How Do You Recognize a Duck?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If it walks like a duck....quacks like a duck.....

This could go in politics, or in history....but if 'past is prologue,' then, history it is.

Remember when Obama scoffed at the idea that ObamaCare was a "Bolshevik plot"???

[ame=]Obama To Republicans: Stop Pretending Health Care Reform Is A 'Bolshevik Plot' - YouTube[/ame]

Well, OK...perhaps not a 'plot'....but certainly Bolshevik in conception, design, and purpose!.

1. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.
Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine.
For context, there was Henry Sigerist:
"He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine."
Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Does he sound just like a certain President??
Quack quack quack.....

3. That's quite a jump, from Stalin to Obama, you say. How did it happen?
Well, let's admit that the ascension of Barack Obama proves the ideological victory of Marxian beliefs. Perhaps the greatest factor was, as historian Robert Conquest explains it, that the West, unlike the USSR, "did not have a universal and exclusively defined mind-set." They attacked, and won, in the universities, the media, pop culture, the arts, and even Wall Street.
Robert Conquest, "Reflections on a Ravaged Century," p. 155.

a. The details of the attack involve the writings of Antonio Gramsci, the invasion by the 'Frankfurt School, the early attacks by Progressives, and the shredding of the Constitution by FDR....and lets not forget Saul Alinsky. All of flowed from the wellspring of Marxism, and flooded, saturated, and finally, warped, Western Civilization.

4. The bulwark, Christianity itself, was subject to the attack as well. Dr.Paul Kengor, in “DUPES: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century,” writes of the infiltration of religion:
"Generally, the Religious Left is a tragic case. Herb Romerstein, the veteran investigator of the communist movement and authority on the Venona papers, calls the Religious Left “the biggest suckers of them all.”
I think that’s right. Picture this scenario: here was the Religious Left, invoking Jesus — “blessed are the peacemakers,” “turn the other cheek” — being exploited by clandestine communists, who they trusted to a fault. Bear in mind that these were militantly atheistic communists, whose leader, Stalin, was blowing up churches and locking up and executing priests, and yet the Religious Left, again and again, joined the communists at their rallies, in their petitions, and on and on — sometimes literally locked arm in arm. It would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. These liberal Christians were sheep led to the slaughter. The brooding communists privately held them in contempt for their breathtaking gullibility."
10 questions with ?DUPES? author Paul Kengor | The Daily Caller

5. Then there's this:
“It turns out we’re pretty common-sense folks,” Mr. Obama said at a fundraiser at a private home in Palo Alto, Calif. “We believe in the free market [and] a light touch when it comes to regulations.”
Hilarious: Obama Tells Fatcat Donors Democrats Favor Free-Market Solutions and Less Government Regulation | Jammie Wearing Fools we are, left with the laughable query....who is Barack Obama's intellectual soul mate, Adam Smith....or Joseph Stalin.

C' serious.
If it walks like a duck....quacks like a duck.....

This could go in politics, or in history....but if 'past is prologue,' then, history it is.

Remember when Obama scoffed at the idea that ObamaCare was a "Bolshevik plot"???

Obama To Republicans: Stop Pretending Health Care Reform Is A 'Bolshevik Plot' - YouTube

Well, OK...perhaps not a 'plot'....but certainly Bolshevik in conception, design, and purpose!.

1. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.
Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately.
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine.
For context, there was Henry Sigerist:
"He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine. Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union (1937), and History of Medicine were among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked the American Medical Association because of his conflicting views on socialized medicine."
Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life."
Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

Does he sound just like a certain President??
Quack quack quack.....

3. That's quite a jump, from Stalin to Obama, you say. How did it happen?
Well, let's admit that the ascension of Barack Obama proves the ideological victory of Marxian beliefs. Perhaps the greatest factor was, as historian Robert Conquest explains it, that the West, unlike the USSR, "did not have a universal and exclusively defined mind-set." They attacked, and won, in the universities, the media, pop culture, the arts, and even Wall Street.
Robert Conquest, "Reflections on a Ravaged Century," p. 155.

a. The details of the attack involve the writings of Antonio Gramsci, the invasion by the 'Frankfurt School, the early attacks by Progressives, and the shredding of the Constitution by FDR....and lets not forget Saul Alinsky. All of flowed from the wellspring of Marxism, and flooded, saturated, and finally, warped, Western Civilization.

4. The bulwark, Christianity itself, was subject to the attack as well. Dr.Paul Kengor, in “DUPES: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century,” writes of the infiltration of religion:
"Generally, the Religious Left is a tragic case. Herb Romerstein, the veteran investigator of the communist movement and authority on the Venona papers, calls the Religious Left “the biggest suckers of them all.”
I think that’s right. Picture this scenario: here was the Religious Left, invoking Jesus — “blessed are the peacemakers,” “turn the other cheek” — being exploited by clandestine communists, who they trusted to a fault. Bear in mind that these were militantly atheistic communists, whose leader, Stalin, was blowing up churches and locking up and executing priests, and yet the Religious Left, again and again, joined the communists at their rallies, in their petitions, and on and on — sometimes literally locked arm in arm. It would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. These liberal Christians were sheep led to the slaughter. The brooding communists privately held them in contempt for their breathtaking gullibility."
10 questions with ?DUPES? author Paul Kengor | The Daily Caller

5. Then there's this:
“It turns out we’re pretty common-sense folks,” Mr. Obama said at a fundraiser at a private home in Palo Alto, Calif. “We believe in the free market [and] a light touch when it comes to regulations.”
Hilarious: Obama Tells Fatcat Donors Democrats Favor Free-Market Solutions and Less Government Regulation | Jammie Wearing Fools we are, left with the laughable query....who is Barack Obama's intellectual soul mate, Adam Smith....or Joseph Stalin.

