How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

does Newtons apple (ever) reach the ground, with your derailment the answer would be no but that is not the case there is no faith that intervenes the apple rests on the surface.

We don't even know if there was an apple or a Newton. These are perceptions of a reality we experience in the past. We assume they are true. This is why Einstein said, "Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."
We don't even know if there was an apple or a Newton. These are perceptions of a reality we experience in the past. We assume they are true. This is why Einstein said, "Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."


there you go again .... its both humerous and sad at the same time.

* Hint - you've gone off the deep end bossy at least I'm one to let you know.

there you go again .... its both humerous and sad at the same time.

* Hint - you've gone off the deep end bossy at least I'm one to let you know.

1.) Your Reagan impersonation is horrible.

2.) I am glad I can be multi-faceted in my entertainment value to you.

3.) Stating that I have gone off the deep end without any further explanation is not a "hint" of anything other than your inability to articulate a counterpoint.

Now... What I stated is true and we can prove it's true using physics and science. Time can be objectively understood as present, past and future. The past no longer exists, the future has yet to exist and the present takes no time at all... so does time actually exist?

As physical mortal humans, we are confined by our senses which rely on physics happening. Light particles must physically travel in order for us to see something. Our nerves have to be stimulated by physical action happening. We cannot realize anything in the true present, it's always a perception of the present we realize after the fact. Physics has happened... time has passed. Our perception is of the present but the moment of present has already passed before we have the perception. So what we are left with... a perception of the present... is a faith in our perception. We assume that what we observe as "present" is actually representative of the present time. We cannot KNOW this, it's not possible due to physics.

Either you can comprehend that or you can't.
there you go again .... its both humerous and sad at the same time.

* Hint - you've gone off the deep end bossy at least I'm one to let you know.

1.) Your Reagan impersonation is horrible.

2.) I am glad I can be multi-faceted in my entertainment value to you.

3.) Stating that I have gone off the deep end without any further explanation is not a "hint" of anything other than your inability to articulate a counterpoint.

Now... What I stated is true and we can prove it's true using physics and science. Time can be objectively understood as present, past and future. The past no longer exists, the future has yet to exist and the present takes no time at all... so does time actually exist?

As physical mortal humans, we are confined by our senses which rely on physics happening. Light particles must physically travel in order for us to see something. Our nerves have to be stimulated by physical action happening. We cannot realize anything in the true present, it's always a perception of the present we realize after the fact. Physics has happened... time has passed. Our perception is of the present but the moment of present has already passed before we have the perception. So what we are left with... a perception of the present... is a faith in our perception. We assume that what we observe as "present" is actually representative of the present time. We cannot KNOW this, it's not possible due to physics.

Either you can comprehend that or you can't.
3.) Stating that I have gone off the deep end without any further explanation is not a "hint" of anything other than your inability to articulate a counterpoint.

your post was a deflection, you did not answer the question - does the object (ever) reach the surface ...

As physical mortal humans, we are confined by our senses which rely on physics happening.

your inability to understand is breathtaking - we are not discussing the CNS, your sole fixation. the recognition's you are speaking about are done so by the individual(s) Spirit.

does the Spirit regulate the heart rate, no ....

your post was a deflection, you did not answer the question - does the object (ever) reach the surface ...

I believe it does because my perception leads me to believe it true. I don't know. I can never know.
your inability to understand is breathtaking - we are not discussing the CNS, your sole fixation. the recognition's you are speaking about are done so by the individual(s) Spirit.

does the Spirit regulate the heart rate, no ....

It's not any inability to understand. I can understand all kinds of things. I can think that I know certain things. I can have faith that I am certain I know some things. I can even proclaim that I am certain I know certain things. But I can't KNOW anything because everything is an illusion that we call perception.

I don't know what Spiritual Nature "regulates" ...I assume it probably regulates everything including our perception. I can't PROVE it but then... proof is another thing that is subjective.
your post was a deflection, you did not answer the question - does the object (ever) reach the surface ...

I believe it does because my perception leads me to believe it true. I don't know. I can never know.
I believe it does because my perception leads me to believe it true.

it's a yes or no answer ... to bad about your life's deflection but that has nothing to do with the physical object's impact on the intervening surface.

- again the question is not about you nor "your mathematics" as you explain a version of "your physical state" vs Spirituality ... clearly you are one of those who helped write the bible.

because everything is an illusion that we call perception.

I don't know what Spiritual Nature "regulates" ...I assume it probably regulates everything including our perception. I can't PROVE it but then... proof is another thing that is subjective.

... save yourself bossy, you've gone over the edge.

your post was a deflection, you did not answer the question - does the object (ever) reach the surface ...

I believe it does because my perception leads me to believe it true. I don't know. I can never know.
I believe it does because my perception leads me to believe it true.

it's a yes or no answer ... to bad about your life's deflection but that has nothing to do with the physical object's impact on the intervening surface.

- again the question is not about you nor "your mathematics" as you explain a version of "your physical state" vs Spirituality ... clearly you are one of those who helped write the bible.

because everything is an illusion that we call perception.

I don't know what Spiritual Nature "regulates" ...I assume it probably regulates everything including our perception. I can't PROVE it but then... proof is another thing that is subjective.

... save yourself bossy, you've gone over the edge.

I agree it was guys like boss who wrote the bible. Very clever. They had to know they were making it up. But I think they really believed in God because even my father who agrees religions are man made up still believes there must be a creator. And anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid.

There doesn't have to be religions for people to believe in God(s). Religions are just rackets. Business'.

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