to expect and their advice is invaluable. It can make you completely change your mind on your original idea. The point of this is to refine your ideas and come up with a business plan to implement them.

Once all of this has been done, you will need start-up capital. This is where almost every failed business messes up. Keep all your start-up costs at a bare minimum. Live on pork-n-beans and vienna sausages for a while. Barter with people instead of paying cash. Do everything to avoid putting cash in to start-up. Get by with as little as you can to start. Too many people go big and go home. Start it slow and steady, and build it up.

I have started businesses on less than $1,000. One of them, I sold 10 years later for almost a million. You don't need a lot of money to start. If you happen to have some rich friends or family, it never hurts to see if they would like to make an attractive investment... that's a way to get some bankroll to start. Some people might even mortgage their homes, but I would not recommend doing that. Avoid putting yourself in debt to start a business. It's crazy and it's the easiest way to kill your dream before it gets started good.

The next part is the hardest part. You've got to stay with this 24/7/365. No vacations, no off days, no 9-5. It's from wake to sleep, you have to devote all your energy into making your business happen. You're going to be calling people, going to see people, talking to them about ways to do business. The more people you can talk to each day the better. Keep up with contacts. Keep business cards, pen and paper with you at all times. (although, I now use my smart phone) This is where a LOT of people slack off and then they wonder what happened, what went wrong? Well... you didn't tend your garden. You have to cultivate your business.

Last but not least, this is all about attitude. You have to believe your dream and know that you can make this happen. There are going to be times when you doubt yourself and it's a little scary to think about failure. So don't think about it! Think that you are going to make this shit happen man... it's done, you got this! If you have an idea and it goes sour, don't worry... just think up the next idea and keep booking. You have to roll with the punches sometimes. You have to blow off the skeptics. You have to distance yourself from negativity.

If you follow this plan and you are determined, you will become wealthy. It's really that simple.


Work for money?
You want to get rich
Save 100 dollars a week in a balanced portfolio from the age of 18 until you retire at 65
The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my many liberal friends... a Bernie supporter... He was going on and on about the wealthy and how they take advantage of the worker... you know the drill. SO... I asked him, why don't the workers become bosses instead? He just looked at me funny, like he couldn't comprehend it.

Well, they just can't decide to be bosses! He fired back, and again, I asked... Why not? He says... well it just can't be done and you're dreaming if you think that would ever work. So, you see... right off the bat, the notion that you can be your own boss is so outrageous, they can't even comprehend it. If the conditions are so bad as workers... why not be your own boss, you've got nothing to lose.... your job sucks, right?

So what's the first step of your program, Boss?

Well, the first step is to decide that you CAN do this. You can certainly talk about doing it and think about it... but it has been my experience the best next step is to make the decision to do it. 99.999% of dreams fail because they are never tried.

Once you've "bought in" and understand that you can be your own boss and don't have to be a slave worker, you can make any amount of wealth you want and it's not that hard to do. It's challenging. It's tough at times and you have to suffer a little to start with... kind of like an exercise program... but the results pay off in wealth.

Okay, okay... get to the part where we get rich, Boss!

Patience, Grasshopper. There is no "Get Rich Quick" unless you're Hillary Clinton.

This is the complicated part... deciding what fits you individually. I can't answer that because we're all different. Focus on what you have a passion for. Something you like to do or have a talent for doing that is better than most. It needs to be something that you know other people who share this interest as well.

Next, you need to think of a way you can serve somebody. It does no good to have a passion for something that can't do anything for anyone. Think in terms of something you, who has the passion for this thing, would like to have done for you as a consumer. This will help you to form the nucleus of your idea.

Start writing all this stuff down. Keep a file folder for all your things, and start to do some market research. Don't be afraid to change your original idea or expand it. It's funny the way this process works but it's my favorite part. You will talk to people who have been there, they know what to expect and their advice is invaluable. It can make you completely change your mind on your original idea. The point of this is to refine your ideas and come up with a business plan to implement them.

Once all of this has been done, you will need start-up capital. This is where almost every failed business messes up. Keep all your start-up costs at a bare minimum. Live on pork-n-beans and vienna sausages for a while. Barter with people instead of paying cash. Do everything to avoid putting cash in to start-up. Get by with as little as you can to start. Too many people go big and go home. Start it slow and steady, and build it up.