C' serious.

Maybe Otto Von Bismarck for the medical care, and our founders with their new Constitution for the regulation.
You quack like a typical proponent of The Big Lie. What are we supposed to think about that?

1. First of all, it is not in evidence that you "think," in the first place.

2. Second...who is "we" have a tapeworm?

3. It's more than telling that you haven't been able to deny that

a. Socialized medicine is a Bolshevik plan.


b. much as you are burning to do so, you aren't able to deny that the Windbag-in-the- White House is cut from the same cloth.

So...there's no "Big Lie," huh.

So....inadvertently, you've verified the OP.
You quack like a typical proponent of The Big Lie. What are we supposed to think about that?

1. First of all, it is not in evidence that you "think," in the first place.

2. Second...who is "we" have a tapeworm?

3. It's more than telling that you haven't been able to deny that

a. Socialized medicine is a Bolshevik plan.


b. much as you are burning to do so, you aren't able to deny that the Windbag-in-the- White House is cut from the same cloth.

So...there's no "Big Lie," huh.

So....inadvertently, you've verified the OP.

"We" is anyone reading your post. How is it that you don't get that? It puts into question what else you don't quite get, if something so simple escapes you.

I deny categorically that Obama is "cut from the same cloth". Whew, that wasn't hard! That's seems to be another FAIL on your part by predicting that I couldn't do it. There's no evidence except a connect-the-dots conspiracy theory worthy of the Best of Glenn Beck, Point #1 being that the ACA isn't socialized medicine at all. It isn't single payer and it certainly isn't a government-run system ala Britain, so once again, FAIL.
You quack like a typical proponent of The Big Lie. What are we supposed to think about that?

1. First of all, it is not in evidence that you "think," in the first place.

2. Second...who is "we" have a tapeworm?

3. It's more than telling that you haven't been able to deny that

a. Socialized medicine is a Bolshevik plan.


b. much as you are burning to do so, you aren't able to deny that the Windbag-in-the- White House is cut from the same cloth.

So...there's no "Big Lie," huh.

So....inadvertently, you've verified the OP.

"We" is anyone reading your post. How is it that you don't get that? It puts into question what else you don't quite get, if something so simple escapes you.

I deny categorically that Obama is "cut from the same cloth". Whew, that wasn't hard! That's seems to be another FAIL on your part by predicting that I couldn't do it. There's no evidence except a connect-the-dots conspiracy theory worthy of the Best of Glenn Beck, Point #1 being that the ACA isn't socialized medicine at all. It isn't single payer and it certainly isn't a government-run system ala Britain, so once again, FAIL.

1. ""We" is anyone reading your post. How is it that you don't get that? "
What I 'get' is that delicately shall I put this?....faint-hearted use "we"and "us" instead of "I" to give themselves the support of some imaginary group.

Unless you've been selected as the spokesperson for some group...
...would you care to share that information?

2. "I deny categorically that Obama is "cut from the same cloth".

Wow! That packs a wallop!

See....when the OP to which you were attempting to respond is laden with links and sources, your "is not" post is somewhat......flaccid.

3. As I have shown, his signature achievement is one championed by other Bolsheviks.....

Did I miss your linked/sourced/documented construction that proved otherwise? this the best you can do:

4. "Point #1 being that the ACA isn't socialized medicine at all."

You poor, sad thing.....

"socialized medicine
any of various systems to provide the entire population with complete medical care through government subsidization and regularization of medical and health services."
Socialized medicine | Define Socialized medicine at

You were saying.....
1. First of all, it is not in evidence that you "think," in the first place.

2. Second...who is "we" have a tapeworm?

3. It's more than telling that you haven't been able to deny that

a. Socialized medicine is a Bolshevik plan.


b. much as you are burning to do so, you aren't able to deny that the Windbag-in-the- White House is cut from the same cloth.

So...there's no "Big Lie," huh.

So....inadvertently, you've verified the OP.

"We" is anyone reading your post. How is it that you don't get that? It puts into question what else you don't quite get, if something so simple escapes you.

I deny categorically that Obama is "cut from the same cloth". Whew, that wasn't hard! That's seems to be another FAIL on your part by predicting that I couldn't do it. There's no evidence except a connect-the-dots conspiracy theory worthy of the Best of Glenn Beck, Point #1 being that the ACA isn't socialized medicine at all. It isn't single payer and it certainly isn't a government-run system ala Britain, so once again, FAIL.

