how do you explain president obama's draft registration ??

after looking at obama's draft registration, is it real ??

  • yes

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • no

    Votes: 11 68.8%

  • Total voters
We won't KNOW until he unlocks and releases ALL his records as HE demands others show.

When will he CEASE being the Hypocrite-In-Chief?
Obama was drafted? Funny, he's a decade younger than me and they ended the draft before I enlisted. That would make Obama about 12 or 13.

You had to enlist into the Girl Scouts?

3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division.

You make fun of the US Military? Figures. Right wingers only give the military lip service. Then work to cut their benefits.
Obama was drafted? Funny, he's a decade younger than me and they ended the draft before I enlisted. That would make Obama about 12 or 13.

You had to enlist into the Girl Scouts?

3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division.

You make fun of the US Military? Figures. Right wingers only give the military lip service. Then work to cut their benefits.

Just like Obama that cuts to the BONE to our detriment...and claims that he "Thought about serving..."

PHONEY as HELL on both counts...

[ame=]Obama Didn't Serve in Military, but He Thought About it - YouTube[/ame]
You had to enlist into the Girl Scouts?

3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division.

You make fun of the US Military? Figures. Right wingers only give the military lip service. Then work to cut their benefits.

Just like Obama that cuts to the BONE to our detriment...and claims that he "Thought about serving..."

PHONEY as HELL on both counts...

[ame=]Obama Didn't Serve in Military, but He Thought About it - YouTube[/ame]

I'm a veteran. You're a worm. Huge difference. The only thing you've ever done in your entire life is lie. I know that to be true. I only have to read one or two of your posts. You never add anything of value. You represent conservative values perfectly. Every idea you have was given to you as a talking point. Please, show us something original. Just kidding. I like to request at least one impossible thing every day.
3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division.

You make fun of the US Military? Figures. Right wingers only give the military lip service. Then work to cut their benefits.

Just like Obama that cuts to the BONE to our detriment...and claims that he "Thought about serving..."

PHONEY as HELL on both counts...

[ame=""]Obama Didn't Serve in Military, but He Thought About it - YouTube[/ame]

I'm a veteran. You're a worm. Huge difference. The only thing you've ever done in your entire life is lie. I know that to be true. I only have to read one or two of your posts. You never add anything of value. You represent conservative values perfectly. Every idea you have was given to you as a talking point. Please, show us something original. Just kidding. I like to request at least one impossible thing every day.
*I* am a VET is every member of my family back to Before The revolution INCLUDING the revolution as my ancestors fought with General Washington.

CHECK your arrogance DEANY.:evil:
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3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division.

You make fun of the US Military? Figures. Right wingers only give the military lip service. Then work to cut their benefits.

Just like Obama that cuts to the BONE to our detriment...and claims that he "Thought about serving..."

PHONEY as HELL on both counts...

[ame=]Obama Didn't Serve in Military, but He Thought About it - YouTube[/ame]

I'm a veteran. You're a worm. Huge difference. The only thing you've ever done in your entire life is lie. I know that to be true. I only have to read one or two of your posts. You never add anything of value. You represent conservative values perfectly. Every idea you have was given to you as a talking point. Please, show us something original. Just kidding. I like to request at least one impossible thing every day.

Quick question. Are there any SANE vets in this forum?

I thought of one right after I hit post. SFC Ollie.
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Just like Obama that cuts to the BONE to our detriment...and claims that he "Thought about serving..."

PHONEY as HELL on both counts...

Obama Didn't Serve in Military, but He Thought About it - YouTube

I'm a veteran. You're a worm. Huge difference. The only thing you've ever done in your entire life is lie. I know that to be true. I only have to read one or two of your posts. You never add anything of value. You represent conservative values perfectly. Every idea you have was given to you as a talking point. Please, show us something original. Just kidding. I like to request at least one impossible thing every day.

Quick question. Are there any SANE vets in this forum?

YOU ask one of the arrogant ones?

"You ask one of the arrogant ones?"

What the hell kind of sentence structure is that. I don't even know what you're saying.
"You ask one of the arrogant ones?"

What the hell kind of sentence structure is that. I don't even know what you're saying.

I suggest then that you consult a dictionary.

Obamination like Clinton didn't serve a minute in the military.

When Kerry and algore ran, then Democrats tried to trash Bush Jr's military record since they could play the military card with their 2 idiots.

They don't say a peep about military service until they think they can twist it in their favor.
Is there anything more vomitous than a veteran who can't stop talking about the fact that he is a veteran. Real my father.....never brought it up. In fact, he was glad that none of his four kids had to experience what he did.

Thanks for your service. Now shut up about it already.

Right or left, doesn't matter. These people gave up their lives while we sat on our butts. WTF have YOU done for your country? Where were you when our vets were forced to leave their families behind?

SHAME ON YOU. misunderstand my point.

Just read this mess again and you're right - I did misunderstand and I apologize.
Obama was drafted? Funny, he's a decade younger than me and they ended the draft before I enlisted. That would make Obama about 12 or 13.

Ummm, everyone still has to register when they turn 18, yep even my youngest that just turned 25. So yea, he can be drafted if necessary. :lol:

Yes, but if called to serve - what would Obama be capable of? I don't recall a need for community activists/organizers/commies in all my years in the service.

As 1SG, I'd assign obama to the mine clearing detail. Or make him a down-range bullet retrieval specialist.
One accusation after another but the fruitcakes can never come up with even a shred of proof.

Well, I guess it keeps them out of the pool halls.

Obamination like Clinton didn't serve a minute in the military.

When Kerry and algore ran, then Democrats tried to trash Bush Jr's military record since they could play the military card with their 2 idiots.

They don't say a peep about military service until they think they can twist it in their favor.

Clinton to his ROTC Commander:

First, I want to thank you, not just for saving me from the draft, but for being so kind and decent to me last summer, when I was as low as I have ever been. One thing which made the bond we struck in good faith somewhat palatable to me was my high regard for you personally. In retrospect, it seems that the admiration might not have been mutual had you known a little more about me, about my political beliefs and activities. At least you might have thought me more fit for the draft than for ROTC. Let me try to explain.

I decided to accept the draft in spite of my beliefs for one reason: to maintain my political viability within the system. For years I have worked to prepare myself for a political life characterized by both practical political ability and concern for rapid social progress. It is a life I still feel compelled to try to lead. I do not think our system of government is by definition corrupt, however dangerous and inadequate it has been in recent years (the society may be corrupt, but that is not the same thing, and if that is true we are all finished anyway).

I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you to understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves still loving their country but loathing the military, to which you and other good men have devoted years, lifetimes, of the best service you could give. To many of us, it is no longer clear what is service and what is disservice, or if it is clear, the conclusion is likely to be illegal. Forgive the length of this letter. There was much to say. There is still a lot to be said, but it can wait. Please say hello to Colonel Jones for me. Merry Christmas.


Interesting thoughts from someone that too like Obama and STATIST point of view...thought and aspired to things higher than defending his country...but in the end contributed to WRECKING IT instead.

BOTH trendsetters.

BOTH not far apart.

A POX on BOTH thier houses.
Seriously? What is this STUPID FUCKING NONSENSE?

Beat the man on merits not some stupid fucking wacko nonsense. Unless you're a democratic operative what the hell is your problem?
Seriously? What is this STUPID FUCKING NONSENSE?

Beat the man on merits not some stupid fucking wacko nonsense. Unless you're a democratic operative what the hell is your problem?

A POX on Both Clinton AND Obama for the destruction they've caused.

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