how do you know??


Aug 19, 2004
this is so simple question

from my view i think that there is only one right religion in this world,,
but how we can know which of them is the right one???

i mean how we can distinguish between a religion come from the God ,, and other ways "not religion "people just make a way for them selves and work on it,,,
religion from the good or people write down or make their own religion
Arabian said:
this is so simple question

from my view i think that there is only one right religion in this world,,
but how we can know which of them is the right one???

i mean how we can distinguish between a religion come from the God ,, and other ways "not religion "people just make a way for them selves and work on it,,,
religion from the good or people write down or make their own religion

Each person would have to have Faith if their religion stated that their religion was the only right religion. Faith in this matter considers many different things, one of which would be that you have found the correct religion. Most Faith of this type is built on what you learned while growing up. Almost every person are continued members of the religion in which they were brought up as children.
no1tovote4 said:
Each person would have to have Faith if their religion stated that their religion was the only right religion. Faith in this matter considers many different things, one of which would be that you have found the correct religion. Most Faith of this type is built on what you learned while growing up. Almost every person are continued members of the religion in which they were brought up as children.
what if he spent all of his life without having a religion,,
or he didnt know the right religion

how he will know that this religion from the God,,,

what is the characteristic of the right religion
Arabian said:
this is so simple question

from my view i think that there is only one right religion in this world,,
but how we can know which of them is the right one???

i mean how we can distinguish between a religion come from the God ,, and other ways "not religion "people just make a way for them selves and work on it,,,
religion from the good or people write down or make their own religion

Its pretty easy to know. We ask God. He tells us. Ive always thought it was a simple concept. not as easy in practice but thats how i learned.
Arabian said:
what if he spent all of his life without having a religion,,
or he didnt know the right religion

how he will know that this religion from the God,,,

what is the characteristic of the right religion

For me it was what resonated, it spoke directly to my soul.

I grew up in a Christian church, but pretty much always knew that it wasn't what I believed. I didn't look for a religion, it found me.

When it hit, the power and excitement were electric. I finally understood what all those converts were talking about when they talked about "finding God" at the church I grew up in.
Arabian said:
this is so simple question

from my view i think that there is only one right religion in this world,,
but how we can know which of them is the right one???

i mean how we can distinguish between a religion come from the God ,, and other ways "not religion "people just make a way for them selves and work on it,,,
religion from the good or people write down or make their own religion

First, all religions teach different doctrines. Therefore, at most one religion could be correct.

The logical way to determine that correct religion would be to establish the truthfulness of a religion's claims. And there are some very big claims that religions have made. But Christianity, out of all the world's religions, makes the biggest claim - that God became a man - and then proceeds to back that claim up.

Jesus Christ, along with many great moral teachings, also claimed to be God incarnate. And not just once:

Matthew 4:5-7: "Then the devil took him [Jesus] to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written,
"'He will command his angels concerning you,'
"'On their hands they will bear you up,lest you strike your foot against a stone.'"
Jesus said to him, "Again it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test."

John 8:58-59: "Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am." So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple."

John 10:30-33: [Jesus speaking]"I and the Father are one." The Jews picked up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, "I have shown you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you going to stone me?" The Jews answered him, "It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God."

Jesus also prophesied that He would be killed, but that on the third day after His death, He would rise again. (see Mark 8:31-33, Luke 9:21-22, 18:31-34) Jesus' resurrection has been one of the most widely debated - and best proven - facts in history. By His resurrection, Jesus established a number of things: first, the claims He made about Himself were true; second, the claims He made about God were believable, because He established that He was, in fact, God; third, He established that anyone who puts their trust in Jesus can expect to be resurrected in a similar manner.

Therefore, based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can be assured that Christianity is true.
Arabian said:
this is so simple question

from my view i think that there is only one right religion in this world,,
but how we can know which of them is the right one???

i mean how we can distinguish between a religion come from the God ,, and other ways "not religion "people just make a way for them selves and work on it,,,
religion from the good or people write down or make their own religion

You might take a look at Josh McDowell's, "Evidence That Demands A Verdict".
Arabian said:
what if he spent all of his life without having a religion,,
or he didnt know the right religion

how he will know that this religion from the God,,,

what is the characteristic of the right religion

I really believe your answers come from faith itself. I was born and raised Catholic. My parents however fell away from the church as did I, one reason being I felt no real connection to God or my faith, I wasn't inspired. So I looked around at many other things and beliefs. It was only when I really asked (pleaded) to God for direction and insight as to which way I should go I was given an answer much like a subtle thunderbolt form heaven but very powerful and very clear. I went back to the church willingly, opened my mind to prayer, and everything became very clear that I was where I was supposed to be and doing what I was meant to be doing. Things made sense and fell into place. Quite a liberating and comforting feeling. Faith is a grace, and knowing is a grace, and, a gift, to which you need to be open to, and ask for, then you need to trust.
no1tovote4 said:
For me it was what resonated, it spoke directly to my soul.

I grew up in a Christian church, but pretty much always knew that it wasn't what I believed. I didn't look for a religion, it found me.

When it hit, the power and excitement were electric. I finally understood what all those converts were talking about when they talked about "finding God" at the church I grew up in.