I have started businesses on less than $1,000. One of them, I sold 10 years later for almost a million. You don't need a lot of money to start. If you happen to have some rich friends or family, it never hurts to see if they would like to make an attractive investment... that's a way to get some bankroll to start. Some people might even mortgage their homes, but I would not recommend doing that. Avoid putting yourself in debt to start a business. It's crazy and it's the easiest way to kill your dream before it gets started good.

The next part is the hardest part. You've got to stay with this 24/7/365. No vacations, no off days, no 9-5. It's from wake to sleep, you have to devote all your energy into making your business happen. You're going to be calling people, going to see people, talking to them about ways to do business. The more people you can talk to each day the better. Keep up with contacts. Keep business cards, pen and paper with you at all times. (although, I now use my smart phone) This is where a LOT of people slack off and then they wonder what happened, what went wrong? Well... you didn't tend your garden. You have to cultivate your business.

Last but not least, this is all about attitude. You have to believe your dream and know that you can make this happen. There are going to be times when you doubt yourself and it's a little scary to think about failure. So don't think about it! Think that you are going to make this shit happen man... it's done, you got this! If you have an idea and it goes sour, don't worry... just think up the next idea and keep booking. You have to roll with the punches sometimes. You have to blow off the skeptics. You have to distance yourself from negativity.

If you follow this plan and you are determined, you will become wealthy. It's really that simple.
What a simplistic solution

No, everyone cannot become the boss. Everyone cannot start their own business

No economic model supports a system where everyone is a chief and nobody is an Indian
The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my many liberal friends... a Bernie supporter... He was going on and on about the wealthy and how they take advantage of the worker... you know the drill. SO... I asked him, why don't the workers become bosses instead? He just looked at me funny, like he couldn't comprehend it.

Well, they just can't decide to be bosses! He fired back, and again, I asked... Why not? He says... well it just can't be done and you're dreaming if you think that would ever work. So, you see... right off the bat, the notion that you can be your own boss is so outrageous, they can't even comprehend it. If the conditions are so bad as workers... why not be your own boss, you've got nothing to lose.... your job sucks, right?

So what's the first step of your program, Boss?

Well, the first step is to decide that you CAN do this. You can certainly talk about doing it and think about it... but it has been my experience the best next step is to make the decision to do it. 99.999% of dreams fail because they are never tried.

Once you've "bought in" and understand that you can be your own boss and don't have to be a slave worker, you can make any amount of wealth you want and it's not that hard to do. It's challenging. It's tough at times and you have to suffer a little to start with... kind of like an exercise program... but the results pay off in wealth.

Okay, okay... get to the part where we get rich, Boss!

Patience, Grasshopper. There is no "Get Rich Quick" unless you're Hillary Clinton.

This is the complicated part... deciding what fits you individually. I can't answer that because we're all different. Focus on what you have a passion for. Something you like to do or have a talent for doing that is better than most. It needs to be something that you know other people who share this interest as well.

Next, you need to think of a way you can serve somebody. It does no good to have a passion for something that can't do anything for anyone. Think in terms of something you, who has the passion for this thing, would like to have done for you as a consumer. This will help you to form the nucleus of your idea.

Start writing all this stuff down. Keep a file folder for all your things, and start to do some market research. Don't be afraid to change your original idea or expand it. It's funny the way this process works but it's my favorite part. You will talk to people who have been there, they know what to expect and their advice is invaluable. It can make you completely change your mind on your original idea. The point of this is to refine your ideas and come up with a business plan to implement them.

Once all of this has been done, you will need start-up capital. This is where almost every failed business messes up. Keep all your start-up costs at a bare minimum. Live on pork-n-beans and vienna sausages for a while. Barter with people instead of paying cash. Do everything to avoid putting cash in to start-up. Get by with as little as you can to start. Too many people go big and go home. Start it slow and steady, and build it up.

I have started businesses on less than $1,000. One of them, I sold 10 years later for almost a million. You don't need a lot of money to start. If you happen to have some rich friends or family, it never hurts to see if they would like to make an attractive investment... that's a way to get some bankroll to start. Some people might even mortgage their homes, but I would not recommend doing that. Avoid putting yourself in debt to start a business. It's crazy and it's the easiest way to kill your dream before it gets started good.

The next part is the hardest part. You've got to stay with this 24/7/365. No vacations, no off days, no 9-5. It's from wake to sleep, you have to devote all your energy into making your business happen. You're going to be calling people, going to see people, talking to them about ways to do business. The more people you can talk to each day the better. Keep up with contacts. Keep business cards, pen and paper with you at all times. (although, I now use my smart phone) This is where a LOT of people slack off and then they wonder what happened, what went wrong? Well... you didn't tend your garden. You have to cultivate your business.

