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How do you become rich?

The problem is not how can the poor become rich but how can the poor get jobs where they can support themselves and their families?
How can the poor get jobs where they can buy a house, afford healthcare, send their kids to college....hopefully, someday retire

Used to be the American Dream. The path to that dream is getting narrower and narrower
As the country moves further and further to the left, toward socialism.

Wrong, Plutocracy is the goal of the power elite! Only a fool cannot recognize that truth.
Tell us how prosperous a country is when half of their citizens are on welfare.
What they are advocating is that you pay a reasonable wage in which they can support their family...

But I have no way of knowing or controlling what it costs to support your family. I don't know what you consider "reasonable" either... these are subjective terms that mean different things to different people. My business model doesn't have a formula to calculate your personal needs. Capitalist laws of supply and demand don't care about your personal circumstances.

If you think my pay is unreasonable, you're free to take another job or start your own business where you can pay people based on their needs. Good luck with that, let me know how it works out?
You do know what the going wage rate is and if you rely on taxpayers to pay for your employees food and shelter then you are no better than a welfare queen.

If you need the taxpayers to pick up the slack for your business, then you don't belong in business

Well... I am certainly glad we have libtards to tell us who belongs in business. 83 years ago, FDR said virtually the same thing when he enacted the minimum wage. We're still chasing the carrot on the stick... that ever-elusive "living wage."

Now... I have no idea what you mean by "relying on taxpayers to pay for employees food and shelter" ...I didn't ask taxpayers to pay for anything and it's not in my control to prevent that. When I am hiring and discussing salary with a potential employee, I don't generally look at whether they are getting taxpayer assistance of some kind and base their salary on that. I don't say, hey... I'll pay you $7.50/hr. and only give you 20 hrs a week so's you can keep gettin' your food stamps! By the way, do you live in government housing?

I pay based on performance. If you help me make money, you'll get paid very well. If you end up costing me money, you may not have a job at ANY wage. This is business and it's just how it has to be, nothing personal. But it's crazy how you libtards enact all these programs to "help" the downtrodden, then when I give them a job you point to the programs they are on to shame me for not paying them more. :cuckoo:
What is "rich"? And why does one aspire to become, or be known as rich? Are rich people morally superior to the hoi polloi? Are they more likely to be liked for what they are, and not what they have? Is it ego, "see what I have" and the desire to want others to be envious of what one has?

No moron....it is the desire to take care of one's family combined with the desire to create something, a business or a career.....by their own work.....

Notice how this moron has no clue about why people become rich.....

Let's see, Mitt and Donald each got money, lots of money, from mommy and daddy. Donald has ripped off his suppliers as we have recently learned, and been sued lots of times. Mitt put his dog on the top of his car, and if one reads Vanity Faire we learned he ripped people off too. Both created misery for the many, and joy for those who sold cars, real estate, boats and jewelry.

BTW 2aguy, what do you do for a living? Clearly you're not rich nor a writer, scientist, teacher, government employee, philosopher, doctor, dentist or librarian.

Yeah.....you are a dumb fuck....two whole guys vs the entire population of small business owners turned millionaires........obviously you need someone to dress and feed you since you are too stupid to do it for yourself......
The problem is not how can the poor become rich but how can the poor get jobs where they can support themselves and their families?
How can the poor get jobs where they can buy a house, afford healthcare, send their kids to college....hopefully, someday retire

Used to be the American Dream. The path to that dream is getting narrower and narrower
As the country moves further and further to the left, toward socialism.

Wrong, Plutocracy is the goal of the power elite! Only a fool cannot recognize that truth.

Exactly.....that is what the entire democrat party is designed for.....they are about to run a criminal for office and they are falling in lock step behind her...and sending in professional goons to beat up their enemies......the mask is coming off....
What they are advocating is that you pay a reasonable wage in which they can support their family...

But I have no way of knowing or controlling what it costs to support your family. I don't know what you consider "reasonable" either... these are subjective terms that mean different things to different people. My business model doesn't have a formula to calculate your personal needs. Capitalist laws of supply and demand don't care about your personal circumstances.

If you think my pay is unreasonable, you're free to take another job or start your own business where you can pay people based on their needs. Good luck with that, let me know how it works out?
You do know what the going wage rate is and if you rely on taxpayers to pay for your employees food and shelter then you are no better than a welfare queen.

If you need the taxpayers to pick up the slack for your business, then you don't belong in business

And we see how the fascists see private business, as simply extensions of the state.........

Private business has work they need completed...they either can't or won't do it for themselves so hire others to do it for them...they each agree to the wage and if either party doesn't like the arrangement, they can leave....

The way the leftards see it.....the business owner must provide food, shelter and healthcare for their employees.....you know...the old fashioned arrangement.....slave owner to slave.....the democrats never change...

They once owned people directly and found that distasteful.....too much close contact with the slave class, now they want to have a middle man to do it for them...
What they are advocating is that you pay a reasonable wage in which they can support their family...