Wow said perfectly!!
Arabian said:
i mean how we can distinguish between a religion come from the God ,, and other ways "not religion "people just make a way for them selves and work on it,,,
religion from the good or people write down or make their own religion

Anything that involves explosives, suicide attackers and murdering other human beings is not a religion. It is simply a gang of criminals.
if all are included in the religion, without any reservation or hitches, its the word and love of God. If there are exclusions, damnations, do-like-us-or-else-isms; those are the words of men. the ol perfessor
[QUOTE='ol Perfessor]if all are included in the religion, without any reservation or hitches, its the word and love of God. If there are exclusions, damnations, do-like-us-or-else-isms; those are the words of men. the ol perfessor[/QUOTE]

That makes the assumption that God would never exclude or condemn anyone, regardless of action... quite a bold assumption.
gop_jeff said:
That makes the assumption that God would never exclude or condemn anyone, regardless of action... quite a bold assumption.

This seems to be the message of the synoptic gospels,( the good news that they spread), is that salvation and the love of us by God is built into the system. In fact in the parable of the day laborers it states that it matters not when or how one lives ,( in the parable works, or how hard or how long), that gift is there.
[QUOTE='ol Perfessor]This seems to be the message of the synoptic gospels,( the good news that they spread), is that salvation and the love of us by God is built into the system. In fact in the parable of the day laborers it states that it matters not when or how one lives ,( in the parable works, or how hard or how long), that gift is there.[/QUOTE]

I think I understand what you are saying, you are saying that God does not discriminate against a person simply for being that person. Rather, God deals differently with those who act according to his will and not according to his will.

For instance, God most assuredly treats those who blaspeme the Holy Spirit different than those who don't.
Arabian said:
this is so simple question

from my view i think that there is only one right religion in this world,,
but how we can know which of them is the right one???

i mean how we can distinguish between a religion come from the God ,, and other ways "not religion "people just make a way for them selves and work on it,,,
religion from the good or people write down or make their own religion


I have seen other posts of yours here and welcome your interest and inquiries. I am not sure that this is a simple question though. It is simple to answer for one's self, but how to answer this for others who claim that their religion is the right one, especially when their religion is so closely tied with yours, save a few, very few differences.

An example of close differences: Seventh Day Adventists and Church of God Seventh Day. There are more, but I am more familiar with these two.

Both closely follow the ten commandments, more importantly, both firmly believe in the seventh day as being the holy sabbath as laid down by God in the garden of Eden and the 10 commandments. There however, are other Christian groups that believe the day was changed to sunday. Further, Muslims believe that the jews changed it from friday to saturday. So which day is holy? Which day did Jesus keep?

Most likely another subject in and of itself, however, I merely offer to show that the question can be complex when one goes beyond the "I just felt it" feeling.

This brings me to my imcomplete conclusion, that is, you shall known them by their fruits and you shall know by "just feeling it."

The former is a test given by Jesus himself, for He said, should someone speak not according to the words of the Bible, then you shall know them to be false. A religion could be inserted quite easily.

The "just feeling it" to me deals more direcly with the Holy Spirit. For instance, some in this thread have spoken of how they have just known that their belief was right. Without delving into who is right or wrong, this is an important concept, for faith is more akin to a feeling than and action.

For instance, Muhammad was having plenty of earthly difficulties with tribes and wealth in his early life. However, Muhammad had a revelation from God, via the Holy Spirit or however a Muslim believes that Muhammad received his info, and he knew what was right then. Regardless of your proof, ie, the challenge to show a better writing than the short sura, Muhammad "just felt" God speaking to him and he knew what to write.

Ah, so then we are left with the former, which is the "fruits." How do you know the fruits? Good question, for unless you follow Jesus's teachings and the rest of the Bible, then your fruit in not in accordance therewith.

I will ask you to consider this though:

Compare Jesus with any other. Really contemplate it. Now throw out anything you might believe has "been inserted" and continue to contemplate it. .......... Now that you have done that, is it not hard to be amazed at the "fruits" of Jesus versus Muhammad?
I don't think God cares if you are presbyterian, Hindu, etc. He loves us. "If your child asked you for bread, would you give him a stone?
Arabian said:
this is so simple question

from my view i think that there is only one right religion in this world,,
but how we can know which of them is the right one???

i mean how we can distinguish between a religion come from the God ,, and other ways "not religion "people just make a way for them selves and work on it,,,
religion from the good or people write down or make their own religion

Whatever religion speaks to your heart and soul and leads you to the path of compassion and caring for yourself and those whose lives you touch is the right religion. If it is Christianity, then it is the right religion. If it is Judaism, then it is the right religion. If it is Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Daoism, animism, shamanism, atheism...Then it is the right religion. It's not a zero sum game. It's not a win or lose situation.

Use the consequences of human life as the yardstick by which you measure the values of a religion. If a religion's values lead to the harm of oneself, another or both, then it is wrong, and unfit for anything but history's midden heap. If a religion's values bring benefit to oneself, others or both then it is right, and useful, and may be pursued freely.
Arabian said:
what if he spent all of his life without having a religion,,
or he didnt know the right religion

how he will know that this religion from the God,,,

what is the characteristic of the right religion

If a religion brings no harm to oneself, another or both...If it brings peace and joy and clarity into one's life, another, or both...Then it is the right religion, regardless of whtever religion it may be.
Bullypulpit said:
If a religion brings no harm to oneself, another or both...If it brings peace and joy and clarity into one's life, another, or both...Then it is the right religion, regardless of whtever religion it may be.

i bring no harm to myself or others...there is peace and clarity in my life...which religion do i partake?...and which god provides me with guidance?

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