Last but not least, this is all about attitude. You have to believe your dream and know that you can make this happen. There are going to be times when you doubt yourself and it's a little scary to think about failure. So don't think about it! Think that you are going to make this shit happen man... it's done, you got this! If you have an idea and it goes sour, don't worry... just think up the next idea and keep booking. You have to roll with the punches sometimes. You have to blow off the skeptics. You have to distance yourself from negativity.

If you follow this plan and you are determined, you will become wealthy. It's really that simple.

Just work hard and everything will come to you? Nice fairy tale, and it might have been easier to do that somewhere in the past, but that's not the way it works. I don't care what business you go into. It takes money to make money. Hard work counts almost as much as luck.

You do know one of the reasons why is because all the red tape liberals threw at business

But you live in a denial world if you think it still can't be done with the bare minimum.
The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my many liberal friends... a Bernie supporter... He was going on and on about the wealthy and how they take advantage of the worker... you know the drill. SO... I asked him, why don't the workers become bosses instead? He just looked at me funny, like he couldn't comprehend it.

Well, they just can't decide to be bosses! He fired back, and again, I asked... Why not? He says... well it just can't be done and you're dreaming if you think that would ever work. So, you see... right off the bat, the notion that you can be your own boss is so outrageous, they can't even comprehend it. If the conditions are so bad as workers... why not be your own boss, you've got nothing to lose.... your job sucks, right?

So what's the first step of your program, Boss?

Well, the first step is to decide that you CAN do this. You can certainly talk about doing it and think about it... but it has been my experience the best next step is to make the decision to do it. 99.999% of dreams fail because they are never tried.

Once you've "bought in" and understand that you can be your own boss and don't have to be a slave worker, you can make any amount of wealth you want and it's not that hard to do. It's challenging. It's tough at times and you have to suffer a little to start with... kind of like an exercise program... but the results pay off in wealth.

Okay, okay... get to the part where we get rich, Boss!

Patience, Grasshopper. There is no "Get Rich Quick" unless you're Hillary Clinton.

This is the complicated part... deciding what fits you individually. I can't answer that because we're all different. Focus on what you have a passion for. Something you like to do or have a talent for doing that is better than most. It needs to be something that you know other people who share this interest as well.

Next, you need to think of a way you can serve somebody. It does no good to have a passion for something that can't do anything for anyone. Think in terms of something you, who has the passion for this thing, would like to have done for you as a consumer. This will help you to form the nucleus of your idea.

Start writing all this stuff down. Keep a file folder for all your things, and start to do some market research. Don't be afraid to change your original idea or expand it. It's funny the way this process works but it's my favorite part. You will talk to people who have been there, they know what to expect and their advice is invaluable. It can make you completely change your mind on your original idea. The point of this is to refine your ideas and come up with a business plan to implement them.

Once all of this has been done, you will need start-up capital. This is where almost every failed business messes up. Keep all your start-up costs at a bare minimum. Live on pork-n-beans and vienna sausages for a while. Barter with people instead of paying cash. Do everything to avoid putting cash in to start-up. Get by with as little as you can to start. Too many people go big and go home. Start it slow and steady, and build it up.

I have started businesses on less than $1,000. One of them, I sold 10 years later for almost a million. You don't need a lot of money to start. If you happen to have some rich friends or family, it never hurts to see if they would like to make an attractive investment... that's a way to get some bankroll to start. Some people might even mortgage their homes, but I would not recommend doing that. Avoid putting yourself in debt to start a business. It's crazy and it's the easiest way to kill your dream before it gets started good.

The next part is the hardest part. You've got to stay with this 24/7/365. No vacations, no off days, no 9-5. It's from wake to sleep, you have to devote all your energy into making your business happen. You're going to be calling people, going to see people, talking to them about ways to do business. The more people you can talk to each day the better. Keep up with contacts. Keep business cards, pen and paper with you at all times. (although, I now use my smart phone) This is where a LOT of people slack off and then they wonder what happened, what went wrong? Well... you didn't tend your garden. You have to cultivate your business.