But I have no way of knowing or controlling what it costs to support your family. I don't know what you consider "reasonable" either... these are subjective terms that mean different things to different people. My business model doesn't have a formula to calculate your personal needs. Capitalist laws of supply and demand don't care about your personal circumstances.

If you think my pay is unreasonable, you're free to take another job or start your own business where you can pay people based on their needs. Good luck with that, let me know how it works out?

No...that isn't how they see it....you are a servant of the state...the state will tell you what you must provide to the state and you accept it or you will be replaced........
I wish I were much younger. I'd be rich now maybe. But, been on my own since 17, female, with a baby and a rotten husband. I ran off just to get out of that hell hole house, so I've always been a laborer, but a stupid one. I didn't save for the future. I lived pay check to pay check. Rent, food, bills. Just never saved enough and was too busy taking care of other peoples property to think of my own I needed to be saving up for.

Dumb. Just DUMB on my part.

And you are doing what SO many others do... talking yourself into hopelessness. It's so easy to do! It's much more difficult to believe in yourself and make your dream happen. Think about people who accomplish amazing feats that have never been done.... do you think they would have gotten there by telling themselves it's not possible? While they were struggling to accomplish the feat, wouldn't it have been much easier to tell themselves, it's okay to fail at this, no one expects you to finish? They have to overcome their self doubts.

I have a lady working for me right now... she is day manager at the bistro. She doesn't have a college education, she has worked most of her life in menial little shit jobs for not much more than minimum wage. When she came to work for me, I promised her she would eventually make more money than she's ever made in her life but to start, it would be long hours and little to no pay. She bought in to the dream. Six months later, sure enough, she is making more per week than ever in her life.

She and I were talking the other day and she confessed, she thought I was full of bullshit when I told her she'd be making more than ever before. Especially the first month or so when payroll was short. In order for us to pay the rest of the staff, she had to be left out. She said she would have quit under any other circumstance but she knew me, we've been friends for years. So, her believing in me made her stick with it through the tough period.

This is what I mean about attitude and mindset. You have to believe in yourself and be dedicated to making your dream come true. You have to believe you can make it come true. You might fail but that's okay, you might also find that your biggest obstacle was your own mind.

Wrong.....she needs to look to the state...stop filling her head with fairy tales. The state will provide for all, and if you keep interfering you will be replaced.....
What is "rich"? And why does one aspire to become, or be known as rich? Are rich people morally superior to the hoi polloi? Are they more likely to be liked for what they are, and not what they have? Is it ego, "see what I have" and the desire to want others to be envious of what one has?

Most Amercans do not want to be rich

They want to be comfortable. Not have to worry about losing your job, losing your house if you become sick, having enough to buy a small home, take your family on a vacation, buy a new car every ten years

Used to be you could do that on a high school education and maybe a nice Union job

Those days are gone. Workers are moe concerned about survival them being comfortable

Thanks to the socialists who raised taxes, destroyed businesses and now have imported foreign workers to undermine the wages of American workers....all hail the state....
If you can't afford to pay your fulltime employees a livable wage, then be a SOLE TRADER.

Well, "sole trader" is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?
And I certainly cannot afford to pay my fulltime employees a livable wage because, what's a "livable wage?"
One that pays their mortgage, bills and sends their kids to school.

If you can't do that, then you aren't good enough to employ anyone. Be a sole trader.

Again.... "Sole" means one and only one. "Trade" means transaction between parties. Put them together and you have an oxymoron. So I have no idea what that phrase means unless you're talking about shoe soles.

And maybe you're not comprehending me... I don't know what your mortgage is... I don't know what bills you have... I am not responsible for your finances or decisions. How you provide for the education of your children is not my concern. According to you, I should only hire people who don't have a mortgage, no bills or kids... then I can get away with paying them virtually nothing.

Let's say I hire Great Goose and rightwinger to assemble widgets for my company.. same job, same hours, same conditions... I'm going to pay rightwinger $20/hr. because he has a huge mortgage he is upside down in, bought a sweet new Camaro and Harley last year on credit, and has eight kids in private school. I'm only going to pay Great Goose $7.50/hr. because he still lives in his mother's basement. That's the system you want?

See... I'd rather have a system where I pay you based on the value you bring to the table for me as a capitalist. Maybe Great Goose is a better producer than rightwinger? Maybe Great Goose calls in sick less and doesn't mind working overtime? Maybe Great Goose is smarter and has more experience? You see... I don't really care about what's happening in your personal life when it comes to what I pay you.
I'm not making up terminology dumbass.

"A sole trader is the simplest form of business structure and is relatively easy and inexpensive to set up. As a sole trader you will be legally responsible for all aspects of the business. You'll generally make all the decisions about starting and running your business and you can employ people."
There is one business model where the employer takes charge of the food, clothing and shelter of the employee........it is called slavery.....it is a business model only democrats embrace.......
If you can't afford to pay your fulltime employees a livable wage, then be a SOLE TRADER.

Employers are under no obligation to pay a "livable "wage
They are in my country. By Law.

But what about moral obligation?