1. ""We" is anyone reading your post. How is it that you don't get that? "
What I 'get' is that delicately shall I put this?....faint-hearted use "we"and "us" instead of "I" to give themselves the support of some imaginary group.

Unless you've been selected as the spokesperson for some group...
...would you care to share that information?

2. "I deny categorically that Obama is "cut from the same cloth".

Wow! That packs a wallop!

See....when the OP to which you were attempting to respond is laden with links and sources, your "is not" post is somewhat......flaccid.

3. As I have shown, his signature achievement is one championed by other Bolsheviks.....

Did I miss your linked/sourced/documented construction that proved otherwise? this the best you can do:

4. "Point #1 being that the ACA isn't socialized medicine at all."

You poor, sad thing.....

"socialized medicine
any of various systems to provide the entire population with complete medical care through government subsidization and regularization of medical and health services."
Socialized medicine | Define Socialized medicine at

You were saying.....

Argumentation by whipping out a dictionary? I'll believe we have socialized medicine when the TPers stop collecting their Medicare. That's actually closer than anything regarding the ACA.

As for the "we", I'm sure I speak for some people from time to time. I do get a "thanks" once in a while. IMO, pointing out my use of the word says more about how weak you perceive your own argument than anything about mine.
"We" is anyone reading your post. How is it that you don't get that? It puts into question what else you don't quite get, if something so simple escapes you.

I deny categorically that Obama is "cut from the same cloth". Whew, that wasn't hard! That's seems to be another FAIL on your part by predicting that I couldn't do it. There's no evidence except a connect-the-dots conspiracy theory worthy of the Best of Glenn Beck, Point #1 being that the ACA isn't socialized medicine at all. It isn't single payer and it certainly isn't a government-run system ala Britain, so once again, FAIL.

1. ""We" is anyone reading your post. How is it that you don't get that? "
What I 'get' is that delicately shall I put this?....faint-hearted use "we"and "us" instead of "I" to give themselves the support of some imaginary group.

Unless you've been selected as the spokesperson for some group...
...would you care to share that information?

2. "I deny categorically that Obama is "cut from the same cloth".

Wow! That packs a wallop!

See....when the OP to which you were attempting to respond is laden with links and sources, your "is not" post is somewhat......flaccid.

3. As I have shown, his signature achievement is one championed by other Bolsheviks.....

Did I miss your linked/sourced/documented construction that proved otherwise? this the best you can do:

4. "Point #1 being that the ACA isn't socialized medicine at all."

You poor, sad thing.....

"socialized medicine
any of various systems to provide the entire population with complete medical care through government subsidization and regularization of medical and health services."
Socialized medicine | Define Socialized medicine at

You were saying.....

Argumentation by whipping out a dictionary? I'll believe we have socialized medicine when the TPers stop collecting their Medicare. That's actually closer than anything regarding the ACA.

As for the "we", I'm sure I speak for some people from time to time. I do get a "thanks" once in a while. IMO, pointing out my use of the word says more about how weak you perceive your own argument than anything about mine.

1. "Argumentation by whipping out a dictionary?"

Standard English isn't your strong suit?
Would Korean be acceptable?

2. "I'll believe.....blah blah blah....."

Let's cut to the chase: you'll believe whatever your Leftist elites tell you to believe.

3. "As for the "we", I'm sure I speak for some people from time to time."
But you're just as sure that socialized medicine isn't socialized medicine.

4. "IMO, pointing out my use of the word says more about how weak you perceive your own argument than anything about mine.

I hate flagellating an expired Equus....

....but my posts/argument came equipped with sources, links, documentation....

...yours, with the usual hot air.

So.....'.weak argument' seems to be somewhat of boomerang.
Therefore, in keeping with the OP title.....DUCK!
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It's Neo-Marxism, it's the same crappy product but it's marketed as "Hope" and "Change"
I know little about ducks, but I do know that trolls are foul.

Another dunce with nothing to add.....

....understandable with your level of education.

Which we both know is far superior than yours. You parrot a good game, the ability to research only those sources which support your opinions wouldn't fly in a real university paper or on this message board by those who actually have open minds and serious and considered opinions.

IMHO you're a dishonest troll, bitter, angry and self absorbed.
I know little about ducks, but I do know that trolls are foul.

Another dunce with nothing to add.....

....understandable with your level of education.

Which we both know is far superior than yours. You parrot a good game, the ability to research only those sources which support your opinions wouldn't fly in a real university paper or on this message board by those who actually have open minds and serious and considered opinions.

IMHO you're a dishonest troll, bitter, angry and self absorbed.

"IMHO" very appropriate!
A humble man with a great deal to be humble about.

"....dishonest troll, bitter, angry and self absorbed."

I'll cop to 'self-absorbed.'

Of course, the good news for the ignorant, uneducated, sciolistic individuals, i.e., you, is that, altruistic as I am, I share some of my interests in posts and OPs.

If I may indulge in a bit of psychobabble, you know that what I say is true, and so you return often for the beating that you realize you are about to receive.

And so, my posts serve as the swat with a rolled up newspaper for which you yearn.
My pleasure......and yours.

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