Last but not least, this is all about attitude. You have to believe your dream and know that you can make this happen. There are going to be times when you doubt yourself and it's a little scary to think about failure. So don't think about it! Think that you are going to make this shit happen man... it's done, you got this! If you have an idea and it goes sour, don't worry... just think up the next idea and keep booking. You have to roll with the punches sometimes. You have to blow off the skeptics. You have to distance yourself from negativity.

If you follow this plan and you are determined, you will become wealthy. It's really that simple.
What a simplistic solution

No, everyone cannot become the boss. Everyone cannot start their own business

No economic model supports a system where everyone is a chief and nobody is an Indian

True but it only matters to one person....the entire premis is anybody can do it. Just look at dumb ass kanye west, proof positive anybody can be rich.
The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my many liberal friends... a Bernie supporter... He was going on and on about the wealthy and how they take advantage of the worker... you know the drill. SO... I asked him, why don't the workers become bosses instead? He just looked at me funny, like he couldn't comprehend it.

Well, they just can't decide to be bosses! He fired back, and again, I asked... Why not? He says... well it just can't be done and you're dreaming if you think that would ever work. So, you see... right off the bat, the notion that you can be your own boss is so outrageous, they can't even comprehend it. If the conditions are so bad as workers... why not be your own boss, you've got nothing to lose.... your job sucks, right?

So what's the first step of your program, Boss?

Well, the first step is to decide that you CAN do this. You can certainly talk about doing it and think about it... but it has been my experience the best next step is to make the decision to do it. 99.999% of dreams fail because they are never tried.

Once you've "bought in" and understand that you can be your own boss and don't have to be a slave worker, you can make any amount of wealth you want and it's not that hard to do. It's challenging. It's tough at times and you have to suffer a little to start with... kind of like an exercise program... but the results pay off in wealth.

Okay, okay... get to the part where we get rich, Boss!

Patience, Grasshopper. There is no "Get Rich Quick" unless you're Hillary Clinton.

This is the complicated part... deciding what fits you individually. I can't answer that because we're all different. Focus on what you have a passion for. Something you like to do or have a talent for doing that is better than most. It needs to be something that you know other people who share this interest as well.

Next, you need to think of a way you can serve somebody. It does no good to have a passion for something that can't do anything for anyone. Think in terms of something you, who has the passion for this thing, would like to have done for you as a consumer. This will help you to form the nucleus of your idea.

Start writing all this stuff down. Keep a file folder for all your things, and start to do some market research. Don't be afraid to change your original idea or expand it. It's funny the way this process works but it's my favorite part. You will talk to people who have been there, they know what to expect and their advice is invaluable. It can make you completely change your mind on your original idea. The point of this is to refine your ideas and come up with a business plan to implement them.

Once all of this has been done, you will need start-up capital. This is where almost every failed business messes up. Keep all your start-up costs at a bare minimum. Live on pork-n-beans and vienna sausages for a while. Barter with people instead of paying cash. Do everything to avoid putting cash in to start-up. Get by with as little as you can to start. Too many people go big and go home. Start it slow and steady, and build it up.

I have started businesses on less than $1,000. One of them, I sold 10 years later for almost a million. You don't need a lot of money to start. If you happen to have some rich friends or family, it never hurts to see if they would like to make an attractive investment... that's a way to get some bankroll to start. Some people might even mortgage their homes, but I would not recommend doing that. Avoid putting yourself in debt to start a business. It's crazy and it's the easiest way to kill your dream before it gets started good.

The next part is the hardest part. You've got to stay with this 24/7/365. No vacations, no off days, no 9-5. It's from wake to sleep, you have to devote all your energy into making your business happen. You're going to be calling people, going to see people, talking to them about ways to do business. The more people you can talk to each day the better. Keep up with contacts. Keep business cards, pen and paper with you at all times. (although, I now use my smart phone) This is where a LOT of people slack off and then they wonder what happened, what went wrong? Well... you didn't tend your garden. You have to cultivate your business.

Last but not least, this is all about attitude. You have to believe your dream and know that you can make this happen. There are going to be times when you doubt yourself and it's a little scary to think about failure. So don't think about it! Think that you are going to make this shit happen man... it's done, you got this! If you have an idea and it goes sour, don't worry... just think up the next idea and keep booking. You have to roll with the punches sometimes. You have to blow off the skeptics. You have to distance yourself from negativity.