Businesses exist to provide you with a product or service, not to give you a job. Jobs are a byproduct of that. You are not entitled to employment with anybody and the only obligation they have as far as your compensation goes is what people will agree to work for to complete the job they need. If people will do it for $5 an hour then that's what they pay. If they can't get people to do it for $5 and hour then maybe they'll pay $8 or $10 or $20 or what ever is necessary to get the skills they require.
What is "rich"? And why does one aspire to become, or be known as rich? Are rich people morally superior to the hoi polloi? Are they more likely to be liked for what they are, and not what they have? Is it ego, "see what I have" and the desire to want others to be envious of what one has?

Most Amercans do not want to be rich

They want to be comfortable. Not have to worry about losing your job, losing your house if you become sick, having enough to buy a small home, take your family on a vacation, buy a new car every ten years

Used to be you could do that on a high school education and maybe a nice Union job

Those days are gone. Workers are moe concerned about survival them being comfortable

Thanks to the socialists who raised taxes, destroyed businesses and now have imported foreign workers to undermine the wages of American workers....all hail the state....

Reading posts by 2aguy is perplexing. Is he as stupid as it seems, or is he a liar too stupid to understand that his comments are stupid and the reader knows that they are untrue and thus stupid?

A full rebuttal is not worth the effort, so suffice it to say taxes are low, but new fees keep appearing and fines and older fees keep rising. Remember when a couple of pennies got you time on a parking meter, and an expired meter's fine was $2.00? When you could park your car for fee at the beach or near a park?
If you can't afford to pay your fulltime employees a livable wage, then be a SOLE TRADER.

Well, "sole trader" is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?
And I certainly cannot afford to pay my fulltime employees a livable wage because, what's a "livable wage?"
One that pays their mortgage, bills and sends their kids to school.

If you can't do that, then you aren't good enough to employ anyone. Be a sole trader.

Again.... "Sole" means one and only one. "Trade" means transaction between parties. Put them together and you have an oxymoron. So I have no idea what that phrase means unless you're talking about shoe soles.

And maybe you're not comprehending me... I don't know what your mortgage is... I don't know what bills you have... I am not responsible for your finances or decisions. How you provide for the education of your children is not my concern. According to you, I should only hire people who don't have a mortgage, no bills or kids... then I can get away with paying them virtually nothing.

Let's say I hire Great Goose and rightwinger to assemble widgets for my company.. same job, same hours, same conditions... I'm going to pay rightwinger $20/hr. because he has a huge mortgage he is upside down in, bought a sweet new Camaro and Harley last year on credit, and has eight kids in private school. I'm only going to pay Great Goose $7.50/hr. because he still lives in his mother's basement. That's the system you want?

See... I'd rather have a system where I pay you based on the value you bring to the table for me as a capitalist. Maybe Great Goose is a better producer than rightwinger? Maybe Great Goose calls in sick less and doesn't mind working overtime? Maybe Great Goose is smarter and has more experience? You see... I don't really care about what's happening in your personal life when it comes to what I pay you.
I'm not making up terminology dumbass.

"A sole trader is the simplest form of business structure and is relatively easy and inexpensive to set up. As a sole trader you will be legally responsible for all aspects of the business. You'll generally make all the decisions about starting and running your business and you can employ people."

Gee, and I thought you meant a soul trader, one of those who brokers deals for the devil.
Renounce all worldly things and expunge desire from your heart and none shall be richer than you.
I'm not making up terminology dumbass.

"A sole trader is the simplest form of business structure and is relatively easy and inexpensive to set up. As a sole trader you will be legally responsible for all aspects of the business. You'll generally make all the decisions about starting and running your business and you can employ people."

Sorry.. I didn't say you were making up terminology. Apparently, that is a UK term for small business owner. I've been a businessman for 40 years and I've never heard the term. Turns out, that's what I am.... who knew? :dunno:

But it doesn't matter if you're a small business or not... Free market capitalism doesn't have any principles tied to employee needs. Wages are mostly formulaic. There is a certain amount I can spend for labor per week based on the business I do. If government steps in and tells me I must pay more, then I have to cut staff. The remaining staff might make more money but they'll have more work to do.

Someone... I think it was Joey... smarted off something to me about not paying my employees what they're worth.... I said, of course... I don't pay my employees nearly what they are worth! My people are impeccable. They are bright, talented, sharp and at the top of their game every day. There's not enough money to pay them what they're worth. I'd be bankrupt trying to pay them based on their worth. I feel like I get them at a bargain price and that enables me to make a profit and continue to provide good jobs to people who are happy with them.
The problem is not how can the poor become rich but how can the poor get jobs where they can support themselves and their families?
How can the poor get jobs where they can buy a house, afford healthcare, send their kids to college....hopefully, someday retire

Used to be the American Dream. The path to that dream is getting narrower and narrower
As the country moves further and further to the left, toward socialism.
We need to move to the left
Our move to the right in the 1980s left the working poor out of the recovery. Reagan destroyed the middle class. The wealthy won

They got deregulation, low tax rates, a compliant workforce ...everything they wanted

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