If you follow this plan and you are determined, you will become wealthy. It's really that simple.
What a simplistic solution

No, everyone cannot become the boss. Everyone cannot start their own business

No economic model supports a system where everyone is a chief and nobody is an Indian

True but it only matters to one person....the entire premis is anybody can do it. Just look at dumb ass kanye west, proof positive anybody can be rich.
Anybody can win the lottery...but only a small percentage do
The other day, I was having a conversation with one of my many liberal friends... a Bernie supporter... He was going on and on about the wealthy and how they take advantage of the worker... you know the drill. SO... I asked him, why don't the workers become bosses instead? He just looked at me funny, like he couldn't comprehend it.

Well, they just can't decide to be bosses! He fired back, and again, I asked... Why not? He says... well it just can't be done and you're dreaming if you think that would ever work. So, you see... right off the bat, the notion that you can be your own boss is so outrageous, they can't even comprehend it. If the conditions are so bad as workers... why not be your own boss, you've got nothing to lose.... your job sucks, right?

So what's the first step of your program, Boss?

Well, the first step is to decide that you CAN do this. You can certainly talk about doing it and think about it... but it has been my experience the best next step is to make the decision to do it. 99.999% of dreams fail because they are never tried.

Once you've "bought in" and understand that you can be your own boss and don't have to be a slave worker, you can make any amount of wealth you want and it's not that hard to do. It's challenging. It's tough at times and you have to suffer a little to start with... kind of like an exercise program... but the results pay off in wealth.

Okay, okay... get to the part where we get rich, Boss!

Patience, Grasshopper. There is no "Get Rich Quick" unless you're Hillary Clinton.

This is the complicated part... deciding what fits you individually. I can't answer that because we're all different. Focus on what you have a passion for. Something you like to do or have a talent for doing that is better than most. It needs to be something that you know other people who share this interest as well.

Next, you need to think of a way you can serve somebody. It does no good to have a passion for something that can't do anything for anyone. Think in terms of something you, who has the passion for this thing, would like to have done for you as a consumer. This will help you to form the nucleus of your idea.

Start writing all this stuff down. Keep a file folder for all your things, and start to do some market research. Don't be afraid to change your original idea or expand it. It's funny the way this process works but it's my favorite part. You will talk to people who have been there, they know what to expect and their advice is invaluable. It can make you completely change your mind on your original idea. The point of this is to refine your ideas and come up with a business plan to implement them.

Once all of this has been done, you will need start-up capital. This is where almost every failed business messes up. Keep all your start-up costs at a bare minimum. Live on pork-n-beans and vienna sausages for a while. Barter with people instead of paying cash. Do everything to avoid putting cash in to start-up. Get by with as little as you can to start. Too many people go big and go home. Start it slow and steady, and build it up.

I have started businesses on less than $1,000. One of them, I sold 10 years later for almost a million. You don't need a lot of money to start. If you happen to have some rich friends or family, it never hurts to see if they would like to make an attractive investment... that's a way to get some bankroll to start. Some people might even mortgage their homes, but I would not recommend doing that. Avoid putting yourself in debt to start a business. It's crazy and it's the easiest way to kill your dream before it gets started good.

The next part is the hardest part. You've got to stay with this 24/7/365. No vacations, no off days, no 9-5. It's from wake to sleep, you have to devote all your energy into making your business happen. You're going to be calling people, going to see people, talking to them about ways to do business. The more people you can talk to each day the better. Keep up with contacts. Keep business cards, pen and paper with you at all times. (although, I now use my smart phone) This is where a LOT of people slack off and then they wonder what happened, what went wrong? Well... you didn't tend your garden. You have to cultivate your business.

Last but not least, this is all about attitude. You have to believe your dream and know that you can make this happen. There are going to be times when you doubt yourself and it's a little scary to think about failure. So don't think about it! Think that you are going to make this shit happen man... it's done, you got this! If you have an idea and it goes sour, don't worry... just think up the next idea and keep booking. You have to roll with the punches sometimes. You have to blow off the skeptics. You have to distance yourself from negativity.

If you follow this plan and you are determined, you will become wealthy. It's really that simple.
What a simplistic solution

No, everyone cannot become the boss. Everyone cannot start their own business

No economic model supports a system where everyone is a chief and nobody is an Indian

True but it only matters to one person....the entire premis is anybody can do it. Just look at dumb ass kanye west, proof positive anybody can be rich.
Anybody can win the lottery...but only a small percentage do

Do you really want me to post the story's of 6~12 year old millionaires
Coming up with a new toy or something?


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